The New Atlantis

Ursula K. Le Guin
The New Atlantis Cover

The New Atlantis


Much as I am a huge fan of Ursula K. Le Guin, and have read almost all of her fiction, and a good deal of her non-fiction, I have to declare this one unreadable. Not just difficult. Not just challenging. But utterly unreadable.

I do appreciate that Le Guin was very brave to try literary experiments (e.g. the experimental novel Always Coming Home, the collection/novel/4 novellas Four Ways to Foregiveness, etc.). But - there is a limit. Or there should be.

I have made a number of attempts - but I'm afraid I just find this one impenetrable.

My rating system: I begin with one star being equivalent to a rating of "C -". Progressing upwards, I add ½ star for each step, up to the maximum 5 stars, which is equivalent to a rating of "A"+. I reserve ½ star for BOMBS, there being no option of zero or negative stars.
