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Dancers in the Afterglow

Jack L. Chalker

A human fighter pilot's mind inhabits a spaceship.

You Glow in the Dark

Liliana Colanzi

Introducing the Bolivian writer Liliana Colanzi, You Glow in the Dark glimmers with an unearthly light and a nearly radioactive power

The seven stories of You Glow in the Dark unfold in a Latin America wrecked and poisoned by human greed, and yet Colanzi's writing--at once sleek and dense, otherworldly and intensely specific--casts an eerily bright spell over the wreckage. Some stories seem to be set in a near future; all are superbly executed and yet hard to pin down; they often leave the reader wondering: was that realistic or fantastic-- Colanzi draws power from Andean cyberpunk just as much as from classic horror writers, and this daring is matched by her energizing simultaneous use of multiplicity and fragmentation--the book's stylistic trademarks. Freely mixing worlds, she uses the Bolivian altiplano as the backdrop for an urban dystopia and blends Aymara with Spanish.

Colanzi never gets bogged down; she can be brutal and direct or light-handed and subtle. Her materials are dark, but always there's the lift of her vivid sense of humor. You Glow in the Dark seizes the reader's attention (from the title on) and holds it: this is a book that announces the arrival of a major new talent.

A Glow of Candles and Other Stories

Charles L. Grant

Table of Contents:

A Glow of Candles, a Unicorn's Eye

Charles L. Grant

Nebula Award winning novelette. It originally appeared in the anthology Graven Images (1977) edited by Edward L. Ferman and Barry N. Malzberg. It can also be found in the anthology Nebula Winners Fourteen (1980), edited by Frederik Pohl. It is included in the collections A Glow of Candles and Other Stories (1981) and Scream Quietly: The Best of Charles L. Grant (2012).

The Glowing Cloud

Steven Utley

This novella originally appreared in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, January 1992. It can also be found in the anthology The Year's Best Science Fiction: Tenth Annual Collection (1993), edited by Gardner Dozois. The story is included in the collection Where or When (2006).

The Afterglow

Darkness & Dawn: Book 3

George Allan England

The Afterglow - The Classic Novel of a New America.

Somewhere near the Great Lakes, 1000 years from now. 500 miles below our planet's surface tribes of near human albino warriors eke out an existence in a hostile environment. They tell stories of a golden age, of sunlight, of art and culture; but such tales are mere myths ---- until a man and a woman with god-like abilities arrive and promise to lead them towards the surface, towards the light and to a new life of plenty.


Glow: Book 1

Tim Jordan

A man battles his addiction to a devastating nanotech drug that steals identities and threatens the survival and succession of mankind as a galactic species.

After the Nova-Insanity shattered Earth's civilization, the Genes and Fullerenes Corporation promised to bring humanity back from the brink. Many years later, various factions have formed, challenging their savior and vying for a share of power and control.

Glow follows the lives of three very different beings, all wrestling mental instability in various forms; Rex - a confused junkie battling multiple voices in his head; Ellayna - the founder of the GFC living on an orbital satellite station and struggling with paranoia; and Jett - a virtually unstoppable robotic assassin, questioning his purpose of creation.

All of them are inextricably linked through the capricious and volatile Glow; an all controlling nano-tech drug that has the ability to live on through multiple hosts, cutting and pasting memories and personas in each new victim.

In this tech-crazed world where nothing seems impossible, many questions are posed: what makes us who we are? What is our ultimate purpose and place in this world? And, most frightening of all, what are we capable of doing to survive?


Glow: Book 2

Tim Jordan

Glow is not gone. Glow remains. Glow is alive.

The nanotech drug is now everywhere. It creeps across the world, a mind-bending plague, a brain-altering poison that lives on from host to host, twisting everyone to its will.

Still recovering from his addiction, Rex remains in hiding, battling the voices in his head that are not all his own. Some days are peaceful, others are downright terrifying. But there are bigger problems to face -- a new alliance threatens the balance of power in the world again, and a dangerous enemy from Rex's past tracks him down.

Can Rex really be the cure for the plague that Sisters promised him, or the root of humanity's downfall? Faced with ultimate destruction, Rex must decide if he really is a prophet... or just a coward.

In the Green Star's Glow

Green Star Rises: Book 5

Lin Carter

He was Karn, the savage of the sky-high trees. He was protector and defender of the princess Niamh, whose very city was lost in the mapless jungles of the world under the Green Star.

But he was also an Earthling, whose helpless body lay in suspended animation in a guarded mansion in New England. It was his alien mind that drove Karn through perils that no other would dare.

But dare he must -- for though that alien planet was replete with dangers and treachery, with lost castles of forgotten science and armies of mindless monsters, there was a cause to be won and a love to be rescued.

It's Lin Carter in the grand climax of his best marvel-adventure series in the tradition of Burroughs and Merritt.


Sky Chasers: Book 1

Amy Kathleen Ryan

If a violent battle destroyed the only world you've ever known, would you be brave enough to save who was left? Would love be strong enough to survive the fight? Either way, there's no turning back.

The Empyrean is the only home 15-year-old Waverly has ever known. Part of the first generation to be successfully conceived in deep space, she and her boyfriend, Kieran, will be pioneers of New Earth. Waverly knows she must marry young in order to have children who can carry on the mission, and Kieran, the handsome captain-to-be, has everything Waverly could want in a husband. Everyone is sure he's the best choice. Still, there's a part of Waverly that wants more from life than marriage, and she is secretly intrigued by the shy, darkly brilliant Seth.

Suddenly, Waverly's dreams are interrupted by the inconceivable: a violent betrayal by the Empyrean's sister ship, the New Horizon. Its leaders are desperate to populate the new planet first, and will do anything to get what they need: young girls. In one pivotal moment, Waverly and Kieran are separated and then find themselves at the helm of dangerous missions, where every move has potentially devastating consequences, and decisions of the heart may lead to disaster.