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Asteroid Made of Dragons

G. Derek Adams

When a lone goblin researcher stumbles across an artifact containing a terrifying message--that the world is in grave and immediate peril--she scrambles to find help. A very unusual asteroid (one constructed as a cage for dragons) is headed straight for the planet, and Xenon is the only person in the world who knows. As she clambers across hill and dale with her quill, journal, and dwindling coin purse to untangle the mystery, she'll need plenty of luck to find the right clues and the right sort of help.

Meanwhile, our heroes have their own problems. They have a bank to rob, a sea to cross, and a kingdom to infiltrate. Luckily, Rime is a wild mage--the laws of reality quiver when she gives them a stern look--and her guardian, Jonas, wields a reasonably sharp sword. But Rime is slipping ever closer to the abyss of madness, and Jonas is wanted for murder at their final port of call. To make matters worse, the mage-killing Hunt and its commander, Linus, follow the duo like a patient shadow, bent on Rime's destruction.

When the wise are underfunded, the brave are overbooked, and the cruel are unconcerned, can the world be saved from destruction?

The Screams of Dragons

Kelley Armstrong

This novelette was originally published in Subterranean Press Magazine, Spring 2014. It has been reprinted in the anthology The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror: 2015, edited by Paula Guran and can be found in the collection Led Astray: The Best of Kelley Armstrong (2015).

Read the full story for free at Subterranean Press Magazine.

Dragons of Tomorrow

Kathleen Baldwin

After the collapse of civilization Nora and her family live a quiet life in the Midwestern Plains until a great fiery god of the sky descends and makes her an irresistible offer--an offer that will take her away from those she loves forever.

Read the full story for free at

When Women Were Dragons

Kelly Barnhill

Alex Green is a young girl in a world much like ours. But this version of 1950's America is characterized by a significant event: The Mass Dragoning of 1955, when hundreds of thousands of ordinary wives and mothers sprouted wings, scales and talons, left a trail of fiery destruction in their path, and took to the skies. Seemingly for good. Was it their choice? What will become of those left behind? Why did Alex's beloved Aunt Marla transform but her mother did not? Alex doesn't know. It's taboo to speak of, even more so than her crush on Sonja, her schoolmate.

Forced into silence, Alex nevertheless must face the consequences of dragons: a mother more protective than ever; a father growing increasingly distant; the upsetting insistence that her aunt never even existed; and a new "sister" obsessed with dragons far beyond propriety. Through loss, rage, and self-discovery, this story follows Alex's journey as she deals with the events leading up to and beyond the Mass Dragoning, and her connection with the phenomenon itself.

I'm Afraid You've Got Dragons

Peter S. Beagle

Dragons are common in the backwater kingdom of Bellemontagne, coming in sizes from mouse-like vermin all the way up to castle-smashing monsters.

Gaius Aurelius Constantine Heliogabalus Thrax (who would much rather people call him Robert) has recently inherited his deceased dad's job as a dragon catcher/exterminator, a career he detests with all his heart in part because he likes dragons, feeling a kinship with them, but mainly because his dream has always been the impossible one of transcending his humble origin to someday become a princess valet.

Needless to say, fate has something rather different in mind...

The Book of Dragons

E. Nesbit

Here is an exciting collection of stories about dragons--those fascinating creatures of myth and legend.

Some of the dragons are friendly, others are quite dangerous. But all the stories are sure to give you hours of reading pleasure.

Table of Contents:

  • 1 - The Book of Beasts
  • 19 - Uncle James, or The Purple Stranger
  • 39 - The Deliverers of Their Country
  • 57 - The Ice Dragon, or Do as You Are Told
  • 79 - The Island of the Nine Whirlpools
  • 99 - The Dragon Tamers
  • 119 - The Fiery Dragon, or The Heart of Stone and the Heart of Gold
  • 139 - Kind Little Edmund, or The Caves and the Cockatrice

Paper Dragons

James P. Blaylock

Wold Fantasy Award winning and Nebula Award nominated short story. It originally appeared in the athology Imaginary Lands (1985), edited by Robin McKinley. The story can also be found in the anthologies The Year's Best Science Fiction: Third Annual Collection (1986) and Modern Classics of Fantasy (1997), both edited by Gardner Dozois, Nebula Awards 21 (1986), edited by George Zebrowski, Dragons! (1993), edited by Jack Dann and Gardner Dozois, and Wings of Fire (2010), edited by Jonathan Strahan and Marianne S. Jablon. It is inlcued in the collection Thirteen Phantasms and Other Stories (2000).

The Dragon

Ray Bradbury

This short story originally appeared in Esquire, August 1955, and was reprinted in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1956. It can also be found in the collections The Day it Rained Forever (1959), R is for Rocket (1962), Twice Twenty-two (1966), Classic Stories 1: From the Golden Apples of the Sun and R Is for Rocket (1990), and Bradbury Stories: 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales (2003).

Star Dragon

Mike Brotherton

The SS Cygni probe sent back hours of video, captured by the Biolathe AI, but only a few minutes mattered--the four minutes that showed a creature made of fire, living , moving, dancing in the plasma fire of the double star's accretion disk. A dragon made of star stuff, so alien that only a human expedition to observe and perhaps capture it, could truly understand them.

It's a perilous journey into the future, however, for SS Cygni is 245 light-years from Earth, and even though only two years' subjective time will pass on board the Karamojo, the crew will return to an Earth where five hundred years have passed. Captain Lena Fang doesn't care -- she has made her life on her ship, where her best friend is the ship's AI. Samuel Fisher, the contract exobiologist,doesn't care, either. He is making the voyage of a lifetime and in the small world of the Karamojo he will have to live with the consequences of his obsessive quest for knowledge. The rest of the small crew -- Axel Henderson, the biosystems engineer Sylvia Devereaux, the beautiful physical sciences expert and Phil Stearn, the ship's jack-of-all-trades -- have their own reasons for saying good-bye to everyone they have ever known. As the Biolathe AI said, uncertain five hundred- year round trips don't attract the most stable personalities, but somehow they'll have to learn to get along with each other, if they're to catch their dragon and come home again.

For at the end of the journey is the star dragon--a creature of fire with a nuclear furnace for heart. The crew of the Karamojo -- human and AI alike -- will risk everything to capture it, and it will take all their technology, all their skill, and more courage than they knew they had, to come home alive.

A Game of Rats and Dragon

Tobias S. Buckell

This short story originally appeared in the crowd-funded collection Mitigated Futures (2012) and was reprinted in Lightspeed, November 2012.

Read the full story for free at Lightspeed.

Dragon Slayer

Isabella Carter

Ingram is a coward and weakling--at least according to his father, the king, and the royal court. He cannot use a sword, he faints at the sight of blood, and even his brilliant abilities as a strategist are not enough to overcome his failings. When his father loses a bet to the notorious Lord Mallory over the matter of a dragon slaying, he pays his debt by ordering Ingram to marry him.

Then his father reveals that he is putting Ingram to a greater purpose, giving Ingram one last chance to prove he is not worthless. All it requires is betraying his new husband.

Dragon Season

Michael Cassutt

Air Force lieutenant Rick Walsh has just gotten off a 12-hour flight from Guam at the Tucson Airport. All he wants right now is too see his girlfriend, Maia, and maybe have a short rest before reassignment. What Lieutenant Walsh finds instead is a month-old infant and a mystery that spans two universes.

Maia has disappeared, leaving behind her newborn, Gus, a baby with Walsh's eyes. It seems that a disturbing number of Tucson residents have gone missing as well, and the authorities don't have a clue. As Walsh races to track down Maia and her possible kidnappers, a conspiracy unfolds as the search leads him deep into the desert and then on to someplace... else. What awaits Walsh in this other land proves sinister and dangerous, and it seems to have its eye on our world.

In Dragon Season, author Michael Cassutt weaves classic suspense and modern fantasy into a wild ride that listeners won't soon forget.

The Dragon's Eye

Joel Champetier

A couple of hundred years in the future, there is a struggling Chinese colony on the planet of a double star not too far from Earth. One of their suns is the blinding and carcinogenic Dragon's Eye, which requires them to cover up and wear hats when it is in the sky. The colony has a huge, burdensome debt to Earth, and there is a question of rebellion and rumor of a possible declaration of independence. So a courier is sent in, disguised as a native, to bring back a highly placed spy--or at least his brain, so information can be recovered and Earth's interests preserved.

New China is where the book comes alive. We find ourselves in a world of sharply defined characters, distincly themselves, with lives outside the plot that nevertheless provides the constant movement of a first-class SF adventure. The Dragon's Eye is full of surprises and introduces a fine writer to the American audience.

Gwydion and the Dragon

C. J. Cherryh

WFA nominated novelette. It originally appeared in the anthology Once Upon a Time: A Treasury of Modern Fairy Tales (1991), edited by Lester Del Rey and Risa Kessler. It can also be found in the anthologies The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Fifth Annual Collection (1992), edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling, A Quest-Lover's Treasury of the Fantastic (2002), edited by Margaret Weis, and Wings of Fire (2010), edited by Jonathan Strahan and Marianne S. Jablon. The story is included in the collection The Collected Short Fiction of C. J. Cherryh (2004).

A Dragon in the Man

Kevin Christensen

A Dragon in the Man was first published in Feburary-March issue of Destinies, in 1980.

It was reprinted in the anthology Dragons of Darkness.

Token of Dragonsblood

Damaris Cole

Unbeknownst to Noressa, she is the daughter of a powerful, doomed queen, and was spirited away at birth to be raised as a commoner, keeping her safe from the aunt who would have her dead. But when her foster parents die, Noressa is given an amulet by a strange old woman and answering its powerful mental summons, Noressa leaves her primitive home to fulfill her destiny.

The Dragon Never Sleeps

Glen Cook

For four thousand years, the Guardships have ruled Canon Space - immortal ships with an immortal crew, dealing swiftly and harshly with any mercantile houses or alien races that threaten the status quo.But now the House Tregesser has an edge: a force from outside Canon Space offers them the resources to throw off Guardship rule. This precipitates an avalanche of unexpected outcomes, including the emergence of Kez Maefele, one of the few remaining generals of the Ku Warrior race-the only race to ever seriously threaten Guardship hegemony.

Kez Maefele and a motley group of aliens, biological constructs, and scheming aristocrats find themselves at the center of the conflict. Maefele must chose which side he will support: the Guardships, who defeated and destroyed his race, or the unknown forces outside Canon Space that promise more death and destruction.

The Dragon Book: Magical Tales from the Masters of Modern Fantasy

Jack Dann
Gardner Dozois

Whether portrayed as fire-breathing reptilian beasts or as noble creatures of power and grace, dragons have been found in nearly every culture's mythology. Now, in The Dragon Book, today's greatest fantasists reignite the fire... Includes stories by New York Times bestselling authors Jonathan Stroud, Gregory Maguire, Garth Nix, Diana Gabaldon, Tamora Pierce, Harry Turtledove, Sean Williams, and Tad Williams, as well as tales by Peter Beagle, Jane Yolen, Adam Stemple, Cecelia Holland, Naomi Novik, Kage Baker, Samuel Sykes, Diana Wynne Jones, Mary Rosenblum, Tanith Lee, Andy Duncan, and Bruce Coville.

Table of Contents:

  • Preface - essay by Gardner Dozois and Jack Dann
  • Dragon's Deep - novelette by Cecelia Holland
  • Vici - short story by Naomi Novik
  • Bob Choi's Last Job - short story by Jonathan Stroud
  • Are You Afflicted with Dragons? - short story by Kage Baker
  • The Tsar's Dragons - novelette by Jane Yolen and Adam Stemple
  • The Dragon of Direfell - novelette by Liz Williams
  • Oakland Dragon Blues - short story by Peter S. Beagle
  • Humane Killer - novella by Diana Gabaldon and Sam Sykes
  • Stop! - short story by Garth Nix
  • Ungentle Fire - novelette by Sean Williams
  • A Stark and Wormy Knight - short story by Tad Williams
  • None So Blind - short story by Harry Turtledove
  • JoBoy - short story by Diana Wynne Jones
  • Puz_le - short story by Gregory Maguire
  • After the Third Kiss - novelette by Bruce Coville
  • The War That Winter Is - novelette by Tanith Lee
  • The Dragon's Tale - novelette by Tamora Pierce
  • Dragon Storm - novelette by Mary Rosenblum
  • The Dragaman's Bride - novelette by Andy Duncan

The Last Dragoners of Bowbazar

Indra Das

Ru is a boy from nowhere. Though he lives somewhere--the city of Calcutta--his classmates in school remind him he doesn't look like them, and must come from somewhere else. When Ru asks his parents, they tell him they are descended from nomads. But even nomads must come from somewhere. The question, forever on the mind of the boy from nowhere, is where.

Ru dreams things that wouldn't seem out of place in the fantasy novels his father read to him when young. Fragments of a culture that doesn't exist in this world, but might in another, where sky and sea are one, and humans sail this eternal ocean on the backs of divine beasts. Ru dreams of dragons, of serpents impossible. Perhaps Ru remembers dragons.

Alone in a city that's home but doesn't feel like it, Ru befriends Alice, his neighbor from the nearby Chinatown. As they grow with their friendship, Ru finds that Calcutta may yet be a home for him. But with his best friend starting to realize that Ru's house and family hide a myriad of secrets, the question haunts him still--where is his family from? Are they truly from nowhere, migrants to this reality? And if so, what strange wings brought them across the vast reaches of impossibility to here--and what is their purpose?

Rogue Dragon

Avram Davidson

Nebula Award noninated novella. It originally appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1965. It was published as the novel Rogue Dragon later that year. The extend of the editing/expanding is unknown.

The Dragon's Tears

Aliette de Bodard

This short story originally appeared in Electric Velocipede, Issue #15/16, Winter 2008, and was reprinted in Lightspeed, October 2016.

Read the full story for free at Lightspeed.


Nick DiChario

This short story originally appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, July 2003. It can also be found in the anthology The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-First Annual Collection (2004), edited by Gardner Dozois.


Wayland Drew

A young wizarding apprentice is sent to kill a dragon which has been devouring girls from a nearby kingdom.

A novel by Wayland Drew based on the screenplay written by Hal Barwood and Matthew Robbins.


Frederic S. Durbin

As Hallowe'en draws near, 10-year-old Bridget Anne, nicknamed Dragonfly, hears unearthly noises drifting up from the basement of her Uncle Henry's funeral home. Impetuously jumping down a laundry chute to satisfy her curiosity, Dragonfly finds herself in the subterranean land of Harvest Moon, where morning never comes, where autumn leaves never desert the trees - for it is constantly Hallowe'en night. Threading her way through this perilous realm of monsters, vampires, werewolves, and worse, Dragonfly must find a way to rescue the human children imprisoned by Harvest Moon's dark masters - and to thwart an invasion of the surface world.

Primarily for adults, Dragonfly may also be enjoyed by precocious younger listeners. It is a story told in celebration of the wonder, nostalgia, and eerie delight of childhood Hallowe'ens, when jack-o'-lanterns flicker and things go bump in the night.

Delusion for a Dragon Slayer

Harlan Ellison

Hugo Award nominated short story. It originally appeared in a magazine called Knight, September 1966. The story is included in the collections I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (1967), Love Ain't Nothing But Sex Misspelled (1968), and Deathbird Stories: A Pantheon of Modern Gods (1975).

The Dragon Done It

Eric Flint
Mike Resnick

Table of Contents:

  • 1 - Editors' Introduction (The Dragon Done It) - essay by Eric Flint and Mike Resnick
  • 3 - The Long and Short of It - [John Justin Mallory] - short fiction by Mike Resnick
  • 31 - Dead Wolf in a Hat - short fiction by Graham Edwards
  • 51 - This Town Ain't Big Enough - [Victory Nelson, Investigator] - novelette by Tanya Huff
  • 75 - The Case of the Four and Twenty Blackbirds - short story by Neil Gaiman
  • 85 - The Whistling Room - [Carnacki] - short story by William Hope Hodgson
  • 103 - Doppelgangster - short story by Laura Resnick
  • 119 - Claus of Death - short story by Michael M. Jones
  • 131 - McNamara's Fish - [Max Kearny] - short story by Ron Goulart
  • 147 - Gunsel and Gretel - short fiction by Esther M. Friesner
  • 181 - Alimentary, My Dear Watson - short story by Lawrence Schimel
  • 187 - Fox Tails - [Yamada Monogatari] - short fiction by Richard Parks (variant of Foxtails)
  • 211 - A Case of Identity - [Lord Darcy] - novella by Randall Garrett
  • 271 - The Case of the Skinflint's Specters - short fiction by Brian M. Thomsen
  • 279 - The Black Bird - short story by David Barr Kirtley
  • 285 - The Enchanted Bunny - novella by David Drake
  • 341 - The Adventure of the Pearly Gates - short story by Mike Resnick
  • 349 - The Seventh Chapter - [Videssos] - short story by Harry Turtledove
  • 365 - The Detective of Dreams - short story by Gene Wolfe
  • 383 - The Witch's Murder - [Heirs of Alexandria] - short story by Eric Flint and Dave Free

The Dragon Waiting: A Masque of History

John M. Ford

The Wars of the Roses have put Edward IV on the throne of England, Lorenzo de' Medici's court shines brilliantly, and Duke Galeazzo Maria Sforza plots in Milan. But this is a changed world, and medieval Europe is dominated by the threat from the Byzantine Empire. Sforza, the Vampire Duke, marshals his forces for his long-planned attack on Florence, and Byzantium is on the march. A mercenary, the exiled heir to the Byzantine throne, a young woman physician forced to flee Florence, and a Welsh wizard, the nephew of Owain Gly Dwr, seem to have no common goals but together they wage an intrigue-filled campaign against the might of Byzantium, striving to secure the English throne for Richard, Duke of Gloucester, and make him Richard III.

Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves

Alan Dean Foster
Martin H. Greenberg

Table of Contents:

  • ix - Introduction (Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves) - essay by Alan Dean Foster
  • 1 - As Is - novelette by Robert Silverberg
  • 21 - The Same to You Doubled - short story by Robert Sheckley
  • 33 - The Egg of the Glak - novelette by Harvey Jacobs
  • 81 - Beibermann's Soul - short story by Mike Resnick
  • 87 - Thimgs - short story by Theodore R. Cogswell
  • 103 - Ms. Lipshutz and the Goblin - short story by Marvin Kaye
  • 111 - Unferno - novelette by George Alec Effinger
  • 137 - Unicorn Variations - novelette by Roger Zelazny
  • 166 - Yes Sir That's My - short story by Daniel P. Dern
  • 179 - Please Stand By - [Max Kearny] - short story by Ron Goulart
  • 205 - Bottle Party - short story by John Collier
  • 215 - My Mother Was a Witch - short story by William Tenn
  • 223 - Djinn, No Chaser - novelette by Harlan Ellison
  • 246 - Up the Wall - novelette by Esther M. Friesner
  • 276 - Trouble with Water - short story by H. L. Gold
  • 301 - Savage Breasts - short story by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
  • 310 - Or the Grasses Grow - short story by Avram Davidson
  • 321 - Snulbug - short story by Anthony Boucher
  • 340 - Afterword (Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves) - essay by Alan Dean Foster

Chess with a Dragon

David Gerrold

After gaining access to the combined knowledge of the galaxy, mankind discovers that there is a price to pay and Yake Singh Brown is enlisted to negotiate the deal.

The Reluctant Dragon

Kenneth Grahame

In this beloved classic story, a young boy befriends a poetry-loving dragon living in the Downs above his home. When the town-folk send for St. George to slay the dragon, the boy needs to come up with a clever plan to save his friend and convince the townsfolk to accept him. This story first appeared as a chapter in Grahame's Dream Days and was first published as a separate book by Holiday House in 1938 with illustrations by Ernest H. Shepard.

Dragons and Dreams: A Collection of New Fantasy and Science Fiction Stories

Martin H. Greenberg
Jane Yolen
Charles G. Waugh

Table of Contents:

  • ix - Introduction (Dragons and Dreams) - essay by Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh and Jane Yolen
  • 1 - The Box - short story by Bruce Coville
  • 12 - The Thing That Goes Burp in the Night - short story by Sharon Webb
  • 32 - Baba Yaga and the Sorcerer's Son - short story by Patricia A. McKillip
  • 43 - All the Names of Baby Hag - short story by Patricia MacLachlan
  • 55 - The Three Men - short story by Zilpha Keatley Snyder
  • 70 - Great-Grandfather Dragon's Tale - novelette by Jane Yolen
  • 95 - Laughter in the Leaves - [Cerin Songweaver] - short story by Charles de Lint
  • 108 - Carol Oneir's Hundredth Dream - [Chrestomanci] - novelette by Diana Wynne Jones
  • 136 - The Singing Float - short story by Monica Hughes
  • 151 - Uptown Local - [Young Wizards] - novelette by Diane Duane

Fallen Dragon

Peter F. Hamilton

Born in a colony world in 2310, Lawrence Newton hankered after the golden era of starships exploring the galaxy. But the age of human starflight was drawing to a close, so this hot-heated teenager ran away from home in search of adventure...Twenty years later, he's the sergeant of a washed-out platoon taking part in the bungled invasion of another world. The giant corporations call such campaigns 'asset realization', but in practice it's simple piracy. While he's on the ground, being shot at and firebombed by local resistance forces, Lawrence hears stories about the Temple of the Fallen Dragon -- and a sect devoted to the worship of a mythical creature that fell to the ground millennia ago. More importantly, its priests are said to guard a hoard of treasure large enough to buy lifelong happiness -- which information prompts him to mount a private-enterprise operation of his own.

Dragon Heart

Cecelia Holland

Where the Cape of the Winds juts into the endless sea, there is Castle Ocean, and therein dwells the royal family that has ruled it from time immemorial. But there is an Empire growing in the east, and its forces have reached the castle. King Reymarro is dead in battle, and by the new treaty, Queen Marioza must marry one of the Emperor's brothers. She loathes the idea, and has already killed the first brother, but a second arrives, escorted by more soldiers. While Marioza delays, her youngest son, Jeon, goes on a journey in search of his mute twin, Tirza, who needs to be present for the wedding.

As Jeon and Tirza return by sea, their ship is attacked by a shocking and powerful dragon, red as blood and big as the ship. Thrown into the water, Tirza clings to the dragon, and after an underwater journey, finds herself alone with the creature in an inland sea pool. Surprisingly, she is able to talk to the beast, and understand it.

So begins a saga of violence, destruction, and death, of love and monsters, human and otherwise.

In Dragon Heart, Cecelia Holland, America's most distinguished historical novelist steps fully into the realm of fantasy and makes it her own.

Paint Your Dragon

Tom Holt

Sculptress Bianca Wilson is a living legend. St. George is also a legend, but not living. However, when Bianca's sculpture of the patron saint and his scaly chum gets a bit too lifelike, it opens up a new can of wyrms. The dragon knows that in the battle between Good and Evil, Evil got a raw deal and is looking to set the record straight. And George (who cheated) thinks the record's just fine as it is.

Sinners, Saints, Dragons, and Haints, in the City Beneath the Still Waters

N. K. Jemisin

This short story originally appeared in the anthology The Company He Keeps (2010), edited by Peter Crowther and Nick Gevers, and was reprinted in Uncanny Magazine, Issue Six, September/October 2015.

Read the full story for free at Uncanny Magazine.

In Between Dragons

Michael Kandel


...where each book Sherman Potts reads is literally the door into a whole new world. In the poisoned city of Cuspidor, valiant Sir Sherm faces the treacherous toxic dragons. In an imperiled Washington, D.C., psychic Sergeant Sherm faces the sinister psi-fiend from dimension X. On the distant planet of New Batavia, intrepid Commander Sherm confronts a cake-snatching demon from beyond space. But some adventures just aren't enough, so Sherm finds a way to add a little spice to Mr. McGulvey's library with an addition all his own. What he doesn't realize is that one little addition could have world-shattering implications. And now just plain Sherm must battle bravely to keep reality from destroying Mr. McGulvey's library - and vice versa!

The Dragon Quintet

Marvin Kaye

An abiding presence in myth and literature from around the world, the dragon has been reborn in modern fantasy fiction. The classic winged fire-breathing reptile often associated with evil (they do despoil villages and demand virgin sacrifices, after all) tends nowadays to be more kindly disposed to humankind, sometimes aloofly offering magical wisdom, sometimes actively involved in human lives, whether as a servant or friend. In this volume, originally compiled exclusively for the members of the Science Fiction Book Club and not available in stores, editor Marvin Kaye has skillfully gathered brand-new contributions to the hoard of dragon lore by five top fantasy authors.

Orson Scott Card---an expert at writing from a child's point of view, as evidenced in his bestselling Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow---offers a gothic yarn set in contemporary suburbia. "In the Dragon's House" tells about the mysterious dragon that lives in the wiring of an old house, palpable only to a young boy who in dreams shares its body and feels its true size and power. But what does it really want?

Mercedes Lackey, prolific author of the Valdemar saga, writes of a slave boy who is chosen to care for a warrior's dragon. Vetch (and the reader) will learn much about dragon behavior... and this special dragon's secrets may be the key to his freedom. (Lackey was so taken by young Vetch that she expanded his adventures into a novel with the same name as this story---"Joust.")

Tanith Lee is no stranger to dragons, which appear quite often in her award-winning fantasies. The fable "Love in a Time of Dragons" is imbued with her signature atmosphere---Old World, moody, erotic-as a kitchen maid goes a-questing with a handsome champion to slay the local drakkor. But the tale takes a surprising twist....

Elizabeth Moon, author of the popular Esmay Suiza and Heris Serrano series, takes a break from military science fiction to give us the tale of a young man forced by lies to flee his village... into an adventure of dwarfs and dragonspawn, of trust and wisdom, and, ultimately,
af0 "Judgment."

Rounding off the collection is Michael Swanwick's "King Dragon," a strange amalgam of twentieth-century technology and faery magic, in which the award-winning author invokes a truly sinister and repellent creature-a being with the soul of a beast and the body of a machine-part metal, part devil... all-merciless.

The Eyes of the Dragon

Stephen King

"Once, in a kingdom called Delain, there was a king with two sons...."

Thus begins one of the most unique tales that master storyteller Stephen King has ever written--a sprawling fantasy of dark magic and the struggle for absolute power that utterly transforms the destinies of two brothers born into royalty. Through this enthralling masterpiece of mythical adventure, intrigue, and terror, you will thrill to this unforgettable narrative filled with relentless, wicked enchantment, and the most terrible of secrets....

Dragon Tears

Dean Koontz

Harry Lyon is a rational man, a cop who refuses to let his job harden his soul. His partner urges him to surrender to the chaos of life. But Harry believes in order and reason. Then one fateful day, he's forced to shoot a man - and a homeless stranger with bloodshot eyes utteres the haunting words that challenge Harry Lyon's sanity...

"Ticktock, ticktock. You'll be dead in sixteen hours... Dead by dawn... Dead by dawn... Dead by dawn..."

Scrap Dragon

Naomi Kritzer

This short story originally appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, January-February 2012. It can also be found in the anthology The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2013, edited by Rich Horton. The story is included in the collection Cat Pictures Please and Other Stories (2017).

Dragon's Teeth

Mercedes Lackey

A massive collection of wonderous science fiction and fantasy stories from New York Times best-selling Mercedes Lackey. Includes Fiddler Fair and Werehunter for the first time in one volume.

Fiddler Fair Running the gamut from her beloved Bardic fantasies to urban fantasy set in the modern world, from science fiction adventure to chilling horror, this is Mercedes Lackey at her best. Animal rights fanatics try to "liberate" genetically reconstructed dinosaurs. Lawrence of Arabia meets a power beyond human comprehension, and King Arthur is reborn into the present day when he again gains possession of the enchanted sword Excalibur.

Werehunter A young woman who has been given the power to transform herself into a leopard, but she now finds herself pursued by a hunter who is more than human. Skitty, ship's cat extraordinaire, and telepathic problem-solver, saves the day on a spaceship. Return to the world of the Heralds of Valdemar series, and much more. Plus, Merecedes Lackey's celebrated occult detective Diana Tregarde, attends a gathering of romance writers and encounters a visitor whose passionate desire is for fresh, warm blood.

Table of Contents:

  • How I Spent My Summer Vacation - (1998) - essay
  • Aliens Ate My Pickup - (1998) - shortstory
  • Small Print - (1994) - shortstory with Larry Dixon
  • Last Rights - (1993) - shortstory with Larry Dixon
  • Dumb Feast - (1993) - shortstory
  • Dance Track - (1994) - shortstory with Larry Dixon
  • Jihad - (1993) - shortstory
  • Balance - (1986) - novelette
  • Dragon's Teeth - (1988) - novella
  • The Cup and the Cauldron - (1992) - shortstory
  • Once and Future - (1995) - shortstory
  • Fiddler Fair - (1986) - novelette
  • The Enemy of My Enemy - (1989) - novelette
  • Bibliography (Fiddler Fair) - (1998) - essay by uncredited
  • Introduction (Werehunter) - (1999) - essay
  • Werehunter - (1987) - novelette
  • SKitty - (1989) - shortstory
  • A Tail of Two SKittys - (1994) - shortstory
  • SCat - (1996) - shortstory
  • A Better Mousetrap - (1999) - shortstory
  • The Last of the Season - (1987) - shortstory
  • Satanic, Versus... - (1990) - shortstory
  • Nightside - (1989) - shortstory
  • Wet Wings - (1996) - shortstory
  • Stolen Silver - (1991) - shortstory
  • Roadkill - (1990) - shortstory
  • Operation Desert Fox - (1993) - novelette with Larry Dixon
  • Grey - (1997) - shortstory
  • Grey's Ghost - (1999) - novelette
  • Part II: Tales of the Secret World Chronicles - essay
  • For Those About to Rock - shortfiction by Dennis Lee and Mercedes Lackey
  • Haunt You - shortfiction with Cody Martin
  • Valse Triste - shortfiction
  • White Bird - shortfiction
  • Sgian Dubh - novella

The Dragon Hoard

Tanith Lee

The princess handed Fearless a black book, bound in gold, entitled 'The Hoarded Dragon.' Not to be read by the faint-hearted. Fearless read it aloud to Prince Jasleth. 'The dragon is as high as a house, with scales no sword can pierce, and a mouth so huge it can swallow an army in one gulp -- and once did just to prove it. It has nine hundred and fifty-four teeth, each three inches long and as sharp as a needle. It never sleeps, and it hasn't been fed in a hundred years..' 'Let's go home,' said Jasleth."

Prince Jasleth is a young man under a spell to become a raven for one hour every day, on a quest to break the curse. Along the way he joins up with a horde of princes and meets many dangers, including enchanters, ogres, impossible tasks, and a beautiful princess who will stop at nothing to prevent them all from gaining the Dragon Hoard.

Between Two Dragons

Yoon Ha Lee

This short story originally appeared in Clarkesworld Magazine, April 2010. It can also be found in the anthologies War & Space: Recent Combat (2012), edited by Rich Horton and Sean Wallace, and Clarkesworld: Year Four (2013), edited by Neil Clarke and Sean Wallace. The story is included in the collection Conservation of Shadows (2013).

Read the full story for free at Clarkesworld.

Brother to Dragons, Companion to Owls

Jane Lindskold

The Magic That Doesn't Go Away

Cutbacks have forced Sarah out of the asylum in which she was raised--and into a strange new place where the Head Wolf rules the beautiful and the doomed.

But Sarah can never truly assimilate, for she possesses wild talents. Walls tell her their secrets. Safes tell her their combinations. And a favorite toy dragon whispers dire warnings about those who would exploit her for their own malevolent purposes. There's no place Sarah can hide, from her pursuers or from her past...

The Passing of the Dragon

Ken Liu

A woman who fears she's failing as a painter and as an artist seeks inspiration from one of her favorite poets--finding something even more wondrous, but also more impossible to capture on canvas...

Originally published on 13 September 2023, read it for free at

The Ice Dragon

George R. R. Martin

The ice dragon was a creature of legend and fear, for no man had ever tamed one. When it flew overhead, it left in its wake desolate cold and frozen land. But Adara was not afraid. For Adara was a winter child, born during the worst freeze that anyone, even the Old Ones, could remember.

Adara could not remember the first time she had seen the ice dragon. It seemed that it had always been in her life, glimpsed from afar as she played in the frigid snow long after the other children had fled the cold. In her fourth year she touched it, and in her fifth year she rode upon its broad, chilled back for the first time. Then, in her seventh year, on a calm summer day, fiery dragons from the North swooped down upon the peaceful farm that was Adara's home. And only a winter child--and the ice dragon who loved her--could save her world from utter destruction.

The Ice Dragon marks the highly anticipated children's book debut of George R.R. Martin, the award-winning author of the New York Times best-selling series A Song of Ice and Fire and is set in the same world. Illustrated with lush, exquisitely detailed pencil drawings by acclaimed artist Yvonne Gilbert, The Ice Dragon is an unforgettable tale of courage, love, and sacrifice by one of the most honored fantasists of all time.

The story originally appeared in the anthology Dragons of Light (1980), edited by Orson Scott Card. The 2006 edition is a slightly rewritten version to make it suitable for a younger audience.

The Girl Who Heard Dragons

Anne McCaffrey

Anne McCaffrey's dragons are the stuff of which SF/fantasy legends are made. All of her dragon books have been national bestsellers.

The Girl Who Heard Dragons is a feast for McCaffrey fans and for all readers--a big, satisfying compilation of her fiction. Best of all, it opens with an original short novel of Pern, "The Girl Who Heard Dragons."

In addition, the book contains twenty-four beautiful black and white drawings by award-winning artist Michael Whelan. Romance, humor, colorful description, and affecting characters are Anne McCaffrey's hallmarks and the fifteen stories herein have these virtues in abundance. No wonder the Chicago Sun-Times described her as a "master of the well-told tale."

"The Girl Who Heard Dragons" is the story of Aramina, a teenage girl of Pern who hears dragons--a skill which does not seem likely to help solve her family's problems. They are "holdless," and must constantly roam the land, trying to hide from bandits. Aramina's mother fears losing her daughter completely to the life of a dragonrider, but McCaffrey has another fate in mind for her young heroine.

Table of Contents:

  • So, You're Anne McCaffrey - essay
  • The Girl Who Heard Dragons - (1986) - novelette
  • Velvet Fields - (1973) - shortstory
  • Euterpe on a Fling - shortstory
  • Duty Calls - (1988) - novelette
  • A Sleeping Humpty Dumpty Beauty - (1990) - novelette
  • The Mandalay Cure - shortstory
  • A Flock of Geese - (1985) - shortstory
  • The Greatest Love - (1977) - novella
  • A Quiet One - (1991) - novelette
  • If Madam Likes You ... - (1989) - shortstory
  • Zulei, Grace, Nimshi, and the Damnyankees - (1992) - novelette
  • Cinderella Switch - (1981) - shortstory
  • Habit Is an Old Horse - (1986) - shortstory
  • Lady-in-Waiting - shortstory
  • The Bones Do Lie - shortstory

Last Dragon

J. M. McDermott

An intricate web of stories weave together to tell a tale of revenge, justice, ambition, and power. Zhan has been sent to find her grandfather, a man accused of killing not only Zhan's family, but every man, woman, and child in their village.

What she finds is a shell of a man, and a web of deceit that will test the very foundations of a world she thought she understood. A tale of revenge that grows into something more, Last Dragon is a literary fantasy novel in the tradition of Gene Wolf and Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

J.M. McDermott brings the fantasy genre to new literary heights with a remarkable first novel that reconstructs what you expect from an epic tale.


Seanan McGuire

This short story originally appeared in the anthology The Doomsday Chronicles (2016), edited by Crystal Watanabe. It was reprinted in Lightspeed, May 2017.

Read the full story for free at Lightspeed.

Harrowing the Dragon

Patricia A. McKillip

A fantasist without equal, Patricia A. McKillip has created worlds of intricate beauty and unforgettably nuanced characters. For 25 years, she's drawn readers into her spell, spinning modern-day fables with a grace rarely seen. Now she presents a book of previously uncollected short stories, full of beautiful dragons, rueful princesses, and handsome bards, and written in the gorgeous - and often surprisingly funny - prose she's known for. This is her world, wrapped up in the finery of fairy tales.

Learning to See Dragons

Sarah Monette

This short story originally appeared in Uncanny Magazine, December 2017.

Read the full story for free at Uncanny.

The Testimony of Dragon's Teeth

Sarah Monette

This short story originally appeared in Uncanny Magazine, Issue 21, March-April 2018.

Read the full story for free at Uncanny.

The Dragon Path: Collected Tales of Kenneth Morris

Kenneth Morris

This collection contains nearly 40 stories, many of them published under pseudonyms--the majority of which have never been reprinted--by one of the greatest fantasy writers of the century. Morris had three books published before his death in 1937. His sole collection of stories, The Secret Mountain & Other Tales, was published only in England. His final novel, The Chalchiuhite Dragon, was discovered and published only recently.

Kinsmen of the Dragon

Stanley Mullen

This novel will entertain you. It is scientific; it is fantastic. It combines the science of atmoci energy with the fantasy of ancient mythology. It plunges into a world that lies invisible beside our own. It is the story of a battle to the death between the people of these two worlds.

King Dragon

Andrew J. Offutt

A journey to a planet which has been terraformed in order to observe evolution.

The Dragon Round

Stephen S. Power

For fans of Scott Lynch and Naomi Novik comes a high fantasy epic that blends swashbuckling adventure with a dark tale of vengeance--when a ship captain is stranded on a deserted island by his mutinous crew, he finds a rare dragon egg that just might be the key to his salvation and his revenge.

He only wanted justice. Instead he got revenge.

Jeryon has been the captain of the Comber for over a decade. He knows the rules. He follows the rules. He likes the rules. But not everyone on his ship agrees. When a monstrous dragon attacks the Comber, his surviving crew, vengeful and battle-worn, decide to take the ship for themselves and give Jeryon and his self-righteous apothecary "the captain's chance:" a small boat with no rudder, no sails, and nothing but the shirts on their backs to survive.

Marooned and fighting for their lives against the elements, Jeryon and his companion discover that the island they've landed on isn't quite as deserted as they originally thought. They find a rare baby dragon that, if trained, just might be their ticket off the island. But as Jeryon and the dragon grow closer, he begins to realize that even if he makes it off the island, his life will never be the same again. In order for justice to be served, he'll have to take it for himself.

Dragons at Crumbling Castle and Other Stories

Terry Pratchett

Dragons have invaded Crumbling Castle, and all of King Arthur's knights are either on holiday or visiting their grannies. It's a disaster!

Luckily, there's a spare suit of armour and a very small boy called Ralph who's willing to fill it. Together with Fortnight the Friday knight and Fossfiddle the wizard, Ralph sets out to defeat the fearsome fire-breathers.

But there's a teeny weeny surprise in store . . .

Fourteen fantastically funny stories from master storyteller Sir Terry Pratchett, full of time travel and tortoises, monsters and mayhem!

The Dragonfly

Tiina Raevaara

First published in Usva magazine April, 2007

Reprinted in the collection En tunne sinua vierelläni (Teos 2010)

Can be read for free at Finnish Weird 2: Children of the Weird

Translated by J. Robert Tupasela

The Server and the Dragon

Hannu Rajaniemi

This short story originally appeared in the anthology Engineering Infinity (2010), editedd by Jonathan Strahan. It can also be found in the anthologies The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume Six (2012), edited by Jonathan Strahan, and Digital Rapture: The Singularity Anthology (2012), edited by John Kessel and James Patrick Kelly. The story is included in the collection Hannu Rajaniemi: Collected Fiction (2015).

The Dragons of Springplace

Robert Reed

In the title story of this first-rate science fiction collection, a renegade misfit conquers the dragons and renews the threat of nuclear chaos aboard Springplace, a man-made repository for old reactor cores, dirty plutonium, and dismantled bombs. Another story is a sprawling intergalactic epic that takes place aboard a starship. Salvaged and commandeered by humans, the massive generation starship becomes the setting for a titanic struggle between two alien entities who engage in a monumental battle for survival. The tale "Chrysalis" explores not just an alien milieu but the nature of man himself when another ancient starship lands and investigates an icy unknown planet inhabited by humans millions of years earlier.

Table of Contents

  • The Dragons of Springplace - (1997) - novelette
  • Waging Good - (1995) - novelette
  • To Church with Mr. Multhiford - (1997) - short story
  • Stride - (1994) - novelette
  • Chrysalis - (1996) - novelette
  • The Utility Man - (1990) - short story
  • Guest of Honor - (1993) - novelette
  • Decency - (1996) - short story
  • The Remoras - (1994) - novelette
  • Aeon's Child - (1995) - novelette
  • The Shape of Everything - (1994) - short story

The Dragons of Summer Gulch

Robert Reed

This novelette originally appeared on Sci Fiction, December 1, 2004. It can also be found in the anthologies The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Second Annual Collection (2005), edited by Gardner Dozois, Year's Best Fantasy 5 (2005), edited by David G. Hartwell and Kathryn Kramer, and Wings of Fire (2010), edited by Jonathan Strahan and Marianne S. Jablon.

Read the full story for free at the author's website.

The Shadow War of the Night Dragons, Book One: The Dead City: Prologue

John Scalzi

Old Man's War author John Scalzi's sendup of the heroic fantasy genre was a finalist for the Hugo Award for Best Short Story.

This was's April Fool's Day Joke in 2011. The title was chosen based on the statistically-most-used words in Fantasy novels. Fun Fact: Scalzi's agent actually received a call from someone in Hollywood, wanting to buy the option on this "novel" for a movie.

Read the full story for free at

Watch Hugo-nominated Fan Writer "Mark Reads" Oshiro's hilarious video reading of this story here. (PG for profanity)

The Plausibility of Dragons

Kenneth Schneyer

This short story originally appeared in Lightspeed, November 2015.

Read the full story for free at Lightspeed.

If Dragon's Mass Eve Be Cold And Clear

Ken Scholes

Do you believe in Santa? And in his terrible swift sword?

Read the full story for free at

Brother to Dragons

Charles Sheffield

Born of a crack-addicted mother in a charity ward in Washington, D.C., after the "crash," Job Napoleon Salk is destined to change the world.

Devil Dragon

Deborah Sheldon

Dr. Erin Harris may be a scientist, but she has an unscientific obsession: to find a living Varanus priscus. Cryptozoologists call it the Devil dragon. This giant Australian reptile went extinct some 12,000 years ago but like Bigfoot or Nessie, there are occasional sightings. Spurred by a credible witness, Erin cobbles together an expedition party consisting of herself, the witness, and his deer-hunting neighbours. They travel into the unexplored heart of a remote national park. Erin, believing the Devil dragon to be a larger version of the Komodo, is confident she can outwit a specimen. However, the terrifying monster that lumbers out of the bush is a savage and unpredictable predator the size of a campervan. To escape, Erin must transform herself from genteel university lecturer to hard-core survivalist.

Dancing with Dragons

Bud Sparhawk

Collection of related science fiction stories, most of which were originally published in ANALOG magazines, plus one original written for this volume. The stories are set among independent space pilots traveling between the moons and planets of our solar system, using believable near-future technology.

Table of Contents:

  • Europa: The Ice Dragon's Song - (1998) - novella
  • Jupiter: Pumpkin - (2001) - novelette
  • Jupiter: Primrose and Thorn - (1996) - novella
  • Mars: Olympus Mons - (1998) - novelette
  • Io: The Debt - (2000) - novelette

The Last Tsar’s Dragons

Jane Yolen
Adam Stemple

It is the waning days of the Russian monarchy. A reckless man rules the land and his dragons rule the sky. Though the Tsar aims his dragons at his enemies - Jews and Bolsheviks - his entire country is catching fire. Conspiracies suffuse the royal court: bureaucrats jostle one another for power, the mad monk Rasputin schemes for the Tsar's ear, and the desperate queen takes drastic measures to protect her family.

Revolution is in the air - and the Red Army is hatching its own weapons.

The Book of Dragons

Jonathan Strahan

Here there be dragons...

From China to Europe, Africa to North America, dragons have long captured our imagination in myth and legend. Whether they are rampaging beasts awaiting a brave hero to slay or benevolent sages who have much to teach humanity, dragons are intrinsically connected to stories of creation, adventure, and struggle beloved for generations.


  • Introduction (The Book of Dragons) - essay by Jonathan Strahan
  • What Heroism Tells Us - poem by Jane Yolen
  • Matriculation - short fiction by Elle Katharine White
  • Hikaya Sri Bujang, or The Tale of the Naga Sage - short fiction by Zen Cho
  • Yuli - short fiction by Daniel Abraham
  • A Whisper of Blue - novelette by Ken Liu
  • Nidhog - poem by Jo Walton
  • Where the River Turns to Concrete - novelette by Brooke Bolander
  • Habitat - short fiction by Tom Holt [as by K. J. Parker]
  • Pox - short fiction by Ellen Klages
  • The Nine Curves River - short fiction by R. F. Kuang
  • Lucky's Dragon - novelette by Kelly Barnhill
  • I Make Myself a Dragon - poem by Beth Cato
  • The Exile - short fiction by JY Yang
  • Except on Saturdays - short fiction by Peter S. Beagle
  • La Vitesse - short fiction by Kelly Robson
  • A Final Knight to her Love and Foe - poem by Amal El-Mohtar
  • The Long Walk - short fiction by Kate Elliott
  • Cut Me Another Quill, Mister Fitz - short fiction by Garth Nix
  • Hoard - short fiction by Seanan McGuire
  • The Worm of Lirr - poem by C. S. E. Cooney
  • The Last Hunt - short fiction by Aliette de Bodard
  • We Continue - short fiction by Ann Leckie and Rachel Swirsky
  • Small Bird's Plea - short fiction by Todd McCaffrey
  • The Dragons - poem by Theodora Goss
  • Dragon Slayer - short fiction by Michael Swanwick
  • Camouflage - short fiction by Patricia A. McKillip
  • We Don't Talk About the Dragon - short fiction by Sarah Gailey
  • Maybe Just Go Up There and Talk to It - short fiction by Scott Lynch
  • A Nice Cuppa - poem by Jane Yolen

Floating Dragon

Peter Straub

The terrors afflicting the sleepy town of Hampstead, Connecticut, were beyond imagination. Sparrows dropping dead from the trees like rotten fruit, disfiguring diseases spreading like wildfire, inexplicable murders and child drownings shattering the lives of the citizens - never can such a list of horrors have afflicted one town. But the evil madness had a long history. A catastrophe had struck Hampstead every thirty years since its foundation 300 years before - yet only Graham Williams, a writer and descendant of one of the original founders, had looked into the 'black summers' and their mysterious origins. When he discovers that descendants of the three other original settlers are back living in the town, he knows it will be the blackest summer yet...

Dragon's Fin Soup

S. P. Somtow

WFA nominated novelette. It originally appeared in the anthology The Ultimate Dragon (1995), edited by Keith R. A. DeCandido, John Betancourt and Byron Preiss. The story can also be found in the anthologies The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Ninth Annual Collection (1996), edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling, and Wings of Fire (2010), edited by Jonathan Strahan and Marianne S. Jablon. It is included in the collection Dragon's Fin Soup (1998).

Read the full story for free at the author's website.

Dragon's Fin Soup (collection)

S. P. Somtow

Dragon's Fin Soup: And Other Modern Siamese Fables by World Fantasy Award Winner S.P. Somtow.

Dragon's Fin Soup in the tradition of the Marx Brothers.

Eight Rowdy Tales where East and West don't meet - they collide.

Eight Frightening Ruminations where nothing is as it seems, and even the unreal is an illusion.

Eight Delectable Servings that could only have sprung from the fevered mind of S. P. Somtow: the most unique writer of this, or any other, millennium.

Table of Contents:

King Dragon

Michael Swanwick

This short story originally appeared in the anthology The Dragon Quintet (2003), edited by Marvin Kaye. It can also be found in the anthologies:

The story was later incorporated in the novel The Dragons of Babel (2008).

The Dragon Line

Michael Swanwick

This short story originally appeared in the anthology Terry's Universe (1988), edited by Beth Meacham. It can also be found in the anthologies The Year's Best Science Fiction: Sixth Annual Collection (1989), edited by Gardner Dozois, and The Mammoth Book of Merlin (2009), edited by Mike Ashley. The story is included in the collection Gravity's Angels (1991).


Lavie Tidhar

There are kin and there are -- kin. There are not many dragons, but there are many who think they are, or want to be, or claim to remember being.

Read the full story for free at

Dragon's Bait

Vivian Vande Velde

Fifteen-year-old Alys is not a witch. But that doesn't matter--the villagers think she is and have staked her out on a hillside as a sacrifice to the local dragon.

It's late, it's cold, and it's raining, and Alys can think of only one thing--revenge. But first she's got to escape, and even if she does, how can one girl possibly take on an entire town alone?

Then the dragon arrives--a dragon that could quite possibly be the perfect ally....

Voices of Dragons

Carrie Vaughn

On one side of the border lies the modern world: the internet, homecoming dances, cell phones. On the other side dwell the ancient monsters who spark humanity's deepest fears: dragons.

Seventeen-year-old Kay Wyatt knows she's breaking the law by rock climbing near the border, but she'd rather have an adventure than follow the rules. When the dragon Artegal unexpectedly saves her life, the rules are abruptly shattered, and a secret friendship grows between them.

But suspicion and terror are the legacy of human and dragon interactions, and the fragile truce that has maintained peace between the species is unraveling. As tensions mount and battles begin, Kay and Artegal are caught in the middle. Can their friendship change the course of a war?

In her young-adult debut, New York Times bestselling author Carrie Vaughn presents a distinctly twenty-first-century tale of myths and machines, and an alliance that crosses a seemingly unbridgeable divide.

Dragon Brides

Nghi Vo

This short story originally appeared in Lightspeed, April 2016.

Read the full story for free at Lightspeed.

Night Journey of the Dragon-Horse

Xia Jia

This short story originally appeared in Chinese in 2015. It first appeared in English in the anthology Invisible Planets (2016), edited and translated by Ken Liu, and was reprinted in Lightspeed, May 2018. The story can also be found in the anthology The Best Science Fiction of the Year Volume 2 (2017), edited by Neil Clarke.

Read the full story for free at Lightspeed.

A Brother to Dragons, a Companion of Owls

Kate Wilhelm

Hugo Award nominated novelette. It originally appeared in the anthology Orbit 14 (1974), edited by Damon Knight. The story is included in the collection Children of the Wind (1989).

Diary of a Dragon

Tad Williams

You hold in your hand a sacred trust--a dragon's diary. My diary. And that trust has been horribly violated by that dreadful Princess Lillian, or you wouldn t be holding it. My own personal diary, published for all to see! That human female has no shame.

I do, however. I do not wish my secrets spread about. Please, I beg you, put this book down now and walk away, kind browser. Respect an old dragon's privacy. No matter what the princess thinks, these matters of violence, blackmail, and unnecessary romance are not for the eyes of others!

No, no, don t even open it! Ignore the attractive illustrations and the shockingly true secrets of dragon life. You ll be sorry.

All right, you won't. But I will.

I hate princesses.

Dragon's Island

Jack Williamson

Dane Belfast is a young scientist seeking the whereabouts of a missing geneticist and family friend. A visit to the mysterious Cadman Corporation results in his being drugged and whisked off to a secret location called Dragon's Island, where "not-men" and other strange creatures -- as well as human geniuses -- seem to be created. Dane can't tell who to trust in this fast-paced adventure, which is the first novel to use the term "genetic engineering". A ground-breaking novel by the author of DARKER THAN YOU THINK and THE HUMANOIDS.

She Still Loves the Dragon

Elizabeth Bear

This short story originally appeared in Uncanny Magazine, Issue 20, January-February 2018.

Read the full story for free at Uncanny.

The Three O'Clock Dragon

John Wiswell

Prosperity City's corrupt mayor never guessed his greatest opponent would be a fire-breathing dragon and her unconventional platform...

Dragonfield and Other Stories

Jane Yolen

Jane Yolen enchants and enthralls with an exquisite collection of short fiction and poetry brimming with sympathetic monsters, unlikely heroes, and all manner of magical amazements. Exploring the depths of human love, pain, and folly in these unforgettable tales, Yolen gives life to a cast of unforgettable characters: a selfless young woman whose sadness brings forth beautiful gifts, a deluded musician whose song spectacularly fails to soothe a savage beast, and an alien salvage crew mining gems from the mind of a dying poet. Here be dragons, outlaws, kings, mermen, and dream weavers, sprung from the unparalleled imagination of one of the world's foremost fantasists.

Table of Contents:

  • The Thirteenth Fey
  • The Storyteller
  • The Five Points of Roguery
  • Dream Weaver
  • The Fates
  • Salvage
  • The Bull and the Crowth
  • The River Maid
  • Caliban
  • The Corridors of the Sea
  • The Girl Who Cried Flowers
  • Dryad's Lament
  • The Inn of the Demon Camel
  • The Hundredth Dove
  • The Lady and the Merman
  • Angelica
  • The Wild Child
  • Dragonfield

The Dragon's Boy

Jane Yolen

Before the legendary Arthur became king, he took lessons from a dragon...

Artos is a lonely child, teased or ignored by the other boys in the castle of Sir Ector. One day, he follows Sir Ector's runaway hound into a mysterious, dark cave, where he encounters a dragon who offers him the gift of wisdom.

Both frightened and intrigued, Artos becomes the dragon's student and gains what he's always longed for: the friendship and respect of other boys. Under the guidance of the dragon, Artos's life begins to take shape in a way he could never have imagined. But has Artos really learned everything the dragon has to teach? And what does the dragon mean when he refers to him as "Artos Pendragon," or "Arthur son of dragon"?

This ebook features a personal history by Jane Yolen including rare images from the author's personal collection, as well as a note from the author about the making of the book.

After the Dragons

Cynthia Zhang

Dragons were fire and terror to the Western world, but in the East they brought life-giving rain...

Now, no longer hailed as gods and struggling in the overheated pollution of Beijing, only the Eastern dragons survive. As drought plagues the aquatic creatures, a mysterious disease--shaolong, or "burnt lung"--afflicts the city's human inhabitants.

Jaded college student Xiang Kaifei scours Beijing streets for abandoned dragons, distracting himself from his diagnosis. Elijah Ahmed, a biracial American medical researcher, is drawn to Beijing by the memory of his grandmother and her death by shaolong. Interest in Beijing's dragons leads Kai and Eli into an unlikely partnership. With the resources of Kai's dragon rescue and Eli's immunology research, can the pair find a cure for shaolong and safety for the dragons? Eli and Kai must confront old ghosts and hard truths if there is any hope for themselves or the dragons they love.

Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor

Xiran Jay Zhao

Zachary Ying never had many opportunities to learn about his Chinese heritage. His single mom was busy enough making sure they got by, and his schools never taught anything except Western history and myths. So Zack is woefully unprepared when he discovers he was born to host the spirit of the First Emperor of China for a vital mission: sealing the leaking portal to the Chinese underworld before the upcoming Ghost Month blows it wide open.

The mission takes an immediate wrong turn when the First Emperor botches his attempt to possess Zack's body and binds to Zack's AR gaming headset instead, leading to a battle where Zack's mom's soul gets taken by demons. Now, with one of history's most infamous tyrants yapping in his headset, Zack must journey across China to heist magical artifacts and defeat figures from history and myth, all while learning to wield the emperor's incredible water dragon powers.

And if Zack can't finish the mission in time, the spirits of the underworld will flood into the mortal realm, and he could lose his mom forever.

The Kar-Chee Reign / Rogue Dragon

Avram Davidson

The Kar-Chee Reign

It was the distant future of Earth, and the mother planet of a glaxy-wide empire had been forgotten by her far-flung colonies. Forgotten, tired, old and stripped of her ores and natural fuels, Earth and the scattered bands of humans left behind were totally unprepared for the invasion of the strange, monstrous Kar-chee from the depths of the stars.

The Kar-chee had come to strip Earth of the few natural resources the planet had left--to crack the marrow of the aged planet and scavenge whatever of worth was left there. It was a massive, planet-wide operation in which continents were sunk and oceans drained, and if the tiny, insignificant humans died in these holocausts, what did that matter to the Kar-chee?

It mattered to the humans... and, at last, they began to fight.

Rogue Dragon

Here there be dragons...

Earth was old, her riches gone. Her children too had left her, all but a few who lived peacefully off the land. And then came the Kar-Chee, to crack Earth open and suck out what remained of her richness, threatening the twilight of the old planet with an evil beyond anything that had gone before.

With them they brought their servants, beasts so cruel and horrible that men could recall their like only from ancestral nightmares, and named them "Dragons..."

Dark of the Woods / Soft Come the Dragons

Dean Koontz


Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt though be in the field.
Thou shalt be blessed above all...

Our holy empire of the Alliance of mankind has fulfilled our destiny. Remember the many heroic humans who have died in conquering the stars for you. Therefore, do not let misguided sympathy toward inferior and conquered animals deter you from your inherent title of divine rulers of the universe. Do not lose this birthright by succumbing to the "attractions" of any alien creature. Remember the penalties imposed by the Supremacy of Man party for this transgression.

Our blessings be with you as you follow in the paths of your brothers and sisters. We have faith in mankind and we have faith in you. But, however, should you falter from the paths of righteousness, we have many willing hands eager to show you the error of your ways....


Mutilated, mutant by-products of America's "Artificial Wombs" created by attempts at producing human weapons...

An American team of doctors sent to China to combat the runaway ultimate in biological warfare...

The genetically mutated daughter of LSD users, hiding her powers in order to survive society...

And Gabe, the vital, young man mistakenly locked in an antiseptic old-age ward...

The following stories are included in this book:

  • "Soft Come the Dragons" (1967)
  • "A Third Hand" (1970) [F&SF, Jan 1970]
  • "The Twelfth Bed" (1968)
  • "A Season for Freedom" (1977) - [revised and re-issued version of "Killerbot" (1969)]
  • "The Psychedelic Children" (1968)
  • "Dragon In the Land" (1969)
  • "To Behold the Sun" (1967)


Robin McKinley

Jake Mendoza lives at the Makepeace Institute of Integrated Dragon Studies in Smokehill National Park. Smokehill is home to about two hundred of the few remaining draco australiensis, which is extinct in the wild. Keeping a preserve for dragons is controversial: detractors say dragons are extremely dangerous and unjustifiably expensive to keep and should be destroyed. Environmentalists and friends say there are no records of them eating humans and they are a unique example of specialist evolution and must be protected. But they are up to eighty feet long and breathe fire.

On his first overnight solo trek, Jake finds a dragon--a dragon dying next to the human she killed. Jake realizes this news could destroy Smokehill-- even though the dead man is clearly a poacher who had attacked the dragon first, that fact will be lost in the outcry against dragons.

But then Jake is struck by something more urgent--he sees that the dragon has just given birth, and one of the babies is still alive. What he decides to do will determine not only their futures, but the future of Smokehill itself.

Ipomoea / The Brass Dragon

Marion Zimmer Bradley
John Rackham


Science is never neutral - and neither are the stars!

The Brass Dragon

It's bad enough for a teen-age boy to wake up with amnesia, strange burns on his legs, and even stranger nightmares. But when a creepy stranger claiming to be his father tried to remove him from the hospital, his adventure was just beginning -- unless, of course, the adventure had already happened.

The Dragon Masters / The Last Castle

Jack Vance

The Dragon Masters

Men have been at war for centuries with the reptilian race called "Basics." As conquerors always have, the winners of each bloody encounter have made slaves of the losers--but in this far-future war, each side has improved upon its slaves with genetic engineering.

And so at last there came to be two neighboring worlds: Aerlith, where men have raised a race of fearsome dragons to be their servants, and nearby Coralyne, where the descendants of those very dragons are served by strong, savage mutants who once were human. Inevitably, those two worlds would meet in one final contest...

The Last Castle

For 700 years the Meks served without complaint; they were indispensable, for no gentleman would demean himself with toil. But now they turn against the strongholds of civilization--Castle Halcyon, then Sea Island, Morninglight, and Maraval--one by one the proud castles of Earth fall; last standing is Castle Hagedorn.

The Five Gold Bands / The Dragon Masters

Jack Vance

The Five Gold Bands

The galaxy is full of wealthy planets and haughty aliens who guard the technology of interstellar travel. Earth must pay a price for use of the space drive, and this rubs Paddy Blackthorn the wrong way- so he sets out to steal the secret. The powerful Shauls capture and dump him on a barren planet- yet here he acquires five golden bands containing the very data he is after. The information is coded- and while Paddy solves the puzzle he must evade a galactic manhunt!

The Dragon Masters

The race of man is growing old, but it's not yet ready to die - not while there are dragons still to kill!

The cross-bred dragon armies of the Men of Aerlith are the most appalling horrors ever to threaten the sanity of our future:

Termagents ~ three hundred reptilian giants with six legs apiece, the most fecund breeders of them all

Jugglers ~ eighteen of them, growling amongst themselves, waiting for an opportunity to snap off a leg from any unwary groom

Murderers (striding and long-horned) ~ eighty-five of each, with scaly tails and eyes like crystals

Fiends ~ fifty-two powerful monsters, their tails tipped with spike steel balls

Blue Horrors, Basics, Spider Dragons.

The Ruin of Kings

A Chorus of Dragons: Book 1

Jenn Lyons

When destiny calls, there's no fighting back.

Kihrin grew up in the slums of Quur, a thief and a minstrel's son raised on tales of long-lost princes and magnificent quests. When he is claimed against his will as the missing son of a treasonous prince, Kihrin finds himself at the mercy of his new family's ruthless power plays and political ambitions.

Practically a prisoner, Kihrin discovers that being a long-lost prince is nothing like what the storybooks promised. The storybooks have lied about a lot of other things, too: dragons, demons, gods, prophecies, and how the hero always wins.

Then again, maybe he isn't the hero after all. For Kihrin is not destined to save the world.

He's destined to destroy it.

Jenn Lyons begins the Chorus of Dragons series with The Ruin of Kings, an epic fantasy novel about a man who discovers his fate is tied to the future of an empire.

The Name of All Things

A Chorus of Dragons: Book 2

Jenn Lyons

Kihrin D'Mon is a wanted man.

Since he destroyed the Stone of Shackles and set demons free across Quur, he has been on the run from the wrath of an entire empire. His attempt to escape brings him into the path of Janel Theranon, a mysterious Joratese woman who claims to know Kihrin.

Janel's plea for help pits Kihrin against all manner of dangers: a secret rebellion, a dragon capable of destroying an entire city, and Kihrin's old enemy, the wizard Relos Var.

Janel believes that Relos Var possesses one of the most powerful artifacts in the world?the Cornerstone called the Name of All Things. And if Janel is right, then there may be nothing in the world that can stop Relos Var from getting what he wants.

And what he wants is Kihrin D'Mon.

The Memory of Souls

A Chorus of Dragons: Book 3

Jenn Lyons


Now that Relos Var's plans have been revealed and demons are free to rampage across the empire, the fulfillment of the ancient prophecies--and the end of the world--is closer than ever.

To buy time for humanity, Kihrin needs to convince the king of the Manol vané to perform an ancient ritual which will strip the entire race of their immortality, but it's a ritual which certain vané will do anything to prevent. Including assassinating the messengers.

Worse, Kihrin must come to terms with the horrifying possibility that his connection to the king of demons, Vol Karoth, is growing steadily in strength.

How can he hope to save anyone when he might turn out to be the greatest threat of them all?

The House of Always

A Chorus of Dragons: Book 4

Jenn Lyons

In the aftermath of the Ritual of Night, everything has changed.

The Eight Immortals have catastrophically failed to stop Kihrin's enemies, who are moving forward with their plans to free Vol Karoth, the King of Demons. Kihrin has his own ideas about how to fight back, but even if he's willing to sacrifice everything for victory, the cost may prove too high for his allies.

Now they face a choice: can they save the world while saving Kihrin, too? Or will they be forced to watch as he becomes the very evil they have all sworn to destroy.

The Discord of Gods

A Chorus of Dragons: Book 5

Jenn Lyons

The end times have come.

Relos Var's final plans to enslave the universe are on the cusp of fruition. He believes there's only one being in existence that might be able to stop him: the demon Xaltorath.

As these two masterminds circle each other, neither is paying attention to the third player on the board, Kihrin. Unfortunately, keeping himself classified in the "pawn" category means Kihrin must pretend to be everything the prophecies threatened he'd become: the destroyer of all, the sun eater, a mindless, remorseless plague upon the land. It also means finding an excuse to not destroy the people he loves (or any of the remaining Immortals) without arousing suspicion.

Kihrin's goals are complicated by the fact that not all of his "act" is one. His intentions may be sincere, but he's still being forced to grapple with the aftereffects of the corrupted magic ritual that twisted both him and the dragons. Worse, he's now tied to a body that is the literal avatar of a star - a form that is becoming increasingly, catastrophically unstable. All of which means he's running out of time.

After all, some stars fade - but others explode.

Stalking the Dragon

A Fable of Tonight: Book 3

Mike Resnick

It is Valentine's Day and private detective John Justin Mallory is planning on closing up the office early and taking his partner, Colonel Winnifred Carruthers, out to dinner, since he's sure no one else will do so. But before he can turn off the lights and lock the door, a panic-stricken Buffalo Bill Brody visits them.

It seems that the Eastminster pet show is being held the next day, and his dragon, Fluffy, the heavy favourite, has been kidnapped. Mallory's nocturnal hunt for the miniature dragon takes him to some of the stranger sections of this Manhattan - Greenwitch Village (which is right around the corner from Greenwich Village and is populated by witches and covens); a wax museum where figures of Humphrey Bogart, Sydney Greenstreet and Peter Lorre come alive; Gracie Mansion (which is haunted by the ghosts of former mayors); and the Bureau of Missing Creatures, a movie set where they're filming a PBS documentary on zombies and various other denizens of the Manhattan night.

As Mallory follows the leads and hunts for clues, he comes up against one dead end after another. Along the way he meets a few old friends and enemies, and a host of strange new inhabitants of this otherworldly Manhattan. Aided by a strange goblin named Jeeves, Mallory has only one night to find a tiny dragon that's hidden somewhere in a city of seven million.

Blood of the Dragon

A Song of Ice and Fire

George R. R. Martin

Hugo Award winning and Nebula and WFA nominated novella. The novella is made up of the Daenerys chapters from the novel A Game of Thrones (1996). It originally appeared in Asimov's Science Fiction, July 1996. It is included in the collection Quartet: Four Tales from the Crossroads (2001).

A Dance with Dragons

A Song of Ice and Fire: Book 5

George R. R. Martin

Dubbed "the American Tolkien" by Time magazine, George R. R. Martin has earned international acclaim for his monumental cycle of epic fantasy. Now the #1 New York Times bestselling author delivers the fifth book in his spellbinding landmark series--as both familiar faces and surprising new forces vie for a foothold in a fragmented empire.

In the aftermath of a colossal battle, the future of the Seven Kingdoms hangs in the balance once again--beset by newly emerging threats from every direction. In the east, Daenerys Targaryen, the last scion of House Targaryen, rules with her three dragons as queen of a city built on dust and death. But Daenerys has three times three thousand enemies, and many have set out to find her. Yet, as they gather, one young man embarks upon his own quest for the queen, with an entirely different goal in mind.

To the north lies the mammoth Wall of ice and stone--a structure only as strong as those guarding it. There, Jon Snow, 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, will face his greatest challenge yet. For he has powerful foes not only within the Watch but also beyond, in the land of the creatures of ice.

And from all corners, bitter conflicts soon reignite, intimate betrayals are perpetrated, and a grand cast of outlaws and priests, soldiers and skinchangers, nobles and slaves, will face seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Some will fail, others will grow in the strength of darkness. But in a time of rising restlessness, the tides of destiny and politics will lead inevitably to the greatest dance of all....

A Guile of Dragons

A Tournament of Shadows: Book 1

James Enge

Those of you who have met Morlock will get to run the streets with him a bit earlier in his wanderings. The new trilogy, A Tournament of Shadows focuses on an adult, but not yet centuries old Morlock we see in Blood of Ambrose, This Crooked Way, and The Wolf Age The first of the new series is A Guile of Dragons.

The Blood of a Dragon

Archonate Universe: Kaslo Chronicles

Matthew Hughes

This short story originally appeared in Lightspeed, May 2015.

Read the full story for free at Lightspeed.

Dark Stars & Dragons

Asimov's Choice: Book 4

George H. Scithers

Table of Contents:

  • The Name of Our Field - [Asimov's Editorials] - (1978) - essay by Isaac Asimov
  • The Name of Our Field - interior artwork by Frank Kelly Freas
  • The Last Full Measure - (1978) - shortstory by George Alec Effinger
  • The Last Full Measure - interior artwork by Vincent Di Fate
  • The Voyage of the Bagel - [SF Puzzles] - (1978) - shortstory by Martin Gardner
  • Pièce de Résistance - (1978) - shortstory by J. F. Bone [as by Jesse Bone ]
  • Pièce de Résistance - (1978) - interior artwork by Freff
  • Polly Plus - (1978) - shortstory by Randall Garrett
  • Polly Plus - (1978) - interior artwork by Vincent Di Fate
  • Wolf Tracks - (1978) - poem by Donald Gaither
  • Wolf Tracks - (1978) - interior artwork by Roy G. Krenkel
  • Guilt - (1978) - novelette by James E. Gunn
  • Guilt - (1978) - interior artwork by Alex Schomburg
  • A Choice of Weapons - (1978) - shortstory by Michael Tennenbaum
  • A Choice of Weapons - (1978) - interior artwork by Alex Schomburg
  • Star Train - (1978) - shortstory by Drew Mendelson
  • Star Train - interior artwork by Rick Sternbach
  • The Man Who Took the Fifth - (1978) - shortstory by Michael Schimmel
  • The Man Who Took the Fifth - interior artwork by Phil Foglio [as by Philip Foglio ]
  • Born Again - (1978) - shortstory by Sharon N. Farber
  • Born Again - (1978) - interior artwork by Freff
  • A Child of Penzance - (1978) - novelette by Tony Sarowitz
  • A Child of Penzance - (1978) - interior artwork by Vincent Di Fate
  • Lipidleggin' - [LaNague Federation] - (1978) - shortstory by F. Paul Wilson
  • Lipidleggin' - (1978) - interior artwork by Freff
  • Singularity - (1978) - novella by Mildred Downey Broxon
  • Singularity (I) - interior artwork by Jack Gaughan
  • Singularity (II) - interior artwork by Jack Gaughan

The Dragon

Atlan / Cija: Book 2

Jane Gaskell

Atlan Besieged

In her quest to save the fabled Atlan, young Cija and her handsome lover, Smahil, flee the clutches of Zerd, the evil half-serpent who has conquered half the world.

But, too late, they find there is no escape from their enemy--Zerd's army covers the land from hill to valley; all beings are swept along or destroyed; all cities are laid open to the plunder of his warriors.

Now Cija must do the impossible. She must thwart Zerd's ravenous scheme of conquest--and it is the gods' decree that she must do it alone!

Part Two of the book originally published as The Serpent.

The Dragon Lensman

Authorized Lensmen Trilogy: Book 1

David A. Kyle

Edward E. "Doc" Smith's visionary Lensmen series of stories began in 1934 in the pages of Amazing Stories, and when it finished in 1948 it was universally recognized as the greatest space opera yet written. In telling the tale of a cosmos-spanning battle between good and evil, the Lensmen saga encompassed two entire galaxies in collision, each home to a primordial race of nearly limitless power. On one side were the Arisians, uplifting agents of wisdom who had taken it upon themselves to mentor the younger races and steer them towards the enlightenment they called Civilization. On the other were the Eddorians, embodiments of crushing efficiency and unthinking obedience who had woven together a vast web of tyrannies called the Boskone, through which they plotted the enslavement of all life. As their greatest weapon in the fight against the Boskone, the Arisians created the Lenses -- almost-living complexities of crystal that released and amplified their wearers' latent psychic powers. Those chosen for this honor were called Lensmen, and as the leaders of the Galactic Patrol they formed Civilization's spearhead against the Boskone. Within the Žlite ranks of the Lensmen was an even more rarified Žlite -- the four Second Stage Lensmen, one from each of the races which the Arisians had chosen as the most capable defenders of their galaxy. It is one of these Second Stage Lensmen -- the Velantian named Worsel -- that David A. Kyle chose to headline his first authorized sequel to Smith's Lensmen canon: The Dragon Lensman.

As The Dragon Lensman opens, the Boskonian conspiracy seems to have been vanquished with its defeat at the great Battle of Klovia, and the victorious Galactic Patrol is busy re-orienting itself to face the new challenges of policing a galaxy instead of defending it against a ruthless invader. Among those adjusting to the new reality is Second Stage Lensman Worsel, the legendary warrior/scientist famed for his intelligence and dedication to the fight against ignorance and evil. Like all of his species, Worsel resembles the mythological dragons of old Tellus (Earth), with a sinewy, ten-meter-long body covered in scales and boasting great wings and terrifying claws and teeth. But Worsel's real strength is his mind and its unmatched psychic abilities, concentrated and focused by the Lens shining among his many eye-stalks. And it is the intuition bred of that power that now draws Worsel to the Velantians' incredible archive, the 18-mile-wide artificial moon known as the Planetoid of Knowledge, where he feels certain something important is waiting for him.

He is right -- but what awaits him on POK is more than he bargained for, and before long Worsel and his fellow Lensmen are racing against time to confront a threat that almost no one had thought possible: machines becoming self-aware and battling against organic Civilization, their calcuating computer brains invisible to any kind of psychic detection!

To counter this new menace, the Dragon Lensman finds himself hurtling through space to rendez-vous with the one Lensman who understands robots well enough to strategize against an inorganic uprising -- the mysterious Twenty-Four of Six, whose knowledge of machines turns out to be deeper and more hard-won than even Worsel could guess.

Soon it becomes clear that Civilization will need every bit of that knowledge, and more besides, to face the enemies that are now revealing themselves. For behind the overt power there lurks a vastly more dangerous covert one, and to defeat it Worsel will not only have to challenge the worst fears of his race, but also discover the secret of the young Lensman with whom he must entrust his life -- a secret that will shake the very foundations of the Galactic Patrol!

Dragons, Elves and Heroes

Ballantine Adult Fantasy: Book 6

Lin Carter

A glowing anthology of gems from the ancient writers, including excerpts from:

The Volsunga Saga
The Mabinogion
The Shah-Namah
The Kalevala
and many, many more.

The companion volume to "The Young Magicians." Edited and with introduction and notes by Lin Carter


  • 1 - Introduction: Over the Hills and Far Away - essay by Lin Carter
  • 10 - The Ogre - (1961) - short story by unknown
  • 30 - The High History of the Sword Gram - [Volsungs] - (1870) - short story by unknown
  • 54 - Manawyddan Son of the Boundless - (1930) - short story by Kenneth Morris
  • 64 - Puck's Song - (1905) - poem by Rudyard Kipling
  • 67 - Barrow-Wight - juvenile - (1890) - short story by Sabine Baring-Gould [as by S. Baring-Gould]
  • 73 - Fingal at the Siege of Carric-Thura - poem by James Macpherson
  • 83 - The Sword of Avalon (excerpt from Le Morte d'Arthur) - short fiction by Sir Thomas Malory
  • 98 - Tom O'Bedlam's Song - poem by Anonymous
  • 102 - The Last Giant of the Elder Age - (1886) - short story by unknown (variant of Ilya of Murom the Peasant Hero, and Hero Svyatogor)
  • 112 - The Lost Words of Power - poem by unknown
  • 125 - Wonderful Things Beyond Cathay - (1895) - short story by unknown
  • 135 - Prospero Evokes the Air Spirits (excerpt from The Tempest) - poem by William Shakespeare
  • 138 - The Lords of Faerie (excerpt from The Faerie Queen) - (1953) - short fiction by Edmund Spenser
  • 144 - Tales of the Wisdom of the Ancients - (1959) - short story by unknown
  • 160 - The Magical Palace of Darkness (excerpt from Palmerin of England) - [Amadis de Gaula] - (1807) - short story by Francisco de Moraes
  • 178 - Rustum Against the City of Demons - short story by Firdausi
  • 197 - Childe Rolande to the Dark Tower Came - (1855) - poem by Robert Browning
  • 203 - The Princess of Babylon (abridged) - (1885) - novella by Voltaire
  • 275 - The Horns of Elfland - (1909) - poem by Alfred Tennyson [as by Alfred Lord Tennyson]

Heir to the Dragon

Battletech: Book 28

Robert Charrette

Theodore Kurita is heir apparent to the Dragon Combine. But after 20-year odyssey of lethal encounters and narrow escapes, the most dangerous foe of all awaits at the end - his own father!

Black Dragon

Battletech: Book 29

Victor Milán

A deadly mercenary force named Camacho's Caballeros and their ace operative, Cassie Suthorn, attempts to unveil the tratorous Black Dragon secret society before they can succeed in sending the entire Inner Sphere off its course.

Tea with the Black Dragon

Black Dragon: Book 1

R. A. MacAvoy

Martha Macnamara knows that her daughter Elizabeth is in trouble, she just doesn't know what kind. Mysterious phone calls from San Francisco at odd hours of the night are the only contact she has had with Elizabeth for years. Now, Elizabeth has sent her a plane ticket and reserved a room for her at San Francisco's most luxurious hotel. Yet she has not tried to contact Martha since she arrived, leaving her lonely, confused and a little bit worried.

Into the story steps Mayland Long, a distinguished-looking and wealthy Chinese man who lives at the hotel and is drawn to Martha's good nature and ability to pinpoint the truth of a matter. Mayland and Martha become close in a short period of time and he promises to help her find Elizabeth, making small inroads in the mystery before Martha herself disappears. Now Mayland is struck by the realization, too late, that he is in love with Martha, and now he fears for her life. Determined to find her, he sets his prodigious philosopher's mind to work on the problem, embarking on a potentially dangerous adventure.

Twisting the Rope

Black Dragon: Book 2

R. A. MacAvoy

R. A. MacAvoy is a truly gifted author who has no need to rely on the conventions of the science fiction genre in order to hold the reader's attention. Her highly original debut novel, Tea With the Black Dragon, combined elements of mystery and fantasy along with a fascination with computer technology, and was highly praised by critics, while her Lens of the World trilogy appeared on many "best of the year" lists in the national news media. In this sequel to Tea With the Black Dragon, Mayland Long is once again thrust into a maelstrom of mysterious happenings. The peaceful relationship he has established with Martha Macnamara is being threatened. A wild psychic force is loose in the world, while Martha's granddaughter has been kidnapped and one of her Celtic musician friends has been found dead, hanging by a rope of twisted grass. Now the Black Dragon must use his wits to hunt for the killer... even if it brings him to a horrifying realization.

The Dragon Engine

Blood Dragon Empire: Book 1

Andy Remic

Five noble war heroes of Vagandrak get drunk one night and sign a contract – to journey to the Karamakkos in search of the Five Havens. There, it is written, there lies untold, abandoned wealth and, more importantly, the three Dragon Heads, legendary jewels claimed to give unspeakable power and everlasting life to those who wield them.

But the Dragon Heads aren't what the adventurers think they are, and the world has not encountered their like in many, many generations!

Twilight of the Dragons

Blood Dragon Empire: Book 2

Andy Remic

During a recent dwarf civil-war deep under the Karamakkos Mountains, the magick-enslaved dragonlords have broken free from centuries of imprisonment and slaughtered tens of thousands throughout the Five Havens before exploding from the mountain and heading in fire and vengeance for the lands of Vagandrak.

Two once-noble war heroes of Vagandrak -- Dakeroth and his wife Jonti Tal, an archer and scholar, the Axeman, the White Witch and a Kaalesh combat expert find themselves in a unique position: for they have discovered the ancient dragon city of Wyrmblood, and a thousand unhatched dragon eggs.

Dakeroth and his companions must work with their enemies, Skalg and the Church of Hate, in order to bring down the dragonlords and save the world of men and dwarves. But there is no bartering with these ancient dragons; for they seek to hatch their eggs and rebuild the cruel Wyrmblood Empire of legend.

Dragon's Teeth

Borea: Book 2

Alexander C. Irvine

This novelette originally appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, December 2009. It can also be found in the anthologies The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume Four (2010), edited by Jonathan Strahan, and The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2010, edited by Rich Horton.

Dragon's Teeth

Brill and Maxwell: Book 3

Lee Killough

Future police Janna Brill and Mama Maxwell must catch a band of killers who don't seem to exist...

Brunhild the Dragonslayer, Vol. 1

Brunhild the Dragonslayer: Book 1

Yuiko Agarizaki


Eden... A place of perfection, where man and beast live side by side in harmony...

Eden's protector, the silver dragon, regularly visits retribution upon those who would bring harm to paradise. But when the dragon discovers a human girl on the shores of Eden, he decides to raise her as his own. He teaches her that if she is to be welcomed into God's kingdom after death, she must not harbor hatred in her heart. But when the dragon's life is mercilessly snuffed out by human machinations, the girl must choose whether to heed his dying wish and stay the course of righteousness... or walk a path of vengeance.

Dragon Coast

California Bones: Book 3

Greg van Eekhout

Dragon Coast: the sequel to Greg Van Eekhout's California Bones and Pacific Fire, in which Daniel Blackland must pull off the most improbable theft of all.

Daniel's adopted son Sam, made from the magical essence of the tyrannical Hierarch of Southern California whom Daniel overthrew and killed, is lost-consumed by the great Pacific firedrake secretly assembled by Daniel's half-brother, Paul.

But Sam is still alive and aware, in magical form, trapped inside the dragon as it rampages around Los Angeles, periodically torching a neighborhood or two.

Daniel has a plan to rescue Sam. It will involve the rarest of substances, axis mundi, pieces of the bones of the great dragon at the center of the Earth. Daniel will have to go to the kingdom of Northern California, boldly posing as his half-brother, come to claim his place in the competition to be appointed Lord High Osteomancer of the Northern Kingdom. Only when the Northern Hierarch, in her throne room at Golden Gate Park, raises her scepter to confirm Daniel in his position will he have an opportunity to steal the axis mundi-under the gaze of the Hierarch herself.

And that's just the first obstacle.

The Dragon's Nine Sons

Celestial Empire: Book 1

Chris Roberson

A disgraced naval captain and a commando who knows secrets he should never have learned are picked to lead a suicide mission, piloting a salvaged Mexica spacecraft to Xolotl, the asteroid stronghold of their enemies, armed with enough explosives to reduce the Mexica base to dust. But when they arrive to find dozens of Chinese prisoners destined to be used as human sacrifices, their suicide mission suddenly becomes a rescue operation.

The Silent Dragon

Children of The Dragon Nimbus: Book 1

Irene Radford

In a realm on the brink of war, will an unsuspected heir to the kingdom of Coronnan and to magic long-banished from the land offer the only hope for survival?

Glenndon--son of witchwoman Brevelan and Jaylor, Senior Magician and Chancellor of the University of Magicians--has never spoken aloud. He has no need because his telepathic talent is strong and everyone associated with the University can "hear" him. He can throw master-level spells, but because he will not speak, Jaylor has refused to promote him from apprentice to journeyman magician. Still, everyone knows it is only a matter of time until Glenndon will take his rightful place at the University.

Then an urgent missive arrives from King Darville. The Council of Provinces is near rebellion over the king's lack of a male heir. Rather than see his fourteen-year-old daughter, Rosselinda, married off just to procure an heir, he orders his illegitimate son Glenndon to Coronnan City to become his successor. And suddenly Glenndon's world is in chaos. The man he's always known as his father is not. Instead he is the son of the king. But in this city where court politics can prove deadly and where magic is forbidden, the young man must hide his talents even as he struggles to find his voice and his destiny.

And one slip could see Glenndon, Darville, Rosselinda, and even Jaylor doomed, for the lords and the people fear magic more than potential invasion, legendary monsters, and civil war.

The Broken Dragon

Children of The Dragon Nimbus: Book 2

Irene Radford

Glenndon, raised by the witchwoman Brevelan and Jaylor, Senior Magician and Chancellor of the University of Magicians, has now been established as the son of King Darville and heir to the throne of Coronnan. But there is still much unrest within the realm. Both old and new enemies are plotting to overhrow the king and seize control of Coronnan and dragon magic.

Even as attacks come from unexpected sources, Jaylor is forced to send his twin daughters on their journeymen missions, escorting two noble ladies to their far-distant homes. Though Lillian and Valeria have never felt complete without one another, they will soon have to travel separate pathways to see their ladies home. Lily is robust and has an affinity with plants and their healing properties but no recognized magical ability. Val has an unmatchable talent and like Glenndon the imagination to work magic in unusual ways. But using magic costs the spell-thrower physically and Val is frail; she needs to find solutions to problems without drawing too heavily on her talent.

Caught in a vast spell-created storm that spreads chaos from the heart of Coronnan City to the caravans the girls are traveling with, can all the scattered children of Jaylor and Brevelan find the means to save both the kingdom and their family?

The Wandering Dragon

Children of The Dragon Nimbus: Book 3

Irene Radford

The magical threat to Coronnan defeated, and the people of the kingdom working to rebuild their shattered realm, Lukan--son of the witchwoman Brevelan and Jaylor, the Chancellor of the University of Magicians--is determined to break free of his family's shadow and find his own place in the world.

He has finally achieved journeyman magician status, but he needs a special goal, a quest to complete his training. Wanting the quest to take him far from home and family, Lukan focuses on finding and rescuing his long-lost mentor, Master Robb.

The search will send him overseas to Amazonia along with the bard Skeller, who had won Lukan's sister Lily's heart but had been forced to leave her in the aftermath of a deadly incident. Now Skeller is returning to his own kingdom to take up the responsibilities of the king's son, a duty he never wanted to face.

But what awaits Lukan and Skeller in the land of Amazonia is a series of terrifying challenges--a mad king, a power-hungry witch, a people held captive by fear, and the very monsters that had nearly destroyed all of Coronnan!

Can a journeyman magician and an unwilling prince overcome the threats they must face to free a kingdom and rescue a master mage?

The Dragon of Jin-Sayeng

Chronicles of the Bitch Queen: Book 3

K. S. Villoso

Queen Talyien is finally home, but dangers she never imagined await her in the shadowed halls of her father's castle.

War is on the horizon. Her son has been stolen from her, her warlords despise her, and across the sea, a cursed prince threatens her nation with invasion in order to win her hand.

Worse yet, her father's ancient secrets are dangerous enough to bring Jin-Sayeng to ruin. Dark magic tears rifts in the sky, preparing to rain down madness, chaos, and the possibility of setting her nation aflame.

Bearing the brunt of the past and uncertain about her future, Talyien will need to decide between fleeing her shadows or embracing them before the whole world becomes an inferno.

White Moon, Red Dragon

Chung Kuo: Book 6

David Wingrove

Fired with hopes of freedom, exiles turn howeward from Pluto, from Mars, and from the unknown to fight one last battle for the Earrth.. and for their souls.

In 2215, a disturbance ripples through space as a ship passes invisibly onward to its destiny. In it is the rebel DeVore, a master of stealth and subterfuge, thought dead by his enemies, but very much alive- and getting ready to bring a terrifying flotilla against the T'ang, the dictators of Earth.

On Mars, another rebel, the long-exiled Hands Ebert, meets with a lost African tribe, the Osu, to reveal his audacious plan- to take them home. And on Earth, the mega-cities of the T'ang begin to crumble as war ripples across the planet.

It is a time of change, of endings, of beginnings. It is an era when the last of the T'angs, Li Yuan, will make a terrifying alliance... when chaos will strike in the form of human-looking androids programmed to kill.. and when Emily Ascher, a woman dedicated to liberty for all the billions the T'ang have kept in chains, will see her vision blossom, though its color will be bloodred and blurred by tears.

The Dragons of the Cuyahoga

Cleveland Portal: Book 1

S. Andrew Swann

It all started about a decade ago, when the Portal suddenly opened up over the stadium right in the middle of a game. Cleveland just hadn't been the same since, what with electronic devices pretty much useless--unless you were willing to spend a fortune in digital protection and redundancy equipment--and all the dragons, elves, gnomes, dwarves, gargoyles, etc. who'd come through the Portal to take up residence within the areas covered by the Portal's magical field.

For Kline Maxwell, City Hall reporter for the Cleveland Press, magic-based Cleveland had long since become the status quo. At least until a fellow reporter named Morgan came down with a case of eyeballs growing all over his body. The diagnosis: stay out of Portal territory and he'd be just fine. But that meant Maxwell and all the other reporters were going to have to take up the slack. And Maxwell hated the thought of doing "fuzzy gnome" stories. Still, he took his job seriously, and when he was assigned to cover a dragon's death by crash-landing into the Cuyahoga, he headed over to the accident site with only a modest number of curses. But what should have been a simple accident report soon led Maxwell in search of a much bigger story--one that would see him kidnapped by elves, framed for murder, holding secret meetings with dragons, and fleeing not only from the cops but from pretty much everyone....

There Will Be Dragons

Council Wars: Book 1

John Ringo

In the future there is no want, no war, no disease nor ill-timed death. The world is a paradise--and then, in a moment, it ends. The council that controls the Net falls out and goes to war. Everywhere, people who have never known a moment of want or pain are left wondering how to survive.

But scattered across the face of the Earth are communities that have returned to the natural life of soil and small farm. In the village of Raven's Mill, Edmund Talbot, master smith and unassuming historian, finds that all the problems of the world are falling in his lap. Refugees are flooding in, bandits are roaming the woods, and his former lover and his only daughter struggle through the fallen landscape. Enemies, new and old, gather like jackals around a wounded lion.

But what the jackals do not know is that while old he may be, this lion is far from death. And hidden in the past is a mystery that has waited until this time to be revealed. You cross Edmund Talbot at your peril, for a smith is not all he once was....

King's Dragon

Crown of Stars: Book 1

Kate Elliott

The Kingdom of Wendar is in turmoil. King Henry still holds the crown, but his reign has long been contested by his sister Sabella, and there are many eager to flock to her banner. Internal conflict weakens Wendar's defences, drawing raiders, human and inhuman, across its borders. Terrifying portents abound and dark spirits walk the land in broad daylight.

Suddenly two innocents are thrust into the midst of the conflict. Alain, a young man granted a vision by the Lady of Battles, and Liath, a young woman with the power to change the course of history. Both must discover the truth about themselves before they can accept their fates. For in a war where sorcery, not swords, may determine the final outcome, the price of failure may be more than their own lives.

Lucifer's Dragon

Cyber Noir: Book 2

Jon Courtenay Grimwood

Passion di Orchi is no more than the obscenely rich daughter of a West Coast mafia boss - until she decides to rebuild Venice. In the middle of the Pacific. A century later, with New Venice ossified into a puritanical elegance, the daughter of Count Ryuchi slips away from her father's palazzo, out to the levels to play Lucifer's Dragon. A multi-level, self-perpetuating, true 3-D trawl through the Apocalypse, Lucifer's Dragon is coded so the game never repeats its own failures. But an altercation in a bar puts Karo on a collision course with NVPD officer Angeli, drafted in by media giant CySat to investigate a murder she knows way too much about. And then there's Razz, the silver exotic. Too tired and jaded to keep living, she takes on the job of guarding CySat's ultimate boss, the ten-year-old Aurelio. With all the high tech security in place, it should be a walk in the park. But the last thing Razz sees is CySat's child-ruler making too close an acquaintance with an Uzi, and then she wakes up in Zurich. Dead...

Blue Dragon

Dark Heavens: Book 3

Kylie Chan

Australian author Kylie Chan concludes her action-packed contemporary urban fantasy trilogy with Blue Dragon—a most satisfying end to her electrifying tale of ancient gods and malevolent demons, of love and extraordinary destiny. Once again, the author of White Tiger and Red Phoenix draws from Chinese mythology and ingeniously combines magic, martial arts, and Taoist philosophy with paranormal romance, as heroine Emma Donahoe must battle supernatural evil in numerous foul forms in order to save her beloved husband, a 3000 year old Chinese god whose power is being drained by living in the mortal world. A breathtaking blend of urban fantasy and Kung Fu, Blue Dragon and the other books in Chan's spectacular series will delight fans of Lilith Saintcrow, Liz Williams, Karen Chance, Devon Monk, Ilona Andrews, and any fantasy lover looking for something distinctly different.

The Dragons of Dorcastle

Dematr: Pillars of Reality: Book 1

Jack Campbell

The first book in a thrilling new epic fantasy saga, written exclusively for Audible by Jack Campbell, the New York Times best-selling author of The Lost Fleet series!

For centuries, the two Great Guilds have controlled the world of Dematr. The Mechanics and the Mages have been bitter rivals, agreeing only on the need to keep the world they rule from changing. But now a Storm approaches, one that could sweep away everything that humans have built. Only one person has any chance of uniting enough of the world behind her to stop the Storm, but the Great Guilds and many others will stop at nothing to defeat her.

Mari is a brilliant young Mechanic, just out of the Guild Halls, where she has spent most of her life learning how to run the steam locomotives and other devices of her Guild. Alain is the youngest Mage ever to learn how to change the world he sees with the power of his mind. Each has been taught that the works of the other's Guild are frauds. But when their caravan is destroyed, they begin to discover how much has been kept from them.

As they survive danger after danger, Alain discovers what Mari doesn't know - that she was long ago prophesized as the only one who can save their world. When Mari reawakens emotions he had been taught to deny, Alain realizes he must sacrifice everything to save her. Mari, fighting her own feelings, discovers that only together can she and Alain hope to stay alive and overcome the Dragons of Dorcastle.

Daughter of Dragons

Dematr: The Legacy of Dragons: Book 1

Jack Campbell

The Great Guilds had conspired for centuries to keep Dematr unchanged. The Mechanics Guild kept secret the technolgy for steam locomotion, rifles, and far-talkers, leaving most people to live in a world of oil lamps, crossbows, and horse cavalry, while the Mages treated all others as if they were nothing - until Master Mechanic Mari, dragon slayer and pirate queen, and Master of Mages Alain raised the army of the new day to free their world.

Kira of Pacta Servanda, the daughter of the two greatest heroes of her world, was six years old the day she stood on a battlement in Dorcastle, kept safe from the nearby crowds by bodyguards as she stared up at a statue of her mother. As the morning sun cast the shadow of Mari's statue over Kira, she realized that she would spend the rest of her life in that shade.

Then the world of Dematr learned that a new kind of ship had left the far-distant world of Urth. The ship would take just 10 years to cover the immense distances between stars. Of all the colony worlds, the ship was coming to Dematr. But for what purpose? Kira was 16 when the ship from Urth arrived, and she discovered that her world still needed heroes.

Blood of Dragons

Dematr: The Legacy of Dragons: Book 2

Jack Campbell

Twenty years after the war that overthrew the Great Guilds, the Empire is vowing to avenge the massive defeat of the Imperial legions at Dorcastle. Aiding the Imperials are renegade Mechanics and Mages still loyal to the old Guilds or employed by the Empire.

But before they can launch an all-out war, the Imperials must eliminate a major threat: Kira, daughter of Master Mechanic Mari and Master of Mages Alain. Kidnapped and imprisoned, Kira has to escape and avoid recapture as the full might of the Empire is aimed at her. Her only hope lies in the skills she has mastered; her indomitable spirit; and the unfailing aid of Jason, her boyfriend from the distant world of Urth.

With the Imperial legions closing in and thousands of lives riding on her efforts, Kira has to use every weapon available to her, including special abilities she has kept secret until now - abilities that may prove to be as dangerous as the enemy forces. Mari and Alain must come to Kira's aid and work to create an alliance against the Empire.

If they fail, a deadlier new war will erupt, with every soldier carrying a rifle instead of a sword or crossbow - and the Peace of the Daughter will end in a bloodbath.

Destiny of Dragons

Dematr: The Legacy of Dragons: Book 3

Jack Campbell

Ancient weapons of mass destruction lie hidden under the city of Pacta Servanda. Remnants of the Great Guilds and rebellious factions of the Empire want to seize those weapons to allow them to regain control of the world of Dematr. Only Jason, brought by the first ship from Earth since the colony failed, might be able to disarm the threat. But he also might know how to employ those weapons, making him a danger for all sides.

Standing between those threats is Kira of Dematr. But Kira, who inexplicably has been able to manifest Mage powers as well as technical skills, finds herself being consumed by the mental conflicts between those powers and skills. As rogue Mechanics, Mages, and mercenaries attack with every weapon at their disposal, Kira suffers more blackouts and begins to lose her mind. The fate of her world rests on whether she can stay alive and find answers in time to problems that no one else has ever confronted.

Precious Dragon

Detective Inspector Chen: Book 3

Liz Williams

In this, the third Detective Inspector Chen novel, Chen and Zhu are given a major assignment to escort an emissary from heaven on a diplomatic mission to hell. Zhu tries to dodge his demonic family's overtures, but ends up embroiled in hell's political intrigues. At the same time, a young boy born to ghostly parents in Hell is sent to live with his grandmother in Singapore Three. The boy, Precious Dragon, is being chased by Hell's most dangerous creatures and ends up being the key to unlock the mystery that is quickly spiraling out of control. Chen and Zhu find themselves in the middle of a struggle much bigger then they can fully comprehend, and when the dust finally settles, neither heaven nor hell will be the same.

The Dragon Revenant

Deverry Cycle Act 1: Deverry: Book 4

Katharine Kerr

For years the provinces of Deverry have been in turmoil; now the conflict escalates with the kidnapping of Rhodry Maelwaedd, heir to the throne of Aberwyn. Intent on rescuing him, his beloved Jill and the elven wizard Salamander infiltrate the distant land of Bardex, where Rhodry is held captive. Tied to Deverry by obligation and circumstance, the immortal wizard Nevyn begins to see that all the kingdom's problems can be traced to a single source: a master of dark magics, backed by a network of evil that stretches across the sea. Now Nevyn understands that he too is being lured away to Bardek--and into a subtle, deadly trap designed especially for him.

Katharine Kerr's novels of the Kingdom of Deverry unfold in a world of stunning richness and depth. Her vivid portrayal of characters caught in a complex web of fate and magic captures the imagination with a realism that few can match. Now she retums to this enchanted kingdom, where the wheels of destiny are tuming anew.

The Red Wyvern

Deverry Cycle Act 3: The Dragon Mage: Book 1

Katharine Kerr

Katharine Kerr's richly imagined cycle of novels set in Deverry and the Westlands has earned a devoted following--and a reputation as the finest Celtic fantasy being written today. Now she returns to Deverry's war-ravaged past....

In a kingdom torn by civil war, young Lillorigga seeks to shield her dawning powers from her cruel mother Merodda's manipulation. Mistress of a magic that, untamed, could kill her, Lilli brings her terrifying visions under the kindlier tutelage of the mysterious dweomermaster, Nevyn. But soon she must choose between her own clan and the true king who fights to claim his rightful throne, between sanctuary and blood feud, loyalty and love. Little does she dream that the slaughter she invites, and the malevolence she defies, could stalk her across the ages...twisting and twining the strands of timeless destinies.

The Black Raven

Deverry Cycle Act 3: The Dragon Mage: Book 2

Katharine Kerr

For the devoted followers of the dazzling Deverry and Westlands cycle, Katharine Kerr continues the magical epic saga she began in The Red Wyvern.

The Black Raven

Her latest tale shifts effortlessly between the shattered lands of the Rhiddaer and Dun Deverry itself. At the historic end of the Civil Wars, Lilli, newly apprenticed to the dweomer, fights with her untried powers to save her beloved Prince Maryn from evil. Centuries later, in the city of Cerr Cawnen, the old evil awakens yet again when the sorceress Raena schemes to destroy Rhodry Maelwaedd, her bitter enemy during life after life. But her malice will draw the intervention of astral powers--and unleash the ravaging rage of Rhodry's guardian dragon. Only another untried dweomer can buy safety for the city and the berserker himself--and only at a most fearsome price....

The Fire Dragon

Deverry Cycle Act 3: The Dragon Mage: Book 3

Katharine Kerr

Katharine Kerr has enchanted readers with her magical Deverry and Westlands cycle, and now she brings to a breathtaking conclusion the epic saga begun with The Red Wyvern and The Black Raven.

The final chapter begins in the holy city as it rises from the ashes of Deverry's long wars. Prince Maryn prepares to claim the high kingship, but still the rebel Boar clan stands fast against him. And at court, his illicit passion for the young dweomer apprentice, Lilli, threatens to revive a curse that only she -- at her own peril -- can lift.

It is a drama that will be played out centuries later in the city of Cerr Cawnen. Among the many who take refuge in the lakeside citadel, nestled in a volcano's shadow, are a Westfolk band guided by the elven enchantress Dallandra and protected by Rhodry Maelwaedd and his fiery guardian dragon.

Meanwhile, from the north come the savage Horsekin slavers, ancient foe of the Westfolk, now bent on the domination of Cerr Cawnen. They are awaited by the sorceress Raena, their self-sworn high priestess and the votary of an evil goddess. Now, as Rhodry and Raena renew their timeless enmity, the fate of the city and every soul within it hangs in the balance -- and on an act of self-sacrifice dangerous beyond imagining.

The Pendragon Protocol

Devices Trilogy: Book 1

Philip Purser-Hallard

The Circle are the modern-day successors of the Knights of the Round Table. Armed with the latest military hardware and operating from a hidden fortress on the South Bank, they protect 21st-century Britain from certain very specific threats - criminals who, like the Circle's own Knights, have characters from Arthurian legend living inside their heads.

Jory Taylor, the Knight bearing the device of Sir Gawain, has grappled on the Circle's behalf with mercenaries, serial killers and far-right terrorist cells. However, when he is captured by Gawain's traditional enemy the Green Knight, he discovers a new side to the myths he lives by - one which, as he learns more about this clandestine world, becomes both threateningly personal and terrifyingly political. The legends of King Arthur are not the only stories with influence on the British psyche - and some of the others have their own, very different agendas.

A smart, contemporary political thriller and a new kind of urban fantasy, The Pendragon Protocol is the first volume in The Devices Trilogy.

Night Shift Dragons

DFZ: Book 3

Rachel Aaron

They say family always sticks together, but when you're your dad's only lifeline and the whole world--humans, dragons, and gods--wants you dead, "family bonding" takes on a whole new meaning.

My name is Opal Yong-ae, and I'm in way over my head. I thought getting rid of my dad's bad luck curse would put things back to normal. Instead, I'm stuck playing caretaker to the Great Dragon of Korea. That wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't such a jerk, or if every dragon on the planet wasn't out to kill him, or if he were my only problem.

Turns out, things can always get worse in the DFZ. When a rival spirit attacks my god/boss to turn the famously safety-optional city into a literal death arena with Nik as his bloody champion, I'm thrust onto the front lines and way out of my comfort zone. When gods fight, mortals don't usually survive, but I'm not alone this time. Even proud old dragons can learn new tricks, and with everything I love falling to pieces, the father I've always run from might just be the only force in the universe stubborn enough to pull us back together.

The Purple Dragon

Doc Savage Novels: Book 91

Kenneth Robeson

Graduates of Doc's college for criminals who revert to their former identities. A master trickster who will stop at nothing to further his evil plans. A ferocious monster that turns men's minds to mush. All are part of a cunning scheme which the Man of Bronze and his loyal companions must smash -- or die trying.

Harold A. Davis authored this novel under pseudonym Kenneth Robeson.

The King's Dragon

Doctor Who New Series: Book 41

Una McCormack

'They called it Enamour. It turned minds, sold merchandise, and swayed elections. And it did its job far too well...'

In the city-state of Geath, the King lives in a golden hall, and the people want for nothing. Everyone is happy and everyone is rich. Or so it seems. When the Doctor, Amy and Rory look beneath the surface, they discover a city of secrets. In dark corners, strange creatures are stirring. At the heart of the hall, a great metal dragon oozes gold.

Then the Herald appears, demanding the return of her treasure... And next come the gunships. The battle for possession of the treasure has begun, and only the Doctor and his friends can save the people of the city from being destroyed in the crossfire of an ancient civil war. But will the King surrender his new-found wealth? Or will he fight to keep it...?

The Dragon King

Doctor Who: Decide Your Destiny: Book 11

Trevor Baxendale

A BBC Books adventure book based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Tenth Doctor.

Of Dragons, Feasts and Murders

Dominion of the Fallen: Dragons and Blades: Book 1

Aliette de Bodard

Lunar New Year should be a time for familial reunions, ancestor worship, and consumption of an unhealthy amount of candied fruit.

But when dragon prince Thuan brings home his brooding and ruthless husband Asmodeus for the New Year, they find not interminable family gatherings, but a corpse outside their quarters. Asmodeus is thrilled by the murder investigation; Thuan, who gets dragged into the political plotting he'd sworn off when he left, is less enthusiastic.

It'll take all of Asmodeus's skill with knives, and all of Thuan's diplomacy, to navigate this one--as well as the troubled waters of their own relationship...

Of Charms, Ghosts and Grievances

Dominion of the Fallen: Dragons and Blades: Book 2

Aliette de Bodard

It was supposed to be a holiday, with nothing more challenging than babysitting, navigating familial politics and arguing about the proper way to brew tea.

But when dragon prince Thuan and his ruthless husband Asmodeus find a corpse in a ruined shrine and a hungry ghost who is the only witness to the crime, their holiday goes from restful to high-pressure. Someone is trying to silence the ghost and everyone involved. Asmodeus wants revenge for the murder; Thuan would like everyone, including Asmodeus, to stay alive.

Chased by bloodthirsty paper charms and struggling to protect their family, Thuan and Asmodeus are going to need all the allies they can--and, as the cracks in their relationship widen, they'll have to face the scariest challenge of all: how to bring together their two vastly different ideas of their future...

Dragon Princess

Dragon: Book 1

S. Andrew Swann

Frank Blackthorne's most recent heist did not end optimally. The sacrificial virgin survived, but the whole incident left Frank, a respectable career thief, on the run from a kingdom full of evil cultists eager to replace their sacrifice.

So, when the Court Wizard of Lendowyn, Elhared the Unwise, comes to him intending to hire someone to save Lendowyn's princess from an evil dragon in return for riches, glory, and help with the bloodthirsty cultists problem, Frank is rightfully suspicious. Frank is also not in a position to refuse.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Frank's rescue fails--in an explosion of spectacularly misapplied magic. When the dust settles, all parties involved find themselves body-swapped. Frank is left stranded in the Princess Lucille's body, halfway across the kingdom. The understandably angry Princess Lucille finds herself inhabiting the body of the dragon. In order to set things right, they will have to team up and face down thugs, slavers, elvish bookies, knights in shining armor, an evil Queen, and the hordes of the Dark Lord Nâtalc.

Dragon Thief

Dragon: Book 2

S. Andrew Swann

All Frank Blackthorne wants is a little vacation from being the princess. The involuntary swap in gender has been bad enough, but being a figurehead for the Royal Court of Lendowyn is becoming downright oppressive. In a fit of drunken self-pity, Frank turns to using a cursed artifact, hoping to become a man again, if only temporarily.

The good news is he becomes a man again, a kingdom away from Lendowyn court.

The bad news is the man whose body he now occupies belongs to a notorious thief wanted by every kingdom in the known world. A man of ruthless ambition who has left unimaginable destruction in his wake. A man who Frank has inadvertently deposited in the middle of the Lendowyn court in the body of the princess.

Now he's stranded, his only allies a group of outcast teenage girls convinced that he's the legendary master thief Snake. He must get back to Lendowyn--avoiding the armies of thieves, mercenaries, and assassins after the bounty on his new head.

Dragon Wizard

Dragon: Book 3

S. Andrew Swann

It has been a year since former thief Frank Blackthorne became Princess of Lendowyn and married a dragon. He's coming to terms with his new life, but during the royal anniversary banquet, an elven prince reads a scroll of evil magic and Frank's world is turned upside-down. Again.

The scroll's spell causes a murderous rampage in a palace full of noble dignitaries, so it's no surprise Frank's visitors are angry. The Elf-King Timoras threatens war but Frank can't do anything about it: because of the same bit of scroll magic, the ex-Dragon Lucille has taken over the princess's body, unaware that Frank is still there, locked in her skull. And worst of all, the fate of everyone may soon rest on the shoulders of the man responsible for the whole mess, someone who should be safely dead...

The Stolen Throne

Dragon Age: Book 1

David Gaider

Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne

After his mother, the beloved Rebel Queen, is betrayed and murdered by her own faithless lords, young Maric becomes the leader of a rebel army attempting to free his nation from the control of a foreign tyrant.

His countrymen live in fear; his commanders consider him untested; and his only allies are Loghain, a brash young outlaw who saved his life, and Rowan, the beautiful warrior maiden promised to him since birth. Surrounded by spies and traitors, Maric must find a way to not only survive but achieve his ultimate destiny: Ferelden's freedom and the return of his line to the stolen throne.

The Calling

Dragon Age: Book 2

David Gaider

After two hundred years of exile, King Maric has allowed the legendary Grey Wardens to finally return to Ferelden. When they come, however, they bring dire news: one of their own has escaped into the Deep Roads and aligned himself with their ancient enemy, the monstrous darkspawn.

The Grey Wardens need Maric's help, and he reluctantly agrees to lead them into the passages he traveled through many years before, chasing after a deadly secret that will threaten to destroy not only the Grey Wardens but also the Kingdom above.


Dragon Age: Book 3

David Gaider

Return to the dark fantasy world created for the award-winning, triple platinum game, Dragon Age™: Origins in this third tie-in novel!

A mystical killer stalks the halls of the White Spire, the heart of templar power in the mighty Orlesian Empire. To prove his innocence, Rhys reluctantly embarks on a journey into the western wastelands that will not only reveal much more than he bargained for but change the fate of his fellow mages forever.

The Masked Empire

Dragon Age: Book 4

Patrick Weekes

Empress Celene of Orlais rose to the throne of the most powerful nation in Thedas through wisdom, wit, and ruthless manipulation. Now, the empire she has guided into an age of enlightenment is threatened from within by imminent war between the templars and the mages even as rebellion stirs among the downtrodden elves. To save Orlais, Celene must keep her hold on the throne by any means necessary.

Fighting with the legendary skill of the Orlesian Chevaliers, Grand Duke Gaspard has won countless battles for the empire and the empress. But as the Circle fails and chaos looms, Gaspard begins to doubt that Celene's diplomatic approach Orlais' problems will keep the empire safe. Perhaps it is time for a new leader, one who lives by the tenets of the Chevalier's Code, to make Orlais strong again.

Briala has been Celene's handmaid since the two of them were children, subtly using her position to help improve the lives of elves across Orlais. She is Celene's confidante, spymaster, and lover, but when politics force the empress to choose between the rights of the elves and the Orlesian throne, Briala must decide where her true loyalties lie.

In this thrilling tie-in to the award-winning Dragon Age™ games, alliances are forged and promises broken as Celene and Gaspard battle for the throne of Orlais. But in the end, the elves who hide in the forests or starve in the slums may decide the fate of the masked empire.

Last Flight

Dragon Age: Book 5

Liane Merciel

Return to Thedas, the setting of BioWare's award-winning Dragon Age dark fantasy rpg, and discover what dark, forgotten secrets lurk in the history of the legendary Grey Wardens.

The Grey Wardens are heroes across Thedas once again: the Archdemon has been defeated with relative ease and the scattered darkspawn are being driven back underground. The Blight is over. Or so it seems.

Valya, a young elven mage recently recruited into the Wardens, has been tasked with studying the historical record of previous Blights in order to gain insight into newly reported, and disturbing, darkspawn phenomena. Her research into the Fourth Blight leads her to an encoded reference scrawled in the margins of an ancient map, and to the hidden diary of Issenya, one of the last of the fabled griffon riders. As the dark secrets buried in Isseyna's story unfold, Valya begins to question everything she thought she knew about the heroic Grey Wardens....

Tevinter Nights

Dragon Age: Book 6

Patrick Weekes

An anthology of original stories based on the dark fantasy, role-playing video game series from Bioware.

Ancient horrors. Marauding invaders. Powerful mages. And a world that refuses to stay fixed.

Welcome to Thedas.

From the stoic Grey Wardens to the otherworldly Mortalitasi necromancers, from the proud Dalish elves to the underhanded Antivan Crow assassins, Dragon Age is filled with monsters, magic, and memorable characters making their way through dangerous world whose only constant is change.

  • 9 - Three Trees to Midnight - short fiction by Patrick Weekes
  • 50 - Down Among the Dead Men - short fiction by Sylvia Feketekuty
  • 74 - The Horror of Hormak - short fiction by John Epler
  • 106 - Callback - short fiction by Lukas Kristjanson
  • 138 - Luck in the Gardens - short fiction by Sylvia Feketekuty
  • 164 - Hunger - short fiction by Brianne Battye
  • 200 - Murder by Death Mages - short fiction by Caitlin Sullivan Kelly
  • 236 - The Streets of Minrathous - short fiction by Brianne Battye
  • 263 - The Wigmaker Job - short fiction by Courtney Woods
  • 300 - Genitivi Dies in the End - short fiction by Lukas Kristjanson
  • 323 - Herold Had the Plan - short fiction by Ryan Cormier
  • 351 - An Old Crow's Old Tricks - short fiction by Arone Le Bray
  • 373 - Eight Little Talons - short fiction by Courtney Woods
  • 433 - Half Up Front - short fiction by John Epler
  • 469 - Dread Wolf Take You - short fiction by Patrick Weekes

Dragon and Ceremony, Vol. 1: From a Wandmaker's Perspective

Dragon and Ceremony: Book 1

Ichimei Tsukushi

Broke and recently homeless, fledgling wandmaker Ix leaves his isolated village in search of employment only to run into Yuui, a girl with a contract entitling her to a free wand repair from his late instructor. But when Ix decides to honor the guarantee and complete the job in his teacher's stead, he quickly realizes that this is no routine tune-up. Against all odds, Yuui's wand is powered by the heart of a mythical creature thought to have gone extinct over a thousand years ago--a dragon. To complete the restoration and put both their pasts to rest, the pair must now uncover the truth behind the dragons' disappearance from the world...

Dragon and Ceremony, Vol. 2: The Passing of the Witch

Dragon and Ceremony: Book 2

Ichimei Tsukushi

When someone unravels the wand wall, the cornerstone of the capital's defenses, apprentice wandmaker Ix is all but forced to investigate the perpetrator and determine their identity. Fortunately, he won't be going it alone--both his friend Yuui and her classmate Nova tag along to lend their assistance. The few clues the trio can find lead them to a forest on the outskirts of a rural village, where a man eating, immortal witch is said to dwell. As the case and the investigators' attachment to it grow more complex, though, and the harvest festival where the witch takes her victims draws nearer, what shocking revelations will come to light...?

Dragon and Ceremony, Vol. 3: God's Many Forms

Dragon and Ceremony: Book 3

Ichimei Tsukushi

Ix travels to a monastery located in the city of Estosha to deepen his understanding of wandmaking. However, his encounters with other wandmakers there lead him to reevaluate what it means to be a craftsman. Meanwhile, Yuui gets wrapped up in a Marayist power struggle and finds herself heading to Estosha with Nova to attend a theological conference. But what could the New Order sect want with an outsider like her?

Dragon Sleeping

Dragon Circle: Book 1

Craig Shaw Gardner

Pursuing an ordinary life in 1967 Chestnut Circle, seventeen-year-old Nick Blake is astonished when his world is transformed by a fierce magical storm, forcing Nick to lead his neighbors into the heart of a sorcerer's conflict.

Dragon Walking

Dragon Circle: Book 2

Craig Shaw Gardner

In their unending struggle to control the ultimate power, wizard brothers Nunn and Ober turn neighbor against neighbor in the sleepy village of Chestnut Circle, a situation that is complicated when a destructive dragon attacks.

Dragon Burning

Dragon Circle: Book 3

Craig Shaw Gardner

The war between the Wizards is about to come to an end. The citizens of Chestnut Circle are about to have their day of reckoning. And Nick Blake is about to realize his destiny. because the Dragon has awakened, and its fire is beyond anyone's control.

The Dragon Delasangre

Dragon Delasangre: Book 1

Alan F. Troop

For centuries, they have lived among us, a secret race as old as time, they have inspired our greatest legends, our grimmest fairy tales, and our grandest nightmares. Changelings by day and slayers at dark, they call themselves People of the Blood. Mankind calls them Dragons. But few have survived to this day, and none have stepped forward to tell their story. Until now....

Here at last are the private confessions of one Peter DelaSangre...of his isolated youth on an island off the coast of Miami... of the pleasure he finds in fortune, fine art and music, and the hunt for human prey... of his lonely balancing act between the worlds of humans and Dragons, neither of which feels like home... and of the overwhelming need that will finally give his life purpose: to find a female of his own kind.

Dragon Moon

Dragon Delasangre: Book 2

Alan F. Troop

A secret race as old as time, they have inspired our greatest legends, our grimmest fairy tales, and our grandest nightmares. Changelings by day and slayers at dark, they call themselves People of the Blood. Mankind calls them Dragons. One has stepped forward to tell his story.

Four long years have passed since the murder of Peter DelaSangre's beloved wife. Although he is devoted to caring for their young son, Peter longs for a mate, someone to fill the void left by his wife's death. But only one female can satisfy his deepest desire: Chloe Blood, the younger sister of his dead wife. Intending to claim her as his bride, Peter travels to the wilds of Jamaica and settles into a lush jungle estate, where he plans to bide his time...

The Seadragon's Daughter

Dragon Delasangre: Book 3

Alan F. Troop

A secret race as old as time, they have inspired our greatest legends, our grimmest fairy tales, and our grandest nightmares. Changelings by day and slayers at dark, they call themselves People of the Blood. Mankind calls them Dragons. One has stepped forward to tell his story.

For three years, Peter DelaSangre and his beloved Chloe have lived in peace, nurturing their young family in relative happiness, until people begin to disappear from boats and islands off the coast of Miami. Rumors from the mainland force all eyes onto their private island retreat. But something more threatening than mere unwanted attention lurks in the watery depths surrounding the DelaSangres, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

Suddenly, a young, mysterious female appears on Peter's island. Her name is Lorrel. She is part of a sea-dwelling dragon race thought extinct for decades. And despite her seeming innocence, she will force him to confront his family's cold, dark past, and his own vulnerability - threatening to separate him from his family forever.

A Host of Dragons

Dragon Delasangre: Book 4

Alan F. Troop

A vessel bearing twelve mysterious passengers arrives at a marina near Peter DelaSangre's secluded island home, heralding the arrival of more sinister events - including the kidnapping of Peter's daughter and a corporation's attack against the family fortune. Now, Peter must uncover the ties that bind these misfortunes together, before it's too late.

The Heartstone Thief

Dragon Eye Chronicles: Book 1

Pippa DaCosta

In the City of Brea, thieves and sorceresses do not mix. When Curtis Vance--professional thief--stumbles into a sorceress's trap, he'd prefer to kill her than help her. Now bound to the insane sorceress, his only escape (and chance to turn a profit) is to find the long forgotten Dragon Eye gem. Little does Vance know, the Dragon Eye holds more than the key to Vance's freedom. The Eye could awaken a devastating power--a worldkiller bent on destruction, and Vance is all that stands in its way.

The Awakening

Dragon Heart Legacy: Book 1

Nora Roberts

In the realm of Talamh, a teenage warrior named Keegan emerges from a lake holding a sword--representing both power and the terrifying responsibility to protect the Fey. In another realm known as Philadelphia, a young woman has just discovered she possesses a treasure of her own...

When Breen Kelly was a girl, her father would tell her stories of magical places. Now she's an anxious twentysomething mired in student debt and working a job she hates. But one day she stumbles upon a shocking discovery: her mother has been hiding an investment account in her name. It has been funded by her long-lost father--and it's worth nearly four million dollars.

This newfound fortune would be life-changing for anyone. But little does Breen know that when she uses some of the money to journey to Ireland, it will unlock mysteries she couldn't have imagined. Here, she will begin to understand why she kept seeing that silver-haired, elusive man, why she imagined his voice in her head saying Come home, Breen Siobhan. It's time you came home. Why she dreamed of dragons. And where her true destiny lies--through a portal in Galway that takes her to a land of faeries and mermaids, to a man named Keegan, and to the courage in her own heart that will guide her through a powerful, dangerous destiny...

The Becoming

Dragon Heart Legacy: Book 2

Nora Roberts

The world of magick and the world of man have long been estranged from one another. But some can walk between the two--including Breen Siobhan Kelly. She has just returned to Talamh, with her friend, Marco, who's dazzled and disoriented by this realm--a place filled with dragons and faeries and mermaids (but no WiFi, to his chagrin). In Talamh, Breen is not the ordinary young schoolteacher he knew her as. Here she is learning to embrace the powers of her true identity. Marco is welcomed kindly by her people--and by Keegan, leader of the Fey. Keegan has trained Breen as a warrior, and his yearning for her has grown along with his admiration of her strength and skills.

But one member of Breen's bloodline is not there to embrace her. Her grandfather, the outcast god Odran, plots to destroy Talamh--and now all must unite to defeat his dark forces. There will be losses and sorrows, betrayal and bloodshed. But through it, Breen Siobhan Kelly will take the next step on the journey to becoming all that she was born to be.

The Choice

Dragon Heart Legacy: Book 3

Nora Roberts

Talamh is a land of green hills, high mountains, deep forests, and seas, where magicks thrive. But portals allow for passage in and out?and ultimately, each must choose their place, and choose between good and evil, war and peace, life and death...

Breen Siobhan Kelly grew up in the world of Man and was once unaware of her true nature. Now she is in Talamh, trying to heal after a terrible battle and heartbreaking losses. Her grandfather, the dark god Odran, has been defeated in his attempt to rule over Talamh, and over Breen?for now.

With the enemy cast out and the portal sealed, this is a time to rest and to prepare. Breen spreads her wings and realizes a power she's never experienced before. It's also a time for celebrations?of her first Christmas in both Talamh and Ireland, of solstice and weddings and births?and daring to find joy again in the wake of sorrow. She rededicates herself to writing her stories, and when his duties as taoiseach permit, she is together with Keegan, who has trained her as a warrior and whom she has grown to love.

It's Keegan who's at her side when the enemy's witches, traitorous and power-mad, appear to her in her sleep, practicing black magick, sacrificing the innocent, and plotting a brutal destruction for Breen. And soon, united with him and with all of Talamh, she will seek out those in desperate need of rescue, and confront the darkness with every weapon she has: her sword, her magicks... and her courage.


Dragon Jousters: Book 1

Mercedes Lackey

For the first time ever, national best-selling legend Mercedes Lackey draws from her extensive knowlege of animals-and her professional background as an avian expert-to create something truly special...

The most exciting, authentic and believable portrayal of dragons ever imagined.

It is a richly conceived, fully realized vision, inspired by the culture of ancient Egypt, the legends of Atlantis-and the science of animal behavior and biology. This is how dragons would live, breed, hatch, hunt, and bond.

The first book in this thrilling new series introduces readers to a young slave who dreams of becoming a Jouster-one of the few warriors who can actually ride a flying dragon. And so, in secret, he begins to raise his own dragon.


Dragon Jousters: Book 2

Mercedes Lackey

National best-selling fantasy legend Mercedes Lackey created a vivid, dynamic fusion of the Upper and Lower Kingdoms of ancient Egypt with the most exciting, authentic and believable portrayal of dragons ever imagined. In the second novel in Mercedes Lackey's richly-conceived Dragon Jousters series, the dragonrider Vetch escapes to Alta, the subjugated land of his birth. There, he hopes to teach his people to raise and train dragons-and build an army that will liberate his homeland.


Dragon Jousters: Book 3

Mercedes Lackey

In the third novel of the best-selling Dragon Jousters series, The Altan serf Vetch has escaped the enemy kingdom of Tia, only to find his homeland, Alta, enslaved by the evil Priest-Kings. With a small band of followers, Vetch must gather a secret army of dragon riders to rid their world of war and magical domination once and for all.


Dragon Jousters: Book 4

Mercedes Lackey

Kiron has secretly gathered an army of dragon riders to seek refuge in the abandoned desert city they have named Sanctuary, where they join with other dragon riders to rid their world of both war and magical domination. But now it is time to build a new society in Aerie: an ancient city that seems to have been designed for dragon riders and their dragons.

Dragon Prince

Dragon Prince: Book 1

Melanie Rawn

Melanie Rawn's best-selling debut is a novel of love and war, magic and madness, and deadly dangerous dragons that hold the secret to unimaginable wealth that could prove key to mutual peace-or a bloody tyrant's reign. And among it all, an idealistic young ruler struggles to civilize a culture that understands the strength of the sword-but has yet to discover the true power of knowledge.

The Star Scroll

Dragon Prince: Book 2

Melanie Rawn

As High Prince and Princess, Rohan and Sioned must keep both the peace and the secret of the dragons. But the legacy of their evil predecessor remains-and as their son Pol grows up, the kingdom splits in what may become a bloody battle for the crown.

To make things worse, a long-vanquished foe vows to destroy the Prince. The only hope of defeating their dark sorcery lies in reclaiming the knowledge so carefully concealed in the long-lost Star Scroll.

Sunrunner's Fire

Dragon Prince: Book 3

Melanie Rawn

Andry, the new Sunrunner Lord of Goddess Keep, must master potentially deadly magical knowledge before he can confront the ancietn foe who nearly destroyed the Sunrunners ages ago. But the enemy is mobilizing to strike again, drawing on forbidden lore to play an ever-shifting game of treachery and betrayal.


Dragon Scales: Book 1

Laura Lam

Long ago, humans betrayed dragons, stealing their magic and banishing them to a dying world. Centuries later, their descendants worship dragons as gods. But the "gods" remember, and they do not forgive.

Thief Arcady scrapes a living on the streets of Vatra. Desperate, Arcady steals a powerful artifact from the bones of the Plaguebringer, the most hated person in Lumet history. Only Arcady knows the artifact's magic holds the key to a new life among the nobles at court and a chance for revenge.

The spell connects to Everen, the last male dragon foretold to save his kind, dragging him through the Veil. Disguised as a human, Everen soon learns that to regain his true power and form and fulfil his destiny, he only needs to convince one little thief to trust him enough to bond completely--body, mind, and soul--and then kill them.

Yet the closer the two become, the greater the risk both their worlds will shatter.


Dragon Star: Book 1

Melanie Rawn

A generation of peace is about to be shattered as a seemingly unstoppable invasion force lays siege to High Prince Rohan's realm. For Andry, the Sunrunner Lord, the invasion is a fulfilment of his long-ago visions of disaster to come. This is the first book in the "Dragon Star" trilogy.

The Dragon Token

Dragon Star: Book 2

Melanie Rawn

In the sequel to Stronghold, as Rohan's son and heir, Pol, rallies his forces in a desperate bid to halt the advance of the invaders, ancient rivalries weaken his alliance.


Dragon Star: Book 3

Melanie Rawn

In the final volume of the "Dragon Star" trilogy, Sioned, the mother of High Prince Pol, leads a daring mission into the castle where her daughter-in-law is held captive.

Dragon's Egg

Dragon's Egg: Book 1

Robert L. Forward

In a moving story of sacrifice and triumph, human scientists establish a relationship with intelligent lifeforms--the cheela--living on Dragon's Egg, a neutron star where one Earth hour is equivalent to hundreds of their years. The cheela culturally evolve from savagery to the discovery of science, and for a brief time, men are their diligent teachers . . .


Dragon's Egg: Book 2

Robert L. Forward

Starquake, the sequel to Dragons Egg, takes place on the surface of a neutron star. The gravity is 67 billion Earth gravities. The native cheela, the size of sesame seeds, live a million times faster than their human friends in orbit. After a starquake, the humans have only one day to save the remains of cheela civilization from extinction.

Dragon's Ring

Dragon's Ring: Book 1

Dave Freer

Tasmarin is a place of dragons, a plane cut off from all other worlds, where dragons can be dragons and humans can be dinner. It's a place of islands, forests, mountains and wild oceans, filled with magical denizens. Fionn--the black dragon--calmly tells anyone who will listen that he's going to destroy the place.

Of course he's a joker, a troublemaker and a dragon of no fixed abode. No one ever believes him.

He's dead serious.

Others strive to refresh the magics that built this place. To do so they need the combined magics of all the intelligent species, to renew the ancient balance and compact. There is just one problem. They need a human mage, and dragons systematically eliminated those centuries ago. Their augury has revealed that there is one, and they seek her desperately. Unfortunately, she's fallen in with Fionn, who really doesn't want them to succeed. He has his own reasons and dark designs. The part he hadn't worked out is that she will affect his plans too.

Chaos, roguery, heroism, theft, love, kidnapping, magic and war follow. And more chaos.

Dog and Dragon

Dragon's Ring: Book 2

Dave Freer

Lyonesse: a world formed by magic, where a dark power struggle is underway between an ancient sorceress with her shadow army and the human subjects of Lyonesse's power-mad wizard. The only spark of hope is a prophecy that tells of a Defender who will one day come and set things to right.

Young Meb doesn't think she's obligated to be the prophesied Defender of Lyonesse, but she is adept at the universe-folding skill of Planomancy and has been trained by a world-walking trouble shooter of the multiverse, the great Dragon Fionn himself--a dragon who is desperately searching the universes for his lost Meb, whom he's come to love.

As the legions of Shadow Hall gather and with the Dragon Fionn fast on the way, magical battle is joined, and the destiny of universes hangs upon the courage in one young woman's heart.

When the Star Kings Die

Dragonard: Book 1

John Jakes

In the tenth age of the star kings of II Galaxy... in that far off day of a far off future when mankind has spread beyond the Home Cluster, there was a man called Dragonard. Dragonard the Beast some called this fallen warrior of the immortal Lords of the Exchange who ruled and owned a million worlds. But Dragonard the Last Hope thought others when the terrible rumor spread that the star kings were finally dying. Dragonard did not know what to believe until he found himself torn from his prison, turned loose on a strange planet as a human weapon to be plunged into the heart of a cosmic mystery. But whose weapon was he? And what was his real mission? And above all how could he free himself to act for the real good of the people?

The Planet Wizard

Dragonard: Book 2

John Jakes

On a post-apocalyptic world far from Earth, Magus Blacklaw, a traveling mountebank, is in trouble with the law. He and his daughter soon fall in with a young man, and pretty soon all three are condemned to ride a skysled to exorcize the demons of a formerly commercial sister planet.

Dragon and Thief

Dragonback: Book 1

Timothy Zahn

Jack Morgan is dealing with more trouble than any young man deserves. Raised to be a professional thief and con artist by his late uncle Virgil, he's survived on his uncle's spaceship with the help of an AI program. But when he's accused of a crime he actually didn't commit, Jack is forced to flee to a remote, uninhabited planet where he can stay off the radar for a while.

His solitude is soon interrupted when a ship crashes on Jack's hideout after a terrible space battle. There's only one survivor: a warrior called Draycos, whose reptilian race is being targeted for extinction.

The good news is that if Jack helps Draycos, the odd creature might be able to help clear Jack's name. The not-so-good news is that to survive, Draycos must bond--physically and mentally--with a sentient being to use as his "host."

And it looks like Jack is the only sentient being around...

Dragon and Soldier

Dragonback: Book 2

Timothy Zahn

Even though he's been on the run from the law for a while, young Jack Morgan never wanted a bodyguard. But that's what he got when a desperate alien named Draycos bonded with him for survival. When all is well, Draycos looks like nothing more than a tattoo on Jack's back. But when Jack's threatened, the K'da warrior appears in his true, dragonlike form.

Now, Jack's indebted to his new symbiotic friend for saving his life, and feels obligated to help Draycos fulfill his vow to discover who's behind the plot to eradicate his kind.

All they know for sure is that whoever annihilated the fleet of K'da refugee ships used mercenaries to do their dirty work. To investigate, Jack signs up with a merc outfit known for using teenagers to fill their ranks. But life in the military is far more unpleasant than Jack bargained for--and it turns out he's not the only new recruit who isn't what they appear to be

Dragon and Slave

Dragonback: Book 3

Timothy Zahn

Fugitive Jack Morgan and dragonlike alien Draycos have become literally inseparable. After Jack rescued him from a crash, the K'da warrior, who must have a host to survive, took residence on his back as a biomorphic tattoo, in return protecting the boy from harm. While Jack tries to clear his own name of a crime he didn't commit, he also helps Draycos uncover a conspiracy to destroy his race.

After narrowly escaping service with a band of mercs, Jack and Draycos know that whoever wants the K'da dead was involved with a Brummga alien--brutish beings known to be tough as nails... and dumb as rocks.

To get more information, Jack's "sold" into slavery on a rich Brummga estate, where he has to find out all he can from the computer system while under the cruel watch of a vicious slave master who has no problem killing the help.

It's not going to be easy. But, as always, Draycos has his back...

Dragon and Herdsman

Dragonback: Book 4

Timothy Zahn

Jack Morgan has had it rough. He was orphaned at three, then lost his Uncle Virgil ten years later. But the plucky fourteen-year-old didn't know what rough was until he met Draycos, sole survivor of an advance force of alien refugees that had been brutally ambushed over the world where Jack was in hiding from the authorities. The K'da poet-warrior needed to bond with a host, or he would die; the reformed boy thief and con artist needed a friend, someone he could depend on as he tried to clear his name. Since then they've formed a unique team, determined to find and expose those responsible for the slaughter of Draycos's team.

In the months since fate threw them together, they've been through a lot. But when Jack tries to hack the computer in an office of the notorious Malison Ring, their quest nearly ends in the jaws of that mercenary organization's trap.

Luckily, Alison Kayna, a girl Jack had worked with as a reluctant mercenary for another outfit, comes to his rescue. Evading pursuit, they escape to the primitive world of Rho Scorvi, where she's planned a rendezvous with friends.

But at the edge of Rho Scorvi's hundred-mile-wide forest, they make a shocking discovery: traveling with a group of the planet's native Erassvas is a small lost colony of Draycos's own race, the K'da. But unlike Draycos's people, these K'da--known as Phookas--are slow, lethargic, and unintelligent. When the Malison Ring tracks Jack's ship, the Essenay to Rho Scorvi, Jack realizes that unless he and Draycos and a reluctant Alison can lead the Phookas to safety in the forest, these unfortunate creatures will become the latest victims of the genocide that threatens to wipe out their entire race.

Jack has already been a thief, a soldier, and a slave. Now he must become a herdsman, protecting the Phookas from danger as they travel deep into the unexplored forest. But even more importantly, he must protect from the mercenaries and Alison the dark secret of the herd and Jack's poet-warrior ally. Only if they succeed do they stand a chance of surviving Rho Scorvi to continue their quest...

Dragon and Judge

Dragonback: Book 5

Timothy Zahn

Orphaned at the age of three, brought up by his Uncle Virgil, a con man, Jack Morgan has done things that are unusual even in the future in space. But when he rescued Draycos, a dragon-like symbiont, from certain death, his life became a series of breathtaking adventures. With the help of Draycos, who can leap onto Jack's back and become what looks like a tattoo, Jack has been doing everything he can to find out who ambushed the scout-fleet of Draycos's people, the K'da and Shontine, leaving Draycos the sole survivor.

Now Jack thinks he may finally be on the trail of the information he needs. But before he can act on what he knows, he's kidnapped by aliens, who ask him to be a judge for them, as, they reveal to him, his parents had once been.

Jack's friend Alison Kayna and her newly acquired K'da symbiont are also kidnapped, by the people trying to ambush the K'da/Shontine fleet. Her captors will do almost anything to learn from Alison where the fleet will rendezvous. Jack and Draycos must rescue her before Alison is hurt--or worse. Using every trick in the book, Jack and Draycos race to her aid, but they aren't able to eliminate the threat to the endangered fleet... and precious time is running out!

Dragon and Liberator

Dragonback: Book 6

Timothy Zahn

In this exciting space adventure, fourteen-year-old Jack Morgan and Draycos, a poet/warrior K'da dragon who can hide himself as a tattoo on Jack's back, have their backs to the wall. Brought together by a twist of fate, these two have been through a lot of scrapes, risking death and imprisonment on worlds far and wide, seeking justice for Jack and information that might save Draycos's people from a genocidal ambush.

But now, Neverlin, the man who killed Jack's parents and destroyed the scout fleet of which Draycos was the sole survivor, is about to ambush millions of K'da refugees, and kill them with a Death weapon that kills any living being within its range. To prevent Neverlin from eradicating the K'da race, Jack and Draycos must somehow disable the Death.

But for Jack and Draycos, things never seem to go the way they should. When Jack's friend Alison is captured, Jack gives himself up to keep her from being harmed. Neverlin, with Jack and Draycos as his prisoners, holds all the cards. But desperate times call for desperate measures, as time is running out, not just for our young heroes, but also for the millions of K'da who face annihilation, and resourceful Jack and his remarkable ally will fine a way... or die trying.

A powerful, thrilling conclusion to this terrific Young Adult six-book series. Fun for readers 10 and older.


Dragonbound: Book 1

Carl Miller

Periwinkle was a warrior. Bellchime was a wizard. Years ago, Periwinkle had given her heart to Bellchime, but he had never returned for her. Then, she has a vision of Bellchime in thrall to a fearsome dragon and sets out on a desperate journey to free him.

The Warrior and the Witch

Dragonbound: Book 2

Carl Miller

Rockdream, guardsman of the City, and Coral, a banished sorceress, cannot quell their passion for each other, and, as their city is besieged by the dragon, Riversong, their love grows.

The Goblin Plain War

Dragonbound: Book 3

Carl Miller

The proud city of Newport has fallen, consumed by the wrath of the great dragon Riversong. Yet some survived the chaos, fleeing the terror and destruction all around, driven far inland, to the wilderness of swamp and plain. A harsh land, and one home to the goblins - fierce, primitive people, long enemies of all humans. But the men and women of Newport have nowhere to go, save to servitude, and they will fight as fiercely as any goblin to keep their newfound home. In a world torn apart by bloodshed, the only hope for peace is the warrior and the witch.

Perchance To Dream And Other Stories

DragonCrown War

Michael A. Stackpole


  • 9 - Introduction (Perchance To Dream And Other Stories) - (2005) - essay
  • 11 - Perchance to Dream - [DragonCrown War] - (2005) - novelette
  • 51 - The Krells of Tancras Moor - (2003) - novelette
  • 77 - Let Me Call You Sweetheart - (1991) - shortstory
  • 99 - Tip-Off - (1995) - novelette
  • 129 - Absolutely Charming - (1991) - shortstory
  • 141 - The Parker Panic - (1999) - novelette
  • 175 - Wind Tiger - (1992) - novelette
  • 211 - Blood Duty - (1995) - shortstory
  • 217 - When You're Dead... - (2001) - shortstory
  • 235 - It's the Thought That Counts - (1992) - shortstory
  • 263 - Asgard Unlimited - (1998) - shortstory
  • 285 - Shepherd - [Talion] - (1991) - shortstory
  • 311 - The Final Gift - (1990) - shortstory
  • 321 - Kid Binary and the Two-Bit Gang - (1997) - shortstory
  • 345 - The Greenhorn - (2002) - poem
  • 353 - Peer Review - (1995) - novelette

The Dark Glory War

DragonCrown War

Michael A. Stackpole

Four young men come of age in a time of prophecy and war....

New York Times bestselling author Michael A. Stackpole is a recognized star of military fantasy. The Dark Glory War is a thrilling new tale set in a world threatened by an unstoppable foe....

In the sacred season of the Moon Month, four young men don the masks that herald their coming-of-age celebration, a time of testing, ritual, festival, and romance.

But for Tarrant Hawkins and his friends Leigh, Rounce, and Nay, their first test becomes a desperate struggle for survival. For they will encounter the vanguard of an invasion force poised to overrun their homeland of Oriosa, and all four will find their lives changed forever when they encounter a legendary weapon that brings its wielder invincibility. Yet the magic sword may prove more curse than blessing, signaling the arrival of a cataclysmic battle with ancient foes. And in the face of dire sorceries and terrible battles, these youths will come to manhood... or to death.

Fortress Draconis

DragonCrown War: Book 1

Michael A. Stackpole

In an age of treachery and peril, a young thief may be the prophesied savior ... or the betrayer of the world.

From Michael A. Stackpole, New York Times bestselling author and a master of epic fantasy, comes a stirring chronicle of magic, intrigue, passion, and the most unlikely of heroes...

Once one of the grandest of human cities, Yslin now has a dark heart known as the Dimandowns. And when Will, an orphaned young thief from the Dim, plots to prove himself to his master by stealing a prize from the exiled Elves who share the fetid slums, his theft of the strange artifact snares him in a web of prophecy.

It also brings him together with Kedyn's Crow, a shadowy human warrior, and Resolute, a Vorquelf determined to redeem his long-lost island home. To them, Will could be the fulfillment of a long-held dream and the last chance the world has to save itself from Chytrine, the northern tyrant who would be empress of the world.

But their belief in Will finds few allies in a world torn by war and magick. Preoccupied with their own internecine struggles, the world's leaders see Will as a pawn. Only Chytrine seems able to recognize Will's destiny, and she sends her Dark Lancers to destroy him. For who better to destroy a hero than the ill-fated heroes of the previous generation, survivors of a failed war to exterminate Chytrine, now corrupted to her service?

Yet even as Will is tested, a new generation takes up arms where their predecessors failed. Alexia, princess of a dead nation, leads an army to oppose Chytrine. And the sorcerers of Vilwan have fashioned their own hero, Kerrigan Reese, bestowing upon him powers and abilities no human has held for centuries.

Together these heroes travel to the mysterious Fortress Draconis to stop Chytrine from stealing more fragments of the DragonCrown -- a powerful artifact that, once in her control, will guarantee her dominion forever.

When Dragons Rage

DragonCrown War: Book 2

Michael A. Stackpole

As her merciless armies sweep from the north, the tyrant Chytrine pursues her quest to become empress of the world in a brutal campaign of unspeakable bloodshed and unholy sorcery. While cities and kingdoms topple, her agents, both living and dead, search for fragments of the shattered DragonCrown--which, when reassembled, will make her unstoppable.

Opposing Chytrine is the beautiful and determined Alexia, Princess of Okrannel. As she struggles to save the life of Kedyn's Crow, a mysterious human warrior accused of treachery, she gathers around her an alliance of unlikely heroes, including Resolute, an exiled Vorquelf out for vengeance; Kerrigan Reese, a mage with uncertain potential; and last but not least, young Will, an orphan thief from the slums of Yslin, who may be the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy--or its innocent victim. Alexia and her friends will need all their courage and magick, their only advantage the secret possession of a vital fragment of the DragonCrown.

But when Chytrine's terrifying horde of cruel warriors, voracious minions, and remorseless undead slaves join the battle against them, even courage and magick may not be enough to stem the tide of ultimate darkness.

The Grand Crusade

DragonCrown War: Book 3

Michael A. Stackpole

The hope of the future, Will Norrington, prophesied to bring down the northern tyrant Chytrine and redeem the world, is said to be dead, lost in the heart of a fiery volcano. The news has thrown the Council of Kings into a furor and drained the spirit from once united factions. As questions swirl about as to Will's legacy, and even his identity, one thing is clear: a divided alliance lacks power. And this may be exactly the opening Chytrine needs to seize control-and capture the empowering artifact, the DragonCrown-once and for all.

Still, Will's friends and comrades remain true to his cause, preparing to continue the fight. Among them is the Vilwanese hero, Kerrigan Reese, and Alyx, groomed to lead an army. Sayce, pregnant with Will's child, must remain behind as the new custodian of the Norrington future in case they fail. But even as they draw up battle plans, with the enemy nearer than they think, a shattering betrayal-and a stunning revelation-may change the course of everything.

Novice Dragoneer

Dragoneer Academy: Book 1

E. E. Knight

In the first book in an exciting new coming-of-age fantasy series from the author of the Age of Fire series, an impoverished girl enters into a military order of dragonriders, but her path won't be as easy or as straightforward as she expected.

Fourteen-year-old Ileth grew up in an orphanage, and thanks to her stutter was never thought to be destined for much beyond kitchen work and cleaning. But she's dreamed of serving with the dragons ever since a childhood meeting with a glittering silver dragon and its female dragoneer. For years she waits, and as soon as she is old enough to join, Ileth runs away to become a novice dragoneer at the ancient human-dragon fortress of the Serpentine.

While most of her fellow apprentices are from rich and influential families, Ileth must fight for her place in the world, even if it includes a duel with her boss at the fish-gutting table. She's then sent off to the dragon-dancers after a foolish kiss with a famously named boy and given charge of a sickly old dragon with a mysterious past. But she finds those trials were nothing when she has to take the place of a dead dragoneer and care for his imprisoned dragon in enemy lands....

Daughter of the Serpentine

Dragoneer Academy: Book 2

E. E. Knight

As a young dragoneer moves through the ranks of the prestigious Serpentine Academy, her challenges grow greater and her time grows short to draw out a series of deadly threats, in this thrilling coming-of-age fantasy novel.

Sixteen-year-old Ileth is now an Apprentice Dragoneer, with all of the benefits and pitfalls that her elevation in rank entails. But her advancement becomes less certain after she's attacked by an unknown enemy, and Ileth begins to suspect that someone deadly may be hiding within the walls of the academy.

Outside of the walls there is a different challenge. The Rari Pirates are strangling the Vale Republic. What they lack in dragon firepower, they make up for in the brutality of their ever-expanding raids, making hostages or slaves of the Republic's citizens. Surrounded by enemies, Ileth will need to learn what kind of dragoneer she wants to be. And as she makes decisions about her future, Ileth will have the chance to uncover the secrets of her past. Both will irrevocably change the course of her life.

Tales of Uncle Trapspringer: Adventures in Krynn

Dragonlance: Book 1

Dixie Lee McKeone

The most famous and legendary kender of them all finally takes (or borrows) center stage!

When Wanderlust overcomes young Trapspringer Fargo, his insatiable drive for adventure propels him along a route that only a kender could map. With curiosity as his only guide, he sets out across Ansalon and unknowingly crosses paths with a pair of corrupt gully dwarves and a misplaced evil fiend (Oops!). The result is not only the inevitable madness and mayhem, but also a chance for the diminutive Trapspringer to save all of Krynn from a catastrophie of Takhisian proportions.

The Best of Tales Volume 1

Dragonlance: Anthology: Book 1

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

Fantastical monsters and dragons of every hue. Accursed wizards and mysterious villains. Deadly battles and otherworldly spectacle. The untold adventures of the beloved Companions.

Here are collected the best short stories of the original Dragonlance Tales 1 series, unfolding a world of heroism, magic, and fantasy. It is a treasure for loyal fans of the saga, and for new readers it is an enthralling introduction to the world of Krynn.

This volume includes a new Dragonlance short story written by Margaret Weis in collabortion with Aron Eisenberg, Nog on television's Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

The Best of Tales Volume 2

Dragonlance: Anthology: Book 2

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

The legendary times of the Kingpriest, the Reign of Istar, and the War of the Lance. Tales of the wrath of gods, the clash of dragons, the emergence of foul villains and shining heroes.

Here are collected the best short stories of the Dragonlance Tales II series. For new readers, this is your invitation to a world of wondrous adventure and fantasy, while for longtime followers of theDragonlance saga, this is a collector's edition of indispensable stories.

This volume includes an exciting fast-play adventure by Tracy Hickman set in the world of Dragonlance.

Dragonlance fans will be thrilled to read this follow-up to The Best of Tales, Volume One.


  • "Six Songs for the Temple of Istar" by Michael Williams
  • "The Voyage of the Sunchaser" by Paul B. Thompson and Tonya C. Carter
  • "The Three Lives of Horgan Oxthrall" by Douglas Niles
  • "Filling the Empty Places" by Nancy Varian Berberick
  • "The Goblin's Wish" by Roger E. Moore
  • "Off Day" by Dan Parkinson
  • "Ogre Unaware" by Dan Parkinson
  • "Clockwork Hero" by Jeff Grubb
  • "No Gods, No Heroes" by Nick O'Donohoe
  • "Colors of Belief" by Richard A. Knaak
  • "Lorac" by Michael Williams

The Players of Gilean

Dragonlance: Anthology: Book 3

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

Across the ages roams an immortal troupe of actors, gifted with fantastical powers and led by a mysterious artiste with a penchant for meddling. Wherever they roam, they encounter magic and monsters and evil that requires taming.

This is the first anthology based on characters from the extraordinary novella "The Travelling Players of Gilean", by Margaret Weis and Aron Eisenberg, which was featured in The Best of Tales, Volume One. This new anthology also features novellas by best-selling Dragonlance authors Douglas Niles, Richard A. Knaak, Paul B. Thompson, and a new collaboration by Jean Rabe and Aron Eisenberg.


  • "Command Performance" by Douglas Niles
  • "Papilla" by Fergus Ryan
  • "Enter, a Ghost" by Paul B. Thompson
  • "Perfect" by Donald J. Bingle
  • "A Matter of Honor" by Richard A. Knaak
  • "Rewrites" by Aron Eisenberg and Jean Rabe

Dragons in the Archives: Celebrating 20 Years of Dragonlance

Dragonlance: Anthology: Book 4

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

A collection of the best Dragonlance short stories from Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.

This anthology showcases 20 years of storytelling in the Dragonlance world by gathering into a single volume the most popular stories written by the New York Times best-selling authors Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. Their tales have defined the entire Dragonlance saga from inception to the present day, from the Chronicles to the War of Souls and beyond. Drawn from various Dragonlance anthologies published over the last two decades, each classic story now features an introduction from a Dragonlance author. Each introduction will be different and will share that author's perspective on the past 20 years of Dragonlance tales.

Spirit of the Wind

Dragonlance: Bridges of Time: Book 1

Chris Pierson

A year has passed since the Chaos War threatened Krynn. In the east, on the Dairly Plains, the hard-won peace is shattered by a new threat: the red dragon Malystryx.

The kender Kronn-alin Thistleknot travels to Abasasinia with his older sister Catt. Together they seek heroes to stop the dragon from destroying Kendermore.

Riverwind, aging chieftain of the Que-Shu, answers the call.

Accompanied by his beloved daughter Brightdawn, Riverwind sets out in his final quest to save the kender from Malys's wrath... and to find sense in a world abandoned by the gods.

Chris Pierson's novel tells the stirring tale of the final quest of Riverwind, one of the original companions of the best-selling Dragonlance series.

Legacy of Steel

Dragonlance: Bridges of Time: Book 2

Mary H. Herbert

Three years after the Summer of Chaos, Sara Dunstan, adoptive mother of Steel Brightblade, hears rumors that the Knights of Takhisis are regathering in the evil city of Neraka. Although still branded a renegade by the Dark Knights, she travels to Neraka with the blue dragon, Cobalt, to learn the truth. There she discovers the knights are not only rebuilding under the leadership of General Mirielle Abrena, but they have imminent plans to return to war.

Frustrated and seeking answers, Sara jounreys to the Tomb of the Last Heroes in Solace. At the tomb, she receives an answer she never expected, which inspires a new order that could help the people of Ansalon to survive the dark days ahead.

The Silver Stair

Dragonlance: Bridges of Time: Book 3

Jean Rabe

For Goldmoon and her followers, Schallsea Island is a place of bright beginnings. In the shadow of the magical ruin called the Silver Stair, a translucent spiral that leads to visions and revelations, they have started construction on the Citadel of Light. For the first time since the Chaos War, the future looks promising.

But two forces challenge Goldmoon's plan to launch a new mystical order on Krynn -- one clad in the plate mail of a Solamnic Knight, the other hidden by mysterious magic and dark shadows.

Jean Rabe's novel tells the compelling tale of the struggle to preserve the Silver Stair and to prevent the dream of Schallsea Island from becoming a nightmare.

The Rose and the Skull

Dragonlance: Bridges of Time: Book 4

Jeff Crook

Gargantuan dragons soar over Krynn, battling for control of the lands below. On the isle of Sancrist, the weakened Knights of Solamnia ask their old enemies the Knights of Takhisis, for help. At the insistence of Lord Gunthar, the knights renew the alliance forged during the last days of the Chaos War. But when the Grand Master of the Knights of Solamnia abruptly dies, the leadership of the knights -- in fact their very existence -- is challenged.

Jeff Crook's novel tells a tale of the Knights of Solamnia, the greatest knightly order on Krynn, faced with what may be their greatest challenge.

Dezra's Quest

Dragonlance: Bridges of Time: Book 5

Chris Pierson

Darken Wood... even the name brings dread to humans. But it is home to Ansalon's centaur tribes, where they have dwelt for ages in peace under the Forestmaster's watchful eye.

Now, ten years after the Summer of Chaos, strife is tearing the centaurs apart. A mad chieftain seeks to overthrow his enemies, and an even darker presence is changing the forest itself.

Trephas, a brave young warrior, sets out for Solace to seek aid agasint these enemies. He finds more than he bargained for in Caramon Majere, Hero of the Lance, and his spitfire daughter Dezra.

Acclaimed Dragonlance author Chris Pierson tells a tale of Ansalon's most mysterious race, the fabled centaurs.

The Last Thane

Dragonlance: Chaos War: Book 1

Douglas Niles

An ancient ogre empire threatens cataclysm for all in this new Dragonlance(R) trilogy!

With a dire enemy now seated on the throne of the minotaur empire, the one-handed half-breed ogre Golgren returns to his own realm on the mainland and uses brutal means to consolidate his power and forge unlikely alliances. He must cope with an elite band of sorcerers, whose magical tactics are not easily thwarted. These Ogre Titans--led by their inner circle, the Black Talon--emerge as his greatest rivals. Golgren's obsession to resurrect the glorious past of the ogre race will engulf humans and elves, but may ultimately be decided by a deadly, capricious god.

Tears of the Night Sky

Dragonlance: Chaos War: Book 2

Nancy Varian Berberick
Linda P. Baker

A journey into peril.

Cyrsania, high priestess of the Temple of Paladine, is blind to the beauty of the world but not to the joy of her faith. Lately, though, her communion with the god of light has become distant. Now a mysterious stone has come into her possession. Its power compels her to undertake a merilous quest, accompanied by a strange band of companions.

Together they endure the burning heat of Kyrnn's most violet summer as they struggle toward their destination: the Temple at Neraka.

If they reach it, their world will be transformed forever.

This novel, set in the time of the Chaos War, brings to life the story of Crysania, a Revered Daughter of Paladine, and Dalamar, the dark elf.

The Puppet King

Dragonlance: Chaos War: Book 3

Douglas Niles

Treason within, war from without.

Torn asunder by the nightmares of a mad king, the elven realm of Silvanesti has nearly been restored to its former grandeur. But the elf Porthios, returning to his homeland, launches a rebellion against young Gilthas, his own nephew.

Gilthas's troubles are multiplied by threats from green dragons and from the Knights of Takhisis. Now, with Porthios at his throat, Gilthas must choose between blood and honor.

Douglas Nile's new Dragonlance novel is filled with treachery and intrigue among the elves during the Chaos War, the backdrop for The New York Times best-selling novel; Dragons of Summer Flame.

Reavers of the Blood Sea

Dragonlance: Chaos War: Book 4

Richard A. Knaak

During the hottest summer in memory, minotaurs fight against the Knights of Takhisis, into whose hands their god Sargonnas has delivered them. In the midst of the conflict, the armies of Chaos plunge into the heart of Ansalon.

Now the minotaur warrior Aryx must unite his people and their enemy, the knights, against the monstrous servants of Chaos. If he succeeds, the two sides may forge a bond that will change Krynn for all time.

If he fails, then they will all perish.

The Siege of Mt. Nevermind

Dragonlance: Chaos War: Book 5

Fergus Ryan

A miraculous machine... and a nightmare!

Innova, a young gnomish recluse finds himself in a terrible situation. Tried in a gnomish court for an unfortunate accident and sentenced to spend months at the bottom of Mt. Nevermind tuning gnomeflingers, young Innova makes an incredible discovery. The whole gnomish society is changed by one machine that, unlike any other gnomish invention, makes the entire mountain run like clockwork.

In the face of this, Commander Halion Khargos of the Knights of Tahkisis must fulfill his Vision, sent to him by the Dark Queen Tahkisis. He must take Mt. Nevermind.

Fergus Ryan tells the amazing story of the gnomes of Mt. Nevermind during the upheval of the Chaos War. And because they're gnomes, their adventures are punctuated with two or three explosions.

Dragons of Autumn Twilight

Dragonlance: Chronicles: Book 1

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

Lifelong friends, they went their separate ways. Now they are together again, though each holds secrets from the others in his heart. They speak of a world shadowed with rumors of war. They speak of tales of strange monsters, creatures of myth, creatures of legend. They do not speak of their secrets. Not then. Not until a chance encounter with a beautiful, sorrowful woman, who bears a magical crystal staff, draws the companions deeper into the shadows, forever changing their lives and shaping the fate of the world.

No one expected them to be heroes.

Least of all, them.

Dragons of Winter Night

Dragonlance: Chronicles: Book 2

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

Now the people know that the dragon minions of Takhisis, Queen of Dragons, have returned. The people of all nations prepare to fight to save their homes, their lives, and their freedom. But the races have long been divided by hatred and prejudice. Elven warriors and human knights fight among themselves. It seems the battle has been lost before it begins.

The companions are separated, torn apart by war. A full season will pass before they meet again--if they meet again. As the darkness deepens, a disgraced knight, a pampered elfmaiden, and a rattle-brained kender stand alone in the pale winter sunlight.

Dragons of Spring Dawning

Dragonlance: Chronicles: Book 3

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

The war against the dragon minions of Queen Takhisis rages on. Armed with the mysterious, magical dragon orbs and the shining, silver dragonlance, the companions bring hope to the world. But now, in the dawn of a new day, the dark secrets that have long shadowed the hearts of the friends come to the light. Betrayal, treachery, frailty, and weakness will nearly destroy all that they have accomplished.

The greatest battle they have left to fight is within each of them.

Yet, in the end, they will be heroes.

Murder in Tarsis

Dragonlance: Classics: Book 1

John Maddox Roberts

Who killed Ambassador Bloodarrow?

When the Lord of Tarsis finds himself with a politically volatile murder on his hands, he turns to the three most expendable inhabitants of the city of a solution. A mercenary, a poet-assassin, and a thief might not be everyone's first choice for detectives. But they find they're quite good at bringing murderers to justice.

Perhaps a little too good....

Dalamar the Dark

Dragonlance: Classics: Book 2

Nancy Varian Berberick

A talent for magic runs like fire through the blood of Dalamar Argent. Yet he is only a servant in the house of an elvish lord, not worthy of the High Art of Sorcery and denied all but the most grudging teaching.

As war simmers on the borders of Silvanesti, Dalamar will find a way to learn his art. His quest will take him along dark paths toward an awesome destiny.

The Citadel

Dragonlance: Classics: Book 3

Richard A. Knaak

Weapon of the Dark Queen

Against a darkened cloud it comes, framed by thunder and lightning, soaring over the ravaged land: the flying citadel, mightiest power in the arsenal of the dragon highlords.

In an age of war, an evil wizard learned the secret of creating these castles in the air and sought to use them to gain power over all Krynn. Against him were ranged a red-robed magic-user, a cleric, an ancient warrior, and -- naturally -- a kender.

Their battle shook the skies of Krynn.

The Inheritance

Dragonlance: Classics: Book 4

Nancy Varian Berberick

The Inheritance depicts the origins of one of the greatest heroes of Krynn and provides detailed information about this point in history. Fans will be interested in filling in the history of Dragonlance with this novel.

Kidnapped by outlaws, an elven princess places her faith in her husband and the gods to save her. Lord of a ragtag band, her human captor has no faith in anything but his keen wits. The princess and the outlaw forge new definitions of trust and faith and from their love will spring one of the greatest heroes Krynn has ever known-Tanis Half-Elven, Hero of the Lance.

The Clandestine Circle

Dragonlance: Crossroads: Book 1

Mary H. Herbert

Rose Knight Linsha Majere, working undercover for the Solamnics' Clandestine Circle, earns a place on the elite bodyguard of Hogan Bight, the mysterous lord governor of Sanction. She quickly learns the governor is not the only one who needs protection in a city threatened by an active volcando about to erupt, a death ship filled with an unknown plague, the ever-watchful Legion Steel, and the subversive Knights of Neraka. But who will protect Linsha from her own heart?

The Thieves' Guild

Dragonlance: Crossroads: Book 2

Jeff Crook

Palanthas, Jewel of Ansalon, City of Seven Circles, heart of the old Solamnic empire. For three thousand years she has shone as a beacon to the world. Even now, ruled by the Knights of Neraka, she glitters in the night.

Yet at the core of the gleaming city lies a dark center: the Thieves' Guild. Though the Dark Knights ruthlessly crushed the guild beneath an iron heel, a stronger, darker guild has arisen. Now it's intent on recovering its lost treasures and power.

And nothing will stand in its way.

Dragon's Bluff

Dragonlance: Crossroads: Book 3

Mary H. Herbert

The Crossroads Series explores previously undescribed areas of the Dragonlance world.Dragonlance fans eagerly await detailed information on any area of their favorite fantasy world.

The port town of Flotsam has always been left to handle its own problems, neither asking for nor wanting help from the rest of Krynn. That is, until the young mage Ulin Majere and his traveling companion are summoned there to identify a murder victim. They quickly discover there is more to the rough seaport than just one dead body, including cagey thieves, failing magic, the Knights of Neraka, and a very greedy, very deadly red dragon.

The Dragon Isles

Dragonlance: Crossroads: Book 4

Stephen D. Sullivan

The Dragon Isles: abandoned home of the good dragons, land of amazing adventure and legendary treasure. The trouble is, no one knows how to get there.

Now Mikal Vardan and his crew have found the hidden route, but they're not the only ones interested in the isles. A beautiful sea elf scavenger thinks the wealth of a lost civilization might be worth killing for, and a menacing sea dragon is determined to bring a reign of terror to the peaceful archipelago.

The Middle of Nowhere

Dragonlance: Crossroads: Book 5

Paul B. Thompson

The latest title in the world-spanning Crossroads series. Popular Dragonlance author Paul B. Thompson pens the latest novel that explores an area of the setting that has been mentioned but not previously described in detail to listeners.

The peace of a rural village is shattered by the sudden appearance of a band of renegade warriors seeking slaves. The farmers of Nowhere have no hope unless they can raise a company of champions to defend them, but the motley group of saviors who take up their cause - a shipwrecked sailor, a minotaur poet, a kender treasure hunter, a shamed half-ogre, a disgraced foot soldier, and an eccentric sorcerer - seem nearly as dangerous as the slavemasters.

Night of the Eye

Dragonlance: Defenders of Magic Trilogy: Book 1

Mary Kirchoff

Magic at its peak!

It will soon be the Night of the Eye, a rare time when all three moons align in high sanction over the lands of Krynn. On the eve of Guerrand DiThon's political marriage to a rival family, the young noble is visited by a strange, powerful mage who knows more about him than he does himself. Seduced by promises of wizardly might, Guerrand slips away beneath the triple moons and journeys for the Tower of Wayreth.

No one thinks he will survive the deadly trek to the tower, but he does. It's only then that Guerrand realizes that he has made many enemies in his journey. One of these foes would not only see Guerrand dead, but the three orders of sorcery destroyed with him.

The Medusa Plague

Dragonlance: Defenders of Magic Trilogy: Book 2

Mary Kirchoff

The name Guerrand DiThon has been cursed by his family since the day he disappeaered. When a mysterious plague strikes their beleaguered village, Guerrand's name is invoked again -- as the cause of the disaster.

Bram DiThon, Guerrand's nephew, is more like his uncle than the family would care to admit. A skilled herbalist, Bram has unknowingly turned his skills toward magic. It is to Bram the villagers turn when the plague changes their eyes to onyx, their limbs to snakes, and their flesh to stone.

Unable to stop the unexplainable deaths, Bram sets out to find his missing uncle. He learns that Guerrand is the High Defender of Bastion, the last stronghold before the Lost Citadel. But in finding him, Bram has unwittingly given an evil mage -- once Guerrand's friend, now his archenemy -- the key to destroy the three orders of sorcery.

The Medusa Plague is the second in the Defenders of Magic Trilogy, a series by Dragonlance saga author Mary Kirchoff that will explore for the first time many of the secrets of sorcery in the world of Krynn.

The Seventh Sentinel

Dragonlance: Defenders of Magic Trilogy: Book 3

Mary Kirchoff

Shadow of the past!

A wizard sacrificed himself to preserve the secrets of magic. Centuries later, the survival of magic is again in question. The key is a young lord whose heritage is tied to the tuatha dundarael, faerie folk who practice powerful earth magic. These secrets are the weapons that Guerrand and Bram DiThon will wield in defending their Art against an old, scarred enemy.

For Lyim, Guerrand's former friend and now renegade wizard, seeks to destroy the magic that he believes has forsaken him. The final battle will rage across the universe.

The Seventh Sentinel is the final volume of the Defenders of Magic Trilogy, an series by Dragonlance saga author Mary Kirchoff that explores the secrets of sorcery in the world of Krynn.

The Secret of Pax Tharkas

Dragonlance: Dwarf Home: Book 1

Douglas Niles

An ancient ruin holds its secrets in a death grip in this exciting new Dragonlance trilogy!

The dwarven realms of Krynn are slumbering, locked in mountain fastness, removed and aloof from the affairs of the world. But the world has a way of finding someone when it needs them. A wealthy aristocratic dwarf from Kayolin is forced to flee his home. A gully dwarf from Thorbardin is lucky to escape his own city with his life. And a brilliant and impetuous descendant of the once-mighty Hylar wonders what failures have steered her people onto a path of self-destruction. Can she change that course before it's too late? Together, these three heroes hold the future of dwarvenkind, and all Krynn, in their hands.

The Heir of Kayolin

Dragonlance: Dwarf Home: Book 2

Douglas Niles

If they can stay alive long enough, they can find the way to a new future.

Thorbardin remains closed against the world as two violent factions of dwarves clash in a brutal civil war. Neither side can prevail, and violence threatens destruction of the entire kingdom. Brandon Bluestone returns home to Kayolin to find himself a wanted fugitive. His nation has changed drastically since his departure. Bolstered by the courage of a beautiful dwarf priestess, he battles an ancient enemy, struggles to right a great wrong, and tries to take the only step that allows for a peaceful and prosperous future for all the dwarves of Krynn. And with the fate of two nations hanging in the balance, it falls to the lowest of the low to put the wheels of history in motion.

The Fate of Thorbardin

Dragonlance: Dwarf Home: Book 3

Douglas Niles

The battle for the kingdom of the dwarves comes to the door of its mad king...

Brandon Bluestone has finally cleared his family's name and rallied the nation of dwarves. Now one great task remains to him: he must open up the greatest of the dwarf nations, Thorbardin, which has been sealed against the outside world by the edict of a mad king.

Aided by Gretchan Pax, a mighty priestess, Brandon leads an army to the north gate of Thorbardin. The hill dwarves and mountain dwarves strive to bury longstanding enmity and form an uneasy alliance against the King of Thorbardin and his potent magical minions.

The Covenant of the Forge

Dragonlance: Dwarven Nations Trilogy: Book 1

Dan Parkinson

An old dwarven chieftain, Colin Stonetooth, leads a tribe of Hylar in a migration across Ansalon, pursuing a vision of a new home. Hordes of dangerous outsiders, fleeing the Dragon Wars, are sweeping the countryside. Evil magic, strange knights, precociuos kender, too, abound.

In the Kharolis Mountains, in Kal Thaz, the Hylar come upon squabbling dwarven clans and knit them into the new nation of Thorbardin. But a Theiwar assassin precipitates a civil war, a curse is fulfilled, and a child is born destined to be the Father of Kings.

Hammer and Axe

Dragonlance: Dwarven Nations Trilogy: Book 2

Dan Parkinson

The humans of Ergoth continue to encroach upon Thorbardin, but the worst threat to the dwarven fortress comes from a mysterious fog-beast and a covetous wizard. A Cobar, a kender, and a giant raptor add to the confusion as the dwarves are faced with wizards who command not only the forces of magic but thousands of mercenaries as well. And, unknown to the dwarves who valiantly fight the invaders, the beast has already claimed Thorbardin as it's own.

The Swordsheath Scroll

Dragonlance: Dwarven Nations Trilogy: Book 3

Dan Parkinson

Despite the stubborn courage of dwarven warriors, the protracted Wilderness War ends as a no-win. The Swordsheath Scroll is signed, and Thorbadin shows its support of the open-minded Qualinesti elves by joining in the construction of magnificent Pax Tharkas.

A new leader emerges from their midst, Derkin, the King of Living Stone, whose bravery and wisdom is written in dwarven annals, and whose name becomes the "throne name" of all future dwarven kings.

Author Dan Parkinson also wrote The Covenant of the Forge and Hammer and Axe, the first two books in the best-selling Dwarven Nations trilogy of the DRAGONLANCE saga.

Pillar of Flame

Dragonlance: Elements: Book 1

Ree Soesbee

When all of the fires in Kenderhome have gone out, the Wizard's Conclave asks Nearra, new to her magic and not yet a wizard, to go on a quest to restore the magic of fire to Krynn.

Queen of the Sea

Dragonlance: Elements: Book 2

Ree Soesbee

Dragonlance's favorite girl wizard takes on the Crescent Cabal!

A tempest off the coast of Krynn threatens to overwhelm Planthas, and once again the Wizard's Conclave sends Nearra on a treacherous journey. As Nearra works to uncover the Crescent Cabal's machinations, her sister Jirah struggles in the service of her newfound anonymous god. With the storm raging around them, Nearra must locate the Queen of the Sea and the Pillar of Water. But will the evil Crescent Cabal find them first?

Tempest's Vow

Dragonlance: Elements: Book 3

Ree Soesbee

Nearra's quest for magic comes to a gripping close in this finale to the Elements trilogy!

Nearra's last chance to take the Test of High Sorcery is thwarted once again, and she is put out of the Hall of the Three Moons. She and her friends still have the Cabal to deal with, though, and a new mystery to solve: who broke into the Tower and disrupted Nearra's Test, stealing a shard of the Pillar of Air?

Readers who have followed Nearra from the very beginning of Dragonlance: The New Adventures will relish this final installment in her journey to discover herself.

Crown of Thieves

Dragonlance: Elidor Trilogy: Book 1

Ree Soesbee

Elidor, the beloved elf thief, returns in this new trilogy to fight an undead king and the demons of his own past.

Crown of Thieves continues a new series of Dragonlance fantasy adventures written specifically for readers ages 10 and up. The series features a group of young companions who band together for friendship, adventure, and excitement during the golden age of the Dragonlance world.

The Crystal Chalice

Dragonlance: Elidor Trilogy: Book 2

Ree Soesbee

As the Defiler's curse holds Vael's health hostage, Elidor searches for a way to rescue her without succumbing to the evil wizard's demands.

Somewhere within the lost city of Taeloc, a crystal chalice may hold the answers to his prayers. A group of shady mercenaries offers to protect Elidor on the journey and give him the chalice, in exchange for his help in locating the city. Desperate to save his love, Elidor reluctantly agrees.

But nothing goes exactly as planned...

City of Fortune

Dragonlance: Elidor Trilogy: Book 3

Ree Soesbee

City of Fortune is the highly-anticipated follow-up to The Crystal Chalice, the second volume in the Trinistyr Trilogy. Set in the popular Dragonlance world of Krynn, Dragonlance: The New Adventures follows a group of young companions as they band together for friendship, adventure and excitement. In the lost city of Taeloc, Elidor's hopes of renewing Vael's health have been betrayed. Unwilling to give up on her, Elidor tracks the chalice to the Northern Ergoth city of Gwynneth, where danger awaits those with wishes and the Defiler still lurks in the shadows. Loyalties must be questioned at every turn. Who can Elidor trust?


Dragonlance: Elven Exiles Trilogy: Book 1

Paul B. Thompson
Tonya C. Cook

The first book in a brand new trilogy by well-loved Dragonlance authors!

Two of the authors of the Elven Nations trilogy now continue the story of the elves! The fortunes of war have driven the once-great elven nations into exile in the desert land of Khur. The elves must overcome extraordinary perils including treachery to establish a new homeland.


Dragonlance: Elven Exiles Trilogy: Book 2

Paul B. Thompson
Tonya C. Cook

While the Elven Exiles struggle for survival in the distant kingdom of Khur, the elves remaining in Qualinesti face persecution, enslavement, and extermination. Amid great suffering and unrelieved evil, a rebel leader - masked, anonymous, and with strange powers - appears, determined to cleanse the land of invaders.

Meanwhile, Kerianseray, the Lioness, Kagonesti general and wife of Speaker Gilthas, finds herself magically transported from certain death in Khur to equally dire straits in her former homeland. As Gilthas leads the elves across the trackless desert in search of a new home, the Lioness fights ruthless slavers and crosses paths with the mysterious masked revolutionary of Qualinesti.


Dragonlance: Elven Exiles Trilogy: Book 3

Paul B. Thompson
Tonya C. Cook

The Elven Exiles trilogy ends with a monumental struggle for control of the last refuge of the elven race.

The remaining free elves of Ansalon have come together at last in the shunned valley of Inath-Wakenti. While the disfigured genius Porthios wants to lead a crusade to free the elves' ancestral homelands, the rightful ruler of the elven nation, Gilthas, dreams of establishing a new homeland in the haunted valley. To do that he will have to solve the riddle of the ancient ruins dotting the landscape, the curse that prevents animals from living in the valley, and deal with swarms of ghosts lurking behind every tree and stone. But the greatest threat of all may come from a single outcast sorcerer who seeks to turn the cursed land's power to his own ends.

The Dawning of a New Age

Dragonlance: Fifth Age: Dragons of a New Age: Book 1

Jean Rabe

The Summer of Chaos has ended. Ansalon's nightmare has only just begun.

The gods have departed the world, heralding a new Age of Mortals. But before the dust of war can settle, vast shadows cover the land. Dragons have come to Ansalon, larger and more powerful than any ever seen, and they will wreak havoc on nations still trembling from war. As the lands themselves begin to change under the dire magic of the new dragon overlords, new heroes arise to lead the fight for freedom.

The first book in a rerelease of a key trilogy in the Dragonlance saga, this trilogy covers key events that take place between Dragons of Summer Flame and the bestsellingWar of Souls trilogy. Will all-new artwork and cover designs, these books tie in with The Dhamon Saga.

The Day of the Tempest

Dragonlance: Fifth Age: Dragons of a New Age: Book 2

Jean Rabe

The Summer of Chaos has ended.

Ansalon's nightmare has only just begun. The gods have departed the world, heralding a new Age of Mortals. But before the dust of war can settle, vast shadows cover the land. Dragons have come to Ansalon, larger and more powerful than any ever seen, and they will wreak havoc on nations still trembling from war. As the lands themselves begin to change under the dire magic of the new dragon overlords, new heroes arise to lead the fight for freedom.

The Eve of the Maelstrom

Dragonlance: Fifth Age: Dragons of a New Age: Book 3

Jean Rabe

In an age of tyranny, one evil rises above all others.

The Summer of Chaos swept its devastation across the world of Krynn. In its wake, foul dragon overlords of immeasurable power conquered Ansalon and remade the lands in their own image. But Malystryx, the greatest and most evil of all the dragons, is no longer content with ruling her domain. She wants to ascend to godhood, and only one band of stalwart heroes stands in her way.

The Legend of Huma

Dragonlance: Heroes I: Book 1

Richard A. Knaak

The Legend of Huma title is the only Dragonlance novel not written by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman to hit the New York Times best-seller list.


Dragonlance: Heroes I: Book 2

Nancy Varian Berberick

A shaft of argent starlight touched by the Forge of Reorx

Hilted and gemmed in the blood of heroes

Unite! Mountain dwarves of Thorbardin

A kingsword at last, at last.

Deep in the cavern kingdom of Thorbardin, the powerful Stormblade is secretly crafted by an elderly dwarf-master. A Kingsword, it is intended to break the deadlock among the ruling council of Thanes.

When Stormblade is stolen and turns up years later, a series of exciting and deadly events are set in motion. Only a heroic dwarf knows the magic of the legendary blade, and he sets out to recover the lost weapon. To do so, he must travel to a land rife with war and treachery.

Weasel's Luck

Dragonlance: Heroes I: Book 3

Michael Williams

This attractive new re-release of Weasel's Luck showcases a new look for the Heroes series.

The Sign of the Weasel is tunnel on tunnel,
enchantment on enchantment.
He digs beneath himself, and in digging
discovers all roads into nothing.
-- The Calantina, IX:IX

Weasel's luck was not always good.

Galen Pathwarden, known unaffectionately as "the Weasel," would give anything to stay clear of adventure, danger, or heroism.

But that is before young Galen is pitch-forked into the center of a centuries-old curse, one family blood-feud too many, and a knightly tournament unto death.

Together, Galen, the great Solamnic Knight, Sir Bayard Brightblade, and a non-too-bright centaur Agion must overcome the schemes and traps of a sinister illusionist known only as the Scorpion.

Kaz the Minotaur

Dragonlance: Heroes II: Book 1

Richard A. Knaak

But, the beast-man, scorned and hunted, knows,
Without honor there is nothing, not even death.
So, driven by the only ghosts that matter, Huma and himself, Kaz alone faces the scourge.

After the defeat of the Dark Queen and the death of Huma Dragonbane, the most famous of the Knights of Solamnia, Kaz, the renegade minotaur, wanders throught Krynn, telling the true tale of the land's most legendary hero, stalked by his enemies -- a haunted soul, an outcast, a hero. But when Kaz hears rumors of evil incidents, he returns to warn the Knights of Solamnia -- and is plunged into a dark nightmare of magic, danger and deja-vu.

The Gates of Thorbardin

Dragonlance: Heroes II: Book 2

Dan Parkinson

Magic and Peril Under the Earth

Deep beneath the mountain fortress of Skullcap, legend has it, are the remains of the dark wizard Fistandantilus and the path to the gates of the dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin. Buried somewhere along that perilous path is the magical helm of Grallen, son of King Duncan, tragic hero of the Dwarfgate War. The finder of Grallen's helm, it is prophesized, will be rewarded and honored by a united Thorbardin -- but he will also open the gates of the realm to fresh horror and chaos.

In The Gates of Thorbardin, Dan Parkinson, author of Starsong, continues the history of the dwarves of Krynn in the tradition of Nancy Varian Berberick's best-selling Dragonlance novel, Stormblade.

Galen Beknighted

Dragonlance: Heroes II: Book 3

Michael Williams

The Reluctant Knight Returns

Becoming a knight has changed the Weasel very little. Galen Pathwarden is still reluctant to adventure, still out to save his own skin at virtually any cost. But when his brother Brithelm vanishes mysteriously, Galen sets aside his better judgement and embarks on a quest that leads under the earth, deep into a conspiracy of darkness, and to the end of his courage.

Galen returns to imperiled Solamnia in this exciting sequel to the top-sellling Weasel's Luck, also by Michael Williams, the bard of the Dragonlance saga.

The Messenger

Dragonlance: IceWall Trilogy: Book 1

Douglas Niles

The Icewall

Cold, forbidding, remote, it stands like a dim white cloud on the very edge of sight. There Kerrick, an elf from the golden woods of Silvanesti, has been sent, an exile in disgrace. There too, a band of barbarian villagers make their stand against the remnants of an ogre empire that is determined to once again rule the frozen wastes.

In the first book of this thrilling trilogy, Douglas Niles takes his readers to a land that most in Krynn have heard of only in legen -- the legend of the Icewall.

The Golden Orb

Dragonlance: IceWall Trilogy: Book 2

Douglas Niles


Towering aloof and secure, the isolated fortress offers humankind a place to survive and flourish in the barren realm of Icereach. Even the elven Messenger Kerrick Fallabrine has made a home there, living among the humans and teaching them a multitude of skills. But the ogre enemies are always near, and they have developed a powerful weapon, a destructive magic encased within a sphere of solid gold. Its existence forces the humans to confront the threat of extinction that lurks outside their walls.

In the second book of this epic trilogy that began with The Messenger, Douglas Niles carries the reader into the heart of an unknown realm, where the world beneath the Icewall trembles with threats of war, slavery, and greed.


Dragonlance: IceWall Trilogy: Book 3

Douglas Niles

Shrouded in ice, the stronghold of the ogres has stood for eons as an impregnable bastion of the Icereach. But now Strongwind Whalebone, king of the Highlanders, has been imprisoned in the ogre fortress. Outside its walls, a band of his compatriots plots his rescue. Within the fortress, ogre king Grimwar Bane faces royal treachery and desperate revolt.

It is time for the ogre king to decide if the greater threat lies outside Winterheim--or within.

In the third book of his epic trilogy, Douglas Niles weaves a tapestry of magic and adventure into a climax that will affect the destiny of all those who dwell in the cold land of the Icereach.

The Doom Brigade

Dragonlance: Kang's Regiment: Book 1

Margaret Weis
Don Perrin

War can get a fellow killed.

The fearless draconians of the War of the Lance have retired from the field of battle to a pleasant valley in the Kharolis Mountains. Well, it would be pleasant, if it weren't for some dwarves, whose irritating feuding prevents the draconians from realizing their greatest hope -- the ability to continue their doomed race.

When the dwarves discover a map leading to a fortune buried in the dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin, the draconians are swept up in a feverish race for treasure. Little do both sides realize that they are part of the strange and terrible destiny descending upon Krynn during the Summer of Flame.

A desinty that includes the children of Chaos... the fire dragons!

Draconian Measures

Dragonlance: Kang's Regiment: Book 2

Margaret Weis
Don Perrin

The regiment of draconian engineers featured in The Doom Brigade seek a safe haven for their precious cargo of young draconians. All they have to do is stay alive. Surely that shouldn't be too hard.

But Commander Kang puzzles over a sinister mystery. Why are some of his men vanishing? Kang will have to use draconian measures to defeat his foes and save his race. They'd better be enough -- the fate of his entire race hangs in the balance.

Time of the Twins

Dragonlance: Legends Trilogy: Book 1

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

Sequestered in the blackness of the dreaded Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas, surrounded by nameless creatures of evil, Raistlin Majere weaves a plan to conquer the darkness--to bring it under his control.

Crysania, a beautiful and devoted cleric of Paladine, tries to use her faith to lead Raistlin from the darkness. She is blind to his shadowed designs, and he draws her slowly into his neatly woven trap.

Made aware of Raistlin's plan, a distraught Caramon travels back in time to the doomed city of Istar in the days before the Cataclysm. There, together with the ever-present kender Tasslehoff, Caramon will make his stand to save Raistlin's soul.

Or so he believes.

War of the Twins

Dragonlance: Legends Trilogy: Book 2

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

One hundred years have passed since the fiery Cataclysm that changed the face of Krynn forever. For one hundred years, the people of Krynn have struggled to survive. But for some, those one hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Catapulted forward in time by Raistlin's powerful magic, Caramon and Crysania find themselves aiding the mage's unholy quest to master the Queen of Darkness. To his dismay, Raistlin discovers along the way that the annals of Time are not so easily bent to his will. Neither are the longings of his heart.

Test of the Twins

Dragonlance: Legends Trilogy: Book 3

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

Defying the fate that claimed his evil predecessor, Raistlin opens the Portal to the Abyss and passes through. With Crysania at his side, he engages the Queen of Darkness in a battle for the ultimate prize--a seat among the gods.

At the same time, Caramon and Tasslehoff are transported to the future. There they come to understand the consequences of Raistlin's quest--and Caramon at last realizes the painful sacrifice he must make to prevent his brother's success. Old friends and strange allies come together to aid him, but Caramon must take the last, greatest step alone.

The step into the Abyss.

City of the Lost

Dragonlance: Linsha Trilogy: Book 1

Mary H. Herbert

The first title in a new trilogy that explores the Dragonlance world after the War of Souls.City of the Lost is the first title in a new trilogy centering around the character of Linsha Majere, the grandchild of one of the central characters to the entire Dragonlance saga. One of the author's previous titles, The Clandestine Circle, introduced this character to Dragonlance readers. This new title and trilogy will advance the story of the world after the events of the best-selling War of Souls trilogy and will also introduce a major new villain to the setting.

Flight of the Fallen

Dragonlance: Linsha Trilogy: Book 2

Mary H. Herbert

The second title in a trilogy that explores the south of the Dragonlance world after the War of Souls.

Flight of the Fallen is the second title in a trilogy that centers around Linsha Majere, the grandchild of one of the central characters of the entire Dragonlance saga. This trilogy continues to advance the story of post-War of Souls events in the Dragonlance world and introduces a major new villain to the setting.

Return of the Exile

Dragonlance: Linsha Trilogy: Book 3

Mary H. Herbert

The third title in a trilogy that explores the south of the Dragonlance world after the War of Souls.

Return of the Exile concludes a trilogy that centers on Linsha Majere, the grandchild of one of the central characters in the entire Dragonlance saga. This trilogy advances the story of post-War of Souls events in the Dragonlance world and introduces a major new villain to the setting.

Vinas Solamnus

Dragonlance: Lost Legends: Book 1

J. Robert King

Vinas Solamnus.
Soldier, Nobleman, Priest.

Vinas Solamnus.
Rebel, Commander, Conqueror.

Vinas Solamnus.
Author of The Oath and the Measure and founder of the Solamnic Knights.

No knight was ever nobler, more spiritual, more idealistic than Vinas Solamnus... but he wasn't always that way. The story of his early years, his education, and his crucible is truly one of the most famous...

Fistandantilus Reborn

Dragonlance: Lost Legends: Book 2

Douglas Niles

A Lost Gods Book

Emilo Haversack is unusually worried for a kender -- though he can't for the life of him remember what his problem is. Still, he's been wandering across Ansalon for quite some time, trying to remember what's wrong. All he can recall is the name of a very evil, very dead wizard... Fistandantilus.

Joined by a young kendermaid, a human lad, and a devout, if somewhat naive priest, Emilo is drawn into a mysterious quest. As he draws closer to the secret of his past, he and his friends find themselves caught in an increasingly sinister web of intrigue.

And as the conclusion of the adventure approaches, the companions learn that their pourpose is one that could catapult them from Krynn -- and forever change the destiny of the world they leave behind.

Darkness and Light

Dragonlance: Preludes: Book 1

Paul B. Thompson
Tonya C. Cook

Before the War of the Lance.

The Companions have gone their separate ways, each vowing to return with news of the growing darkness in Ansalon. Sturm Brightblade, a warrior whose honor is his life, and Kitiara, a passionate woman of uncertain loyalties, travel north in search of Sturm's long-lost father.

Before they reach their destination, a band of gnomes begs for their help. But nothing with gnomes ever goes as planned. The two adventurers are soon thrown into a perilous adventure that will take them beyond the realms of Ansalon, through love and hate, to darkness and light.


Dragonlance: Preludes: Book 2

Mary Kirchoff

Before the War of the Lance, carefree kender Tasslehoff Burrfoot is enjoying the company of his friends at the Inn of the Last Home when a bounty hunter arrives and charges him with desertion for violating the kender laws of prearranged marriage. But Tasslehoff's intended has pulled a disappearing act of her own. The race is on to see who gets dragged to the altar first in a tale of adventure replete with magic, monsters, and mayhem.

Brothers Majere

Dragonlance: Preludes: Book 3

Kevin Stein

Before the War of the Lance...

Darkness and unrest are growing. People disappear in the night, and there are rumors of foul forces at work. To this land caught in the grips of a nameless terror come Raistlin and Caramon Majere, two brothers--one a wizard, one a warrior--who are trying to eke out a living on the backroads of Ansalon. Desperate for money, they agree to take on a job in the backwater village of Mereklar. But they soon discover they may be in over their heads. A beautiful noblewoman, a savage beast, the Queen of Darkness, and a spellbound kender will decide the fates of the brothers Majere.

Riverwind the Plainsman

Dragonlance: Preludes II: Book 1

Paul B. Thompson
Tonya C. Cook

To prove himself worthy of his beloved Goldmoon, Riverwind is sent on quest by the elders of his tribe. The quest seems impossible: In a godless land, Riverwind must find evidence of the true gods.

Accompanied by an eccentric soothsayer and an escaped slave girl, Riverwind is soon caught in a world of slavery, sorcery, and rebellion. He and his friends must fight their way to Xak Tsaroth, but the companions are stalked by fate and prophecy: one will go mad, one will die, and one will find glory.

Flint the King

Dragonlance: Preludes II: Book 2

Douglas Niles
Mary Kirchoff

First launched over a decade ago, the Preludes series has continued to prove popular with Dragonlance fans. This digital release of Flint the King showcases a new look that is also reflected in the other recovers of this series. The title features cover art from lead Dragonlance saga artist Matt Stawicki.

Before the War of the Lance

The peaceful life of Flint Fireforge is disturbed when he is forced to leave Solace and return to his dwarven homeland to investigate his brother's murder. As he delves into the mystery, unexpected allies and unseen enemies join the fight of truth against treachery.

Flint soon discovers that to bring his brother's killer to justice, he must either die or become king. He's not sure which choice might be worse.

Tanis, the Shadow Years

Dragonlance: Preludes II: Book 3

Barbara Siegel
Scott Siegel

The tale is told that Tanis Half-Elven once disappeared in the mountains near Solace. He returned changed, ennobled - and with a secret. No one knew what happened to him in those mist-shrouded peaks... until now.

The adventure began with a dying wizard who needed Tanis's help. It would not end until Tanis became a traveler in the old mage's memory, journeying into the past to fight an impossible battle against time itself.

Tanis, the Shadow Years is one of the long-awaited stories set before the best-selling DRAGONLANCE Chronicles Trilogy. Barbara and Scott Siegel are the authors of over thirty-seven books and contributed short stories to all three DRAGONLANCE Tales volumes.

The Soulforge

Dragonlance: Raistlin Chronicles: Book 1

Margaret Weis

A mage's soul is forged in the crucible of magic.

Raistlin Majere is six years old when he is introduced to an archmage who enrolls him in a school for the study of magic. There the gifted but tormented boy comes to secretly, for they see shadows darkening over Raistlin even as the same shadows lengthen over all of Ansalon.

As Raistlin draws near his goal of becoming a wizard, he must first take the Dread Test in the Tower of High Sorcery. It will change his life forever.

Brothers in Arms

Dragonlance: Raistlin Chronicles: Book 2

Margaret Weis
Don Perrin

The innocence of youth lost in war...

In the fiery siege of the city of Hope's End the young mage Raistlin must leave behind his ideals to save himself and his brother. Yet as Raistlin and Caramon train as mercenaries, far away another soul is forged in the heat of battle. Another path is chosen, and a future dragon highlord begins her rise to power. She is Kitiara Uth Matar, the twins' half sister.

Lord of the Rose

Dragonlance: Rise of Solamnia: Book 1

Douglas Niles

First in an all-new trilogy from long-time Dragonlance author Douglas Niles.

This title kicks off a key new Dragonlance trilogy from popular Dragonlance author Douglas Niles. This series will explore the post-war era in Solamnia, a central region of the Dragonlance world, continuing key story elements from the New York Times best-selling War of Souls series.

The Crown and the Sword

Dragonlance: Rise of Solamnia: Book 2

Douglas Niles

During the dark years after the War of Souls, chaos threatens the once-mighty empire of Solamnia. Goblins raid even fortified cities, and bandits rule great sections of the countryside. The ruling dukes, lords, and knights bicker and backstab. Through this chaos, James Markham, aided by his steadfast dwarven companion and a beautiful white robed wizard, wields his flaming sword to uphold the principles on which Solamnia was founded.

The Measure and the Truth

Dragonlance: Rise of Solamnia: Book 3

Douglas Niles

Enjoy the final chapter in the sweeping tale of honor, glory, and battle that is the history of the kingdom and Knights of Solamnia.

The Second Generation

Dragonlance: Second Generation: Book 1

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

Years have passed since the end of the War of the Lance. The people of Ansalon have rebuilt their lives, their houses, their families. The Companions of the Lance, too, have returned to their homes, raising children and putting the days of their heroic deeds behind them.

But peace on Krynn comes at a price. The forces of darkness are ever vigilant, searching for ways to erode the balance of power and take control. When subtle changes begin to permeate the fragile peace, new lives are drawn into the web of fate woven around all the races. The time has come to pass the sword -- or the staff -- to the children of the Lance.

They are the Second Generation.

An all-new repackaged paperback edition of a classic Dragonlance novel.

This book of five novellas bridges the gap between the Chronicles and Legends trilogies and Dragons of Summer Flame. While detailing their adventures, The Second Generation also sets up key events and characters in future Dragonlance novels.

Dragons of Summer Flame

Dragonlance: Second Generation: Book 2

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

The War of the Lance is long over. The seasons come and go as the pendulum of the world swings. Now it is summer, a hot parched summer such as no one on Krynn has ever known. And an uneasy balance light and dark begins to shift.

Distraught by a grievous loss, the young mage Palin Majere seeks to enter the Abyss in search of his lost uncle, the infamous archmage Raistlin.

Elsewhere, the Dark Queen has found new champions. Devoted followers, loyal to the death, the Knights of Takhisis follow the her vision to victory. And a dark paladin, Steel Brightblade, rides to attack the High Clerist's Tower, the fortress his father died defending.

And on a small Island, the mysterious Irda capture an ancient artifact and use it to ensure their own safety. Usha, the child of the Irda, arrives in Palanthas claiming that she is Raistlin's daughter.

The summer will be deadly. But for whom, only the swing of the pendulum will tell.

The Wayward Wizard

Dragonlance: Suncatcher Trilogy: Book 1

Jeff Sampson

Everyone knows kender can't do magic. But Sindri Suncatcher--the greatest kender wizard in the world--can.

Back at Cairngorn Keep, the black-robed wizard Maddoc has made Sindri his apprentice. But a mysterious stranger interrupts Sindri's training, and soon Sindri finds himself chased by strange monsters and receiving cryptic messages. Will these extraordinary events lead to Sindri's destiny--or his doom?

The Ebony Eye

Dragonlance: Suncatcher Trilogy: Book 2

Jeff Sampson

Everyone knows that kender can't do magic. But Sindri Suncatcher - the greatest kender wizard in the world - can.

Now that Sindri knows who has been trying to kill him, he sets out on a mission to find out why. But the friends who accompany him have confusing motivations. The black robed wizard Maddoc has lied to Sindri one too many times. And the renegade hunter who once vowed to imprison Sindri now acts like a true friend.

As Sindri and his friends break into a mechanical maze guarded by a frightening gorgon, the kender apprentice must tackle a grave lesson: how not to trust.

The Stolen Sun

Dragonlance: Suncatcher Trilogy: Book 3

Jeff Sampson

Sindri Suncatcher is back in this thrilling conclusion to the Suncatcher Trilogy!

Sindri has defeated the evil wizard Anica, but the conflict is far from over. Old foes endanger Sindri's home village in Kendermore, while old friends add confusion to an already frenzied situation. And in the midst of all the chaos, Sindri must make the hardest choice of his life.

Jeff Sampson's final book in the Suncatcher Trilogy shows the power of friendship - and learning which friends you can trust.

Blades of the Tiger

Dragonlance: Taladas Chronicles: Book 1

Chris Pierson

The first book in a series set in an uncharted land within the Dragonlance world. Blades of the Tiger explores beyond the realms of Ansalon, the traditional setting for Dragonlance novels, and into the land of Taladas. No title has ever been set in this unexplored region on the other side of the world, allowing for an infinite variety of new characters and experiences within the context of Dragonlance.

The War of Souls is over. Takhisis is dead. On Ansalon, heroes and gods have banded together to save the world from destruction. A new peace, of sorts, has taken hold. But half a world away, on the continent of Taladas, the troubles are just beginning. Sorcery, long thought lost, has returned to the world. Disasters wrack the land, nations clash, dark forces stir in the aftermath of the Godless Night. On the grasslands of the Tamire, an ambitious lord unites the barbarian tribes, streaming south for plunder and bloody conquest....

Among the fortresses and cities of the Minotaur League, a victorious general returns to his family after years away....

In the shadows, an elven thief tracks a mysterious enemy that seeks a stature of eldritch magic....

One will live, one will die, and one will wish for death. For ancient powers are waking in Taladas.

Trail of the Black Wyrm

Dragonlance: Taladas Chronicles: Book 2

Chris Pierson

The Battle of the Run is over, but for Barreth Forlo victory is bitter.

With only a dragon's scale to aid them, Barreth and his friends must find his missing wife before it's too late. A strange evil is stirring and a foul ritual has begun.

And Forlo's unborn child lies at the heart of it. Explore the legendary continent of Taladas, where barbarian chiefs struggle for survival against power-mad sorcerers in the uneasy aftermath of the War of Souls.

Shadow of the Flame

Dragonlance: Taladas Chronicles: Book 3

Chris Pierson

Explore the far-off continent of Taladas in the exciting conclusion to The Taladas Chronicles!

As war and devastation spread across the continent of Taladas, a small band of heroes has just suffered a devastating loss in a fight to determine the world's fate. Barreth Forlo, their leader, has been possessed by the spirit of Maladar the Faceless, a sorcerer-king who seeks to return to power, by whatever means necessary. Now Shedara and Hult, Forlo's companions, must push on without him, bound for the safety of the distant Rainward Isles. Pitted against their friend, they must find a way to stop Maladar from raising his ancient empire from the ashes of history - and the answer may well lie in Forlo's own son, who carries a secret even he doesn't understand.

The Magic of Krynn

Dragonlance: Tales I: Book 1

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

Is Raistlin truly dead?

The answer lies in the new Dragonlance novella by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, which gazes into the future of Caramon and his mage-son, and into the dark nether-past of Raistlin.

Untold tales of Krynn.

Tales of sea monsters, dark elves, ice bears, hideous hydra-headed serpents, and loathsome draconian troops.

Further adventures of the kender Tas; the innkeepr Otic and young Tika; the dwarf Flint and Tanis, leader of the companions; Caramon and Raistlin, twon brothers, one, a genial warrior, the other, a sickly magician and scholar.

Nine short stories by superlative writers, plus an exciting new novella by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.

The Dragonlance Saga goes on!

Table of Contents:

  • Riverwind and the Crystal Staff - poem by Michael Williams
  • The Blood Sea Monster - shortfiction by Scott Siegel and Barbara Siegel
  • A Stone's Throw Away - (1984) - shortstory by Roger E. Moore
  • Dreams of Darkness, Dreams of Light - shortfiction by Warren B. Smith
  • Love and Ale - novelette by Nick O'Donohoe
  • Wayward Children - novelette by Richard A. Knaak
  • The Test of the Twins - shortstory by Margaret Weis
  • Harvests - novelette by Nancy Varian Berberick
  • Finding the Faith - novelette by Mary Kirchoff
  • The Legacy - novella by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman

Kender, Gully Dwarves, and Gnomes

Dragonlance: Tales I: Book 2

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

"Wanna Bet?"

The three adventure-seeking sons of Caramon Majere lose a bet to a flamboyant, magnificently bearded dwarf, and wake up, shanghaied, on an incredible gnomish sailing vessel questing after the legendary Graygem.

Who is the mysterious Dougan Redhammer, and what perils are in store for Sturm, Tanin, and Palin, the young mage haunted by the legacy of Raistlin?

In nine short stories by superlative writers, the companions confront wizards and dragons, magical spectacles and daggers possessed, and survive memorable encounters with the minor races of Krynn.

Plus, a rolicking new novella by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman chronicling the outrageous fortunes of the next generation of heroes.

Table of Contents:

  • Foreword - essay by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
  • Snowsong - novelette by Nancy Varian Berberick
  • The Wizard's Spectacles - novelette by Morris Simon
  • The Storyteller - novelette by Barbara Siegel and Scott Siegel
  • A Shaggy Dog's Tail - novelette by Danny Peary
  • Lord Toede's Disastrous Hunt - novelette by Harold Bakst
  • Definitions of Honor - novelette by Richard A. Knaak
  • Hearth Cat and Winter Wren - novelette by Nancy Varian Berberick
  • "Wanna Bet?" - novella by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
  • Into the Heart of the Story - novelette by Michael Williams
  • Dagger-Flight - shortstory by Nick O'Donohoe
  • About the Writers - essay by uncredited

Love and War

Dragonlance: Tales I: Book 3

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

The legend of Raistlin's daughter!

A strange story that cannot be confirmed, yet it is whispered among the elves of Silvanesti, gossiped about by the kender of Krynn, and told here for the first time by Caramon, the enigmatic mage's surviving twin.

A wondrous new novella journeying into secrets of the heart and rumors about the past that have bearing on the future of Krynn.

Plus ten exciting short stories -- untold tales of chivalry and affection, heroic quests and foul villainy, magic in battle and transcendent defeat -- featuring all the beloved companions and fantastical creatures of the best-selling Dragonlance Saga.

The story that has entrhalled over three million readers worldwide, as created by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.

Table of Contents:

  • Foreword - essay by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
  • A Good Knight's Tale - novelette by Harold Bakst
  • A Painter's Vision - novelette by Barbara Siegel and Scott Siegel
  • Hunting Destiny - novelette by Nick O'Donohoe
  • Hide and Go Seek - novelette by Nancy Varian Berberick
  • By the Measure - novelette by Richard A. Knaak
  • The Exiles - novelette by Paul B. Thompson and Tonya C. Cook
  • Heart of Goldmoon - novella by Laura Hickman and Kate Novak
  • Raistlin's Daughter - novelette by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
  • Silver and Steel - novelette by Kevin D. Randle
  • From the Yearning for War and the War's Ending - novelette by Michael Williams

The Reign of Istar

Dragonlance: Tales II: Book 1

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman
Richard A. Knaak
Michael Williams

Before the Cataclysm...

A kender becomes a Solamnic Knight (almost).

An ogre emerges as an unlikely savior of the dwarven race.

And gladiators compete in the bloodsport of Istar.

Together with a novella by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, these and more short stories, penned by Richard A. Knaak, Michael Williams, and others of the original Dragonlance Saga creative team -- tell wondrous tales of Krynn in the legendary time of the Kingpriest.

Relics and Omens

Dragonlance: Tales of the Fifth Age: Book 1

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

Relics and Omens

Old companions and fresh heroes.
New and ever more fantastical creatures and monsters.
Banished gods and lost magic.
Dragon overlords are taking over the world of Krynn.
The Chaos War is ending.
The Fifth Age is beginning.

A collection of fantastical short stories exploring the new Fifth Age setting from the best known Dragonlance writers.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction - (1998) - essay by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
  • Icefall - (1998) - shortstory by Douglas Niles
  • Legacy - (1998) - novelette by Nancy Varian Berberick
  • Sword of Tears - (1998) - novelette by Richard A. Knaak
  • The Cost - (1998) - shortstory by Robyn McGrew
  • A Most Peculiar Artifact - (1998) - novelette by Janet Pack
  • Voices - (1998) - novelette by Kevin T. Stein
  • The Notorious Booke of Starres - (1998) - novelette by Nick O'Donohoe
  • Scavengers - (1998) - shortstory by Jean Rabe
  • Homecoming - (1998) - shortstory by William W. Connors and Sue Weinlein Cook
  • The Restoration - (1998) - shortstory by Jeff Crook
  • Relics - (1996) - shortstory by Jeff Grubb
  • The Summoners - (1998) - novelette by Paul B. Thompson
  • Island of Night - (1998) - novella by Roger E. Moore
  • Demons of the Mind - (1998) - novelette by Margaret Weis and Don Perrin

Heroes and Fools

Dragonlance: Tales of the Fifth Age: Book 2

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

Heroes and Fools

A submarine trip to an island of ghosts. A band of fugitive actors. A deadly draconian who has had too much holiday punch. And veritable onslaught of dryads, shadow wights, and that rarest of all monsters, the dread forest boojum.

Also, from the team of Margaret Weis and Don Perrin, the latest adventure of Kang and his wayward troop of draconians.

In the proud tradition of the best-selling Dragonlance anthologies, Heroes and Fools promises a sometimes heroic -- sometimes foolish -- visit to the world of Krynn.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction - (1999) - essay by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
  • Boojum, Boojum - (1999) - shortstory by Janet Pack
  • Tree of Life - (1999) - shortstory by Miranda Horner
  • Songsayer - (1999) - novelette by Todd Fahnestock and Giles Custer
  • Gnomebody - (1999) - novelette by Jeff Grubb
  • The Road Home - (1999) - novelette by Nancy Varian Berberick
  • Nobless Oblige - (1999) - novelette by Paul B. Thompson
  • Much Ado About Magic - (1999) - novelette by Kevin James Kage
  • A Pinch of This, A Dash of That - (1999) - novelette by Nick O'Donohoe
  • A Perfect Plan - (1999) - novelette by Linda P. Baker
  • The Thief in the Mirror - (1999) - novelette by Richard A. Knaak
  • Reorx Steps Out - (1999) - novelette by Jean Rabe
  • The Bridge - (1999) - shortstory by Douglas Niles
  • Gone - (1999) - novelette by Roger E. Moore
  • To Convince the Righteous of the Right - (1999) - novelette by Don Perrin and Margaret Weis

Rebels and Tyrants

Dragonlance: Tales of the Fifth Age: Book 3

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

Rebels and Tyrants

Welcome to Krynn, where magic and fantasy are commonplace.

In this collection, Don Perrin offers the story of a family of minotaurs cursed by Sargonnas to repeat their heinous crime of betrayal year after year after year. The god himself enjoys materializing to savor their torment. Until one year, Sargonnas doesn't show up...

Plus tales of rebels, tyrants, and other inhabitants of the wondrous world of Dragonlance by best-selling authors Margaret Weis, Richard A. Knaak, Nancy Varian Berberick, Paul B. Thompson, Chris Pierson, and Linda P. Baker in a new installment of the long-running short story series celebrating its fifteenth anniversary.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction - essay by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
  • Est Sularis Oth Mithas - shortstory by Scott M. Buraczewski
  • Freedom's Pride - novelette by Paul B. Thompson
  • Sargas's Night of Revenge - shortstory by Don Perrin
  • Sharing the Luck - novelette by Linda P. Baker
  • War Chest - novelette by Kevin T. Stein
  • Flight of Fancy - shortstory by Jeff Crook
  • The Deep, Deep, Dark, Dark Place - shortstory by Kevin James Kage
  • Catch of the Day - shortstory by Jean Rabe
  • Lost Causes - novelette by Nancy Varian Berberick
  • Blood Ties - novelette by John Grubber
  • Shard's Memory - novelette by Chris Pierson
  • Tactics - novelette by Richard A. Knaak
  • The Raid on the Academy of Sorcery - novelette by Margaret Weis


Dragonlance: The Age of Mortals: Book 1

Jeff Crook

On a dark spring night, nine weeks behind schedule, the MNS Indestructible, a Class C Submersible Deepswimmer, departs Sancrist Isle with a crew of twenty and a callous disregard for the inevitable.

Armed with top-secret devices, a band of intrepid gnome explorers sets out on a legendary journey to sub-navigate the continent of Ansalon and determine why very large rocks float. Though the fate of the world does not hang in the balance, theirs certainly does.

This is their story--and the story of a single member of that ignoble crew: Conundrum, the heroic gnome featured in Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's best-selling War of Souls trilogy.

The Lioness

Dragonlance: The Age of Mortals: Book 2

Nancy Varian Berberick

The Inheritance depicts the origins of one of the greatest heroes of Krynn and provides detailed information about this point in history. Fans will be interested in filling in the history of Dragonlance with this novel.

Kidnapped by outlaws, an elven princess places her faith in her husband and the gods to save her. Lord of a ragtag band, her human captor has no faith in anything but his keen wits. The princess and the outlaw forge new definitions of trust and faith and from their love will spring one of the greatest heroes Krynn has ever known-Tanis Half-Elven, Hero of the Lance.

Dark Thane

Dragonlance: The Age of Mortals: Book 3

Jeff Crook

The latest title in a series based on characters from the best-selling War of Souls trilogy.

This title is the next in the series that explores the lives of key characters from Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman's current Dragonlance trilogy. Dark Thane describes events that directly overlap events during the War of Souls. Author Jeff Crook also wrote the kickoff title for this series, Conundrum.

Prisoner of Haven

Dragonlance: The Age of Mortals: Book 4

Nancy Varian Berberick

The latest title in a series based on characters from the best-selling War of Souls trilogy.

This title is the next in a series that explores the lives of key characters from Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman's New York Times best-selling War of Souls trilogy. Prisoner of Haven describes events that directly overlap events during the War of Souls, and it features a character originally introduced in Dragons of Summer Flame. Author Berberick also wrote The Lioness, a previous title in this same series.

Wizards' Conclave

Dragonlance: The Age of Mortals: Book 5

Douglas Niles

The latest title in a series based on characters from the best-selling War of Souls trilogy.

This title is the next in a series that explores the lives of key characters from Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman's New York Times best-selling War of Souls trilogy. Wizards Conclave describes events that directly overlap events during the War of Souls, and it features two lead characters familiar to any fan of the Dragonlance world. Author Douglas Niles is well-known to and popular with both recent and long-term Dragonlance novel fans.

The Lake of Death

Dragonlance: The Age of Mortals: Book 6

Jean Rabe

The latest title in a series based on characters from the best-selling War of Souls trilogy.

This title is the next in a series that explores the lives of key characters from Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman's New York Times best-selling War of Souls trilogy. The Lake of Death describes events that directly overlap events during the War of Souls and is an unofficial sequel to Rabe's Dhamon Saga trilogy. Author Jean Rabe is well known by both recent and long-term Dragonlance novel fans.

Children of the Plains

Dragonlance: The Barbarians: Book 1

Paul B. Thompson
Tonya C. Cook

From the mists of Krynn's earliest history came the Barbarians.

A young brother and sister escape a pack of predators and strike out on their own, their lives taking parallel courses linked to the destiny of different tribes.

But dark powers watch the rise of civilization with cold calculation and deadly intent.

Brother of the Dragon

Dragonlance: The Barbarians: Book 2

Paul B. Thompson
Tonya C. Cook

On the ancient plains of Krynn arise new perils.

The village of Yala-tene is flourishing. Twelve years of peace and plenty have allowed the little settlement to grow into a thriving town. But its peace is threatened--from within by an ambitious priest of the dragon cult, and from without by a savage horde of warriors, bent on conquest. Against this array of evil, Chief Amero and the bronze dragon Duranix strive to hold the fragile threads of civilization together.

Best-selling writing team Thompson and Cook return to the world of Dragonlance in the second book of the epic Barbarians trilogy.

Sister of the Sword

Dragonlance: The Barbarians: Book 3

Paul B. Thompson
Tonya C. Cook

The final book in a historical Dragonlance trilogy.

On the battle plains of Ansalon, all barbarians must band together.

Raiders, nomads, and villagers. Ogres and elves. Dragons of good and evil. These are the forces that have joined battle to decide the fate of the first primitive civilization of Krynn. At the center of this whirlwind, the long-separated siblings Amero and Nianki are reunited. But foes long gone and presumed dead also join together, seeking vengeance and destruction once and for all.

Best-selling writing team Thompson and Cook return again to the world of Dragonlance in this sweeping conclusion to the epic Barbarians trilogy.

Saving Solace

Dragonlance: The Champions: Book 1

Douglas W. Clark

Solace is booming out of control. An important temple dedication is bringing merchants, dignitaries, and a host of ne'er-do-wells and surprise visitors to the fabled tree-top town. And lately there have been a series of mysterious incidents.

Palin has sworn off magic and nowadays acts as town mayor. He desperately needs a new sheriff, as the last one has just been murdered by malefactors unknown. Fortunately, Gerard has quit the knighthood after a quarrel with his father, and arrives just in time to don a sheriff's badge.

Douglas W. Clark reunites two of the most popular characters from the War of Souls epic in this new novel set in the best-selling Dragonlance world.

The Alien Sea

Dragonlance: The Champions: Book 2

Lucien Soulban

The great poison of the World Gash spreads through the oceans of Krynn, killing all in its path. Led by Apoletta of the Dargonesti and Utharne of the Dimernesti, the two great aquatic races of sea elves convene a Conclave to address the mysterious, urgent crisis.

When undead attack the Conclave, Apoletta and Utharne must unite both their species, brave the storms of the World Gash and confront the ghosts of their past. What they discover will forever change their oceanic world and the fate of their two peoples.

The Great White Wyrm

Dragonlance: The Champions: Book 3

Peter Archer

From out of the clouds it comes, breathing ice, terrorizing those who live by the seas of Krynn. It is a terror beyond belief: the Great White Wyrm.

And for centuries, a dedicated band of elves known as Dragonsbane has pursued it.

They've finally brought the dragon to bay, but a fanatical captain dedicated to the beast's destruction and driven by revenge threatens to bring ruin upon them all.

Protecting Palanthas

Dragonlance: The Champions: Book 4

Douglas W. Clark

While in Palanthas to convince the Knights of Solamnia to aid Solace against her neighbor Samuval, Gerard uth Mondar finds himself pitted against an old opponent from the War of Souls, Galdar the minotaur. But when the Knights' council adjourns due to a devastating magical storm that threatens Palanthas, Gerard and Galdar become uneasy allies on a quest to protect the city by recovering a mysterious stolen chest. The pair must track down the chest before its thief discovers the secret that will allow him to unlock it, thereby unleashing its terrible contents onto the world of Krynn.

Amber and Ashes

Dragonlance: The Dark Disciple Trilogy: Book 1

Margaret Weis

The latest title from best-selling author and Dragonlance setting co-creator Margaret Weis, Amber and Ashes takes up where the War of Souls left off with the central character Mina. While following her story, this new trilogy will also explore the chaos that is post-war Krynn. This is Weis's first solo hardcover since the publication of the extremely popular Dragonlance title The Soulforge in 1998.

Amber and Iron

Dragonlance: The Dark Disciple Trilogy: Book 2

Margaret Weis

The world of Krynn is ever changing, and even the gods can be taken by surprise. And if that's true of the gods, what chance can a mere mortal have? Caught up in forces none of them could hope to face alone, a small but determined band of adventurers come together in a desperate attempt to stop an invasion.

Mina, as enigmatic as ever, escapes imprisonment to set off on a quest that will test even her considerable will. All the while, evil spreads across the land, gaining ground with each new day. With so much at stake, with the very soul of Krynn on the line, champions must be found even in the darkest places.

Amber and Blood

Dragonlance: The Dark Disciple Trilogy: Book 3

Margaret Weis

The Dark Disciple's fate will alter the future of Krynn.

In the concluding volume of this post-War of Souls trilogy, Mina learns the truth about herself and the terrible knowledge drives her insane. Rhys, the monk of Majere, accompanied by his dog Atta and the kender Nightshade, is given the dangerous assignment of guarding the crazed god, escorting her on a long, strange journey to the mysterious place known as Godshome, where Mina hopes to find the answer to the riddle of her existence. Their path is fraught with peril, for the undead Beloved want to make Mina their leader, even as the death knight Krell wants to seize her and Galdar tries to deliver Mina to her most hated enemy.


Dragonlance: The Dhamon Saga: Book 1

Jean Rabe

How far can a hero fall? Far enough to lose his soul?

Dhamon Grimwulf, once a Hero of the Heart, has sunk into a bitter life of crime and squalor. Now, as the great dragon overlords of the Fifth Age coldly plot to strengthen their rule and to destroy their enemies, he must somehow find the will to redeem himself. But perhaps it is too late.

Downfall marks the return of Dhamon and other characters from author Jean Rabe's bestselling Dragons of a New Age trilogy.


Dragonlance: The Dhamon Saga: Book 2

Jean Rabe

How much is an act of betrayal worth?

Worth the price of a soul?

Dhamon Grimwulf and his band of mercenaries greedily eye a long-forgotten treasure concealed beneath a grassy plain. Legends promise riches too numerous to count, wealth too grand to be believed. But in a shifting world of secrets and deception, such fortune comes at a high price, higher even than the searing agony Dhamon suffers under the curse of a dragon's scale.

High enough to cost Dhamon his life.

The paperback version of the sequel to Downfall, the first book of the Dhamon Saga. Betrayal continues the adventures of characters featured in the USA Today bestselling Dragons of a New Age trilogy.


Dragonlance: The Dhamon Saga: Book 3

Jean Rabe

The epic conclusion of The Dhamon Saga, which began with Downfall and Betrayal, Dhamon Grimwulf and his companions continue their battle against the dragon overlords of the Fifth Age and the minions of evil that not only shadow their motley group but also threaten to engulf all of Krynn.

The Dragons of Krynn

Dragonlance: The Dragon Anthologies: Book 1

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

The Dragons of Krynn

In this one-of-a-kind collection, you'll find:

  • An elite corps of bridge-building draconians.
  • A solamni stalking a dangerous spectre.
  • A minotaur captured by a dark wizard and put to a cruel and unusual test.
  • Kender who pilfer magic, gully dwarves who cook a delicious rat sstew, and gnomes who invent whatchamacallits that wreak spectacular havoc.
  • Plus, all manner and hue of dragons, good, evil, and just plain mischievous.

These exciting and other-worldy short stories are by authors of the Dragonlance saga, one of the world's best-selling fantasy series. Authors include Nancy Varian Berberick, Jeff Grubb, Richard A. Knaak, Roger E. Moore, Douglas Niles, Nick O'Donohoe, Michael and Teri Williams, and Margaret Weis.

Table of Contents:

  • Seven Hymns of the Dragon - poem by Michael Williams
  • The Final Touch - novelette by Teri McLaren and Michael Williams
  • Night of Falling Stars - novelette by Nancy Varian Berberick
  • Honor Is All - shortstory by Mickey Zucker Reichert
  • Easy Pickings - shortstory by Douglas Niles
  • A Dragon to the Core - novella by Roger E. Moore
  • Dragon Breath - novelette by Nick O'Donohoe
  • Fool's Gold - novelette by Jeff Grubb
  • Scourge of the Wicked Kendragon - shortstory by Janet Pack
  • And Baby Makes Three - shortstory by Amy Stout
  • The First Dragonarmy Bridging Company - novelette by Don Perrin
  • The Middle of Nowhere - novelette by Dan Harnden
  • Kaz and the Dragon's Children - novelette by Richard A. Knaak
  • Into the Light - novelette by Linda P. Baker
  • The Best - (1993) - shortstory by Margaret Weis
  • The Hunt - shortstory by Kevin Stein

The Dragons at War

Dragonlance: The Dragon Anthologies: Book 2

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

Dragons at War

Dragsons, the true children of Krynn., are power incarnate, and they know it. They come in all guises and forms. Their personalities are as varied as thier colors. Their magical abilities are virtually unlimited. And nothing is so terrifying as dragons on the wing.

In this collection, a follow-up to the popular The Dragonss of Krynn anthology, Dragonlance creators, Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman serve up a fantastical array of dragon tales featuring the motley races of Krynn and the deadliest creatres of the Dragonlance saga.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction - essay by Margaret Weis
  • Dream of the Namer - shortfiction by Michael Williams
  • People of the Dragon - novelette by Mark Anthony
  • Quarry - shortstory by Adam Lesh
  • Glory Descending - novelette by Chris Pierson
  • A Lull in the Battle - novelette by Linda P. Baker
  • Proper Tribute - shortstory by Janet Pack
  • Blind - shortstory by Kevin T. Stein
  • Nature of the Beast - shortstory by Teri McLaren
  • Even Dragon Blood - shortstory by J. Robert King
  • Boom - shortstory by Jeff Grubb
  • Storytellers - novelette by Nick O'Donohoe
  • The First Dragonarmy Engineer's Secret Weapon - novelette by Don Perrin and Margaret Weis
  • Through the Door at the Top of the Sky - novelette by Roger E. Moore
  • Aurora's Eggs - novelette by Douglas Niles

The Dragons of Chaos

Dragonlance: The Dragon Anthologies: Book 3

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

The Chaos War Rages

For fans of Dragons of Summer Flame, this is a new short-story collection, featuring the brave heroes, dark villains, differing races, and all varieties of dragons of one of the most popular fantasy worlds -- Krynn.

Edited by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, this volume highlights familiar and beloved characters (and creatures), filling in some intriguing gaps of lost Dragonlance history.

Table of Contents:

  • Eyes of Chaos - (1997) - shortstory by Sue Weinlein Cook
  • The Noble Folly - (1997) - shortstory by Mark Anthony
  • Lessons of the Land - (1997) - novelette by Linda P. Baker
  • The Son of Huma - (1997) - novelette by Richard A. Knaak
  • Personal - (1997) - shortstory by Kevin T. Stein
  • The Dragon's Eye - (1997) - shortstory by Adam Lesh
  • Dragonfear - (1997) - shortstory by Teri McLaren
  • Tavern Tales - (1997) - shortstory by Jean Rabe
  • The Dragon's Well - (1997) - shortstory by Janet Pack
  • The Magnificent Two - (1997) - novelette by Nick O'Donohoe
  • There Is Another Shore, You Know, Upon the Other Side - (1997) - novelette by Roger E. Moore
  • The First Gully Dwarf Resistance - (1997) - novelette by Chris Pierson
  • The Star-Shard - (1997) - shortstory by Jeff Grubb
  • Master Tall and Master Small - (1997) - shortstory by Margaret Weis and Don Perrin
  • Icewall - (1997) - novelette by Douglas Niles

The Search for Power

Dragonlance: The Dragon Anthologies: Book 4

Margaret Weis

The latest Dragonlance anthology, featuring an introduction by Margaret Weis.

This newest anthology focuses on the lives and ways of dragons in the era following the end of the New York Times best-selling War of Souls trilogy by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. Edited by Margaret Weis and filled with a dozen stories from both well-known Dragonlance authors and a few newcomers, this is the first anthology to feature stories that take place in the current Dragonlance time period.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction - essay by Margaret Weis
  • Osuin's Treasure - shortfiction by Mark Sehestedt
  • Loyalty - shortfiction by Richard A. Knaak
  • The Dragon's Child - shortfiction by Nancy Varian Berberick
  • Four Ends - shortfiction by John Helfers
  • At the Water's Edge - shortfiction by Jamie Chambers
  • Lake of Death - shortfiction by Dan Willis
  • The Dragonslayers - shortfiction by Douglas W. Clark
  • Inventory - shortfiction by Jean Rabe
  • Special Delivery - shortfiction by Jeff Grubb
  • Marine Skies - shortfiction by Lucien Soulban
  • Wyrm's Claw Inn - shortfiction by Miranda Horner
  • Coin of Adament - shortfiction by Kevin T. Stein
  • The Box - shortfiction by Paul B. Thompson
  • The Albino - shortfiction by Douglas Niles

Dragons of Time

Dragonlance: The Dragon Anthologies: Book 5

Margaret Weis

Dragons dead, and dragons alive. Every size, type, color, and strange mood. Some good, some bad, and some not very snuggly.

Welcome to an evil wizard's macabre puppet show. Meet a chain of fools locked in a showdown with a brass dragon. Read the latest edition of "The Flying Dragon."

These and more fantastic tales come from Richard A. Knaak, Jean Rabe, Paul B. Thompson, and other Dragonlance authors telling new tales of Krynn and of dragons that have shaped the world.

Table of Contents:

  • "Homecoming" by Lizz Weis
  • "Chain of Fools" by Cam Banks
  • "Jaws of Defeat" by Paul B. Thompson
  • "Unforgotten" by Jean Rabe
  • "I Read It in The Flying Dragon" by Douglas W. Clark
  • "Aurora's Heart" by Rachel Gobar
  • "The Dragon's Claw" by Jake Bell
  • "Bloodrage" by Kevin T. Stein
  • "The Vow" by Richard A. Knaak
  • "Song of the Mother" by Lucien Soulban
  • "The Eight" by Mary H. Herbert
  • "No Strings Attached" by Miranda Horner and Margaret Weis


Dragonlance: The Elven Nations Trilogy: Book 1

Paul B. Thompson
Tonya C. Cook

When the leader of the Silvanesti elves dies, conflict threatens to drive his sons apart. While Sithas wishes the elves to withdraw more and more from any contact with other races, Kith-Kanan and his Wildrunners forge connections and trade goods with the humans of Ergoth.

As the world of Krynn watches, a new elven nation rises from the strife.

The Kinslayer Wars

Dragonlance: The Elven Nations Trilogy: Book 2

Douglas Niles

Kith-Kanan commits the ultimate heresy by falling in love with a human. But his twin brother, Sithas--the firstborn ruler of all Silvanesti elves--declares war on the humans, and Kith-Kanan must fight in the terrible Kinslayer Wars. Novels published in the 1990 Dragonlance Preludes Trilogy have already sold more than 500,000 copies. Black-and-white illustrations.

The Qualinesti

Dragonlance: The Elven Nations Trilogy: Book 3

Paul B. Thompson
Tonya C. Cook

The Kinslayer War has divided and devastated the elven race. For Kith-Kanan and his followers the hope of the future lies in a new homeland: Qualinost.

But within the new nation, corruption, treachery, and evil magic stir, threatening to undo all the great accomplishments of the royal house.

Paul B. Thompson and Tonya C. Cook's The Qualinesti is the climax to the Elven Nations Trilogy, the definitive saga of ancient elven history.

A Warrior's Journey

Dragonlance: The Ergoth Trilogy: Book 1

Paul B. Thompson
Tonya C. Cook

The first title in a new trilogy from Dragonlance author team Thompson and Cook.

Writing team Thompson & Cook once again explore the history of the ancient Dragonlance world in A Warrior's Journey, the first title in the new Ergoth trilogy. Considered the historical specialists of the Dragonlance world, the authors take the story to a colorful and violent era of its history that has not been previously chronicled in any novel.

The mighty Ergothian empire is gripped by civil war.

Centuries before the first Cataclysm sunders Ansalon, two imperial dynasties struggle for supremacy. Brutal warlords jockey for power, while corrupt wizards sell their skills to the highest bidder. Unnatural monsters prey on the unwary.

Amid this chaos and upheaval, a brave young peasant shakes the towers of the mighty as his fate and the destiny of Krynn collide.

The Wizard's Fate

Dragonlance: The Ergoth Trilogy: Book 2

Paul B. Thompson
Tonya C. Cook

A warrior returns home to reclaim all he has lost.

After a bloody 10-year war, the mighty city of Tarsis has been brought to its knees. Lord Tolandruth - once the farmer's son Tol - has led the armies of the Ergoth Empire to the enemy's very gates. Poised for final victory, instead he is recalled to Daltigoth. The Emperor is dead, and civil war threatens to tear apart the empire.Tol takes a long, perilous journey back to the seat of power, not only to attend upon a new emperor and be reunited with the woman he loves, but to avenge himself on the wizard who caused his exile. Reclaiming his love and honor calls for sacrifices that will shape his destiny - and the future of Krynn.

Writing team Thompson & Cook once again explore the history of the ancient Dragonlance world in The Wizard's Fate, the next title in the Ergoth Trilogy. Considered the historical specialists of the Dragonlance world, the authors take the story to a colorful and violent era of its history that has not been previously chronicled in any novel.

A Hero's Justice

Dragonlance: The Ergoth Trilogy: Book 3

Paul B. Thompson
Tonya C. Cook

The final title in the latest trilogy from Dragonlance author team Thompson & Cook. Writing team Thompson and Cook once again explore the history of the ancient Dragonlance world in A Hero's Justice. Considered the historical specialists of the setting, the authors take their storytelling skills to a colorful and violent era of its history that has not been chronicled in any previous novel series.

Warrior's Heart

Dragonlance: The Goodlund Trilogy: Book 1

Stephen D. Sullivan

Catriona Goodlund was born to be a warrior. Now, after years on the road to knighthood, protecting and saving her friends, it's time for Cat to face the secrets of her past and finally decide her future.

But when she returns to her hometown, she finds the Heart of Purespring gone and destruction all around. With everything she's ever loved lost to her, Catriona must make her choice: revenge or redemption?

Warrior's Blood

Dragonlance: The Goodlund Trilogy: Book 2

Stephen D. Sullivan

In the deserts of northern Solamnia, many suprises await Catriona Goodlun. The treachery of a friend. The humiliation of captivity. The joy of a long-sought reunion. With one shock after another, Catriona learns at last whether the blood of a warrior beats within her.

Award-winning author Steve Sullivan returns with the second installment of the Goodlund trilogy!

Warrior's Bones

Dragonlance: The Goodlund Trilogy: Book 3

Stephen D. Sullivan

Catriona Goodlund returns to face her past and save her future.

Buried alive and left for dead, Catriona awakes in a tomb, sealed off from her family and friends. At the culmination of her long journey home, will shw prove that she has the strength to be the warrior she was born to become?

In this final installment of the Goodlund Trilogy, Catriona finds she has -- the heart and soul of a warrior.

Chosen of the Gods

Dragonlance: The Kingpriest Trilogy: Book 1

Chris Pierson

The first book in the historical Kingpriest trilogy, which chronicles the origins and development of a noted figure from the Dragonlance Legends trilogy, linking this new series to one of the most popular trilogies in the entire Dragonlance saga.

The Kingpriests have reigned for centuries in the name of Paladine, the supreme god of good. But danger lurks in the empire's heart. The Kingpriest has foreseen his own death, and dark forces converge on the Temple, vying to control the throne.

Following a prophetic dream, a high priestess of Paladine sets forth in search of a worker of miracles, one who can lead the way to the triumph of light over darkness: the Lightbringer, the true chosen of the gods.

Divine Hammer

Dragonlance: The Kingpriest Trilogy: Book 2

Chris Pierson

Sorcery: A Threat to the Glory of Istar.

Twenty years have passed since Beldinas the Kingpriest assumed the throne. His is a realm of unsurpassed grandeur and wealth, a testament to the mightiest age of the empire of Istar.

But evil exists in this great realm, threatening the peace and sanctity of the province. Beldinas must turn to his most loyal lieutenant, Cathan, for help. Following Cathan's lead, the Knights of the Divine Hammer strive to extinguish a foul sorcery that will stop at nothing to serve its own dark ends.

Sacred Fire

Dragonlance: The Kingpriest Trilogy: Book 3

Chris Pierson

The final title in the historical Kingpriest trilogy. This titles completes the exploration of a key part of Dragonlance history. The era explored in this novel, although referred to frequently throughout many Dragonlance novels, is being finely detailed for the first time. In addition, this title features popular characters that appear throughout the Dragonlance Legends trilogy.

Dragons of the Dwarven Depths

Dragonlance: The Lost Chronicles Trilogy: Book 1

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

Tanis Half-Elven... Flint Fireforge... Tasslehoff Burfoot... the classic Dragonlance characters are back!

Picking up where the first book of the classic Dragonlance Chronicles left off, this tale follows the Companions of the Lance on their adventures following the rescue of the refugees of Pax Tharkas. Flint and Tanis Half-Elven travel to the dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin, while the rest of the Companions confront challenges of their own.

Dragons of the Highlord Skies

Dragonlance: The Lost Chronicles Trilogy: Book 2

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

The Chronicles retold--from evil's point of view.

The story starts in Neraka, where Kitiara uth Matar and Emperor Ariakas hatch a plan to retrieve a dragon orb and thereby destroy Solamnia and the Companions in one fell swoop. But the guardian of the dragon orb, Highlord Feal-Thas, disagrees with this plan. Kitiara must go to Ice Wall to force him to accept Ariakas' will, but her journey does not end there. Thrown out of favor, she conceives a daring plan to enlist the aid of the most feared beings on Krynn--Lord Soth and the Dark Queen. Meanwhile, Laurana and the Companions retrieve the dragon orb and take it back to Solamnia--not knowing that they bring their allies' doom with them.

The second volume of a new trilogy from celebrated authors Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, The Lost Chronicles details the famed War of the Lance from the perspective of the evil that menaces Krynn. The books are written in such a way that they will be marvelous complements to the original Chronicles, while at the same time accessible and exciting to new readers.

Dragons of the Hourglass Mage

Dragonlance: The Lost Chronicles Trilogy: Book 3

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

Between Chronicles and Legends, what made Raistlin aspire to godhood?

Raistlin Majere has become a Black Robe wizard and travels to Neraka, the lord city of the Dark Queen, ostensibly to work for her, though in reality he means to further his own quest for power. But Takhisis finds out that the dragon orb has entered her city and sends her draconians to find and destroy the wizard who has it in his possession. Before her agents can strike, though, Raistlin finds out that Takhisis means to take control of all wizardly magic. She has ordered Kitiara to set a trap for the Gods of Magic on the Night of the Eye, when all the high-ranking wizards will be in Neraka to celebrate.

As the forces of light, with help from the good dragons, are turning the tide of battle, Raistlin is forced to flee, for his foes are closing in on him. As the Dragon Highlords vie for the Crown of Power in the Temple of the Dark Queen, Raistlin Majere wages his own desperate battle against Takhisis in the dungeons below and meets again the brother he betrayed. The fate of the world hangs in the balance.

The Kagonesti

Dragonlance: The Lost Histories: Book 1

Douglas Niles

Kith-Kanan commits the ultimate heresy by falling in love with a human. But his twin brother, Sithas--the firstborn ruler of all Silvanesti elves--declares war on the humans, and Kith-Kanan must fight in the terrible Kinslayer Wars.

The Ida: Children of the Stars

Dragonlance: The Lost Histories: Book 2

Linda P. Baker

In the Beginning...

Given life by gods, the Ogres were the most intelligent and beautful of the early races on Krynn, and they reigned supreme in their perfect kingdom...

Until that fabled race was weakened by clan rivalries and evil ambition, their downfall orchestrated by the hand of the Dark Queen, Takhisis...

Until the once-proud Ogres were cursed by their own mistakes and transformed into one of Krynn's most ugly, despised, and villainous species...

All except a small group, the Irda, who learned to accept goodness, fight for their freedom, and escape to build a utopian civilization of their own on a paradise island in the Dragon Isles.

The Irda

The Lost Histories Series probes the historical roots and epic struggles of the heretofore little-known peoples of Krynn. Author Linda P. Baker sheds light on thelegendary origins of this mysterious race, The Irda.

The Dargonesti

Dragonlance: The Lost Histories: Book 3

Tonya C. Cook
Paul B. Thompson

A Captive Elven Princess...

In a time of war, a princess of Qualinost and an elite band of warriors sail forth to rescue their contrymen from the collapsing Ergoth Empire. Their journey goes awry when a strange mist engulfs Princess Vixa's ship and transports them to a phantom island.

Who are the mysterious masters who imprison them in their undersea city?

No soul has encountered the fabled Dargonesti or visited the city of pearl marble that rises from the sea floor -- and lived to tell the tale. Princess Vixa and her companions meet the race of sea elves, experience a fantastical underwater world, face a foe counted among the legends of Krynn, and accept an impossible mission that will bring them back to the land they call home.

The Dargonesti

The Lost Histories Series probes the historical roots and epic struggles of the heretofore little-known peoples of Krynn.

Land of the Minotaurs

Dragonlance: The Lost Histories: Book 4

Richard A. Knaak

Children of Destiny...

Throughout the time of Krynn, one race has remained strong in its pride and beliefs. The minotaurs envision themselves as the children of destiny, the future masters of the world. Despite adversity, defeat, and enslavement, that belief has never wavered.

If there is a foe capable of destroying the minotaurs, it is their own arrogance. Here is told the tale of clan against clan, and of how the exiled champion Kaz must discover the terrible secret of the empire before he and his entire race suffer the disastrous consequences.

Land of the Minotaurs

The Lost Histories Series probes the historical roots and epic struggles of the heretofore little-known peoples of Krynn. Author Richard A. Knaak explores the land and history of the horned race of minotaurs.

The Gully Dwarves

Dragonlance: The Lost Histories: Book 5

Dan Parkinson

From the lowest of the low will arise a hero...

This is the prophecy given by the god Reorx to Verden Leafglow, a reformed green dragon rejected by Takhisis, the queen of villainy. For good measure, Reorx tells the dragon to give the hero a helping hand.

"Forever Aghar"

But who is this mighty hero? Why none other than Bron, son of the leader of the gully dwarf tribe of Bulp. Befriended by Verden Leafglow, Bron must prove his mettle as the first Aghar hero when the gully dwarves are caught up in the struggles that follow the War of the Lance.

The Gully Dwarves

The Lost Histories Series probes the historical roots and epic struggles of the heretofore little-known peoples of Krynn.

The Dragons

Dragonlance: The Lost Histories: Book 6

Douglas Niles

War Among the Dragons...

"When dragons make war, Krynn can only tremble in the shaodw of angry wings."
-- Astinus Lorekeeper

Aurican and Darlantan, mighty serpents of gold and silver, have been nurtured in a world of wisdom, meditation, and sublime faith. On the other side of Ansalon, Crematia, a dragon of red, inherits the Dark Queen's legacy of betrayal, violence, conquest, and plunder.

The advent of a worldwide war sweeps these powerful beings and many more into desperate strife. Battles rage over Krynn with a fury that threatens to annilhilate nations and whole races -- even dragonkind. As campaigns ebb and flow, generations of lesser mortals come and go, and the great serpents are left to determine the fate of the world. Their triumphs may create a destiny of all-encompassing light or cast the world beneath the shadoe of ultimate darkness.

The Dragons

The Lost Histories Series probes the historical roots and epic struggles of little-known inhabitants of Krynn.

Kindred Spirits

Dragonlance: The Meetings Sextet: Book 1

Ellen Porath
Mark Anthony

Magic and Murder

When Flint Fireforge, dwarf and metalsmith, receives a wondrous summons from the Speaker of the Sun, he journeys to the fabled elven city of Qualinost. There he meets Tanis, a thoughtful youth born of a tragic union between elf and man. Tanis and Flint, each a misfit in his own way, find themselves unlikely friends.

But a pompous elf lord is mysteriously slain, and another elf soon meets the same fate. Tanis stands accused, and if his innocence cannot be proven, the half-elf will be banished forever. Solving the mystery will be a perilous task. Time is on the murder's side, and he is not finished yet.


Dragonlance: The Meetings Sextet: Book 2

Mary Kirchoff
Steve Winter

Stop, Thief!

One spring day Tasslehoff Burrfoot comes to Solace, accidentally pockets a copper bracelet, and (forcibly) makes the acquaintance of Tanis Half-Elven and Flint Fireforge.

A simple tale. Except that the fate of the entire race of Dargonesti sea elves hangs in the balance.

How does this piece of kender-coveted jewelry lead the companions and a sea elf princess to ally with the phaethons, creatures with wings of flame?

The answer lies with a mysterious mage, a broker of souls, who knows the bracelet's secret and has a hideous plan to rule the Black Robes.

Wanderlust is the second exsciting installment in the Dragonlance saga Meetings Sextet by Steve Winter and Mary Kirchoff, author of Kendermore and Flint, the King.

Dark Heart

Dragonlance: The Meetings Sextet: Book 3

Tina Daniell


At long last, the story of the beautiful dark-hearted Kitiara Uth Matar. This compelling novel tells the story of the birth of her twin brothers, the warrior Caramon and the frail mage Raistlin, and Kit's admirable role in their upbringing.

But her youthful mercenary deeds and increasing fascination with evil throw her into the company of a roguish stranger and band of adventurers whose fates are intermingled with her own. Haunted by the memory of her Solamnic father, she hunts him ceaselessly.

Tina Daniell's first novel brings to life this remarkable warrior-woman, whose credo of "the sword is truth" becomes her triumph and downfall.

The Oath and the Measure

Dragonlance: The Meetings Sextet: Book 4

Michael Williams

Secrets of the past.

Although Raistlin and Caramon urge him not to go, Sturm Brightblade attends an annual Solamnic ceremony that is interrupted by...

A stranger, taunting challenge. Clues from the past. Death.

Once he accepts a mysterious gauntlet, young Sturm must make a dangerous journey with some curious friends, rescue a fair if querulous maid, defeat a traitor knight, and learn the secret fate of his long-lost father. He must also learn the meaning of honor.

The fourth installment in the popular Meetings Sextet tells the story of Sturm Brightblade, the noble Solamnic Knight, in the years before Sturm joined up with the other companions of the best-selling Dragonlance series.

Steel and Stone

Dragonlance: The Meetings Sextet: Book 5

Ellen Porath

Hate At First Sight

The tempestuous affair of Kitiara Uth Matar and Tanis Half-Elven begins with the sword.

Life isn't simple for the hotheaded pair. They must contend with a carnivorous, two-headed troll; a deposed leader who believes Kitiara is the cause of the ruler's troubles; a vindictive mage who seeks peculiar vengeance; and Kit's hulking former lover. They also meet a beautiful magic-user hiding a painful secret, and a giant owl with a sardonic sense of humor.

Here is the long-awaited story of the meeting of Tanis and Kitiara, a tale of love, lust, betrayal, and revenge that takes the reader through Krynn and south to the glacial Icereach.

Ellen Porath, co-author of Kindred Spirits, tells this exciting new tale, the fifth in the Dragonlance Saga Meetings Sextet.

The Companions

Dragonlance: The Meetings Sextet: Book 6

Tina Daniell

Lost At Sea

Caramon, Sturm, and Tasslehoff, on an innocent ship's errand, are blown thousands of miles off course by a magic windstorm and transported to the eastern Bloodsea. Caramon and Sturm are left for dead while Tasslehoff mysteriously turns against his friends....

Back in Solace, Raistlin convinces Flint Fireforge and Tanis Half-Elven that they must make a perilous journey to Mithas, the kingdom of the minotaurs. Their task: not only to rescue their friends, but also to defeat the elusive Nightmaster.

The Companions brings the cast of the Dragonlance series together for their first adventure. Author Tina Daniell wrote the best-seller Dark Heart.

Night of Blood

Dragonlance: The Minotaur Wars: Book 1

Richard A. Knaak

The first title in a new hardcover trilogy from New York Times best-selling author Richard A. Knaak. This direct follow-up to the recent best-selling War of Souls trilogy deals with the minotaurs, a species with which the author is particularly associated in the minds of Dragonlance fans. This series will move the minotaur species to the forefront of the Dragonlance world, and since this is the first hardcover title that deals directly with the world-changing fallout at the end of the War of Souls, it is both a key title for Dragonlance fans and an excellent entry point for new readers.

Tides of Blood

Dragonlance: The Minotaur Wars: Book 2

Richard A. Knaak

This second title in The Minotaur Wars trilogy continues the tale of the fallout from the end of the New York Times best-selling War of Souls series. Author Richard A. Knaak is particularly associated with minotaurs in the minds of Dragonlance novel fans, making him the ideal author to move the minotaurs to the forefront of the Dragonlance novel storyline.

Empire of Blood

Dragonlance: The Minotaur Wars: Book 3

Richard A. Knaak

The War of Souls has ended, but Krynn is still rife with conflict. The elven land of Silvanesti is no more, replaced by the minotaur colony of Ambeon.

A new emperor sits on the throne in Nethosak, his dark Protectors backed by the magic of the Forerunners. Resistance to the empire is all but crushed.

The rebellion's last hope, Faros, struggles with personal demons. But, unexpectedly bolstered by the very gods he has renounced, the legitimate heir rises up against obstacles all too real as well as others fantastical. A plague of abominations descends upon Faros's forces as they storm the capital... forcing a memorable showdown with the evil usurpers.

The trilogy that began with dire events of NIGHT OF BLOOD and continued with the epic struggles in TIDES OF BLOOD now arrives at this thrilling conclusion.

Temple of the Dragonslayer

Dragonlance: The New Adventures: Book 1

Tim Waggoner

Nearra does not know who she is or where she lives, but she does know one thing: someone wants her dead. Her only hope lies leagues away, in an ancient temple, where healing clerics may be able to restore her memory.

A helpful young ranger, a failed warrior, a sneaky elf, and a kender wizard offer to accompany Nearra on her journey. She soon learns her newfound friends have secrets of their own. As goblins, an angry minotaur, and a vicious green dragon attempt to stop them at every turn, friendships are tested and all of if may come to ruin from the one Nearra trusts the most.

The Dying Kingdom

Dragonlance: The New Adventures: Book 2

Stephen D. Sullivan

The second title in an all-new Dragonlance series for young readers!

The Dying Kingdom continues a new series of Dragonlance adventures written specifically for readers ages 10 and up. Sized to fit the young reader market, the series features a new band of young companions who band together for friendship and excitement during the golden age of the Dragonlance world. Author Tim Waggoner has written frequently for young readers, and his novels and short stories have been nominated for numerous writing awards.

The Dragon Well

Dragonlance: The New Adventures: Book 3

Dan Willis

The third title in an all-new Dragonlance series for young readers.

The Dragon Well continues a new series of Dragonlance adventures written specifically for readers ages 10 and up. Sized to fit the young reader market, the series features a new group of young companions who band together for friendship and excitement during the golden age of the Dragonlance world.

Return of the Sorceress

Dragonlance: The New Adventures: Book 4

Tim Waggoner

Secrets and lies...

Armed with new weapons and a newfound confidence, Nearra and her friends plan to confront the wizard Maddoc. But before they can reach Cairngorn Keep, a skeletal griffin kidnaps Nearra and delivers her directly into the wizard's hands.

As Maddoc prepares the final spell to unleash the Evergence, Davyn and the others struggle to rescue Nearra. But in the confines of Maddoc's keep, appearances deceive. Friends become enemies. Dark dreams become reality. And naive Nearra may not be as innocent as she seems.

Dragon Sword

Dragonlance: The New Adventures: Book 5

Ree Soesbee

The fifth title in an all-new Dragonlance series for young readers.

Dragon Sword continues a new series of Dragonlance adventures written specifically for readers ages 10 and up. Sized to fit the young reader market, the series features a new group of young companions who band together for friendship and excitement during the golden age of the Dragonlance world.

Dragon Day

Dragonlance: The New Adventures: Book 6

Stan Brown

The sixth title in an all-new Dragonlance series for young readers.

Dragon Day continues a new series of Dragonlance adventures written specifically for readers ages 10 and up. Sized to fit the young reader market, the series features a new group of young companions who band together for friendship and excitement during the golden age of the Dragonlance world.

Dragon Knight

Dragonlance: The New Adventures: Book 7

Dan Willis

The seventh title in the new Dragonlance adventure series for young readers.

Dragon Knights continues a new series of Dragonlance fantasy adventures written specifically for readers ages 10 and up. Sized to fit the young reader market, the series features a group of young companions who band together for friendship and excitement during the golden age of the Dragonlance world.

Dragon Spell

Dragonlance: The New Adventures: Book 8

Jeff Sampson

The eighth title in the new Dragonlance adventure series for young readers.

Dragon Spell continues a new series of Dragonlance fantasy adventures written specifically for readers ages 10 and up. Sized to fit the young reader market, the series features a group of young companions who band together for friendship and excitement during the golden age of the Dragonlance world.

The Black Talon

Dragonlance: The Ogre Titans: Book 1

Richard A. Knaak

An ancient ogre empire threatens cataclysm for all in this new Dragonlance trilogy!

With a dire enemy now seated on the throne of the minotaur empire, the one-handed half-breed ogre Golgren returns to his own realm on the mainland and uses brutal means to consolidate his power and forge unlikely alliances. He must cope with an elite band of sorcerers, whose magical tactics are not easily thwarted. These Ogre Titans--led by their inner circle, the Black Talon--emerge as his greatest rivals. Golgren's obsession to resurrect the glorious past of the ogre race will engulf humans and elves, but may ultimately be decided by a deadly, capricious god.

The Fire Rose

Dragonlance: The Ogre Titans: Book 2

Richard A. Knaak

A hidden artifact waits to be found--and used...

The half-breed ogre, Golgren, at last Grand Khan of all his people, faces unpleasant threats. Tthe Knights of Neraka encroach on one border and the minotaur empire crosses another, while the rise of a new and unlikely rival among his own kind augurs the death stroke to all his ambitions...perhaps his very life. Now Golgren must abandon everything to embark on a quest he can trust to no other. The Fire Rose is a mysterious artifact that could prove the salvation - or destruction - of his growing empire. Safrag, the new master of the Ogre Titans, is just as eager to claim the precious artifact and promote his own might.

Richard A. Knaak's post-War of Souls trilogy is the follow-up to his New York Times best-selling Minotaur Wars trilogy in the popular Dragonlance series.

The Gargoyle King

Dragonlance: The Ogre Titans: Book 3

Richard A. Knaak

A climactic battle of magic and steel from the New York Times best-selling author of The Legend of Huma!

The Titans have gained the Fire Rose and seized the ogre realms from the Grand Khan Golgren. With the powerful artifact created by the god, Sirrion, they have literally recreated the capital, Garantha, and they intend to remold the people next. Although the Titans believe Golgren is dead, the half-breed survives. With few he can trust and facing magic, treachery, and distrustful gods, Golgren must find the answer in his own past if he has any hope of overcoming the Titans and the powers of the Fire Rose. In doing so, however, he risks becoming a pawn of the gargoyle king.

The Rebellion

Dragonlance: The Stonetellers: Book 1

Jean Rabe

Jean Rabe returns to the world of Dragonlance with a tale of slavery, rebellion, and the struggle for freedom!

When a series of earthquakes strike a Dark Knight mining camp, goblin and hobgoblin slaves take advantage of the bedlam and revolt. A fast and deadly rebellion erupts, pitting the Dark Knights against their slaves... and against the still-rumbling ground. Casualties on both sides climb as a leader emerges among the slave force --Direfang, a hobgoblin foreman with deep scars and a long, brutal history of servitude. He must rally the surviving goblins and hobgoblins and lead them out of Neraka, turning his rag-tag force into an army that will not allow itself to be enslaved again.

Death March

Dragonlance: The Stonetellers: Book 2

Jean Rabe

Jean Rabe's long-anticipated return to Krynn continues!

Escaping from the slave pens of a Dark Knight mining camp was no easy feat, but what awaits Direfang, a former hobgoblin slave who has become the reluctant general of a growing goblin army is every bit as perilous. From the cruel ogre mountains to the shores of Newsea, Direfang, Mudwort the shaman, and the Dark Knight wizard Grallik fight the natural and unnatural forces that seek to destroy them. Direfang is tested to his limits by once-friends and powerful foes as he undertakes a death march to the Qualinesti Forest. His eyes on independence, Direfang refuses to surrender, and pledges his life for a chance to be free, even as he learns that freedom is a deadly prize.

Goblin Nation

Dragonlance: The Stonetellers: Book 3

Jean Rabe

The climactic conclusion to the Stonetellers saga!

Goblin Nation concludes The Stonetellers trilogy, finding Direfang and his army of goblins and hobgoblins deep in the Qualinesti Forest. Although they are far from the Dark Knights' mining camp they escaped from, they are also far from safe. The forest is fraught with its own deadly dangers--with the entire world seemingly bent on keeping the goblins from founding their new homeland. But Direfang is resolute and will risk all their lives in a final bid for freedom.

Dragons of a Fallen Sun

Dragonlance: The War of Souls: Book 1

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

The people of Krynn have known war in past ages. Some are still alive who remember the triumph of good at the conclusion of the War of the Lance. Still more remember the devastation of the Chaos War, which ended the Fourth Age of the world.

But now a new war is about to begin, more terrible than any have known. This war is one for the very heart and soul of the world itself.

Dragons of a Lost Star

Dragonlance: The War of Souls: Book 2

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

A mysterious force holds Krynn in thrall. A young woman, protected by her regiment of dark-armored knights, calls upon the might of an unknown god to bring victory to her army as it sweeps across the land. The souls of the dead rob the living of their magic. A dragon overlord threatens the very land the elves hold most dear.

Amidst the chaos, a band of brave and selfless heroes struggles against an immortal power that appears to thwart them at every turn. The encroaching darkness threatens to engulf all hope, all faith, all light.

The War of Souls rages on.

Dragons of a Vanished Moon

Dragonlance: The War of Souls: Book 3

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

The flames of war devour Ansalon. The army of dead souls marches toward conquest, led by the mystical warrior Mina, who serves the powerful One God.

A small band of heroes, driven to desperate measures, leads the fight against overwhelming odds.

Two unlikely protagonists emerge. One is a dragon overlord who will not easily relinquish her rule. The other is an irrepressible kender who has been on a strange and remarkable journey that will end in startling and unforeseen fashion.

The stirring climax of the War of Souls.

Wizard's Curse

Dragonlance: Trinistyr Trilogy: Book 1

Christina Woods

This new trilogy follows Nearra as she journeys to Icereach to break a curse plaguing her family. But new enemies lurk where she least expects them, and the journey tests her every resolve. Will Nearra find the strength to break the wizard's curse?

Wizard's Curse continues a new series of Dragonlance fantasy adventures written specifically for readers ages 10 and up. The series features a group of young companions who band together for friendship, adventure, and excitement during the golden age of the Dragonlance world.

Wizard's Betrayal

Dragonlance: Trinistyr Trilogy: Book 2

Jeff Sampson

The Trinistyr
Ancient holy relic
Cursed symbol of power
Key to Nearra's future... or her destruction

An antique map reveals yet another family secret: Nearra must relive the suffering of two more of the wizards betrayed by her ancestor, or her family's magic and the healing power of the Trinistyr will never be restored.

Undeterred, Nearra, Jirah, and their friends continue their mission, arriving at the once great city of Tarsis. But they do not journey alone. Two elf mages watch them from afar, while a dark cleric follows their every move. Betrayals come to light. New powers arise. And a startling revelation threatens to destroy Nearra, once and for all.

Wizard's Return

Dragonlance: Trinistyr Trilogy: Book 3

Dan Willis

Find out if Nearra can reclaim her magic in the thrilling finale to the Trinistyr Trilogy.

Wizard's Return is the highly-anticipated follow-up to Wizard's Betrayal, the second volume in the Trinistyr Trilogy. Set in the popular Dragonlance world of Krynn, Dragonlance: The New Adventures follows a group of young companions as they band together for friendship, adventure and excitement.

Before the Mask

Dragonlance: Villains: Book 1

Michael Williams
Teri Williams

Chronicles the life of the evil Verminaard, from his humble beginnings to his career as a despised ruler. By the authors of The Oath and the Measure. Original. 150,000 first printing.

The Black Wing

Dragonlance: Villains: Book 2

Mary Kirchoff

Presents the story of the black dragon of Xak Tsaroth, ruins that lie in the heart of a murky and dangerous swamp, detailing the origins of the creature and its role as a minion of the Dark Queen. Original.

Emperor of Alsalon

Dragonlance: Villains: Book 3

Douglas Niles

Exploring the lives of the ruthless overlords of Ansalon, the Villains series details the rise and fall of Krynn's oppressors. The raw power and innate cunning of the Highlord Ariakus carries him to complete mastery over the armies of the Dark Queen. Yet fueled by insatiable ambition, he seeks an even higher throne. Illustrations.

Hederick the Theocrat

Dragonlance: Villains: Book 4

Ellen Dodge Severson

Death to Heretice!

The words ring through the treetop city of Solace night and day. Hederick, as leader of the Seeker religion in Solace and self-ordained conscience of Krynn, leads an Inquisition and vows to stop only when all who follow magic and the old gods are dead And Takhisis, Queen of Darkness, smiles.

Hederick faces the false priest who led him to Seekerism, a thief fleeing death sentence, the beautiful white-robed mage who loves Hederick despite herself, and the power of the vallenwood trees themselves.

Ellen Dodge Severson's DRAGONLANCE novels include Kindred Spirits (with Mark Anthony) and Steel and Stone. This, her third novel, tells the story of the demagogue Hederick, one of Krynn's most nefarious villains.

The Villains series explores the corrupted origins of the malevolent minions of Takhisis, Queen of Darkness.

Lord Toede

Dragonlance: Villains: Book 5

Jeff Grubb

Fewmaster Toede, a vain, pompous, and unreliable slavemaster and Dragon Highlord, becomes an unwitting hero as he walks a narrow and perilous path among competing evil forces that would make him their pawn. Original.

The Dark Queen

Dragonlance: Villains: Book 6

Michael Williams
Teri Williams

The long-awaited tale of the New York Times best-selling Dragonlance series' greatest villain--Takhisis, Queen of Darkness--follows her as she is worshipped by legions of evil beings and spends her time plotting to escape from the Abyss. Original.

Knights of the Crown

Dragonlance: Warriors: Book 1

Roland J. Green

The Knights of Solamnia were the greatest order of chivalry in the history of Krynn.

All those who wish to become Solamnic Knights must first enter as squires of the Knights of the Crown, with whom they begin their training in the virtue of loyalty.

This is the story of Sir Pirvan the Wayward, whose reluctant and inauspicious beginnings as Pirvan the Spell Thief bore few clues to his potential as a Knight of the Crown.

Roland J. Green is the author of the Starcruiser Shennandoa and Wandor series and numerous Conan novels, and is coauthor (with Jerry Pournelle) of the Jannisaries series.

The Warriors series details the exploits of the heroes and villains of the War of the Lance.

Maquesta Kar-Thon

Dragonlance: Warriors: Book 2

Jean Rabe
Tina Daniell

At eighteen, Maquesta Kar-Thon has just volunteered to captain the Perechon for a quest with a high stake -- her father's life.

The minotaur lord Attat has giver her father a slow-acting poison, and is withholding the antidote until Maq captures the deadly sea monster Morkoth for his private zoo. To accompany her on this voyage, Attat sends along the renegade minotaur Bas Ohn-Koraf and a shadowperson warrior, Ilyatha.

As the Perechon races to complete its quest, it is beset by pirates, attacked by Blood Sea imps, and tangles with kuo-toa. Maq must not only fight these enemies but prove herself to the Perechon crew.

Through it all, the image of her dying father bears down on her.

The Warriors series details the exploits of the heroes and villains of the War of the Lance.

Knights of the Sword

Dragonlance: Warriors: Book 3

Roland J. Green

The greatest order of chivalry in the history of Krynn.

After a knight has achieved the Order of the Crown, he must then begin his training in the virtues of courage and heroism in order to achieve the Order of the Sword.

This is the second tale of Sir Pirvan the Wayward, whose reluctant and inauspicious beginnings bore few clues to his potential as a Knight of the Sword or as a Knight of the Crown, nor as a mentor for another similarly dubious prospect for Krynn's greatest order of chivalry.

Theros Ironfeld

Dragonlance: Warriors: Book 4

Don Perrin

A young boy stood on the dock of his fishing village and watched the minotaur war barge approach. It would change his life from a lad who would have grown to follow in the footsteps of his father, to the greatest weaponsmith in the history of Krynn.

As a boy, Theros Ironfeld was captured and pressed to service under the minotaurs. As a man, he first fought draconians to a standstill in Solace, and later, by mysterious means, acquired a silver arm. And when the evil dragons came to conquer, he was the only man who could forge the fabled dragonlances necessary to defeat them.

The Warriors series details the exploits of the heroes and villains of the War of the Lance.

Knights of the Rose

Dragonlance: Warriors: Book 5

Roland J. Green

The Knights of Solamnia were the greatest order of chivalry in the history of Krynn.

After a knight has achieved the Order of the Crown and the Order of the Sword, he must then begin his training in the virtues of wisdom and justice in order to achieve the Order of the Rose, the highest of all orders.

This is the third tale of Sir Pirvan the Wayward, whose reluctant and inauspicious beginnings bore few clues to his potential as a knight of the highest order. In a time when others of Solamnia had become corrupt and self-serving, Sir Pirvan maintained the dignity of the Order, walking the fine line between personal codes of honor and loyalty, and diplomacy and duty.

Roland J. Green is the author of the Starcruiser Shenandoah and Wandor series and numerous Conan novels, and is coauthor (with Jerr Pournelle) of the Jannisaries series.

The Warriors series details the exploits of the heroes and villains of the War of the Lance.

Lord Soth

Dragonlance: Warriors: Book 6

Edo van Belkom

The Dragonlance Warriors series continues with the tale of Soth, once a mighty warrior, whose jealous passions and neglect of duty has caused him to lose all that is dear to him - his love, his life and his very spirit. His is the tale of a descent into evil and darkness.

The Wayward Knights

Dragonlance: Warriors: Book 7

Roland J. Green

The heroic conclusion to the tale of Sir Pirvan the Wayward!

Despite his humble beginnings, Sir Pirvan has managed to ascend to the highest orders of the knights of Solamnia. Along the way, he has become known as the founder of an obscure group of knights whose own dubious pasts have helped to dub them the Wayward Knights. On the verge of a well-deserved retirement, Sir Pirvan once again answers the call of duty and the only allies he can rely on now are the Wayward Knights he himself recruited so many years ago.

The Last Dragonlord

Dragonlords: Book 1

Joanne Bertin

Dragonlord Linden Rathan, last-born of a race of immortal weredragons, has spent six hundred years alone, searching for his soultwin while his fellow Dragonlords watch over humanity's Five Kingdoms.

When the Queen of Cassori dies mysteriously, Linden and the other Dragonlords are called upon to prevent civil war as two human claimants vie for the regency.

As the battle for Cassori rule escalates, Linden becomes the target of the Fellowship, a secret society of true-humans who could actually destroy his immortal life.

Then he meets a beautiful young ship captain named Maurynna who may be the only one who can help Linden bring Cassori back from the brink of chaos.

Dragon and Phoenix

Dragonlords: Book 2

Joanne Bertin

Once every thousand years the phoenix of Jehanglan burns to death in a magical release. For millennia the emperors of Jehanglan have tried to harness the awesome power of the phoenix's rebirth. One has finally succeeded, using black magic and the enslavement of a dragon.

Far away at the Crown of the World, Dragon-lord Linden and his new wife, Maurynna, are trying to live the life of happy newlyweds. But all is not well. Since her first Change into dragon-form, Maurynna has been unable to duplicate it. And as her inability to Change drives her into a dark abyss of depression, Linden begins to doubt the love he was once so sure of...

At this time of personal crisis, these two must journey to Jehanglan and marshall all of their diplomatic and martial skill to penetrate the treachery of the empire and set free the phoenix. But to do so they must face the dragon--the dragon who just might be a Dragonlord gone mad....

Bard's Oath

Dragonlords: Book 3

Joanne Bertin

In The Last Dragonlord and Dragon and Phoenix Joanne Bertin created a world unlike our own, where Dragonlords soar in the skies above the many realms of the land. The Dragonlords' magic is unique, giving them the ability to change from dragon to human form; to communicate silently among themselves; and other abilities not known to mortals. For many millennia, the Dragonlords have been a blessing to the world, with their great magic and awesome power. And though they live far longer than the humans who they resemble when not in their draconic state, these fabled changelings are still loyal to their human friends.

Now in Bard's Oath, their magic is not the only power abroad in the world. And not all the magic is as benign as theirs. Leet, a master bard of great ability and vaulting ambition, has his own magic, but of a much darker nature. Years ago, death claimed the woman he loved, setting him on a course to avenge her death, no matter the consequences. Now, mad with hatred and consumed by his thirst for revenge, Leet has set in motion a nefarious plot that ensnares the friend of a Dragonlord, using his bardic skills... and dark powers only he can summon, to accomplish his bitter task. Raven, a young horse-breeder friend of the Dragonloard Linden Rathan, is ensnared by Leet and under the bard's spell, is one of the bard's unwitting catspaws. When accused of a heinous crime, Raven turns to Linden, and while Dragonlords normally do not meddle in human affairs, Linden comes to Raven's aid, loath to abandon him in his time of desperate need. But Raven, and others victimized by Leet, are at the mercy of human justice. Can even a Dragonlord save them from a dire fate before it is too late?

Storm of Wings

Dragonmaster: Book 1

Chris Bunch

Hal Kailas is a runaway and a pauper, living hand to mouth in a kingdom where peace is by no means certain. But Hal has a dream. In his younger days, he had the breathtaking experience of bonding with a young dragon, and the memory of the beast's great strength and power consumes his every thought.

When war does come to the kingdom, the most daring and ruthless of men soar into battle on the backs of such fearsome creatures--monstrous weapons of war that rule the sky. Few men are strong enough to bend a dragon's will to their own, but Hal has reason to think he may be one--and in time, he will prove that he is the greatest dragonmaster of them all.

Knighthood of the Dragon

Dragonmaster: Book 2

Chris Bunch

Having proved his mettle as a dragon flier in the war against the Roche, Hal Kalais has earned his place as Dragonmaster of Deraine's aerial forces. Taking advantage of the enemy's retreat, Hal leads three squadrons in a combined land and air assault to push the Roche back to their capital and end the war once and for all.

But just as victory appears imminent, the Roche reveal the true strategy of their withdrawal. Digging in behind fortifications on mountainous terrain, they can keep Deraine's forces at bay indefinitely. The tide of battle turns for the worse when Hal is wounded and captured by the enemy--who are fully aware of the prize Dragonmaster in their possession. Now bound to a prison castle by dark sorcery, Hal plans a daring escape to secure not only his freedom, but also the freedom of his people....

The Last Battle

Dragonmaster: Book 3

Chris Bunch

The Great War has ended--but there is no peace for battle-hardened Hal Kailas amidst the ruins of his homeland. In this bleak, ravaged world, even his marriage to Lady Khiri no longer brings solace. And Hal's worst fears are coming to pass as the dragonmasters--and the magnificent beasts they once flew--are cast off like relics of a misbegotten age.

Old enemies have returned to strike a savage blow. With his loyal comrades, Hal must turn back this terrible scourge that threatens man and beast alike in one last, ultimate battle--whose outcome is far from certain...

Make Way for Dragons!

Dragons: Book 1

Thorarinn Gunnarsson

An accident has opened the Way Between the Worlds--to a land where the mythical creatures of Earth are real... and headed our way! The great dragon Dalvenjah and her young dragonet are stranded in a strange new land--known to its natives as "California."

Human, Beware!

Dragons: Book 2

Thorarinn Gunnarsson

The Way Between the Worlds has been opened...and Jenny Barker couldn't be happier. How else could a California girl meet a real-life dragon? Sure, dragons are an uncommon sight in the land of fun and sun. But what if the shoe was on the other foot? How would a world of dragons react to a blonde human on a skateboard? Jenny is about to find out.

Dragons on the Town

Dragons: Book 3

Thorarinn Gunnarsson

New York City attracts all kinds of strange people. Who would even notice Sherlock Holmes, a dragon, and a California ghost girl? An evil sorceress has snatched the body of jenny Barker, the California girl who's really a dragon in human form. And now Jenny is searching East Side, West Side, all around the town - with a little help from the master detective.

If they can make it there, they'll make it anywhere!

Dragons of Light

Dragons of Light / Dark: Book 1

Orson Scott Card

The dragons are coming! Here are thirteen original tales about that most popular of fabulous beasts--the dragon! Edited by Orson Scott Card, this book features works by authors such as Roger Zelazny, Michael Bishop, Craig Shaw Gardner, Steve Rasnic Tem and more.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction - essay by Orson Scott Card
  • Ice Dragon - novelette by George R. R. Martin
  • The George Business - shortstory by Roger Zelazny
  • One Winter in Eden - novelette by Michael Bishop
  • A Drama of Dragons - novelette by Craig Shaw Gardner
  • Silken Dragon - novelette by Steven E. McDonald
  • Dragon Lore - poem by Steve Rasnic Tem
  • Eagle-Worm - shortstory by Jessica Amanda Salmonson
  • The Dragon of Dunloon - novelette by Arthur Dembling
  • If I Die Before I Wake - novelette by Greg Bear
  • As Above, So Below - shortstory by John M. Ford
  • Cockfight - novelette by Jane Yolen
  • From Bach to Broccoli - shortstory by Richard Kearns
  • Dragon Touched - novelette by Dave Smeds

Dragons of Darkness

Dragons of Light / Dark: Book 2

Orson Scott Card

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction - essay by Orson Scott Card
  • Filed Teeth - novelette by Glen Cook
  • Vince's Dragon - shortstory by Ben Bova
  • The Thermals of August - (1981) - novelette by Edward Bryant
  • The Dragons' Clubs - shortstory by Stephen Kimmel
  • Negwenya - novelette by Janet Berliner
  • Middle Woman - shortstory by Orson Scott Card
  • The Storm King - (1980) - novelette by Joan D. Vinge
  • My Bones Waxed Old - poem by Robert Frazier
  • Soldatenmangel - shortstory by Victor Milán
  • Alas, My Love, You Do Me Wrong - novelette by James Tucker
  • Fear of Fly - shortstory by Lynn Mims
  • Though All the Mountains Lie Between - novelette by Jeffrey A. Carver
  • The Lady of the Purple Forest - novelette by Allan Bruton
  • A Dragon in the Man - (1980) - shortstory by Kevin Christensen
  • A Plague of Butterflies - shortstory by Orson Scott Card

Blood of an Exile

Dragons of Terra: Book 1

Brian Naslund

Bershad stands apart from the world, the most legendary dragonslayer in history, both revered and reviled.

Once, he was Lord Silas Bershad, but after a disastrous failure on the battlefield he was stripped of his titles and sentenced to one violent, perilous hunt after another. Now he lives only to stalk dragons, slaughter them, collect their precious oil, and head back into the treacherous wilds once more. For years, death was his only chance to escape. But that is about to change.

The king who sentenced Bershad to his fate has just given him an unprecedented chance at redemption. Kill a foreign emperor and walk free forever.

The journey will take him across dragon-infested mountains, through a seedy criminal underworld, and into a forbidden city guarded by deadly technology.

But the links of fate bind us all.

Sorcery of a Queen

Dragons of Terra: Book 2

Brian Naslund

They called her the Witch Queen...

Driven from her kingdom, the would-be queen now seeks haven in the land of her mother, but Ashlyn will not stop until justice has been done. Determined to unlock the secret of powers long thought impossible, Ashlyn bends her will and intelligence to mastering the one thing people always accused her of, sorcery.

Meanwhile, having learned the truth of his mutation, Bershad is a man on borrowed time. Never knowing when his healing powers will drive him to a self-destruction, he is determined to see Ashlyn restored to her throne and the creatures they both love safe.

Bones of the Dragon

Dragonships of Vindras: Book 1

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

Welcome to the World of Dragonships!

Skylan Ivorson is a sea-raider of the Vindras and eventually becomes the Chief of Chiefs of all Vindras clans, an honor he truly feels he deserves as one who has been blessed by Skoval, the god of war.

But sometimes a blessing is a curse in disguise.

Skoval and the other ancient gods are under siege from a new generation of gods who are challenging them for the powers of creation... and the only way to stop these brash interlopers lies within the mysterious and hidden Five Bones of the Vektan Dragons.

It will be up to the Vindras people, as the dragon-goddess's champions, to undertake the quest to recover all Five. The fate of the Old Gods and the Vindras rests on their recovery--for this is not only a quest to save the world. It is also a quest for redemption.

Filled with heroes and heroines young and old and exotic adventure in a magic-forged world, this is a series that fully illustrates the mastery of world-building and storytelling that has made Weis and Hickman into the bestselling fantasy co-authors of all time.

Secret of the Dragon

Dragonships of Vindras: Book 2

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

The gods that once held control over human existence are in trouble. New gods are challenging the power of the high god, Torval, for rule of the world. New religions are giving power to these brash interloping young gods, and the only way to stop them lies with the five bones of the Vektia Dragons—for these bones hold the primordial power of creation and destruction. The hope of the Vindrasi lies in finding the dragon bones before the followers of the new god Aelon can use them to redefine existence. But the Vindrasi gods have a traitor in their midst...

In the land of mortals, Raegar, a Vindraisi turned Aelon warrior-priest, searches for the spirit bones. Torval has a champion as well—Skylan Ivorson, sea-raider and high chief of the Vindrasi clans, cousin and sworn enemy to Raegar. But Skylan and his people are captives in Sinaria, where they must fight for survival. The fates of men and gods and are rushing headlong to destruction. Skylan can stop the calamity, but only if he discovers the secret of the dragon.

Rage of the Dragon

Dragonships of Vindras: Book 3

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

Skylan Ivorson is the gods-chosen Chief of all Vindras clans. But the gods from whom the Vindrasi draw their earth-dwelling power are besieged by a new generation of gods challenging them for the powers of creation. The only way to stop these brash interlopers lies within the Five Bones of the Vektia Dragon—which have been lost for generations. With the Gods of the New Dawn amassing a vast army, Skylan finds allies in former enemies. They must sail the Sea of Tears into the Forbidden Empire of the Cyclops to implement a cunning yet delicate plan that risks Skylan's life and leadership at every corner. But a new enemy lies deep in the sea, one who draws upon powers never harnessed by land dwellers.

New York Times bestselling authors Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman deliver another action-packed Dragonships novel with Rage of the Dragon.

Doom of the Dragon

Dragonships of Vindras: Book 4

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

In three previous novels, Skylan Ivorson overcame obstacles that would have defeated a lesser man, rising from obscurity to become the Chief of Chiefs of the fearsome Vindrasi who sail their living dragonships far and wide to raid and plunder for the glory of the gods. However, a cruel twist of fate struck him down before he and his beloved could complete their quest for the five sacred dragonbones that would summon the great dragon Ilyrion and save their people from destruction at the hands of an evil god. But even true death is denied him, and his destiny is unfulfilled.

Caught between life and death, he must lead those who journeyed with him to battle the evil god and the vast army of the god and his human emperor. Skylan must fight as he never has before to win back his life and his love, while seeking the last Spiritbone--the key to summoning the ultimate victory--before it can be snatched away by the forces of evil.

Weis and Hickman have crafted a pulse-pounding fantasy adventure that brings this great saga to a rousing, satisfying conclusion that will stir the passions of their legions of fans.

Day of the Dragonstar

Dragonstar: Book 1

David Bischoff
Thomas F. Monteleone

An artificial Jurassic world spins through space, kilometers long and made to order, build to endure for an eternity. An enticing mystery for the humans of the Heinlein exploratory mission, it holds deadly secrets from the universe's savage past.


Day after artificial day, outwitting the carnivorous saurians that had devoured their shipmates, the two survivors of the Heinlein expedition to the mysterious object known as Artifact One picked their way through the vast, horizonless jungle that filled the hull of the star-traveling terrerium.

They did what a man and a woman fighting together to survive usually do:
They prayed for rescue.
They searched for a way to escape.
They fell in love

Then, from a rise in the forest, they saw a wall.
And something on the wall saw them.


Atop a crumbling rampart stood a sentry, weapon grasped in its four-fingered hand, partly clothed ... its snout instintively twitching at the scent of the man and woman walking toward its city.

Night of the Dragonstar

Dragonstar: Book 2

David Bischoff
Thomas F. Monteleone

On a a miles-long spaceship on a journey between the stars...

After establishing communications with the sentient dinosaurs aboard the gigantic alien warship Dragonstar, the human exploration forces were ready to reveal their accomplishments to an eager public... then disaster struck!

During a live holovision broadcast, something made the cooperative Saurians go berserk--and begin slaughtering and eating their former friends.

At the same moment, the Dragonstar's access hatches closed down, imprisoning all aboard her.

Then, for the first time in centuries, the Dragonstar's mighty engines started up...

Dragonstar Destiny

Dragonstar: Book 3

David Bischoff
Thomas F. Monteleone

The 160-million-year-old, world-sized starship with its crew of sentient dinosaurs mystified humankind when it entered our solar system. Careers and even governments rose and fell in the fight to board it, explore it, and understand its origin and purpose.

Then, in the blink of an eye, it was gone. Only this time there were humans aboard--men and women lost in hyperspace, allying with the dinosaurs in their mutual fight for survival, trapped between the savage jungle within the ship... and the unknown horror without.

When the ship dropped into "real" space, they were far beyond the edge of the Universe, orbiting a planet that was old when Earth was young, in the eerie light of a star that was due to go nova at any moment.

And someone--something--waited outside the ship, wanting to get in!

Don't miss the first and second books in this series: Day of the Dragonstar and Night of the Dragonstar!


Balanced expertly on their back legs, the hatchlings eyed their audience eagerly. Their heads were almost half their body mass, and their jaws were already filled with rows of sharp teeth. With round, flat eyes glaring, they stood in the leathery wreckage of their eggs, they were already as tall as five-year-old humans.

"My God, Phineas, what are they?" Kate said.

"I don't know," Phineas said, "but I think they're littleT-Rexes..."

The Saurian warriors weren't waiting to find out. Shrieking and hissing with joy, they unleashed a hail of arrows, and the warm nest became a slaughter pit.

Even as the mother arrived...


Dragonsword: Book 1

Gael Baudino

Transported to a land that cannot exist, transformed from Suzanne and Braithwaite into Alouzon and Dythragor, they are the bearers of the Dragonswords, guardians of Gryylth and defenders of the Circle. They are the dragonmasters.

Duel of Dragons

Dragonsword: Book 2

Gael Baudino

Transported to the Dark Ages, archaeology graduate student Suzanne Helling must use her empowerment as Guardian of the land to fight a mysterious force that employs the nuclear weapons of the twentieth century that Suzanne unwittingly brought with her...

Dragon Death

Dragonsword: Book 3

Gael Baudino

Cast back to Los Angeles with the Specter of Death's hounds in pursuit, Alouzon Dragonmaster, the Goddess of Gryylth and a former UCLA graduate student, searches for a gateway back to the magic land that she has come to call home.

A Darkness Returns

Dragonwar Saga: Book 1

Raymond E. Feist

As worlds collide...

Hatushaly, last scion of the Firemane dynasty; his beloved Hava, and their dubious friend Donte have been transported across space and time from their war-torn world of Garn to the relative peace of Midkemia.

There, on Sorcerer's Isle, under the guidance of the great magician Magnus and his reincarnated father Pug, Hatu will explore and expand his unique magical abilities: for if Garn is to be saved, they will be needed.

With the evil Pride Lords defeated, the Church of the One has risen to bring death and destruction to Hatu's home world. The kingdom of Ilcomen has fallen, and now the Church is sending forces to Marquensas, where Daylon Dumarch has declared himself king, and master swordsmith Declan Smith finds himself suddenly raised to the status of prince and war commander.

But there are even greater menaces than the Church of the One waiting in the wings, beings from the Void, creatures born of Darkness...

Dragon Road

Drifting Worlds: Book 2

Joseph Brassey

A murderous plot aboard a city-sized flying ship must be averted before a crazed cult sends a million people to their deaths.

When portal-mage Harkon Bright and his apprentice are asked to help select a new captain for the immense skyship Iseult, they quickly find themselves embroiled in its Machiavellian officer's court. Meanwhile, their new recruit, Elias, struggles to adapt to his unexpected gift of life while suffering dark dreams of an ancient terror.

As the skies darken and storm-clouds gather on the Dragon Road, the crew of the Elysium come face to face with deadly intrigues, plots from beyond death, and a terrible darkness that lurks in the heart of a thousand-year storm.

The Temple of Yellow Skulls

Dungeons and Dragons: The Plague Strikes: Book 1

Don Bassingthwaite

Imprisoned in the void of a ruined universe by vengeful gods, Tharizdun--the Chained God, the Elder Elemental Eye--shares his exile with the Progenitor, a pool of liquid crystal that is all that remains of the Abyss that destroyed his universe.

Enter our heroes Albanon, Shara and Uldane--all three adventurers readers will know from The Mark of Nerath. They thought their quests were over and done with, but danger still burns like the embers of a smoldering fire in the tall grass. The Progenitor was locked safely away, guarded by Albanon's dead master, but early on our heroes realize it was stolen and released in the presence of the green dragon Vestapalk as he fell at Shara's sword.

Now, alerted to the danger of the liquid crystal by a mysterious cleric who claims allegiance to an order that has protected the substance for time immemorial, they must go in search of the dragon's body, to ensure his demise has not been exaggerated. What they discover has consequences that could change the world...

Oath of Vigilance

Dungeons and Dragons: The Plague Strikes: Book 2

James Wyatt

Following directly in the wake of The Temple of Yellow Skulls, our heroes face the totality of the destructive and pestilent forces presented by the Abyssal Plague. The disease of the liquid crystal Voidharrow spreads throughout the land, transforming unsuspecting creatures into plague demons. Shara, Uldane, and the unlikely drow hero Valmaggar join forces with Tempest and Rohgar from The Mark Of Nerath, and together they set out in search of the green dragon Vestapalk, or the creature Vestapalk has become--the patient zero of this abyssal plague.

Meanwhile, Albanon and the mysterious cleric Kri Redshal--the last remaining member of the Order of Vigilance, an order dedicated to guarding the Voidharrow--go in search of answers to the disease that sweeps the land. While their search takes them deep into the heart of the darkness that is enveloping the land, the answers they find are truly in need of new questions. As they become aware of the true scale of the tragedy at hand, they see the forces behind them are more powerful than they had ever dreamed, and perhaps more seductive.

The Eye of the Chained God

Dungeons and Dragons: The Plague Strikes: Book 3

Don Bassingthwaite

In the aftermath of the plague demons' attack on Fallcrest, Roghar's inspiring optimism has played a significant role in the rebuilding of the town. Albanon, meanwhile, has not recovered so well. Tormented by his experiences and his near-transformations first by Vestapalk then by Kri, he has retreated to Moorin's tower, where he immerses himself in books. He is the last member of the Order of Vigilance, touched by both the Voidharrow and Tharizdun--he feels as if he stands on the brink of madness.

The Nentir Vale has been ravaged by the abyssal plague and the plague demons. The area is lawless and suspicions run rampant. Only safe as long as they hide, the heroes scout as close as they dare. But with Vestapalk growing ever-stronger and plague demons on the rise, they know they have to act soon. The world cannot afford to wait any longer.

As they journey toward the greatest concentration of demons they learn they are on the right path and they gain an ally. Kri, believed dead, resurfaces with wisdom garnered from the Chained God. It seems even Tharizdun himself is against Vestapalk.

The Dragon of Dread Peak

Dungeonspace: Book 2

Jeremiah Tolbert

In a world where trans-dimensional portals from RPG universes have intruded upon and devastated the real world, children and teenagers are the defenders against the monsters and further encroachment. But the dangers in dungeonspace are real: Rash, who was an expert monster slayer, never came back from his last mission a year ago – one of many who have died trying to close down the portals. His younger brother, Flip, has secretly become a crawler in defiance of his mother’s grief – and with his inexperienced team, Flip has been taking on progressively more dangerous portals in the hope of finding and rescuing his brother. What’s more, a mysterious voice has been talking only to him inside of dungeonspace, its motives unknown.

This novella originally appeared in Lightspeed, October 2017.

Read the full story for free at Lightspeed: part 1 - part 2.

Scorch Dragons

Elementals: Book 2

Amie Kaufman

After the fateful battle between the ice wolves and the scorch dragons, Anders and his twin sister, Rayna, have been reunited. But there's no time to celebrate.

The temperature all over Vallen is starting to drop. And Anders quickly learns that the wolves have stolen a weather-altering artifact called the Snowstone, and every dragon, including Rayna, is now in danger. Desperate to broker peace, Anders enlists the help of a few new flame-breathing friends to stop the wolves' next plan of attack.

Together, these former rivals must go on a dangerous quest to find the scattered pieces of the Sun Scepter, the only artifact that can counteract the Snowstone. Because if either device goes unchecked, all hope for a truce will be lost.


Empire of the Celestial Dragon: Book 1

Alison Goodman

Sixteen-year-old Eon has a dream, and a mission. For years, he's been studying sword-work and magic, toward one end. He and his master hope that he will be chosen as a Dragoneye-an apprentice to one of the twelve energy dragons of good fortune.

But Eon has a dangerous secret. He is actually Eona, a sixteen-year-old girl who has been masquerading as a twelve-year-old boy. Females are forbidden to use Dragon Magic; if anyone discovers she has been hiding in plain sight, her death is assured.

When Eon's secret threatens to come to light, she and her allies are plunged into grave danger and a deadly struggle for the Imperial throne. Eon must find the strength and inner power to battle those who want to take her magic...and her life.


Empire of the Celestial Dragon: Book 2

Alison Goodman

Eon has been revealed as Eona, the first female Dragoneye in hundreds of years. Along with fellow rebels Ryko and Lady Dela, she is on the run from High Lord Sethon's army. The renegades are on a quest for the black folio, stolen by the drug-riddled Dillon; they must also find Kygo, the young Pearl Emperor, who needs Eona's power and the black folio if he is to wrest back his throne from the selfstyled "Emperor" Sethon. Through it all, Eona must come to terms with her new Dragoneye identity and power - and learn to bear the anguish of the ten dragons whose Dragoneyes were murdered. As they focus their power through her, she becomes a dangerous conduit for their plans. . . .

Eona, with its pulse-pounding drama and romance, its unforgettable fight scenes, and its surprises, is the conclusion to an epic only Alison Goodman could create.

Dealing with Dragons

Enchanted Forest: Book 1

Patricia C. Wrede

Take one bored princess. Make her the seventh daughter in a very proper royal family. Have her run away.

Add one powerful, fascinating, dangerous dragon.

Princess Cimerone has never met anyone (or anything) like the dragon Kazul. But then, she's never met a witch, a jinn, a death-dealing talking bird or a stone prince either.

Princess Cimerone ran away to find some excitement.

She's found plenty.

Searching for Dragons

Enchanted Forest: Book 2

Patricia C. Wrede

Those wicked wizards are at it again! This time they are draining power from the Enchanted Forest. And that does not sit well with Mendanbar the King. On the advice of the witch Morwen, Mendanbar decides to consult with Kazul, the King of Dragons. When he arrives at Kazul's cave, he meets Princess Cimorene and learns that Kazul has been captured by those horrible wizards. Mendanbar and Cimorene will have to search for him, traveling over mountains and past man-eating giants, terrifying rock snakes, and an assortment of magic-wielders.

Calling on Dragons

Enchanted Forest: Book 3

Patricia C. Wrede

The third of four volumes in the critically acclaimed Enchanted Forest Chronicles.

Queen Cimorene, Morwen the witch, and a host of other characters once again foil the plots of the perfidious wizards in this third volume of the Enchanted Forest Chronicles.

This time, the dastardly wizards have stolen King Mendanbar's magic sword, vital to the health of the forest, right out of the castle armory. Morwen joins Cimorene, Kazul, Telemain, several cats, and Killer on a quest to retrieve the sword. Meanwhile, back at home, the forces of the wizards are gathering.

Talking to Dragons

Enchanted Forest: Book 4

Patricia C. Wrede

"Mother taught me to be polite to dragons...."

Daystar never thought he'd be walking through the Enchanted Forest with a magic sword, a fire-witch, and a baby dragon. He never dreamed his mother, Cimorene, would tell him to leave their home and not to return until his task was complete. Or that he alone held the power to release King Mendanbar and the Enchanted Forest from the wizards' evil spell. He doesn't even know who King Mendanbar is.

But Daystar learns quickly, and that's good, because he's about to encounter magic and wizards and dragons - quite a deadly combination.

The Dragon in the Sword

Eternal Champion: Book 3

Michael Moorcock

John Daker is the Eternal Champion, trapped in a dimensionless plane outside of time, defender and destroyer of justice, a hero whose quest for justice leads only further into darkness. Haunted by the memories of too many battles waged during countless lifetimes, he searches for the beautiful Ermizhad - and for the key that will allow him to step off the wheel of infinite incarnations. His is a voyage on a dark ship piloted by a blind helmsman, through the slave stalls of the Cannibal ghost Women and the tunnels of doom to a monstrous confrontation with the Evil that could plunge the world into the final night of oblivion. The Dragon in the Sword is the epic culmination of the strange and startling adventures of John Daker, the Eternal Champion, from modern fantasy's most inspired practitioner.


Of Jade and Dragons

Fall of the Dragon: Book 1

Amber Chen

A thrilling silkpunk fantasy about a girl who must disguise herself as a boy and enter the famed and dangerous Engineer's Guild trials to unravel the mystery of her father's murder...

Eighteen-year-old Aihui Ying dreams of becoming a world-class engineer like her father, but after his sudden murder, her life falls apart. Left with only a journal of her father's engineering secrets and a jade pendant snatched from the assassin, a heartbroken Ying follows the trail to the capital and the prestigious Engineers Guild--a place that harbors her father's hidden past--determined to discover why anyone would threaten a man who ultimately chose a quiet life over fame and fortune.

Disguised as her brother, Ying manages to infiltrate the guild's male-only apprenticeship trial with the help of an unlikely ally--Aogiya Ye-yang, the taciturn eighth prince of the High Command. With her father's renown placing a target firmly on her back, Ying must stay one step ahead of her fellow competitors, the jealous guild masters, and the killer still hunting for her father's journal. Complicating everything is her increasingly tangled relationship with the prince, who may have mysterious plans of his own.

The secrets concealed within the guild can be as deadly as the weapons they build--and with her life and the future of her homeland at stake, Ying doesn't know who to trust. Can she avenge her father even if it means going against everything he stood for, or will she be next in the mastermind's line of fire?

The Dragon-Charmer

Fern Capel: Book 2

Jan Siegel

After surviving an amazing, terrifying summer twelve years ago, Fern makes a fateful decision: to deny the mystical powers that pulse through her family's past. Yearning for a simple, quiet life, she decides to marry a man twenty years her senior, a man who insists they wed at the Capels' summer house in Yarrowdale, a place swelling with mood, marvel, and magic. For when Fern returns there with her best friend, Gaynor, ancient, sinister forces reawaken.

Yet Fern has had enough: Enough of running from her fate, enough of hiding from her Gift. As she turns to face her destiny, the real world falls away, and Fern is once again swept into another land, removed from Time, void of comfort. It will take all her skill and daring to fight her way back to the present and save the people she loves from the ever-growing danger that threatens to destroy them. And to her utmost surprise, the key to survival is a dragon with the capacity to rule the world... but who will relinquish it all to one man.

Dragon Dance

Fireball: Book 3

John Christopher

Simon and Brad face their greatest danger yet--and discover the secret of the fireball--in the third book of the alternative history Fireball Trilogy, from critically acclaimed Tripods author John Christopher.

When Simon and Brad were caught in the mysterious fireball--a whirling ball of light that sucked them into a bizarre alternate world--they knew a terrifyingly different future was ahead. The world on the other side was geographically identical to their own, but the societies and history were completely new...and full of danger.

Discovering a pagoda in California was strange enough, but when Simon and Brad are captured by slavers headed to China, the future seems even more hazardous. Especially when they are banished to a remote mountain retreat with the mysteriously powerful Bei-Kun... and come face-to-face with the secret of the fireball.

Death of the Dragon

Forgotten Realms: The Cormyr Saga: Book 3

Troy Denning
Ed Greenwood

Azoun IV, in the twilight of his years, is still a shining hero to most of his subjects, and to all but the eldest, the only king they've ever known. He's led them capably out of dark doom before.

Yet Cormyr has never faced so many mighty and mysterious foes at once. Demonic ghazneths, ancient curses, weird trees of foul magic, goblins and their kin on the rise in the northern wilderlands, a blight upon the land, rebellious mutterings, dying war wizards... and a dragon the likes of which no living eyes on Faerun have ever seen.

The Purple Throne doesn't seem so unassailable now. It could well shatter under the weight of a gigantic dragon--or the secrets and follies of the last of the Obarskyrs.


Forgotten Realms: The Empires Trilogy: Book 2

Troy Denning

New York Times best-selling author Troy Denning pens the 2nd novel in the Empires Trilogy, a saga set in the land of Kara-Tur within the Forgotten Realms.

The barbarbarian horde has breached the ancient Dragonwall and now threatens the oriental land of Shou Lung. Powerful as they are, the Shou army's only hope lies with Batu Min Ho, a young general who is himself a third generation descendant of Tuigan barbarians. But Batu's wife must fight her own battle in the treacherous political terrain of the imperial court, as a psy attempts to undermine the empreror's confidence in her husband. And if Batu is to retain his command and save Shou Lung, it is a battle she must not lose.

Swords of Dragonfire

Forgotten Realms: The Knights of Myth Drannor: Book 2

Ed Greenwood

Jump into a new adventure by fan-favorite Ed Greenwood!

Florin and his friends have finally made a name for themselves--only to find themselves the pawns of both dark and noble forces in a battle for power. Together, the Swords of Eveningstar must untangle the webs of lies that surround them before the threat to the kingdom eclipses their abilities to defend it.

Swords of Dragonfire is the second title in an exciting new trilogy by best-selling author Ed Greenwood, the creator of the Forgotten Realms setting. This novel is a fast-paced sword and sorcery adventure worthy of a place on your shelves next to Conan and Fafherd and the Gray Mouser.

Feathered Dragon

Forgotten Realms: The Maztica Trilogy: Book 3

Douglas Niles

Douglas Niles pens a thrilling climax to The Maztica Trilogy, the exotic location set within the Forgotten Realms.

The greatest city in Maztica lies in ruins as a plague of hideous monsters descends across the land. From the ashes of destruction, a tenuous alliance forms. Legionnaires and native warriors fight side by side, desperate to stem the onslaught of chaos. Their only hope of victory requires aid from beyond Faerun--the prophecy given to Erixitl of Palul: Quotal, immortal Plumed Serpent, will return to Maztica for a final battle against the forces of evil. But already the Feathered Dragon may be too late.

The Rage

Forgotten Realms: The Year of Rogue Dragons: Book 1

Richard Lee Byers

Renegade dragon hunter Dorn hates dragons with a passion few can believe, let alone match. He has devoted his entire life - a life spent in the twisted body of a half-golem - to killing every dragon he can find.

You might feel the same way if one of them had killed your entire family in front of your eyes, bitten you in half, and left you for dead.

Killing one dragon at a time is hard enough, but when the irresistible impluse to slip into feral madness begins to overcome ont one, but every dragon all across Faerûn, civilization's only hope may lie in the last alliance Dorn and his fellow dragon hunters would ever accept.

No matter what happens, the next year is going to be a difficult one for Dorn, and for Faerûn itself. The Year of Rogue Dragons has come...

The Rite

Forgotten Realms: The Year of Rogue Dragons: Book 2

Richard Lee Byers

The second in a new trilogy of novels from R.A. Salvatore's War of the Spider Queen author Richard Lee Byers.

The Rite is the second title in a trilogy exploring the ancient secrets of dragon society in the Forgotten Realms world. Author Richard Lee Byers will write the entire trilogy, and the cover art for the trilogy and the associated anthology will be rendered by award-winning fantasy artist Matt Stawicki.

The Ruin

Forgotten Realms: The Year of Rogue Dragons: Book 3

Richard Lee Byers

The climactic conclusion of The Year of Rogue Dragons! Madness takes hold, Sammaster draws closer to victory, and forgotten secrets are revealed at last. Dorn and the rogue dragons will have to find the source of a millennia-old curse, then find some way to destroy it, before the Rage overcomes the world.

The Dragon of Pripyat


Karl Schroeder

This short story originally appeared in the anthology Tesseracts 8 (1999), edited by Candas Jane Dorsey and John Clute. It can also be found in the anthology The Year's Best Science Fiction: Seventeenth Annual Collection (2000), edited by Gardner Dozois. It is included in the collection The Engine of Recall (2005).

Gideon Smith and the Brass Dragon

Gideon Smith: Book 2

David Barnett

Nineteenth century London is the center of a vast British Empire, a teeming metropolis where steam-power is king and airships ply the skies, and where Queen Victoria presides over three quarters of the known world—including the east coast of America, following the failed revolution of 1775.

Young Gideon Smith has seen things that no green lad of Her Majesty's dominion should ever experience. Through a series of incredible events Gideon has become the newest Hero of the Empire. But Gideon is a man with a mission, for the dreaded Texas pirate Louis Cockayne has stolen the mechanical clockwork girl Maria, along with a most fantastical weapon—a great brass dragon that was unearthed beneath ancient Egyptian soil. Maria is the only one who can pilot the beast, so Cockayne has taken girl and dragon off to points east.

Gideon and his intrepid band take to the skies and travel to the American colonies hot on Cockayne's trail. Not only does Gideon want the machine back, he has fallen in love with Maria. Their journey will take them to the wilds of the lawless lands south of the American colonies – to free Texas, where the mad King of Steamtown rules with an iron fist (literally), where life is cheap and honor even cheaper.

Does Gideon have what it takes to not only save the day but win the girl?

David Barnett's Gideon Smith and the Brass Dragon is a fantastical steampunk fable set against an alternate historical backdrop: the ultimate Victoriana/steampunk mash-up!

The Dragon Masters

Gregg Press Science Fiction Series: Book 21

Jack Vance

The race of man is growing old, but it's not yet ready to die - not while there are dragons still to kill!

The cross-bred dragon armies of the Men of Aerlith are the most appalling horrors ever to threaten the sanity of our future:

Termagents ~ three hundred reptilian giants with six legs apiece, the most fecund breeders of them all

Jugglers ~ eighteen of them, growling amongst themselves, waiting for an opportunity to snap off a leg from any unwary groom

Murderers (striding and long-horned) ~ eighty-five of each, with scaly tails and eyes like crystals

Fiends ~ fifty-two powerful monsters, their tails tipped with spike steel balls

Blue Horrors, Basics, Spider Dragons...

The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule


Lucius Shepard

Hugo, Nebula, World Fantasy, BSFA, and SF Chronicle Award-nominated Novella.

The mountain-sized sleeping Dragon Griaule overshadows a nearby town with its maleficient presence. Desperate to overthrow its malignant influence without alerting the dragon to their intent, the town hires a painter who promises to cover the dragon's beautiful scales in a poisonous paint which will kill it once and for all.

Published originally by The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction in December 1984, this story was later anthologized in Nebula Awards 20 (1985), The Best Fantasy Stories from the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (aka Great Tales of Fantasy and Science Fiction) (1985), Bestiary! (1985), Dragons! (1993), Modern Classics of Fantasy (1997), The Mammoth Book of Fantasy (2001), Wings of Fire (2010), and collected in The Jaguar Hunter (1987), The Best of Lucius Shepard (2008), and The Dragon Griaule (2012).

Read this story online for free at Baen.

The Dragon Griaule

Griaule: Book 1

Lucius Shepard

More than twenty-five years ago, Lucius Shepard introduced us to a remarkable fictional world, a world separated from our own 'by the thinnest margin of possibility'. There, in the mythical Carbonales Valley, Shepard found the setting for "The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule", the classic account of an artist -- Meric Cattanay -- and his decades long effort to paint -- and kill -- a dormant, not quite dead dragon measuring 6,000 feet from end to end. The story was nominated for multiple awards and is now recognized as one of its author's signature accomplishments.

Over the years, Shepard has revisited this world in a number of brilliant, independent narratives that have illuminated the Dragon's story from a variety of perspectives. This loosely connected series reached a dramatic crossroads in the astonishing novella, "The Taborin Scale". The Dragon Griaule now gathers all of these hard to find stories into a single generous volume. The capstone of the book -- and a particular treat for Shepard fans -- is "The Skull", a new 40,000 word novel that advances the story in unexpected ways, connecting the ongoing saga of an ancient and fabulous beast with the political realities of Central America in the 21st century. Augmented by a group of engaging, highly informative story notes, The Dragon Griaule is an indispensable volume, the work of a master stylist with a powerful -- and always unpredictable -- imagination.

Table of Contents:

Dragons Wild

Griffen McCandles: Book 1

Robert Lynn Asprin

A low-stakes con artist and killer poker player, Griffen McCandles drifted through college, always taking for granted that there'd be a family job waiting for him after he graduated. He just never suspected what his family was...

His mysterious uncle drops the bomb: Griffen and his sister, Valerie, are dragons--and almost purebred ones to boot. Unwilling to let Uncle Mal take him under his wing, so to speak, Griffen heads to New Orleans with Valerie to make a living the only way he knows how. And even the criminal underworld of the French Quarter will heat up when Griffen lands in town...

Dragons Luck

Griffen McCandles: Book 2

Robert Lynn Asprin

Griffen McCandles is adjusting well to running his gambling operation in the French Quarter of New Orleans and to his newfound status as head dragon. But he still doesn't know much about dragon protocol--or what he's really capable of. Other dragons are getting a whiff of his reputation, though, and they're not happy about it. Which is why there's suddenly a hit out on Griffen.

Dragons Deal

Griffen McCandles: Book 3

Robert Lynn Asprin
Jody Lynn Nye

As head dragon and owner of a successful gambling operation in New Orleans, Griffen McCandles has a lot on his plate. Especially since the Krewe of Fafnir--a society of dragons--has asked him to be the king of its Mardi Gras parade. Being the king is a huge honor, and despite the extra responsibilities, Griffen can't resist the krewe's offer to lead the biggest party of the year.

Robert Asprin's Dragons Run

Griffen McCandles: Book 4

Jody Lynn Nye

Griffen already has his hands full running his gambling operation in New Orleans and dealing with his dragon heritage. Now his pregnant sister, Valerie, is missing--possibly kidnapped--and his uncle, Malcolm McCandles, has flown into town for a mysterious meeting with a powerful man who's been dead for almost eight decades.

And Griffen certainly hasn't got the time to protect Councilwoman Penny Dunbar, a dragon who's running for governor of Louisiana--if malign forces don't take her out first. Griffen learned a long time ago to play the hand fate has dealt him, but with many lives at stake--including Val's unborn dragon--he's hoping for an ace in the hole...

The Sleeping Dragon

Guardians of the Flame: Book 1

Joel Rosenberg

Captives of Sorcery...

It began as just another evening of fantasy gaming with James, Karl, Andrea, and the rest ready to assume their various roles as wizard, cleric, warrior, or thief. But sorcerous gamemaster Professor Deighton had something else planned for this unsuspecting group of college students. And the "game" soon became a matter of life and death as the seven adventurers found themselves transported to an alternate world and into the bodies of the actual characters they had been pretending to be.

Cast into a land where magic worked all too well, dragons were a fire-breathing menace, and only those quick enough with a sword or their wits survived, the young gamers faced a terrible task. For the only way they would ever see Earth again was if they could find the legendary Gate Between Worlds - a place guarded by the most terrifying and deadly enemy of all....

Dragonfrigate Wizard Halcyon Blithe

Halcyon Blithe: Book 2

James M. Ward

His yeoman voyage now behind him, Blithe must now accept new responsibilities as he ascends to the rank of:


In the latest chapter of the young wizard's nautical education he finds himself second in command of a captured enemy vessel that must engage a demonship in combat before returning to port. Upon his return he is assigned duty on a dwarven dragonship where he and his shipmates encounter the deceit of politics and diplomacy before they can regain the security of their Arcanian dragonship and the company of their trusted crewmates.

Combining elements of Hornblower with Harry Potter, and Robert Louis Stevenson with Robin Hobb, the Halcyon Blithe are nautical tales rich in magic and intrigue set against a panorama of fantastic naval battles as we follow the career of a young midshipwizard as he moves up through the ranks of His Majesty's Navy.

Red Dragon

Hannibal Lecter: Book 1

Thomas Harris

A quiet summer night...a neat suburban house...and another innocent, happy family is shattered - the latest victims of a grisly series of hideous sacrificial killings that no one understands, and no one can stop. Nobody lives to tell of the unimaginable carnage. Only the blood-stained walls bear witness.

All hope rests on Special Agent Will Graham, who must peer inside the killer's tortured soul to understand his rage, to anticipate and prevent his next vicious crime. Desperate for help, Graham finds himself locked in a deadly alliance with the brilliant Dr. Hannibal Lecter, the infamous mass murderer who Graham put in prison years ago.

As the imprisoned Lecter tightens the reins of revenge, Graham's feverish pursuit of the Red Dragon draws him inside the warped mind of a psychopath, into an unforgettable world of demonic ritual and violence, beyond the limits of human terror.


Harper Hall Trilogy: Book 1

Anne McCaffrey

Every two hundred years or so, shimmering Threads fall from space, raining death and black ruin on Pern. The great dragons of Pern hurl themselves through the beleagured skies, flaming tongues of fire to destroy deadly Thread and save the Planet. But it was not Threadfall that made young Menolly unhappy. It was her father who betrayed her ambition to be a Harper, who thwarted her love of music. Menolly had no choice but to run away. When, suddenly, she came upon a group of fire lizards, wild and smaller relatives of the fire-breathing dragons, she let her music swirl around them. She taught nine of them to sing. Suddenly Menolly was no longer alone -- she was Mistress of Music and Ward of the dazzling fire dragons.


Harper Hall Trilogy: Book 2

Anne McCaffrey

When Menolly, daughter of Yanus Sea Holder, arrived at the Harper Craft Hall, she came in style, aboard a huge bronze dragon, followed by her nine fire lizards. The Masterharper of Pern, aware of her unique skills, had chosen her as his only girl apprentice. But the holdless girl had first to overcome many heartaches in this strange new life. Two things sustained her -- her devoted lizards, a subject on which she was fitted to instruct her Masters -- and the of compelling beauty, music-making where at last she was accepted. In the Great Hall, Menolly could fulfil her destiny.


Harper Hall Trilogy: Book 3

Anne McCaffrey

Of all the young singers at the Harperhall of Pern, Piemur was the one chosen for the leading role at Lord Groghe's Gather...and then his voice broke. Suddenly his whole future at Harperhall became uncertain. But Masterharper Robinton, Menolly and Sebell had other plans for Piemur. They were sure that his quick wits and discretion could be used to keep a check on the troublesome Oldtimers and their strange traffic in fire lizards. So, whilst serving as a messanger-drum apprentice, Piemur carried out special errands for the three. And it was on one such errand that he realized his wildest dreams.


Heartstone: Book 2

Elle Katharine White

The Greater Lindworm is dead, its monstrous armies have fled, and the Battle of North Fields is over--or at least that's what Aliza Bentaine, now a Daired, fervently wants to believe.

With memories of the blood-soaked fields behind them, she and Alastair are happy to escape the aftermath within the walls of the Daireds' family fortress, safe from the Tekari bent on destroying them. There, gods willing, they can begin to enjoy their well-earned happily ever after.

Unfortunately, the gods have other plans. Rumors are spreading of a new monster creeping across Arle, something leaving the mutilated bodies of both humans and Oldkind creatures in its wake. When the plea for aid arrives from the remote Castle Selwyn on the northern border of the kingdom, Alastair and his dragon, Akarra, prepare once more for the hunt.

And if Aliza has anything to say about it, they won't be hunting alone.

Torn between the world she was born to and the high calling of the Riders, Aliza refuses to stay at House Pendragon, determined to do her part to protect those she loves. But their journey through the Old Wilds proves more perilous than she can imagine, for she is not the only one following her husband north. Shadowing the Daireds is an ancient evil, a harbinger of a dark danger of which the Worm was only a foretaste, and all too soon Aliza realizes the terrible truth.

The Battle of North Fields may be over, but the real war is just beginning.

Nice Dragons Finish Last

Heartstrikers: Book 1

Rachel Aaron

Winner of the 2015 Audie Audio Book Award in Fantasy!

As the smallest dragon in the Heartstriker clan, Julius survives by a simple code: keep quiet, don't cause trouble, and stay out of the way of bigger dragons. But this meek behavior doesn't fly in a family of ambitious magical predators, and his mother, Bethesda the Heartstriker, has finally reached the end of her patience

Now, sealed in his human form and banished to the DFZ - a vertical metropolis built on the ruins of Old Detroit - Julius has one month to prove he can be a ruthless dragon or kiss his true shape goodbye forever. But in a city of modern mages and vengeful spirits where dragons are considered monsters to be exterminated, he's going to need some serious help to survive this test.

He only hopes humans are more trustworthy than dragons...

One Good Dragon Deserves Another

Heartstrikers: Book 2

Rachel Aaron

After barely escaping the machinations of his terrifying mother, two all-knowing seers, and countless bloodthirsty siblings, the last thing Julius wants to see is another dragon. Unfortunately for him, the only thing more dangerous than being a useless Heartstriker is being a useful one

Now that he's got an in with the Three Sisters, Julius has become a key pawn in Bethesda the Heartstriker's gamble to put her clan on top. Refusal to play along with his mother's plans means death, but there's more going on than even Bethesda knows. Heartstriker futures are disappearing, and Algonquin's dragon hunter is closing in. With his most powerful relatives dropping like flies, it's up to Julius to save the family that never respected him and prove once and for all that the world's worst dragon is the best one to have on your side.

No Good Dragon Goes Unpunished

Heartstrikers: Book 3

Rachel Aaron

When Julius overthrew his mother and took control of his clan, he thought he was doing right by everyone. But sharing power isn't part of any proper dragon's vocabulary, and with one seat still open on the new ruling council, all of Heartstriker is ready to do whatever it takes to get their claws on it, including killing the Nice Dragon who got them into this mess in the first place

To keep his clan together and his hide intact, Julius is going to have to find a way to make his bloodthirsty siblings play fair. But there's more going on in Heartstriker Mountain than politics. Every family has its secrets, but the skeletons in Bethesda's closet are dragon-sized, and with Algonquin's war looming over all of them, breaking his clan wide open might be the only hope Julius has of saving it.

A Dragon of a Different Colour

Heartstrikers: Book 4

Rachel Aaron

To save his family from his tyrannical mother, Julius had to step on a lot of tails. That doesn't win a Nice Dragon many friends, but just when he thinks he's starting to make progress, a new threat arrives.

Turns out, things can get worse. Heartstriker hasn't begun to pay for its secrets, and the dragons of China are here to collect. When the Golden Emperor demands his surrender, Julius will have to choose between loyalty to the sister who's always watched over him and preserving the clan he gave everything to protect.

Last Dragon Standing

Heartstrikers: Book 5

Rachel Aaron

Dear Reader, There is no way to write a blurb for this final book without spoiling all the others. Suffice it to say, mysteries resolve, dragons war, pigeons abound, and no one is safe as Bob's grand plan finally comes to fruition.

But the Great Seer of the Heartstrikers isn't the only one whose schemes are nearing completion. The Nameless End is coming, and even the machinations of the world's most brilliant dragon seer might not be enough to stop it. As everything comes crashing down, it's up to Julius to prove what he's always known: that seers can be wrong, and Nice Dragons don't always finish last.

The Dragon Heir

Heir Chronicles: Book 3

Cinda Williams Chima

The covenant that was meant to keep the wizard wars at bay has been stolen, and Trinity must prepare for attack. Everyone is doing their part -- Seph is monitoring the Weirwalls; Jack and Ellen are training their ghostly army; even Anaweir Will and Fitch are setting booby traps around the town's perimeter. But to Jason Haley, it seems like everyone wants to keep him out of the action. He may not be the most powerful wizard in Trinity, but he's prepared to fight for his friends.

When Jason finds a powerful talisman --a huge opal called the Dragonheart--buried in a cave, his role takes on new importance. The stone seems to sing to Jason's very soul -- showing him that he is meant for more than anyone guessed. Trinity's guardians take the stone away after they realize that it may be a weapon powerful enough to save them all. Without any significant power of his own, and now without the stone, what can Jason possibly do to help the people he cares about -- and to prove his mettle?

The Dragon Pool

Hellboy: Book 6

Christopher Golden

Hellboy, a bloodred, cloven-hoofed demon raised by the United States government, is a top field agent for the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense. He questions the unknown -- then beats it into submission. In the upper reaches of the Himalayas, Hellboy's ex-girlfriend, archaeologist Anastasia Bransfield, believes she has found the location of the legendary "Dragon King Pool" -- thought to be the ancient dwelling of an evil dragon who inflicted horrific devastation on the land and its people. Every year the villagers would sacrifice a child to placate the beast, until one day an unlikely hero fought the dragon and won, bringing peace and prosperity to the land.

But Anastasia's triumph at her discovery is short-lived. Soon unearthly creatures are seen lurking around the dig site, someone is sabotaging the excavation with dire results, and the young daughter of one of the dig leaders goes missing. It looks like a job for Hellboy -- but his toughest challenge might be putting his past with Anastasia behind him...

Here There Be Dragons

Here There Be . . .: Book 1

Jane Yolen

Young readers encounter dragons of every conceivable form, from horrifying to harmless, in an illustrated anthology of inventive stories and poems about these fascinating mythical beasts.

Table of Contents:

  • Why Dragons? - (1993) - poem
  • Great-Grandfather Dragon's Tale - (1986) - novelette
  • The Dragon Woke and Stretched - (1990) - shortfiction
  • "Story," the Old Man Said, - (1993) - shortstory
  • Cockfight - (1980) - novelette
  • Dragon Night - (1980) - poem
  • Dragonfield - (1985) - novelette
  • The King's Dragon - (1987) - shortstory
  • Into the Wood - (1985) - poem
  • The Dragon's Boy - [Merlin's Booke] - (1985) - novelette
  • The Making of Dragons - (1986) - poem
  • One Ox, Two Ox, Three Ox, and the Dragon King - (1993) - novelette
  • Here There Be Dragons - (1993) - poem

Dragons in the Earth

Horses of the Moon: Book 1

Judith Tarr

Claire is barely scraping a living on her friend's ranch near Tucson, Arizona. She looks after the long-abandoned horse facility, makes occasional attempts to resuscitate her academic career, and pays the bills, more or less, with her skills as an animal communicator. Those skills don't always let her say the tactful thing to the human with the checkbook. Sometimes she has to tell the truth.

After a particularly unfortunate session, Claire gets one last chance to keep her home and her livelihood. A small herd of horses needs a place to live and a person to care for them.

But these are no ordinary horses. They represent an old, old breed, the rarest in the world, and they protect an ancient and terrible secret. And something is hunting them.

The ranch is a perfect sanctuary. The powers that live on and under and above it can protect the horses--if Claire can control them. But first she has to control her own abilities, and learn to believe in herself.

How to Train Your Dragon

How to Train Your Dragon: Book 1

Cressida Cowell

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, the quiet and thoughtful son of the Chief of the Hairy Hooligans, tries to pass the important initiation test of his Viking clan by catching and training a dragon. Can Hiccup do it without being torn limb from limb?

Join his adventures and misadventures as he finds a new way to train dragons--and becomes a hero.

How to Be a Pirate

How to Train Your Dragon: Book 2

Cressida Cowell

When Hiccup finds a coffin at sea, he opens it to discover a riddle that will lead to the treasure of Grimbeard the Ghastly, the world's greatest pirate and Hiccup's ancestor. So Hiccup and his friends set out on a treasure hunt, determined to master the art of swordfighting. How else will they escape an island of murderous dragons, defeat a boatload of Viking pirates, and survive all the twists and turns their journey will bring?

How to Speak Dragonese

How to Train Your Dragon: Book 3

Cressida Cowell

The story begins when Hiccup, his friend Fishlegs, and his cranky dragon Toothless get separated from their class during Boarding-an-Enemy-Ship practice. They accidentally board a prowling Roman galley intent on provoking war. When they rescue a tiny nanodragon, they uncover a plot to steal every dragon on the Isle of Berk!

How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse

How to Train Your Dragon: Book 4

Cressida Cowell

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III must rescue his best friend, Fishlegs, from the deadly disease Vorpentitis. The only cure is rare and almost impossible to find... a potato. But where will Hiccup find such a thing? He'll have to dodge the terrible Sharkworms, battle Doomfangs, and outwit crazy Hooligans if he's going to be a Hero...again.

How to Twist a Dragon's Tale

How to Train Your Dragon: Book 5

Cressida Cowell

The heat is on for Hiccup! Someone has stolen the Fires-Stone from Volcano Island, which means the Volcano has become active and the tremors are hatching the Eggs of Exterminator Dragons! Can Hiccup return the Fire-Stone to the Volcano, stop it from erupting, and save the Tribes from being wiped out by the terrible sword-claws of the Exterminators?

A Hero's Guide to Deadly Dragons

How to Train Your Dragon: Book 6

Cressida Cowell

It's Hiccup's birthday, but that's not going to keep him from getting into trouble. To save his dragon, Toothless, from being banished, Hiccup must sneak into the Meathead Public Library and steal the Viking's most sacred book. But the Vikings see books as a dangerous influence, and keep them locked up and under heavy guard. To save his friend, Hiccup must brave the Hairy Scary Librarian and his dreadful army of Meathead Warriors and face off against the formidable Driller-Dragons. Will he make it out and live to see his next birthday?

How to Ride a Dragon's Storm

How to Train Your Dragon: Book 7

Cressida Cowell

Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, everyone's favorite reluctant Viking hero, has three months, five days and six hours to discover America, get back to Berk, save his father, battle Polarserpents and win the annual Inter-Tribal Friendly Swimming Race. Can he do it?

How to Break a Dragon's Heart

How to Train Your Dragon: Book 8

Cressida Cowell

Stranded on the exceptionally dangerous, and possibly haunted, Beach of the Broken Heart, Hiccup must face Ug the Uglithug and complete the Impossible Task--or die trying. Along the way, he'll have to battle Berserks, dodge Scarers, and save Fishlegs from being fed to the Beast, all while being hunted down by an old enemy with a dark secret about the mysterious Lost Throne. With Toothless by his side, and time to stage his rescue running out, what's a Hero to do?

How to Steal a Dragon's Sword

How to Train Your Dragon: Book 9

Cressida Cowell

A dragon rebellion is coming--filled with the meanest, nastiest dragons in the Archipelago. Razor-wings, Tonguetwisters, and Vampire Ghouldeaths are attacking Vikings and seem to be seeking one soul in particular: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third! Only a King can save them...and only a champion with all of the King's Lost Things can be King. In his adventures, Hiccup has collected quite a few "things" himself. But can a scrawny Viking save the entire Archipelago from certain doom? To find out, Hiccup will have to outwit a witch, fight his arch-enemy, and beat back an army of bloodthirsty dragons with just one sword.

How to Seize a Dragon's Jewel

How to Train Your Dragon: Book 10

Cressida Cowell

The Dragon Rebellion has begun, bringing the Vikings' darkest hour upon them. Hiccup has become an outcast, but that won't stop him from going on the most harrowing and important quest of his life. He must find the Dragon's Jewel in order to save his people...but where should he begin?

How to Betray a Dragon's Hero

How to Train Your Dragon: Book 11

Cressida Cowell

In Hiccup the Viking's misadventures, the stakes have never been higher, and it's friend versus foe to decide the fate of the world. In this, the penultimate title in the amazing story arc that began with How to Train Your Dragon, Hiccup is faced with a personal dilemma against the backdrop of an impending battle and the possible destruction of everything he knows.

How to Fight a Dragon's Fury

How to Train Your Dragon: Book 12

Cressida Cowell

The Doomsday of Yule has arrived, and the future of dragonkind lies in the hands of one boy with nothing to show, but everything to fight for. Hiccup's quest is clear... But can he end the rebellion? Can he prove himself to be king? Can he save the dragons? The stakes have never been higher, as the very fate of the Viking world hangs in the balance!

Dragon Bones

Hurog: Book 1

Patricia Briggs

Riding into a war that?s heating up on the border, Ward, the new lord of Herzog, is sure he?s on the fast track to glory. But soon his mission takes a deadly turn. For he has seen a pile of magical dragon bones hidden deep beneath Hurog Keep. The bones could prove to be dangerous in the wrong hands, and Ward is certain his enemies will stop at nothing to possess them.

Dragon Blood

Hurog: Book 2

Patricia Briggs

As the rebellion grows against High King Jakoven, Ward, ruler of Hurog, realizes he must join with the rebels. However, Jakoven can crush his enemies with dragon's blood. The very blood that courses through Ward's veins.

The Dragon Factory

Joe Ledger: Book 2

Jonathan Maberry

Joe Ledger and the DMS (Department of Military Sciences) go up against two competing groups of geneticists. One side is creating exotic transgenic monsters and genetically enhanced mercenary armies; the other is using 21st century technology to continue the Nazi Master Race program run by Josef Mengele. Both sides want to see the DMS destroyed, and they've drawn first blood. Neither side is prepared for Joe Ledger as he leads Echo Team to war under a black flag.

The Dragon in Winter

Kagen the Damned: Book 3

Jonathan Maberry

War is coming! War is here! The Witch-king of Hakkia, aided by terrifying dark forces, sits uneasy on his stolen throne. His enemies, led by Kagen the Damned and the Bloody Bastards have found the secrets of ancient magic they hope will defeat him. Strange forces gather on both sides -- vast armies of both the living and the dead, devious trickster spirits, strange gods, warrior ghosts, undying vampires, blood plagues that drive people to murderous rage, immortal faeries, and Earth's last dragon.

Kagen knows that he faces the impossible task of toppling a usurper whose dark magic conquered an empire in a single night. But the Damned fear nothing and there are no limits to what Kagen will do to destroy the Witch-king. With his allies he will tear apart the veils that separate our world from the infinite realms of supernatural magic. The Witch-king will not go down with a fight, and he is willing to drown the western lands in innocent blood to retain his stolen crown. Even if he rules over an empire of dust and blood. His power is growing and soon he will be unstoppable.

But they are not the only forces at work in the world. Magic of all kinds is awakening and who can tell which side they will pick... or if they will pose a new and terrible threat to all! In the frozen North, the last dragon - tortured, captive, dying - cries out in despair. In the inky vastness of the outer dark that cry is heard! And something of incalculable power is coming in answer.

Rogue Dragon

Kar-Chee: Book 2

Avram Davidson

Here there be dragons...

Earth was old, her riches gone. Her children too had left her, all but a few who lived peacefully off the land. And then came the Kar-Chee, to crack Earth open and suck out what remained of her richness, threatening the twilight of the old planet with an evil beyond anything that had gone before.

With them they brought their servants, beasts so cruel and horrible that men could recall their like only from ancestral nightmares, and named them "Dragons..."

Dragon's Winter

Karadur Atani: Book 1

Elizabeth A. Lynn

Since his twin's theft of his talisman, Karadur Atani can never become a dragon king. Instead, his dragon's heart remains imprisoned in the body of a broken man. But when his brother returns, cloaked in a veil of black magic, Karadur Atani will fight for his birthright--once and for all.

Dragon's Treasure

Karadur Atani: Book 2

Elizabeth A. Lynn

In the province of Ippa, the twin sons of Kojiro, the Black Dragon, warred with sorcery and fire to decide which of them would rule their father's kingdom. After his brother's death, Karadur, who inherited his dangerous father's shape-changing gift, becomes the master of Dragon's County.

A Natural History of Dragons: A Memoir by Lady Trent

Lady Trent: Book 1

Marie Brennan

You, dear reader, continue at your own risk. It is not for the faint of heart - no more so than the study of dragons itself. But such study offers rewards beyond compare: to stand in a dragon's presence, even for the briefest of moments - even at the risk of one's life - is a delight that, once experienced, can never be forgotten. . . .

All the world, from Scirland to the farthest reaches of Eriga, know Isabella, Lady Trent, to be the world's preeminent dragon naturalist. She is the remarkable woman who brought the study of dragons out of the misty shadows of myth and misunderstanding into the clear light of modern science. But before she became the illustrious figure we know today, there was a bookish young woman whose passion for learning, natural history, and, yes, dragons defied the stifling conventions of her day.

Here at last, in her own words, is the true story of a pioneering spirit who risked her reputation, her prospects, and her fragile flesh and bone to satisfy her scientific curiosity; of how she sought true love and happiness despite her lamentable eccentricities; and of her thrilling expedition to the perilous mountains of Vystrana, where she made the first of many historic discoveries that would change the world forever.

Marie Brennan introduces an enchanting new world in A Natural History of Dragons.

The Dragon

Legend of the Five Rings: Clan War: Book 6

Ree Soesbee

Legend of the Five Rings fans played a key role in the development of the Clan War storyline. Author Ree Soesbee is well recognized among those fans and has been extremely instrumental in the design of the Legend of the Five Rings storyline.

The story follows the heroine throughout her career, through the forces that molded her, and the lessons she had to learn to obtain some of her potential.

The Blood of a Dragon

Legends of Ethshar: Book 4

Lawrence Watt-Evans

It was definite -- Dumery had no magical talent at all. He could never fulfill his dream to become a wizard's apprentice. Hurt, angry, and mortally disappointed, he despaired of ever choosing a trade.

But then Dumery spied a so-called great wizard humbling himself before a man selling dragon's blood -- the precious stuff that made difficult spells work. If Dumery couldn't be a wizard, maybe he could become a dragon-hunter and have all those scornful wizards crawling to him.

So, leaving his family, city, and comfortable home, Dumery began trailing Kensher, the man in brown -- even though Kensher said he didn't need a dragon-hunting apprentice. But when Dumery finally caught up with Kensher, he would discover Kensher's great secret of how the precious fluid was obtained -- a secret from which only Kensher's kin could profit.

Once again, Dumery would be left without career or future. Unless...

Dragon in Exile

Liaden Universe

Sharon Lee
Steve Miller

Star-trading Clan Korval--known to Terrans as the Tree-and-Dragon Family and to the locals simply as "the Dragon"--has been convicted of crimes against the homeworld. No matter that one of the "crimes" consisted of saving the elitist planet of Liad from very real internal threats, the Council of Clans wanted Korval heads to roll. Unfortunately for the Council, the Dragon's allies conspired to impose a milder punishment for saving the world: banishment, rather than execution.

Now relocated to the free-for-all world of Surebleak, the Dragon is under contract to keep the Port Road open to all traffic, and to back the New Bosses in imposing law and order on a society originally based on larceny and assassination. This modest rustication is going surprisingly well, until Korval discovers that the enemy they'd sought to destroy. . .wasn't quite destroyed, and is more determined than ever to eradicate Korval.

While the banishment killed no one initially, many of Korval's trading allies are spooked, and some are reneging on ancient agreements, leaving the Dragon to make its own way. The clan's efforts to stealthily recruit new allies is going haywire, and a secret death toll is rising even as the clan's adherents endure increasing exposure to danger and deceit off-world.

To make matters worse, an active portion of Surebleak's native population liked the Old Ways just fine, and are conspiring to take the New Bosses--and the Dragon--down, and are sure they have the firepower and people to do it.

The exiled Dragon has to make an urgent choice--accept an alliance with criminals or face down each and every enemy in person, one by one.

Mouse and Dragon

Liaden Universe: Agent of Change: Book 8

Sharon Lee
Steve Miller

Aelliana Caylon has endured much, and finally, she appears to have won all: a spaceship, comrades, friends--and the love of a pilot she adores.

Even better that her lover--the man who was destined for her, a man as much a loner as she--is also the Delm of Korval, arguably the most powerful person on all of Liad. He has the power to remove her and protect her from the toxic environment of her home Clan. Best of all, he agrees to sit as her co-pilot and her partner in a courier business.

Even happy endings sometimes show a few flaws. Such as Aelliana's home clan being not as agreeable to letting her go as it had first seemed. And the fact that someone is stealing pilots in the Low Port, which falls within the Delm of Korval's honor. Oh, and the revelation that the man she loves--the man who is destined for her--isn't entirely the man she thought he was. And finally, she discovers that even the lift from Liad she'd so fervently desired, is part of a larger plan, a plan requiring her to be someone she never thought she was, or could be.

Crystal Dragon

Liaden Universe: The Great Migration Duology: Book 2

Sharon Lee
Steve Miller

You can't go home again...

What do you do when home is a conspiracy that's been 3 discovered and destroyed? When home is a planet in a star system that's gone missing? When home means working for the destroyers of galaxies When home is a spaceship that's calling out to the enemy? Cantra 'yos Phelium isn't a quitter, but she has more than a little problem: the Enemy has accelerated its attacks and how do you fight an Enemy whose, major form of attack is the de-crystallization of everything around itself? A smuggler with a rogue soldier for a co-pilot, and a tree with an attitude for crew, Cantra's the only one who can get close to the man who holds equations that might, that just might&--thwart the Enemy.

All she has to do is help a young pilot from a missing world, juggle a slippery promise she never quite made to a pair of wizards, and then forget who she is along with everything, and everyone, she's ever known.

Dragon Ship

Liaden Universe: Theo Waitley: Book 4

Sharon Lee
Steve Miller

First Class courier pilot Theo Waitley was already known as a nexus of violence--and then she inherited the precarious captaincy of a mysterious self-aware ship. Now she has a trade route to run for Clan Korval while she convinces the near mythic ghost ship Bechimo--and herself--that she wants to commit herself as the human side to their immensely powerful symbiosis. While her former lover battles a nano-virus that's eating him alive, Theo is challenged to rescue hundreds of stranded pilots and crewmen from an explosive situation in near orbit around a suddenly hostile planet. Lovers, enemies, an ex-roomie, and a jealous spaceship are all in peril as Theo wields power that no one in the universe is sure of, especially her.

Servant of the Dragon

Lord of the Isles: Book 3

David Drake

Return again to the world of the Isles in Servant of the Dragon, a world with hundred of warring kingdoms without a single overlord for many centuries. Now the sources of magic are reaching a thousand-year peak, and the present generation of sorcerers is the most powerful in the millennium. Follow the small band of heroes and heroines as they journey across these landscapes, these seas, to find their loves, their destinies and -- for one -- a crown.

The Fifth Dragon


Ian McDonald

The Fifth Dragon is about a pair of new moon workers, Achi and Adriana, who find comfort in this alien place in one another's company, only to learn that their time together is strictly limited. 'The Fifth Dragon' flies back and forth between their first days as a pair and their final moments as friends, underscoring that the end of everything is inevitable.

The story originally appeared in Jonathan Strahan's Reach for Infinity (2014). It is also included in The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of the Year: Volume Nine (2015), edited by Jonathan Strahan, The Year's Best Science Fiction: Thirty-Second Annual Collection (2015), edited by Gardner Dozois, and The Eagle Has Landed: 50 Years of Lunar Science Fiction (2019), edited by Neil Clarke.

Read the full story for free at

Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher

Magic Shop: Book 2

Bruce Coville

Sixth-grader Jeremy Thatcher discovers a strange magic shop he has never seen before. He enters, and his life is changed forever. Buying what he thinks is a marble, he discovers he has really purchased a dragon's egg.

The Dragonbone Chair

Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn: Book 1

Tad Williams

In the peaceful land of Osten Ard, the good king is dying-and a long-dreaded evil is about to be unleashed. Only Simon, a lowly castle scullion apprenticed to a secret order dedicated to halting the coming darkness, can solve the dangerous riddle that offers salvation to the land.

Merlin's Dragon

Merlin's Dragon: Book 1

T. A. Barron

In the years after Fincayra disappears and Merlin has been sent wandering, a young lizard-like creature, with the wings of a bat and the magical power to produce any smell it encounters, is born into the new world of Avalon. The unlikely hero--Basil, he is called--cannot find a single creature like itself nor a person who can tell him what he is. But it is clear that Basil is much more than he seems when he stumbles into an encounter with the great Merlin, saving his child's life, then uncovers a secret plot by the evil Rhita Gawr. It's a race against time and across Avalon as Basil, with the help of the faithful wind sister Ailah, searches for the great wizard to warn him.

Doomraga's Revenge

Merlin's Dragon: Book 2

T. A. Barron

Basil becomes Merlin's partner as they battle the mysterious shadows that threaten the new Avalon. A dark magic has been spreading across Avalon. Initially, the events seemed unrelated: a war in Fireroot between the dwarves and the fire dragons, blight in Stoneroot, and disputes throughout the realms. But as Merlin and Basil scour the realms, they begin to realize that looming behind the growing chaos is a single dark threat--an enemy that they've never encountered. One that must be stopped before all of Avalon is lost.

In this jaw-dropping sequel to the mega-hit Merlin's Dragon, T. A. Barron sends Merlin, Rhia, and Basil, the greatest dragon ever, on a mission across Avalon to root out this new enemy. But sacrifices will be made, relationships will be tested, and precious lives will be lost.

Ultimate Magic

Merlin's Dragon: Book 3

T. A. Barron

Avalon is on the verge of total destruction: an army of warriors, a swarm of fire dragons, and a lethal plague are all laying waste to Merlin's beloved land. But Merlin is nowhere to be found. Leading the fight in his place is Basil, the once tiny lizard who is now the most powerful dragon in Avalon.

But to restore peace, the mastermind behind this chaos, Doomraga, will need to be discovered and destroyed before his power grows stronger and Avalon and its inhabitants are beyond saving. For Basil to triumph, he and his friends may need to make the ultimate sacrifice.


Metal Dragons: Book 1

Jaida Jones
Danielle Bennett

This stunning epic fantasy debut introduces two exciting new authors—and a world brimming with natural and man-made wonders, extraordinary events, and a crisis that will test the mettle of men, the boundaries of magic, and the heart and soul of a kingdom.

Thanks to its elite Dragon Corps, the capital city of Volstov has all but won the hundred years’ war with its neighboring enemy, the Ke-Han. The renegade airmen who fly the corps’s mechanical, magic-fueled dragons are Volstov’s greatest weapon. But now one of its members is at the center of a scandal that may turn the tide of victory. To counter the threat, four ill-assorted heroes must converge to save their kingdom: an exiled magician, a naive country boy, a young student—and the unpredictable ace who flies the city’s fiercest dragon, Havemercy. But on the eve of battle, these courageous men will face something that could make the most formidable of warriors hesitate, the most powerful of magicians weak, and the most unlikely of men allies in their quest to rise against it.

Shadow Magic

Metal Dragons: Book 2

Jaida Jones
Danielle Bennett

Led to victory by its magic-fueled Dragon Corps, Volstov has sent a delegation to its conquered neighbors to work out the long-awaited terms of peace. Among those in the party are the decorated war hero General Alcibiades and the formerly exiled magician Caius Greylace. But even this mismatched pair can’t help but notice that their defeated enemies aren’t being very cooperative. The hidden truth is that the new emperor is harboring a treacherous secret—and once it is revealed, Alcibiades and Caius may be powerless to stop it.

With their only ally an exiled prince now fleeing his brother’s assassins, the countryside rife with terror, and Alcibiades and Caius all but prisoners, it will take the most powerful kind of magic to heal the rift between two strife-worn lands and unite two peoples against a common enemy: shadow magic.

Dragon Soul

Metal Dragons: Book 3

Jaida Jones
Danielle Bennett

During the war between the kingdoms of Volstov and Ke-Han, no fighter could match Rook for sheer arrogance and skill. Only Rook could ride the great dragon Havemercy, whose savagery and bloodlust matched his own. His brother, Thom, is bookish, diffident, and reserved, yet he yearns for Rook’s approval—and fears he can never earn it. With the war over, and an uneasy truce between the two nations, Thom hopes the long-lost brothers can bond on a trip together.

But Rook cares only that Havemercy lies scattered in pieces across Ke-Han—and someone is buying up her parts, and those of other fallen dragons. The beasts are dead, but the magic that powered them is not. And now a Ke-Han agent, a Volstov sorceress, and a group of desert tribesmen are vying to possess that magic and control the future.


Metal Dragons: Book 4

Jaida Jones
Danielle Bennett

With Havemercy, Shadow Magic, and Dragon Soul, the acclaimed writing team of Jaida Jones and Danielle Bennett has fused magic and technology into something that can only be termed "magicpunk." Their distinctive style, featuring a chorus of quirky first-person narrators and brilliantly sophisticated world-building, has won these young writers the plaudits of fans and critics.

In the Volstov capital of Thremedon, Owen Adamo, the hard-as-nails ex–Chief Sergeant of the Dragon Corps, learns that Volstov's ruler, the Esar, has been secretly pursuing the possibility of resurrecting magically powered sentient robot dragons—even at the risk of igniting another war. That Adamo will not allow. Though he is not without friends—Royston, a powerful magician, and Balfour, a former corpsman—there is only so much Adamo and his allies can do. Adamo has been put out to pasture, given a professorship at the University. Royston, already exiled once, dares not risk the Esar's wrath a second time. And Balfour, who lost both hands in the climactic battle of the war, is now a diplomat who spends most of his time trying to master his new hands—metal replacements that operate on the same magical principles as the dragons and have earned him an assortment of nicknames of which "Steelhands" is the least offensive.

But sometimes help comes where you least expect it. In this case, from two first-year university students freshly arrived in Thremedon from the country: Laurence, a feisty young woman whose father raised her to be the son he never had, and Toverre, her fiancé, a brilliant if neurotic dandy who would sooner share his wife-to-be's clothes than her bed. When a mysterious illness strikes the first-year students, Laurence takes her suspicions to Adamo—and unwittingly sets in motion events that will change Volstov forever.

The Dragons of Heaven

Missy Masters: Book 1

Alyc Helms

Street magician Missy Masters inherited more than the usual genetic cocktail from her estranged grandfather. She also got his preternatural control of shadow and his legacy as the vigilante hero, Mr Mystic. Problem is, being a pulp hero takes more than a good fedora and a knack for witty banter, and Missy lacks the one thing Mr Mystic had: experience. Determined to live up to her birthright, Missy journeys to China to seek the aid of Lung Huang, the ancient master who once guided her grandfather.

Lung Huang isn't quite as ancient as Missy expected, and a romantic interlude embroils her in the politics of Lung Huang and his siblings, the nine dragon-guardians of creation. When Lung Di-Lung Huang's brother and mortal enemy-raises a magical barrier that cuts off China from the rest of the world, it falls to the new Mr. Mystic to prove herself by taking down the barrier.

As Missy prepares to confront Lung Di, she faces a tough decision: remain loyal to Lung Huang and see China destroyed, or side with the bad guy and save the world.

Dragon in Chains

Moshui: The Books of Stone and Water: Book 1

Daniel Fox

From award-winning author Daniel Fox comes a ravishingly written epic of revolution and romance set in a world where magic is found in stone and in water, in dragons and in men–and in the chains that bind them.

Deposed by a vicious usurper, a young emperor flees with his court to the small island of Taishu. There, with a dwindling army, a manipulative mother, and a resentful population–and his only friend a local fishergirl he takes as a concubine–he prepares for his last stand.

In the mountains of Taishu, a young miner finds a huge piece of jade, the potent mineral whose ingestion can gift the emperor with superhuman attributes. Setting out to deliver the stone to the embattled emperor, Yu Shan finds himself changing into something more than human, something forbidden.

Meanwhile, a great dragon lies beneath the strait that separates Taishu from the mainland, bound by chains that must be constantly renewed by the magic of a community of monks. When the monks are slaughtered by a willful pirate captain, a maimed slave assumes the terrible burden of keeping the dragon subdued. If he should fail, if she should rise free, the result will be slaughter on an unimaginable scale.

Now the prisoner beneath the sea and the men and women above it will shatter old bonds of loyalty and love and forge a common destiny from the ruins of an empire.

To Shape a Dragon's Breath

Nampeshiweisit: Book 1

Moniquill Blackgoose

The remote island of Masquapaug has not seen a dragon in many generations--until fifteen-year-old Anequs finds a dragon's egg and bonds with its hatchling. Her people are delighted, for all remember the tales of the days when dragons lived among them and danced away the storms of autumn, enabling the people to thrive. To them, Anequs is revered as Nampeshiweisit--a person in a unique relationship with a dragon.

Unfortunately for Anequs, the Anglish conquerors of her land have different opinions. They have a very specific idea of how a dragon should be raised, and who should be doing the raising--and Anequs does not meet any of their requirements. Only with great reluctance do they allow Anequs to enroll in a proper Anglish dragon school on the mainland. If she cannot succeed there, her dragon will be killed.

For a girl with no formal schooling, a non-Anglish upbringing, and a very different understanding of the history of her land, challenges abound--both socially and academically. But Anequs is smart, determined, and resolved to learn what she needs to help her dragon, even if it means teaching herself. The one thing she refuses to do, however, is become the meek Anglish miss that everyone expects.

Anequs and her dragon may be coming of age, but they're also coming to power, and that brings an important realization: the world needs changing--and they might just be the ones to do it.

Quarreling, They Met the Dragon

Naphar: Book 1

Sharon Baker

On the planet Naphar, orphans became slaves...or sacrifices.

The Scribe:

The old man, intoxicated, told Senruh of a world outside the walled city, far from the Avenue of Precious Delights.

The Lady:

Scented, swathed in spider silk, she taught Senruh forbidden pleasures and promised him a glorious future.

The Captive:

Golden-curled, snatched from his highland tribe, he would be sold into slavery or to the priest-butchers who chose the "donors" to feed the people of Naphar.

Black City Dragon

Nick Medea: Book 3

Richard A. Knaak

A historical urban fantasy set in Prohibition-era Chicago, which combines action, mystery, and romance against a backdrop of gangland wars and the threat of supernatural horror.

For sixteen hundred years, Nick Medea has guarded the gate between our world and Feirie, preventing the Wyld--the darkest Feirie of all--from coming into Chicago to find human prey. But since he defeated Oberon, more and more Wyld have been slipping through. Nick and his Feirie companion, the shapeshifter, Fetch, have been busy hunting them down.

Nick keeps coming across the Dacian Draco, the sign of his ancient enemy Galerius, including a tattoo worn by a human thug. Unfortunately, every trail ends as if years old. Claryce, Nick's reincarnated love, has narrowly escaped two attempts on her life, and when Nick sees her wearing a broach with the Draco on it, he knows they must look more deeply into her former lives.

With Wyld and gangsters wreaking havoc in Chicago, Nick and Claryce must confront the secrets of their pasts if they are to have any hope of finding out Galerius's plans before it's too late to stop them. Nick will need the help of all his friends, both human and Feirie, and the powers of the dragon within him, to keep Galerius from endangering the gate, Chicago, and all of humanity.

A Dragon for William

Night's Edge

Julie E. Czerneda

Set after the Aurora Award-winning novel, A Play of Shadow, this novella explores the story of a young boy whose fanciful tales of dragons and dangers may prove to be more than just fiction.

Werfol returns to Vorkoun with his family to find their fortunes changed for the worse. His father is in disgrace and banished from court. Meanwhile, Vorkoun has been ceded to Asnor by the prince's treaty and no one knows what that will mean.

And to complicate matters further, Werfol is now a truthseer, able to discern if another is lying. His training has barely begun, but his mother refuses to send him back to his uncle in Marrowdell. Werfol, bored and heartsick, retreats to his imagination, secretly writing a story about a brave boy who befriends a young dragon. In their adventures, "Prince William" is always the hero but, in real life, Werfol grows angrier and more afraid every day.

It doesn't help that Werfol's brother Semyn, once his closest confidant, can't remember Marrowdell's magic. Then Semyn, worried about Werfol, finds his story and shows their parents. Their mother, plagued by dangerous dreams, fears her son may become a doorway to a threat far more dangerous than a treaty.

For Werfol wrote of a dragon the colour of a Sei, a being so potent its curiosity once tore apart worlds. Suddenly, no one, not even Werfol, can be sure where his imagination ends and the magical Verge begins.

Can a boy who sees the lies in others find the truth within himself?

Dragons in the Waters

O'Keefe Family: Book 2

Madeleine L’Engle

The follow-up to The Arm of the Starfish has Simon and the O'Keefes trying to find a stolen painting and a murderer, all while trapped aboard a ship.

Thirteen-year-old Simon Renier has no idea when he boards the M.S. Orion with his cousin Forsyth Phair that their journey to Venezuela will be a dangerous one. His original plan--to return a family heirloom, a portrait of Simon Bolivar, to its rightful place--is sidetracked when cousin Forsyth is found murdered. When the portrait is stolen, all passengers and crew are suspects. Simon's newfound friends, Poly and Charles O'Keefe, and their scientist father help Simon try to find his painting, and his cousin's murderer. But will they succeed before they land? Or will the murderer and thief escape into the jungles of Venezuela?

Dragon Wytch

Otherworld: Sisters of the Moon: Book 4

Yasmine Galenorn

We're the D'Artigo sisters: savvy operatives for the Otherworld Intelligence Agency. But being half-human, half-Fae short-circuits our talents at all the wrong times. My sister Delilah shapeshifts into a tabby cat whenever she's stressed. Menolly's a vampire who's still getting the hang of being undead. And me? I'm Camille, a wicked-good witch, trying to juggle faulty magic, gorgeous men, and the demonic war in which we're embroiled. Sometimes, it's hard to know just who we can trust...

The Equinox is coming, and mayhem rules. A crown-prince unicorn offers us a legendary gift, but it vanishes. Goblins and trolls swarm the streets of Seattle. And now Smoky, the sexiest dragon alive, decides to stake his claim - on me. Overshadowing it all, the third spirit seal surfaces and Shadow Wing's after it. But I've discovered a secret that could change everything. A new power is rising - a dangerous force from the past - one that intends to restore balance to the worlds...whether we like it or not...

Dragonfly in Amber

Outlander: Book 2

Diana Gabaldon

With her now-classic novel Outlander, Diana Gabaldon introduced two unforgettable characters - Claire Randall and Jamie Fraser-delighting readers with a story of adventure and love that spanned two centuries. Now Gabaldon returns to that extraordinary time and place in this vivid, powerful follow-up to Outlander....

For twenty years Claire Randall has kept her secrets. But now she is returning with her grown daughter to Scotland's majestic mist-shrouded hills. Here Claire plans to reveal a truth as stunning as the events that gave it birth: about the mystery of an ancient circle of standing stones ... about a love that transcends the boundaries of time ... and about James Fraser, a Scottish warrior whose gallantry once drew a young Claire from the security of her century to the dangers of his....

Now a legacy of blood and desire will test her beautiful copper-haired daughter, Brianna, as Claire's spellbinding journey of self-discovery continues in the intrigue-ridden Paris court of Charles Stuart ... in a race to thwart a doomed Highlands uprising ... and in a desperate fight to save both the child and the man she loves....

Night's Swift Dragons


Charles L. Grant

WFA nominated novella. It originally appeared in the collection Nightmare Seasons (1982).

Dragon Justice

Paranormal Scene Investigations: Book 4

Laura Anne Gilman

In my time with PUPI, formally known as Private, Unaffiliated Paranormal Investigations, I've seen a lot. Learned a lot. And not all of it's been good. But what we do--make people accountable for crimes committed with magic--is important work.

Still. Even I need to take a break every now and again. Or so I've just been told (ordered).

So hey, vacation. Maybe I'll finally figure out what's going on with the "special bond" between me and the boss man, Benjamin Venec. Venec seems to like that idea--he's invited me down to join him on a jaunt to Philly. But no sooner do I arrive in the City of Brotherly Love than we're called in to look at a dead body.

And that's when life gets really complicated....


Pendragon Cycle: Book 1

Stephen R. Lawhead

This story begins with the tragedy of Atlantis and the arrival in Britain of King Avallach and the heroic figure of Prince Taliesin. In the twilight of Rome's power, a tale is told of a love that spawns the miracle of Merlin and Arthur, and a destiny that is more than a kingdom.


Pendragon Cycle: Book 2

Stephen R. Lawhead

He was born to greatness, the son of a druid bard and a princess of lost Atlantis. A trained warrior, blessed with the gifts of prophecy and song, he grew to manhood in a land ravaged by the brutal greed of petty chieftains and barbarian invaders.

Merlin: Respected, feared and hated by many, he was to have a higher destiny. for It was he who prepared the way for the momentous event that would unite the Island of the Mighty—the coming of Arthur Pendragon, Lord of the Kingdom of Summer.


Pendragon Cycle: Book 3

Stephen R. Lawhead

They called him unfit to rule—a lowborn, callow boy, Uther's bastard. But his coming had been foretold in the songs of the bard Taliesin. He had learned the uses of power from his guide and protector, Merlin. He was Arthur, Pendragon of the Island of the Mighty—who would rise to legendary greatness in a Britain torn by violence, greed and war; the Lord of Summer who would usher in a glorious reign of peace and prosperity . . . and whose noble, trusting heart would be broken by treachery.


Pendragon Cycle: Book 4

Stephen R. Lawhead

Arthur is King—but darkest evil has descended upon Britain's shores in many guises. In this black time of plague and pestilence, Arthur's most trusted counselor Myrddin—the warrior, bard, and kingmaker whom legend will name Merlin—is himself to be tested on a mystical journey through his own extraordinary past. So the noble king must stand alone against a great and terrible adversary. For only thus can he truly win immortality—and the name he will treasure above all others: Pendragon.


Pendragon Cycle: Book 5

Stephen R. Lawhead

Drought, plague, and war have left the Isle of the Mighty battered and its heart, the beloved Arthur, grievously injured—until a secret relic is brought before the dying KIng; a Holy Grail that heals his wounds and restores his vigor. But soon evil enters the royal court in the guise of a beautiful maiden; a soulless, malevolent force capable of seducing the King's loyal champion, confounding the sage whom some call Merlin, and carrying the sacred Grail—and Arthur's adored Queen—off into the dark unknown. And now Arthur faces the greatest challenge of his sovererignty: a quest of recovery that must lead the noble liege through realms of magic and the undead, on a trail that winds inexorably toward a grim confrontation with his most foul nemesis . . . and his destiny.

Avalon: The Return of King Arthur

Pendragon Cycle: Book 6

Stephen R. Lawhead

It has been fortold: In the hour of Britain's greatest need, King Arthur will return to rescue his people.

In Portugal, the reprobate King Edward the Ninth has died by his own hand.

In England, a dark scenario conceived by the power-hungry Prime Minister, Thomas Waring, is about to be realized: the total destruction of the British monarchy in the twenty-first century.

And in the Scottish Highlands, a mystical emissary named Mr. Embries--better known as "Merlin"--informs a young captain that he is next in line to occupy the throne. For James Arthur Stuart is not the commoner he has always believed himself to be--he is Arthur, the legendary King of Summer, reborn. But the road to England's salvation is rocky and dangerous, with powerful waiting to ambush: Waring and his ruthless political machine...and the agents of an ancient, far more potent evil. For Arthur is not the only one who has returned from the mists of legend. And Merlin's magic is not the only sorcery that has survived the centuries.

Dragonwriter: A Tribute to Anne McCaffrey and Pern


Todd McCaffrey

When Anne McCaffrey passed in November 2011, it was not only those closest to her who mourned her death; legions of readers also felt the loss deeply. The pioneering science fiction author behind the Dragonriders of Pern series crafted intricate stories, enthralling worlds, and strong heroines that profoundly impacted the science fiction community and genre.

In Dragonwriter, Anne's son and Pern writer Todd McCaffrey collects memories and stories about the beloved author, along with insights into her writing and legacy, from those who knew her best. Nebula Award-winner Elizabeth Moon relates the lessons she learned from Pern's Lessa (and from Lessa's creator); Hugo Award-winner David Brin recalls Anne's steadfast belief that the world to come will be better than the one before; legendary SFF artist Michael Whelan shares (and tells stories about) never-before-published Pern sketches from his archives; and more.

Join Anne's co-writers, fellow science fiction authors, family, and friends in remembering her life, and exploring how her mind and pen shaped not only the Weyrs of Pern, but also the literary landscape as we know it.


  • 1 - Introduction (Dragonwriter: A Tribute to Anne McCaffrey and Pern) - essay by Todd McCaffrey
  • 9 - Anne McCaffrey, Believer in Us - essay by David Brin
  • 15 - Why Are You Reading This Stupid Shirt? - essay by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
  • 29 - Star Power - essay by John Goodwin
  • 35 - How the Dragonlady Saved My Life - essay by David Gerrold
  • 43 - Bookends - essay by Robert Neilson
  • 55 - Lessons from Lessa - essay by Elizabeth Moon
  • 63 - Flying in New Directions - essay by Robin Roberts
  • 73 - Modeling the Writer's Life - essay by Lois McMaster Bujold
  • 85 - All the Weyrs of Pern - essay by Wen Spencer
  • 103 - The McCaffrey Effect - essay by Jody Lynn Nye and Bill Fawcett
  • 121 - The Ships That Were - essay by Mercedes Lackey
  • 135 - The Dragonlady's Songs - essay by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
  • 151 - Religion on Pern? - essay by Richard J. Woods
  • 173 - Annie and Horses - essay by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
  • 179 - Picturing Pern - essay by Michael Whelan
  • 199 - Red Star Rising - essay by Alec Johnson
  • 215 - Changes Without Notice - essay by Angelina Adams
  • 231 - The Twithead with the Dragon Tattoo - essay by Charlotte Moore
  • 247 - The Masterharper Is Gone - essay by Janis Ian
  • 257 - Universal Mum - essay by Georgeanne Kennedy
  • 267 - Afterword (Dragonwriter: A Tribute to Anne McCaffrey and Pern) - essay by Todd McCaffrey


Pern: Book 3

Anne McCaffrey

The Dragon Makers

The beautiful planet Pern seemed a paradise to its new colonists --until unimaginable terror turned it into hell. Suddenly deadly spores were falling like silver threads from the sky, devouring everything -- and everyone -- in their path. It began to look as if the colony, cutoff from Earth and lacking the resources to combat the menace, was doomed.

Then some of the colonists noticed that the small, dragonlike lizards that inhabited their new world were joining the fight against Thread, breathing fire on it and teleporting to safety. If only, they thought, the dragonets were big enough for a human to ride and intelligent enough to work as a team with a rider...

And so they set their most talented geneticist to work to create the creatures Pern so desperately needed -- Dragons!

A Gift of Dragons

Pern: Book 11

Anne McCaffrey

For more than thirty years, Pern has conjured visions of brave men and women mounted upon the backs of dragons. As anyone knows who has been touched by the storytelling magic of Anne McCaffrey, to read of the exotic world of Pern is to inhabit it--and to experience its extraordinary dragons is to soar aloft with them and share their dazzling adventures.

Now, A Gift of Dragons brings together three beloved stories and a thrilling new tale of Pern in a single volume illustrated with beautiful artwork by Tom Kidd. In "The Smallest Dragonboy," Keevan is the youngest dragonrider candidate, determined to impress a dragon when the next clutch of eggs hatches. But what transpires will surprise everyone--Keevan most of all. In "The Girl Who Heard Dragons," a young girl's rare ability to communicate with dragons puts her family in danger and will bring her face to face with her greatest fears--and with her most secret desire. The "Runner of Pern" is a girl named Tenna, who follows family tradition by delivering messages--and who will find her destiny on the mossy traces that runners have used for centuries under the dragon-filled sky. And finally, a very special gift: an exciting new Pern adventure, published here for the first time, fresh from the imagination of Anne McCaffrey.

Table of Contents:

  • "The Smallest Dragonboy" (1973)
  • "The Girl Who Heard Dragons" (1986)
  • "Runner of Pern" (1998)
  • "Ever the Twain" (original to the collection)

Dragon's Kin

Pern: Book 12

Anne McCaffrey
Todd McCaffrey


Young Kindan has no expectations other than joining his father in the mines of Camp Natalon, a coal mining settlement struggling to turn a profit far from the great Holds where the presence of dragons and their riders means safety and civilization. Mining is fraught with danger. Fortunately, the camp has a watch-wher, a creature distantly related to dragons and uniquely suited to specialized work in the dark, cold mineshafts. Kindan's father is the watch-wher's handler, and his son sometimes helps him out. But even that important job promises no opportunity outside the mine.

Then disaster strikes. In one terrible instant, Kindan loses his family and the camp loses its watch-wher. Fathers are replaced by sons in the mine-except for Kindan, who is taken in by the camp's new Harper. Grieving, Kindan finds a measure of solace in a burgeoning musical talent... and in a new friendship with Nuella, a mysterious girl no one seems to know exists. It is Nuella who assists Kindan when he is selected to hatch and train a new watch-wher, a job that forces him to give up his dream of becoming a Harper; and it is Nuella who helps him give new meaning to his life.

Meanwhile, sparked by the tragedy, long-simmering tensions are dividing the camp. Far below the surface, a group of resentful miners hides a deadly secret. As warring factions threaten to explode, Nuella and Kindan begin to discover unknown talents in the misunderstood watch-wher-talents that could very well save an entire Hold. During their time teaching the watch-wher, the two learn some things themselves: that even a seemingly impossible dream is never completely out of reach... and that light can be found even in darkness.


Pern: Book 13

Todd McCaffrey

In Dragon's Kin, bestselling author Anne McCaffrey did the unthinkable: for the first time ever, she invited another writer to join her in the skies of her most famous fictional creation. That writer was her son, Todd McCaffrey. Together, they penned a triumphant new chapter in the annals of the extraordinarily popular Dragonriders of Pern. Now, for the first time, Todd McCaffrey flies alone. And Dragonsblood is proof that the future of Pern is in good hands. After all, dragons are in his blood....

Never in the dramatic history of Pern has there been a more dire emergency than that which faces the young dragonrider Lorana. A mysterious fatal illness is striking dragons. The epidemic is spreading like wildfire... and the next deadly cycle of Threadfall is only days away. Somehow, Lorana must find a cure before the dragons-including her own beloved Arith-succumb to the sickness, leaving Pern undefended.

The lyrics of an all-but-forgotten song seem to point toward an answer from nearly five hundred years in the past, when Kitti Ping and her daughter Wind Blossom bred the first dragons from their smaller cousins, the fire-lizards. No doubt the first colonists possessed the advanced technology to find the cure for which Lorana seeks, but over the centuries, that knowledge has been lost. Or has it?

For in the distant past, an aged Wind Blossom worries that the germs that affect the fire-lizards may one day turn on larger prey-and unleash a plague that will destroy the dragons, Pern's only defenders against Thread. But as her people struggle to survive, Wind Blossom has neither the time nor the resources to expend on a future that may never arrive-until suddenly she uncovers evidence that her worst fears will come true.

Now two brave women, separated by hundreds of years but joined by bonds transcending time, will become unknowing allies in a desperate race against sickness and Threadfall, with nothing less than the survival of all life on Pern at stake.

Dragon's Fire

Pern: Book 14

Anne McCaffrey
Todd McCaffrey

Bringing fresh wonders and dangers to light in the skies of Pern, Anne McCaffrey and her son, Todd, who demonstrated his writing talents in the bestselling novels Dragon's Kin and Dragonsblood, return with their second collaboration: a thrilling adventure of discovery and fate.

Pellar is an orphan taken in by Masterharper Zist. Though born mute, Pellar is a gifted tracker, and when Zist sets off to take over as harper for Natalon's coal-mining camp, Pellar-along with his fire-lizard, Chitter-joins him on a secret mission of his own: to find out if reported thefts of coal are the work of the Shunned, criminals condemned to a life of wandering and hardship.

Halla is one of the children of the Shunned. Though innocent of their parents' crimes, these children have inherited their cruel punishment. Lack of food, shelter, and clothes is their lot; hope is unknown to them. And what future would they hope for? Without a hold to call their own, there will be no protection for them when the lethal Thread inevitably falls again. Life is even tougher for Halla. Her family gone, she must fend for herself. Yet despite the brutality of her surroundings, Halla is kind and gentle, devoted to those more helpless than she.

As depraved as Halla is good, Tenim is in league with Tarik, a crooked miner from Camp Natalon, who helps him steal coal in exchange for a cut of the profit. But Tenim soon realizes there is a lot more to be made from firestone, the volatile mineral that enables the dragons of Pern to burn Thread out of the sky. Tenim doesn't care what he has to do, or whom he has to kill, in order to corner the market.

Cristov is Tarik's son. Dishonored by his father's greed and treachery, the boy must make amends somehow, even if it means risking his life by mining the volatile firestone, which detonates on contact with the slightest drop of moisture.

When the last remaining firestone mine explodes in flames, a desperate race begins to find a new deposit of the deadly but essential mineral, for without it there can be no defense against Thread. But Tenim has a murderous plan to turn tragedy to his own advantage, and only Pellar, Halla, and Cristov can stop him-and ensure that there will be a future for all on the world of the Dragonriders.

Dragon Harper

Pern: Book 15

Anne McCaffrey
Todd McCaffrey


Shogun Yoritomo has been assassinated by the Stormdancer Yukiko, and the threat of civil war looms over the Shima Imperium. The Lotus Guild conspires to renew the nation's broken dynasty and crush the growing rebellion by endorsing a new Shogun who desires nothing more than to see Yukiko dead.


Yukiko and the mighty thunder tiger Buruu have been cast in the role of heroes by the Kagé rebellion. But Yukiko herself is blinded by rage over her father's death, and her ability to hear the thoughts of beasts. Along with Buruu, Yukiko's anchor is Kin, the rebel Guildsman who helped her escape from Yoritomo's clutches.


Kagé assassins lurk within the Shogun's palace, plotting to end the new dynasty before it begins. A new enemy gathers its strength, readying to push the fracturing Shima imperium into a war it cannot hope to survive. And across raging oceans, Yukiko and Buruu will face foes no katana or talon can defeat. The ghosts of a blood-stained past.


Pern: Book 16

Todd McCaffrey

The specter of sickness looms over the Weyrs of Pern, felling fire-lizards and threatening their dragon cousins, Pern's sole defense against the deadly phenomenon that is Thread. Fiona, the young rider of queen dragon Talenth, is about to assume the duties of a Weyrwoman when word spreads that dragons have begun succumbing to the new contagion. As more dragons sicken and die, Weyrleader B'Nik and queen rider Lorana comb Fort Weyr's archives in a desperate search for clues from the past that may hold the solution to the plague. But could the past itself prove the pathway to salvation for Pern's imperiled dragons? Guided by a mysterious ally from a wholly unexpected place, and trusting in the dragon gift for transcending time, Fiona will join a risky expedition with far-reaching consequences for both Pern's future and her personal destiny.


Pern: Book 17

Todd McCaffrey

Young Fiona, rider of the gold queen Talenth, has returned with the dragons and riders who fled into the past to heal their battle wounds and prepare to fight anew the menace of Thread. Now more than three years older, Fiona is no longer a child but a woman--thrust into authority by a shocking tragedy. But leading weyrfolk who are distrustful of a young outsider will be only one of her challenges. Despite gaining reinforcements from the past, too few dragons have survived the recent plague to stem the tide of the intensifying Threadfall. As a senior Weyrwoman, Fiona must take decisive action. With the aid of Lorana, the rider who sacrificed her dragon for others, and Fiona's true love, the harper Kindan, she proposes a daring, nearly impossible plan. But if it succeeds, it just might save them all.

Dragon's Time

Pern: Book 18

Anne McCaffrey
Todd McCaffrey

Even though Lorana cured the plague that was killing the dragons of Pern, sacrificing her queen dragon in the process, the devastating disease has left too few dragons alive to fight the fall of deadly Thread. As morale at Telgar Weyr plunges in the wake of the widespread loss, and Weyrwoman Fiona and the harper Kindan struggle to keep hope from vanishing, a pregnant Lorana decides she must take drastic steps. Nothing short of manipulating time itself will undo the damage done by the plague. But attempting time travel could have devastating consequences--altering history, and destiny, forever. Now, somehow, Lorana must find a way to accomplish what seems impossible: bending the natural laws of the universe without wreaking havoc on existence itself. To ensure the future of Pern, she's willing to take the fateful chance--even if it demands yet another, far greater, sacrifice.

Sky Dragons

Pern: Book 19

Anne McCaffrey
Todd McCaffrey

After a vicious plague swept through the world of Pern, there are no longer enough dragons to fight off the current onslaught of Thread, the deadly spore that falls like rain from the skies and devours everything organic in its path.

Pern's last best chance to rebuild the decimated dragon population lies with a group of young dragonriders and their dragons left stranded on an unexplored island. Leadership of these dragons and riders falls to Xhinna, female rider of a blue dragon, who, as the most experienced dragonrider in the new Weyr, must earn the respect of all who follow her, as not everyone is ready to accept a female wingleader. She must solve the problem of how to get sufficient numbers of dragon eggs, although her newfangled ideas, like letting green dragons mate and lay eggs to hatch new dragons, cause uproar. All the while she must protect her people and baby dragons from the predators and, worse, traitors or all hope for Pern will be lost!

Dragon's Code

Pern: Book 20

Gigi McCaffrey

A new hero emerges in a divided world as one of sci-fi's most beloved series--Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern--relaunches with this original adventure from Anne's daughter, Gigi McCaffrey.

In honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the Dragonriders of Pern series, Gigi does her mother proud, adding to the family tradition of spinning unputdownable tales that recount the adventures of the brave inhabitants of a distant planet who battle the pitiless adversary known as Thread.

The last time Thread attacked Pern, the world was unprepared for the fight--until the Oldtimers appeared. These courageous dragonriders arrived from the past, traveling four hundred years to help their descendants survive. But the collision of past and present took its toll. While most of the displaced rescuers adapted to their new reality, others could not abide the jarring change and found themselves in soul-crushing exile, where unhappiness and resentment seethed.

Piemur, a journeyman harper, also feels displaced, cast adrift by the loss of his spectacular boyhood voice and uncertain of his future. But when the Masterharper of Pern sees promise in the young man and sends him undercover among the exiled Oldtimers, Piemur senses the looming catastrophe that threatens the balance of power between the Weyrs and Holds of Pern.

When the unthinkable happens, Piemur must rise to the challenge to avert disaster and restore honor to the dragons and dragonriders of Pern. Because now, in a world already beset by Thread, another, more insidious danger looms: For the first time in living memory, dragons may be on the verge of fighting dragons.

Dragonne's Eg

Pigs Don't Fly: Book 4

Mary Brown

A young orphan in Victorian London, Sophie will receive a substantial legacy from her late uncle if she can successfully return a dragon's egg to an uncharted region of Asia, and armed only with a magical ring, a mysterious unicorn figure, and a telepathic cat, Sophie braves untold perils on her quest.

Chasing the Dragon

Quantum Gravity: Book 4

Justina Robson

Lila Black returns in the fourth volume of high-octane, high-magic, high-tech adventures.

Ever since the Quantum Bomb of 2015 things have been different; the dimensions have fused and suddenly our world is accessible to elves, demons, ghosts and elementals and their worlds are open to us. Things have been different for Special Agent Lila Black too: tortured and magic-scarred by elves, rebuilt by humans into a half-robot, part-AI, nuclear-fueled walking arsenal, married to a demon and in love with a recently-deceased elf. It was confusing enough before she was catapulted fifty years into her own future.

Returning to the life of a guns-blazing secret agent, Lila finds herself having inherited all of her former boss's old offices and whatever mysteries they contain, as the elf has done a runner some fifty years previously. Appointed head of the new android division, she can see all too clearly what lies in store for her if the growth of the alien technologies in her cyborg body continue unchecked.

But there are more immediate concerns. Like resurrecting her lover, Zal. And her husband, the demon Teazle, is embroiled in a fatal plot in Demonia, and her magic sword is making itself happy as a pen whose writing has the power to affect other worlds. The world is off its rocker and most everyone is terrified of faeries.

And all the while, she hears the voices of the machine material projections of an immaterial form, The Signal. The Signal talks constantly if only she knew what it meant.

Chasing the Dragon is bright, fast moving and accessible SF that mixes in fantasy and a cool cult-lit sensibility to create a series that will appeal to all fans of Laurrell K. Hamilton and Peter Hamilton alike.

Jewels of the Dragon

Rikard Braeth: Book 1

Allen Wold

The greatest of treasures awaits... on the deadliest of planets.

Rikard passed a door and a man came out and fell into step beside him. The man didn't say anything for a while. He was wearing a gun--Rikard didn't know what kind--and a knife.

"Whatcher hurry?" the man said at last, his voice slurred.

"I'm trying to make an appointment."

"Zat so? Think you'll make it?"

Rikard tensed himself inwardly, in case the man decided to jump him. But he never found out the man's intentions. Without warning, a tall glittery thing flowed around the corner, half a block away, and everybody on the street came to a startled stop.

It was twelve meters tall, serpentine, transparent, shining. Rikard wanted to run, but he couldn't make his legs work. The glittering, transparent monster swung its head--if that was what it was--from side to side, as if watching the fleeing pedestrians.

Rikard found his legs at last, and took a hesitant, leaden step backwards. The thing swung to stare at him. He froze...

Never Deal with a Dragon

Shadowrun: Secrets of Power: Book 1

Robert Charrette

The year is 2050. The power of magic and the creatures it brings have returned to the earth, and many of the ancient races have re-emerged. Elves, Orks, Mages, and lethal Dragons find a home in a world where mana, technology, and human flesh have melded into deadly urban predators. And the multinational mega-corporations that run the world hoard the only thing of real value--information.

For Sam Verner, living in the womb of the Renraku conglomerate was easy, until his sister disappeared and the façade of the corporate reality began to disintegrate. Now he wants out, but to "extract" himself he has to slide like a whisper through the deadly shadows the corporations cast, into a completely different world where his first wrong move may be his last... the world of Shadowrun.

Dragonfly Falling

Shadows of the Apt: Book 2

Adrian Tchaikovsky

Two young companions, Totho and Salma, arrive at Tark to spy on the menacing Wasp army, but are there mistakenly apprehended as enemy agents. By the time they are freed, the city is already under siege. Over in the imperial capital the young emperor, Alvdan, is becoming captivated by a remarkable slave, the vampiric Uctebri, who claims he knows of magic that can grant eternal life.

In Collegium, meanwhile, Stenwold is still trying to persuade the city magnates to take seriously the Wasp Empire's imminent threat to their survival. In a colorful drama involving mass warfare and personal combat, a small group of heroes must stand up against what seems like an unstoppable force.

This volume continues the story that so brilliantly unfolded in Empire in Black and Gold - and the action is still non-stop.

Steal the Dragon

Sianim: Book 2

Patricia Briggs

Patricia Briggs' "unique" (Kliatt) novel of a slave, swordwielder, and spy gets a second life with an exciting new package to attract the fans that made her Mercy Thompson novels bestsellers.

Dragon Queen

Silver Kings: Book 2

Stephen Deas

In the years before the Dragons laid waste to man's empire, the fearsome monsters were used for war and as gifts of surpassing wealth to buy favour in the constant political battles that tore at the kingdoms.

Notorious in these battles was the Dragon Queen. And now she is a prisoner. But no one is more dangerous than when caged...

The critics, fellow authors and readers alike are agreed - if you love dragons and epic fantasy, Stephen Deas is the writer for you. The man who brought dragons back to their full glory, might and terror.

DRAGON QUEEN is a companion volume to the Memory of Flames trilogy and to THE BLACK MAUSOLEUM.

The Dragon's Promise

Six Crimson Cranes: Book 2

Elizabeth Lim

Princess Shiori made a deathbed promise to return the dragon's pearl to its rightful owner, but keeping that promise is more dangerous than she ever imagined.

She must journey to the kingdom of dragons, navigate political intrigue among humans and dragons alike, fend off thieves who covet the pearl for themselves and will go to any lengths to get it, all while cultivating the appearance of a perfect princess to dissuade those who would see her burned at the stake for the magic that runs in her blood.

The pearl itself is no ordinary cargo; it thrums with malevolent power, jumping to Shiori's aid one minute, and betraying her the next--threatening to shatter her family and sever the thread of fate that binds her to her true love. It will take every ounce of strength Shiori can muster to defend the life and the love she's fought so hard to win.

Dragon Rider

Soulbound Saga: Book 1

Taran Matharu


Jai has spent his life forced to serve the cruel empire that killed his family and now rules his people.

To grow ever more powerful, the emperor's young son is betrothed to Princess Erica of the Dansk Kingdom. An unconquerable realm, where ancient beasts roam. The princess brings with her a priceless gift: dragons. Only Dansk Royalty can bond with these magical beasts to draw on their power and strength. Until now.

When the betrothal goes wrong, a bloody coup leads to chaos at court. Finally, Jai has a chance to escape. He flees with a fierce Dansk warrior, Frida, but not before stealing a dragon egg.

To vanquish the empire, he must do the impossible: bond with a dragon. Only then he can seize his destiny, and seek his revenge...

The Dragon's Dagger

Spearwielder's Tales: Book 2

R. A. Salvatore

Gary Leger had longed to return to the realm of Faerie ever since the day he left. In that mystical world hidden behind his house, life was very different. But at least there was beauty and peace.

But things have changed since Gary's last visit. The sacred armor and magical spear of the land's greatest hero are missing. A wicked king is threatening war on the villages. A banished witch is plotting a scheme. And a dragon who should be banished is burning up the countryside.

Now Gary must traverse the enchanted land to battle the shadows of evil. But this time his journey will take him where no man has gone before - into the lair of the dragon himself!

Dragonslayer's Return

Spearwielder's Tales: Book 3

R. A. Salvatore

It's been four years since Gary Leger slew a dragon and returned home from Faerie, and almost half a year since his father died. Ever since that fateful day, he's been aching to take his wife, Diane, leave Earth behind, and go back to Faerie to see his friends and get away from it all.

His friends wish he'd come back, too - and fast. The threat of war looms over the land like a dark cloud. The king is brutally suppressing his subjects, acting more ruthless than ever before. And the most powerful witch in Faerie, banished to a remote island, isn't letting that stop her from sowing the seeds of destruction. Gary wants to escape responsibility in his own life. But Faerie's heroic dragonslayer once again has the fate of the world in his hands.

The Dragon Conspiracy

SPI Files: Book 2

Lisa Shearin

After solving The Grendel Affair, the agents have another SPI File to investigate...

We're Supernatural Protection & Investigations, known as SPI. We battle the real monsters of myth and legend, but this Halloween, we're searching for diamonds...

A gala opening at the Metropolitan Museum of Art has attracted the upper crust of Manhattan--and thieves. A trio of vile harpies attacks the crowd and steals the stars of the exhibition: a colorful cluster of seven cursed diamonds known as the Dragon Eggs.
In the right mage's hands, each stone can pack a magical wallop. Together they have the power to "cure" the supernaturals of the tristate area--but for many of those vampires and werewolves, that means turning into dust.

I'm Makenna Fraser, a seer for SPI. With the help of my partner, Ian, and the other agents, I have twenty-four hours to prevent total global panic, find the diamonds, and save the supernatural community. No biggie...

Dragons in the Stars

Star Rigger: Book 4

Jeffrey A. Carver

Dragons in space? A preposterous legend. But when star pilot Jael defies an abusive ship's master and rigs "the mountain route" through the hyperdimensional Flux, the dragons indeed appear--and challenge her to duel. If she escapes, she would be wise never to return. But the currents of the Flux are fickle, and when fate steers her this way again, she finds Highwing the dragon under sentence of death for the kindness he showed her. Only Jael can intervene--and so she must, for the sake of one who risked his life to save hers.

Dragon Rigger

Star Rigger: Book 5

Jeffrey A. Carver

A realm at war. The star dragons struggle under the oppression of an unseen foe--a creature of terrible power, who seeks to shape all of space-time into a web of subjugation and death. The Dream Mountain, source of knowledge and life to the dragons, is held by the enemy; and yet, hope burns in the dragons' hearts. According to ancient prophecy, One will come from outside to challenge the darkness. Star pilot Jael LeBrae may be that savior. Once before, she aided the dragons in their struggle, and now she must return to face at last the terrible wrath of Tar-skel. But if the prophecy holds true, the price of victory over the darkness will be Jael's own life.

War Dragons

Star Trek: Crossovers: The Captain's Table: Book 1

L. A. Graf

There's a bar called "The Captain's Table," where those who have commanded mighty vessels of every shape and era can meet, relax, and share a friendly drink or two with others of their calling. Sometimes a brawl may break out but it's all in the family, more or less. Just remember, the first round of drinks is always paid for with a story...even beyond the final frontier.

Captain James T. Kirk must join forces with Captain Hikaru Sulu, new commander of the U.S.S. Excelsior, to resolve a simmering political situation in a distant star system. For more than twenty years, the ancient enmity between Nykkus and Anjiri has resisted the best efforts of Federation diplomats. Now Kirk and Sulu have one last chance to end the bloodshed -- before it erupts into a full-scale interstellar war!

Here There Be Dragons

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Book 28

John Peel

When captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise receive news of a human planet hidden in the center of an immense stellar cloud, they immediately investigate.

Penetrating the cloud, the Starship crew is shocked to discover a world of knights and serfs lifted right out of Earth's Middle Ages. Ruthlessly exploiting the planet is a ring of intersellar trophy hunters preying on the immense, native dragon-lizards twentey-feet tall and armored like tanks.

Beaming down, an away team soon becomes embroiled in a web of intrigue and murder. Taken prisoner, Picard, Riker, Data and Ro must somehow escape and stop the hunters or face destruction from the hunters' weapon, based on an advanced technoloy capable of utterly annihilating the Starship Enterprise.

Dragon's Honor

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Book 38

Greg Cox
Kij Johnson

Isolated for centuries, the exotic Dragon Empire is finally ready to join the United Federation of Planets. But first the emperor's eldest son must marry the only daughter of his oldest enemy, bringing to an end decades of civil war. Without the wedding, there can be no peace -- and no treaty with the Federation. As honored guests of the Dragon Empire, Captain Picard and the crew of the "Starship Enterprise" TM must ensure that the royal wedding occurs on schedule, despite the Empire's complicated and difficult codes of honor. And Dr. Beverly Crusher finds her loyalties torn when she wins the confidence of the unusually reluctant bride-to-be. More than just a treaty is at stake, for a vicious race of alien conquerors will stop at nothing, from assassination to invasion, to keep the Empire out of the Federation. Picard must use all his skills to save the Empire, and preserve the Dragon's Honor.

A Judgment of Dragons

Starcats: Book 1

Phyllis Gotlieb

This novel consists of four novellas: "Son of the Morning", "The King's Dogs", "Nebuchadnezzar", and "A Judgment of Dragons".

The main characters are Khreng and Prandra, members of a race called the Ungrukh, who are leopard-like creatures with reddish fur, paws better adapted for manipulating objects (though no opposable thumbs), sentience, and a high incidence of ESP ability. The latter makes them valuable to the Galactic Federation. Khreng & Prandra, a mated pair, are among the first Ungrunkh to work for GalFed.

In the first story, they run afoul of a time vortex set up by an alien Qumedni in a 19th-century Polish village, and have to defeat it. In the second, while Prandra is getting her ESP-ability tested at GalFed HQ, they are framed for murder. In the third, they attempt to break drug-runners' hold on a planet whose inhabitants are not capable of successfully opposing them. In the fourth, they confront the Qumedni responsible for creating their race (from Earth leopards), and the Qumedni intent on stealing the secret of how sentience is bestowed.

Despite the title, there are no dragons in this book.

Four Dragons

Stargate SG-1 - Fandemonium: Book 16

Diana Dru Botsford

War games...

It was meant to be a soft mission, something to ease Doctor Daniel Jackson back into things after his time among the Ancients -- after all, what could possibly go wrong on a simple survey of ancient Chinese ruins? As it turns out, a whole lot.

After accidentally activating a Goa'uld transport ring, Daniel finds himself the prisoner of Lord Yu, the capricious Goa'uld System Lord. Meanwhile, SG1's efforts to rescue their friend are hampered by a representative of the Chinese government with an agenda of his own to follow -- and a deep secret to hide.

But Colonel Jack O'Neill is in no mood for delay. He'll go to any lengths to get Daniel back -- even if it means ignoring protocol and taking matters into his own hands.

Heart of the Dragon

Supernatural: Book 4

Keith R. A. DeCandido

When renegade angel Castiel alerts Sam and Dean to a series of particularly brutal killings in San Francisco's Chinatown, they realise the Heart of the Dragon, an ancient evil of unspeakable power, is back! John Winchester faced the terrifying spirit 20 years ago, and the Campbell family fought it 20 years before that - can the boys succeed where their parents and grandparents failed?

The Dragon Queen

Tales of Guinevere: Book 1

Alice Borchardt

Born into a world of terrible strife, where war is constant and weapons are never far from the hands of men or women, Guinevere, daughter of a mighty pagan queen, is a threat to her people and a prize to the dreaded sorcerer Merlin. Sent into hiding, she grows up under the protection of a shapeshifting man-wolf and an ornery Druid. But even on the remote coast of Scotland, where dragons feed and watch over her, she is not safe from the all-seeing High Druid Merlin. He knows the young beauty's destiny, and he will stop at nothing to prevent what has been foretold. For if Guinevere becomes Queen and Arthur, King, they will bring a peace to the land that will leave the power-hungry Merlin a shriveled magician in a weary cloak.

Yet Guinevere possesses power of her own--dazzling power to rival even that of Merlin. Summoned from her home by forces she cannot fathom, she travels from the Underworld to an Otherworld of the Past, at each step calling on ancient powers to aid her way. When young Guinevere proves her mettle to an embarrassed Merlin, even her faithful dragon protectors cannot prevent the evil that the sorcerer rains down. Seeking revenge, Merlin banishes Arthur to a world from which the only escape is death. Now Guinevere must face Merlin's wrath without him--and prove that she is worthy of being Arthur's Queen.

Dragon Sword and Wind Child

Tales of the Magatama: Book 1

Noriko Ogiwara

The God of Light and the Goddess of Darkness have waged a ruthless war across the land of Toyoashihara for generations. But for fifteen-year-old Saya, the war is far away—until the day she discovers that she is the reincarnation of the Water Maiden and a princess of the Children of the Dark.

Raised to love the Light and detest the Dark, Saya must come to terms with her heritage even as the Light and Dark both seek to claim her, for she is the only mortal who an awaken the legendary Dragon Sword, the weapon destined to bring an end to he war. Can Saya make the choice between the Light and Dark, or is she doomed—like all the Water Maidens who came before her...?

His Majesty's Dragon

Temeraire: Book 1

Naomi Novik

Aerial combat brings a thrilling new dimension to the Napoleonic Wars as valiant warriors rise to Britain's defense by taking to the skies... not aboard aircraft but atop the mighty backs of fighting dragons.

When HMS Reliant captures a French frigate and seizes its precious cargo, an unhatched dragon egg, fate sweeps Capt. Will Laurence from his seafaring life into an uncertain futureand an unexpected kinship with a most extraordinary creature. Thrust into the rarified world of the Aerial Corps as master of the dragon Temeraire, he will face a crash course in the daring tactics of airborne battle. For as France's own dragon-borne forces rally to breach British soil in Bonaparte's boldest gambit, Laurence and Temeraire must soar into their own baptism of fire.

League of Dragons

Temeraire: Book 9

Naomi Novik

Naomi Novik delivers the final adventure in a New York Times bestselling series that has won fans of Napoleonic-era military history, Anne McCaffrey's Pern novels, and Patrick O'Brian's seafaring adventures. Since His Majesty's Dragon, Capt. William Laurence and his fearless dragon, Temeraire, have been battling Napoleon and his armies... and now the time has come to stop him for good.


Terra Magica: Book 2

Lin Carter

Come with us out of this dull, workaday world to Terra Magica, tha land beyond World's Edge, where knights ride out on wonder quests, where beautiful princesses wait for rescue from sea serpents, where sky-high giants seek human morsels for their cookpots, and where a king may seek a champion to set aside his realm's enchantment.

Here again is Kesrick, knight of Dragonrouge, in combat against villainy. At his side stand a Scythian princess and a lost nobleman of Tartary. Here be wizards of good and wizards of evil; here be mighty giants and witches of utter meanness. Here be high fantasy from thne golden pen of the Grand Master himself, Lin Carter!

Dragon Champion

The Age of Fire: Book 1

E. E. Knight

From the national bestselling author of the Vampire Earth series comes the first novel in an epic fantasy saga where dragons struggle to survive in an age of fire...

High in the mountains, deep in the safety of a cave, a brood of dragons is born. The four young ones are among the last of a dying breed--the last hope for dragons' survival. But hope shatters when a murderous group of slave-trader dwarves breaks into the cave, leaving a wake of death and destruction...

Only young Auron, a rare, defenseless gray dragon, manages to escape. Armed with nothing but his claws and a boundless determination to survive, he sets off in search of his kind. But to find other dragons--or, at least, find out who's killing them off--Auron will have to search a world of mercenary elves, vicious humans, and dangers of all kinds. Finding allies in the strangest places--and finding himself along the way--Auron is about to make the trek of a lifetime.

Dragon Avenger

The Age of Fire: Book 2

E. E. Knight

The last of a dying breed, Wistala and her dragon siblings were born in the safety of a mountain cave. But when her home is attacked, she finds herself forced into independence-and cut off from her family. Now Wistala must overcome her grief and fear to find others of her kind, and bring her wrath to those who would destroy them.

Dragon Outcast

The Age of Fire: Book 3

E. E. Knight

Dragon Outcast continues E. E. Knight's thrilling fantasy series about a brood of young dragon siblings-each unique, each powerful, and each fated to battle the other to the end. Here, the darkest of the dragons is introduced as he strives to make himself the strongest-and the last-of his brethren...

Dragon Strike

The Age of Fire: Book 4

E. E. Knight

A dark and riveting fantasy of three dragon siblings, from the author of The Vampire Earth novels

The fourth in the Age of Fire series following Dragon Champion, Dragon Avenger, and Dragon Outcast...

Scattered across a continent and scarred by their harsh experiences on the path to adulthood, the three dragon siblings are among the last of a dying breed, the final hope for their species' survival.

After being separated by dwarf slave traders who found their nest, the three--AuRon, the rare scaleless gray; Wistala, the green female; and Copper, the embittered cripple--are reunited. But their reunion is not a happy one, since the three find themselves at odds over the coming human war. AuRon thinks dragons should have no part in the affairs of humans. Wistala believes dragons and man can peacefully co-exist. And Copper has designs of his own on the world.

And the civilized humans who have turned to Copper for assistance against their savage enemies have just given him the perfect opportunity to fulfill his plans...

Dragon Rule

The Age of Fire: Book 5

E. E. Knight

The author of the national bestselling Vampire Earth series presents the fiery fifth book in his epic dragons saga.

Scattered across a continent, three dragon siblings are among the last of a dying breed?the final hope for their species? survival.

Wistala, sister to the Copper who is now Emperor of the Upper World, has long thought humans the equal of dragons. She leads the Firemaids, fierce female fighting dragons who support the Hominids of Hypatia. Which puts her at odds with both her brothers, for the Copper has no use for the humans he now dominates and AuRon, the rare scale-less grey, would isolate himself and his family from both the world of men and the world of dragons. But as the Copper?s empire roils with war, greed, and treachery, the time is fast approaching when Wistala will have to choose who to stand with? and fight for...

Dragon Fate

The Age of Fire: Book 6

E. E. Knight

The author of the national bestselling Vampire Earth series presents the fiery conclusion to his epic dragon saga.

Scattered across a continent, three dragon siblings are among the last of a dying breed-the final hope for their species' survival.

After fighting a war that cost each of them kingdoms, friends and family, and their honor and glory, they have removed themselves from the troubles of the world. But the order they fought to establish is falling apart. Ancient sorceries have been awakened. Dragons battle dragons. And men are taking up arms against their winged overlords. Now, the three must unite once more to save dragonkind from extinction, before the chaos and fire of war consumes them all... and the world with them.

Song of the Dragon

The Annals of Drakis: Book 1

Tracy Hickman

Once humans had magic and an alliance with dragons. Now they and the other races have been enslaved by the Rhonas Empire-the elves-and can't even remember the world the way it used to be. But thanks to the intervention of one determined dwarf and the human slave warrior known as Drakis, all of that is about to change.

Dragonrank Master

The Bifrost Guardians: Book 3

Mickey Zucker Reichert

Godslayer - was the name Al Larson earned when, torn away from the midst of the firefight in Vietnam and catapulted to a time and place where the Norse gods fought a deadly war of their own, he was instrumental in the death of Loki, a key lord of Chaos.

But now Larson, the master swordsman Gaelinar, and the elusive thief known as the Shadow Climber were about to embark on an even more desperate quest. For the balance between Chaos and Law had been all but lost.

Fenris Wolf stalked the lands of men, thirsting to drink the lifeblood of Larson and Gaelinar, while Hel herself sought vengeance for Loki's destruction. Pursued by these foes out of nightmare, could Larson and the others survive long enough to recover the one hope of the forces of Law - the legendary rod of Geirmagnus, the first Dragonrank mage - a mission that would take them from the citadel of Dragonrank powers to war-torn Vietnam to Hel's dark realm and beyond?

The Dragons of Deepwood Fen

The Book of the Holt: Book 1

Bradley P. Beaulieu

We follow an unlikely pair as they expose the secrets at the heart of the mountain city of Ancris.

Lorelei Aurelius is the smartest inquisitor in the mountain city of Ancris. When a mysterious tip leads her to a clandestine meeting between the Church and the hated Red Knives, she uncovers a plot that threatens not only her home but the empire itself.

The trail leads her to Rylan Holbrooke, a notorious thief posing as a dragon singer. Rylan came to Ancris to solve the very same mystery she stumbled onto. Knowing his incarceration could lead to the Red Knives' achieving their goals, Lorelei makes a fateful decision: she frees him.

Now branded as traitors, the two flee the city on dragonback. In the massive forest known as the Holt, they discover something terrible. The Red Knives are planning to awaken a powerful demigod in the holiest shrine in Ancris, and for some reason the Church is willing to allow it. It forces their return to Ancris, where the unlikely allies must rally the very people who've vowed to capture them before it's too late.

The Lost Dragons of Barakhai

The Books of Barakhai: Book 2

Mickey Zucker Reichert

When Benton Collins returned from Barakhai-where magic had turned all but the royal family into inadvertent shapeshifters-he thought his adventures were at an end. But the friends he'd left behind still needed his aid, and Ben had to return to join in their desperate quest...

The Rage of Dragons

The Burning: Book 1

Evan Winter

The Omehi people have been fighting an unwinnable war for generations. The lucky ones are born gifted: some have the power to call down dragons, others can be magically transformed into bigger, stronger, faster killing machines.

Everyone else is fodder, destined to fight and die in the endless war. Tau Tafari wants more than this, but his plans of escape are destroyed when those closest to him are brutally murdered.

With too few gifted left the Omehi are facing genocide, but Tau cares only for revenge. Following an unthinkable path, he will strive to become the greatest swordsman to ever live, willing to die a hundred thousand times for the chance to kill three of his own people.

The Dragon Arcana

The Cardinal's Blades: Book 3

Pierre Pevel

The swashbuckling adventure, perfect for fans of THE THREE MUSKETEERS continues! This is Paris. This is 1633. This is a world under attack from dragons. Cardinal Richelieu is on his guard against the greatest danger he, or France, has faced. A secret society known as the Black Claw is plotting in the shadows. They have already struck twice, and with their third blow they mean to finish their task. Unless the Cardinal's Blades can stop them. They are all prepared to risk their lives for the Crown, this time the question is not whether they will need to's whether or not they will survive. Who are the Dragon Arcana, what secret are the Chatelaine nuns trying so hard to protect, and if an ancient dragon is unleashed on Paris will the Blades really stand a chance against it...?

Dragon Hunters

The Chronicles of Exile: Book 2

Marc Turner

Dragon Hunters, the sequel to Marc Turner's When the Heavens Fall features gritty characters, deadly magic, and meddlesome gods

Once a year on Dragon Day the fabled Dragon Gate is raised to let a sea dragon pass from the Southern Wastes into the Sabian Sea. There, it will be hunted by the Storm Lords, a fellowship of powerful water-mages who rule an empire called the Storm Isles. Alas, this year someone forgot to tell the dragon which is the hunter and which the hunted.

Emira Imerle Polivar is coming to the end of her tenure as leader of the Storm Lords. She has no intention of standing down graciously. She instructs an order of priests called the Chameleons to infiltrate a citadel housing the mechanism that controls the Dragon Gate to prevent the gate from being lowered after it has been raised on Dragon Day. Imerle hopes the dozens of dragons thus unleashed on the Sabian Sea will eliminate her rivals while she launches an attack on the Storm Lord capital, Olaire, to secure her grip on power.

But Imerle is not the only one intent on destroying the Storm Lord dynasty. As the Storm Lords assemble in Olaire in answer to a mysterious summons, they become the targets of assassins working for an unknown enemy. When Imerle initiates her coup, that enemy makes use of the chaos created to show its hand.

Here, There Be Dragons

The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica: Book 1

James A. Owen

"The Imaginarium Geographica

"What is it?" John asked.

The little man blinked and arched an eyebrow.

"It is the world, my boy," he said. "All the world, in ink and blood, vellum and parchment, leather and hide. It is the world, and it is yours to save or lose.""

An unusual murder brings together three strangers, John, Jack, and Charles, on a rainy night in London during the first World War. An eccentric little man called Bert tells them that they are now the caretakers of the Imaginarium Geographica -- an atlas of all the lands that have ever existed in myth and legend, fable and fairy tale. These lands, Bert claims, can be traveled to in his ship the "Indigo Dragon," one of only seven vessels that is able to cross the Frontier between worlds into the Archipelago of Dreams.

Pursued by strange and terrifying creatures, the companions flee London aboard the Dragonship. Traveling to the very realm of the imagination itself, they must learn to overcome their fears and trust in one another if they are to defeat the dark forces that threaten the destiny of two worlds. And in the process, they will share a great adventure filled with clues that lead readers to the surprise revelation of the legendary storytellers these men will one day become.

An extraordinary journey of myth, magic, and mystery, "Here, There Be Dragons" introduces James A. Owen as a formidable new talent.

The Search for the Red Dragon

The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica: Book 2

James A. Owen

"'The Crusade has begun'...

"There's an old myth in the Archipelago," he went on softly, shaking his head. "A legend, really... I recall it mentioned a Crusade, but those events happened seven centuries ago. We always thought it was only a story."

It has been nine years since John, Jack, and Charles had their great adventure in the Archipelago of Dreams and became the Caretakers of the Imaginarium Geographica. Now they have been brought together again to solve a mystery: Someone is kidnapping the children of the Archipelago. And their only clue is a mysterious message delivered by a strange girl with artificial wings: "The Crusade has begun." Worse, they discover that all of the legendary Dragonships have disappeared as well.

The only chance they have to save the world from a centuries-old plot is to seek out the last of the Dragonships -- the Red Dragon -- in a spectacular journey that takes them from Sir James Barrie's Kensington Gardens to the Underneath of the Greek Titans of myth. With friends both familiar and new, they will travel through an extraordinary landscape where history, myth, and fable blend together to tell the oldest story in the world. And along the way, the Caretakers of the Geographica will discover that great deeds alone do not make heroes, and that growing up may be unavoidable... but growing old doesn't have to be.

The Dragon King

The Crimson Shadow: Book 3

R. A. Salvatore

There is no peace for King Brind'Amour's newly liberated Eriador, as Avon's evil King Greensparrow breaks the truce with border massacres and demon sorcery. War is inevitable, but would be suicidal. Even when allied with DunDarrow dwarfs, Fairborn elves, and the Riders of Eradoch, the peasant armies led by Luthien Bedwyr and his friends are hopelessly outmatched by Avon's Cyclopian legions. Meanwhile, Brind'Amour's magic must face the fiends of Avon's sorcerous dukes...

Then suddenly, Luthien is captured by Huegoth raiders and gains some astonishing information about the fate of his lost brother. Lady Deanna Wellworh discovers that she is the rightful heir to Avon's throne. And the lord of wild, distant Baranduine begins a desperate campaign to free his land from Greensparrow.

Now battle will be joined on mountain, plain and swamp, on land, sea, and in the air - in a war of courage and dire wizardries. Yet in the end, all the valor of Eriador, and all the daring of Luthien's magical alter, ego, the Crimson Shadow, may not be enough to vanquish Greensparrow's ultimate weapon. For Greensparrow isn't merely allied with the hell-monster he plans to unleash: Greensparrow is the vast and terrible being that once withstood the combined might of the ancient Brotherhood of Wizards. And in centuries of plotting world conquest, the beast has murdered the sleeping mages. Except one. Heir to a dying magic, Brind'Amour must stand alone...

Dragon Blade

The Cycle of Oak, Yew, Ash, and Rowan: Book 4

Andre Norton
Sasha Miller

Over a year has passed since the defeat of the Great Foulness, and the ravaged earth has begun to heal. Lost for generations, the signet rings of the Four Great Houses---Oak, Yew, Ash, and Rowan---have been restored to their rightful heirs. And Ashen NordornQueen, mistress of the Land of Ever Snow, looks forward to a life of peace and happiness with her beloved husband and their newborn son---only to learn that an ancient evil still threatens all that she holds dear.

The Mother Ice Dragon, the fearsome progenitor of her deadly breed, has awakened from slumber to menace the world anew. Legend holds that only the Dragon Blade, forged from the scales of her vanquished mate, can slay the deadly female dragon, but the Dragon Blade has been lost for ages.

As Ashen embarks on a perilous quest to find the mystic sword, she leaves her castle and homeland in the care of her closest friends, including Rannore, Lady of the Rowan, who soon faces danger of a different sort....

Dragon Blade continues the saga begun in To the King a Daughter and continued in Knight or Knave and A Crown Disowned.

The Dragon's Path

The Dagger and the Coin: Book 1

Daniel Abraham

All paths lead to war...

Marcus' hero days are behind him. He knows too well that even the smallest war still means somebody's death. When his men are impressed into a doomed army, staying out of a battle he wants no part of requires some unorthodox steps.

Cithrin is an orphan, ward of a banking house. Her job is to smuggle a nation's wealth across a war zone, hiding the gold from both sides. She knows the secret life of commerce like a second language, but the strategies of trade will not defend her from swords.

Geder, sole scion of a noble house, has more interest in philosophy than in swordplay. A poor excuse for a soldier, he is a pawn in these games. No one can predict what he will become.

Falling pebbles can start a landslide. A spat between the Free Cities and the Severed Throne is spiraling out of control. A new player rises from the depths of history, fanning the flames that will sweep the entire region onto The Dragon's Path-the path to war.

Dragon Wing

The Death Gate Cycle: Book 1

Margaret Weis
Tracy Hickman

Preeminent storytellers Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman have redefined epic fantasy. Since the publication of their Dragonlance series, millions of readers have enjoyed their imaginative world-building, rich characterization, and intricate storylines. Now these bestsellingauthors bring their talents to one of the most innovative fantasy creations ever in Dragon Wing, the first volume in The Death Gate Cycle.


The Dragon Age: Book 1

James Maxey

Bitterwood has spent the past twenty years hunting down dragons, one at a time. But he is getting old and the hate that he has carried in his heart since a group of dragon-soldiers killed his family is beginning to fade. When he kills the royal prince dragon, the king decides the only retribution is genocide of the human race. Bitterwood is forced to enter the Free City, the grand trap designed to eradicate mankind, with thousands of others. Can he lead from within, or can a select few dragons unite to stop the king's madness from becoming reality. Full of rich characters and drama, this is an amazingly astute vision of our own culture by way of a feudal kingdom where dragons rule, and humans are used as workers or pets.


The Dragon Age: Book 2

James Maxey

After the death of King Albekizan, Shandrazel and his allies struggle to keep the kingdom intact as the radical human prophet, Ragnar gathers forces to launch a full scale rebellion against the dragons. When all out war erupts, legendary dragon hunter, Bitterwood, must face his own personal daemons and choose where his loyalty really lies.


The Dragon Age: Book 3

James Maxey

The dragon kingdom continues to slide into anarchy following the death of Albekizan and the capture of Dragon Forge by human rebels. But a cunning sky-dragon slavecatcher named Vulpine has organized a blockade to break the rebellion, assisted by the brutish earth-dragon war-boss Sawface. Inside the town, tensions rise between the fanatical prophet Ragnar, leader of the rebels, and his uneasy ally Burke the Machinist. Meanwhile, Jandra sets out on a desperate quest to reclaim her lost magic, joining forces once more with legendary dragon-slayer Bant Bitterwood as they hunt for Hex, the sun-dragon who stole her powers. Yet the plans of both dragons and men are about to be upended as a new power rises in the land, a mysterious healer who attracts both men and dragons to the Free City with a message of peace that may conceal more sinister motives. The Bitterwood Trilogy reaches to its climax as former friends face off as enemies to determine the future of mankind and the secret of Atlantis is finally revealed.


The Dragon Apocalypse: Book 1

James Maxey

Greatshadow is the primal dragon of fire, an elemental evil whose malign intelligence spies upon mankind through every candle flame, waiting to devour any careless victim he can claim.

The Church of the Book has assembled a team of twelve battle-hardened adventurers to slay the dragon once and for all. But tensions run high between the leaders of the team who view the mission as a holy duty and the super-powered mercenaries who add power to their ranks, who view the mission primarily as a chance to claim Greatshadow's vast treasure trove. If the warriors fail to slay the beast, will they doom mankind to death by fire?


The Dragon Apocalypse: Book 2

James Maxey

The invulnerable, super-strong warrior Infidel has a secret: she's lost her magical powers right at the moment when she needs them most. To keep a promise to a fallen friend, she must journey to the frozen wastelands of the north. Her quest leads her through the abstract realms of the Sea of Wine, where she uncovers a conspiracy that threatens all life. Hush, the primal dragon of cold, has formed an alliance with the ghost of a vengeful witch to murder Glorious, the dragon of the sun, plunging the world into an unending winter night. Without her magical strength, can Infidel possibly survive her battle with Hush? If she fails to save Glorious, will the world see another morning?


The Dragon Apocalypse: Book 3

James Maxey

Five hundred years ago, the famed Witchbreaker, Lord Stark Tower, launched a war against the cult of witches, nearly wiping them out. Today, only a handful of women still practice the craft in secret. A young witch named Sorrow has dedicated her life to changing this reality, vowing to wipe out the Church of the Book and launch a new golden age of witchcraft. In pursuit of her goals, she bonds her soul with Rott, the primal dragon of decay, giving her nearly limitless powers of destruction. Unfortunately, tapping this power comes at the cost of her humanity, leading her into a desperate quest to find the greatest witch of all time, Avaris, in hopes of mastering her dark magic before it destroys her. But she's not alone in hunting Avaris, as fate throws her into an uneasy partnership with a man who wants to be the new Witchbreaker. Can either of them survive their mutual quests when their journey leads them into battle with Tempest, the primal dragon of storms?

Shadow Raiders

The Dragon Brigade: Book 1

Margaret Weis
Robert Krammes

The known world floats upon the Breath of God, a thick gas similar to Earth's oceans, with land masses accessible by airship. The largest of these land masses are ruled by the rival empires of Freya and Rosia. Magic is intrinsic to the functioning of these societies, and is even incorporated into their technological devices. But now a crucial scientific discovery has occurred that could destroy the balance of power--and change the empires forever.

Storm Riders

The Dragon Brigade: Book 2

Margaret Weis
Robert Krammes

In a world where magic is intrinsic to the fabric of everyday life, two kingdoms, centuries-long enemies, have long sought a powerful magical weapon that will win them lasting dominance. But neither realm is ready when they are both attacked by the Bottom-Dwellers, a bitter people whose own land was destroyed, and who now live only to take vengeance on those they blame for a wretched life in the storm-tossed abyss they inhabit. Using contramagic strengthened by blood sacrifice to attack the world above, they threaten to bring down whole cities, or even the island kingdoms themselves. Freya and Rosia are forced to put aside their age-old conflict to defend themselves, or risk losing everything.

As the Bottom-Dwellers' contramagic eats away at the magic of the dragons that helps protect the world above, a former dragon-riding hero gathers a ragtag group to form a new dragon brigade, the one desperate hope of the two kingdoms to defeat the fiends who threaten their world. As the effects of contramagic bring the world ever closer to disaster, the new dragon brigade fight the vengeful adversary. Their high-flying heroics will be to no avail, though, unless they can somehow uncover forbidden knowledge, long hidden by the Church, without which they will never be able to prevent the world's destruction.

Margaret Weis and Robert Krammes deliver yet another exciting dragon brigade adventure in Storm Riders.

The Seventh Sigil

The Dragon Brigade: Book 3

Margaret Weis
Robert Krammes

Margaret Weis and co-author Robert Krammes bring the enthralling Dragon Brigade trilogy to a thrilling conclusion in The Seven Sigil, a sweeping novel of worldwide war and personal redemption.

Five hundred years ago, a clan of rebels was banished to the bottom of the enchanted world of Aeronne; ever since, these Bottom Dwellers have sought revenge, and now they are waging all-out war on the rest of humanity. Their deadly "contramagic" beams destroy buildings and attack naval airships, and their demonic drumming brings terrible storms and disrupts the magic of the people and dragons Above. The attack of their full contramagic power will create a magical armageddon.

In an effort to prevent further death, Captain Stephano de Guichen leads the Dragon Brigade, taking the fight to the Bottom. But strength of arms alone will not be enough to conquer their foe.

As the Bottom Dwellers' blood magic eats away at the world, those Above realize their only possible defense lies in the heretical secrets of contramagic. Loyal priests must decide whether to protect the Church, or risk its destruction in pursuit of the truth.

Only the Dragon Brigade can prevent an endless dark age. Their epic battle will test the mettle of those thrown into the breach, and determine the fate of this magical world.


The Dragon Corsairs: Book 1

Robert Krammes
Margaret Weis

Politics, court intrigue, and piracy combine in this gripping fantasy adventure. On a world already riven by the ancient hatred between the Rosian and Freyan empires, privateers of each nation have long preyed on the ships of the other. What few realize is that a sinister cabal controlled by a rogue dragon is not only behind this piracy, but is organizing criminal enterprises all over the world.

As one privateer and her dragon corsairs try to keep their enterprise afloat, they are caught up in a conspiracy hatched by the cabal... and threatened by a mysterious magic crafter who works in the shadows.

Freya, in turmoil because of the accidental death of the heir to the throne, is also deeply in debt. Sir Henry Wallace, their master spy, is charged with replenishing the treasury by inviting dragons from Travia to make Freya their home--a decision that will have disastrous consequences for everyone involved.

In a riveting novel of pulse-pounding suspense, the ruthless conspiracy of humans and dragons plots against Sir Henry and the Dragon Corsairs.. And waiting in the wings, planning to throw everything in turmoil, is a young man known as Prince Tom, who claims to be Freya's true and rightful king.


The Dragon Corsairs: Book 2

Margaret Weis
Robert Krammes

The swashbuckling adventures of Captain Kate Fitzmaurice continues in this thrilling continuation of the epic tale of the Dragon Corsairs.

Captain Kate escapes the hangman's noose with the help of Prince Thomas, only to discover to her dismay that her dragon friend, Dalgren, has gone back to his homeland to face trial for desertion. Spymaster Henry Wallace plots to stop Prince Thomas from gaining the Freyan throne as the prince makes a daring move to prove his claim.

A dangerous mission to the dark world of the Bottom Dwellers leads Kate to the discovery of a dark plot that threatens the lives of her friends and places the fate of a nation in her hands.


The Dragon Corsairs: Book 3

Margaret Weis
Robert Krammes

From New York Times bestselling author and leading fantasists Margaret Weis and Robert Krammes comes Kingmaker, the thrilling conclusion to the swashbuckling Dragon Corsairs series.

In this exciting adventure, Kate and Sophia and their dragon Dalgren form a desperate plan to free Phillip from prison. Thomas is crowned king and discovers a plot by King Ullr to invade Freya. And Henry is forced to flee to the Aligoes where he makes a discovery that could change the fortunes of his beleaguered nation.

Scales of Empire

The Dragon Empire Trilogy: Book 1

Kylie Chan

An exciting new adventure filled with diverse characters, strong heroes and heroines and wild creatures from the bestselling author of White Tiger.

Corporal Jian Choumali is on the mission of a lifetime - security officer on one of Earth's huge generation ships, fleeing Earth's failing ecosystem to colonise a distant planet.

The ship encounters a technologically and culturally advanced alien empire, led by a royal family of dragons. The empire's dragon emissary offers her aid to the people of Earth, bringing greater health, longer life, and faster-than-light travel to nearby stars.

But what price will the people of Earth have to pay for the generous alien assistance?

In this first book in a brand new series, Kylie Chan brings together pacey, compelling storytelling and an all-too-possible imagined future in a tale packed with action, adventure, drama and suspense.

Guardian of Empire

The Dragon Empire Trilogy: Book 2

Kylie Chan

The Dragon Empire is under threat ... Kylie Chan, bestselling author of White Tiger, returns with the follow-up to Scales of Empire - imaginative, epic and a whole lot of fun.

Earth has joined the Galactic Empire, a vast interstellar society ruled by dragon-like aliens where everybody is immortal. Pain, famine and disease have been eradicated, but this doesn't mean the end of conflict.

A cruel alien Republic has been watching from afar and wants to take the Empire's progress for its own. Jian Choumali, ex-British forces and now Colonel in the Imperial space force, must fight to keep her friends, family and fellow citizens in the Empire safe. A brutal battle of skill and wits begins as Jian and her human colleagues attempt to combat the invaders -- but with all their technology, enhancements and weapons in the hands of their enemies, the odds are stacked against them, and there is the very real threat of the destruction of the Empire itself.

Dawn of Empire

The Dragon Empire Trilogy: Book 3

Kylie Chan

Life seems settled for Jian in the Dragon Empire. She's comfortable in her position as Captain of the Imperial Guard and content with her unusual domestic arrangements. But when trouble stirs at the edge of the Empire, they discover that the Cat Republic has been hiding a powerful and dangerous force that could destroy everything the Empire represents. Jian and her family must work together to save the Empire - and travel further than any dragon has ever gone.

The Dragon and the George

The Dragon Knight: Book 1

Gordon R. Dickson

Through no fault of his own, the once human Jim Eckert had become a dragon. Unfortunately, his beloved Angie had remained human. But in this magical land anything could happen. To make matter worse, Angie had been taken prisoner by an evil dragon and was held captive in the impenetrable Loathly Tower. So in this land where humans were edible and beasts were magical -- where spells worked and logic didn't -- Jim Eckert had a big, strange problem.

The Dragon Knight

The Dragon Knight: Book 2

Gordon R. Dickson

In the sequel to The Dragon and the George, Sir James Eckert is transformed back into the shape of a dragon. Now he must learn to control his magical abilities and truly become the Dragon Knight--which carries some responsibilities he hadn't counted on.

The Dragon on the Border

The Dragon Knight: Book 3

Gordon R. Dickson

Sir James, the Dragon Knight, faces his most terrifying challenge in the nearly indestructible Hollow Men, spirits of the dead who reside in empty suits of armor.

The Dragon at War

The Dragon Knight: Book 4

Gordon R. Dickson

As France prepares for war against England, Jim Eckert, the Dragon Knight--a twentieth-century college professor transported to an alternate medieval England--discovers that he is all that stands between England and utter destruction.

The Dragon the Earl and the Troll

The Dragon Knight: Book 5

Gordon R. Dickson

In the middle of the Earl of Somerset's lavish Christmas feast, the fortress is attacked by an army of land-hungry trolls and a band of traitors, and brave Dragon Knight Sir James undertakes a mission that no one can win.

The Dragon and the Djinn

The Dragon Knight: Book 6

Gordon R. Dickson

Gordon R. Dickson continues his acclaimed saga of a twentieth-century American transformed into a Dragon Knight - and transported into a fantastic medieval adventure!

The Dragon Knight's journey to the Holy Land is supposed to be a simple quest... but pirates, sea giants, and the legendary Djinn threaten to make his voyage the most dangerous odyssey known to man - and dragon.

The Dragon and the Gnarly King

The Dragon Knight: Book 7

Gordon R. Dickson

As a young mathematician, Jim Eckert was transported to a parallel medieval world where he found he had the ability to transform himself into a large but none-too-bright dragon named Gorbash. Long since settled, Jim--now the Baron de Bois de Malencontri et Riveroak--must once again assume the form of the Dragon Knight to save the enchanted realm.

The Dragon in Lyonesse

The Dragon Knight: Book 8

Gordon R. Dickson

After their final battle, legend tells us, Arthur and his knights went to Lyonesse, the land under the sea. Now Lyonesse is threatened by a resurgence of the Dark Powers, those mindless malevolent forces that struggle to stop the course of History.

And Jim Eckert--the Dragon Knight--and his friends are called upon to stop them.

Arthur and his knights are proud, too; too proud to easily accept help from Jim Eckert and his allies. But they will have help--from Jim in his dragon form, from knight-in-armor Sir Brian Neville-Smyth, from the brilliant archer Dafydd ap Hywel, and from one small hobgoblin.

The result is a wild ride: Arthurian fantasy adventure as only Gordon R. Dickson could tell it.

The Dragon and the Fair Maid of Kent

The Dragon Knight: Book 9

Gordon R. Dickson

Jim Eckert, the Dragon Knight, must now confront the three disasters that lie in wait for any visitor to the English Middle Ages: war, plague, and Plantagenets.

The plagues is caused by a covert invasion of shape-shanging goblins with plague-tipped spears that seek to take over the world. Meanwhile, Eckert's castle is invaded by Plantagenets: Edward III, his son Edward the Black Prince, and Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent.

Against the background of a full-scale human-versus-goblin war, these worthies move in a swirl of intrigue and dynastic tension. And, as usual, it's up to the Jim Eckert, in all his scaly glory, to make sure good triumphs in the end!

The Glass Dragon

The Dragon Nimbus: Book 1

Irene Radford

Finding the much-needed magic in their world dwindling with the depopulation of dragons, journeyman wizard Jaylor and witchwoman Brevelan begin a quest to discover who is destroying the dragons and why.

The Perfect Princess

The Dragon Nimbus: Book 2

Irene Radford

The kingdom of Coronnan, once the serene home of dragons, is faced with the greatest challenge in its history. The dragons have vanished and the rogue magic is rampant in the land. Only Prince Darville and his betrothed can restore peace and return the dragons to Coronnan. First, Darville must free his princess from an enchantment it will soon be too late to break.

The Loneliest Magician

The Dragon Nimbus: Book 3

Irene Radford

Forbidden to use the dragon magic that is their only defense against their enemies, the people of Commune place their hopes in the hands of untested young magician Yaakke, who can discover his true identity from the dragons.

The Wizard's Treasure

The Dragon Nimbus: Book 4

Irene Radford

On a quest to find and return the missing dragons of Coronnan, journeymen magicians Marcus and Robb become trapped by an ancient spell protecting a treasure, while Margit, alarmed by Marcus's absence, sets out to search for him.

The Dragon's Touchstone

The Dragon Nimbus History: Book 1

Irene Radford

Three hundred years before the time of The Glass Dragon, Coronnan is a kingdom at war with itself, magic is wild, and magicians uncontrolled, each working separately for his own goal. At the height of this age of chaos, the dragons decide to intervene, making their presence known to mortals through the healer Myrilandel.

The Last Battlemage

The Dragon Nimbus History: Book 2

Irene Radford

Nimbulan, the last Battlemage and the founder of the school for Communal Magic, is seeking to create a permanent protection for the kingdom of Coronnan, a spell-crafted border to keep enemies out. His search for the key to this magic leads him to a terrifying discovery--the dragons, the guardians of magic, are in terrible danger...

The Renegade Dragon

The Dragon Nimbus History: Book 3

Irene Radford

The great magical wars have come to an end. But in bringing peace, Nimbulan, the last Battlemage, has lost his powers. Dragon magic is the only magic legal to practice. And the kingdom's only hope against dangerous technology lies in the one place to which no dragon will fly....

Crown of Vengeance

The Dragon Prophecy: Book 1

Mercedes Lackey
James Mallory

She is the unwanted spawn of a mad king and queen, her lands lost before her birth; her family--her very name--erased from history. Cursed by many, yet protected by an even greater curse.

She was born on a night of storm and terror, raised in protected concealment, then banished from the only home she had ever known--an ancient enemy's final stroke in a war begun centuries before.

Secret studies of hidden lore reveal the truth of the prophecy that heralded her coming. Dark dreams teach lessons of war and duty, of strategy and magecraft, that she could not learn in a thousand lifetimes.

She does not have a thousand lifetimes. She has just one--and time is running out. For the prophecy spoke not just of her, but of a great Darkness that would destroy the elven kingdoms. A Darkness that is coming ever closer.

She is Vieliessar Farcarinon and she must save her people. Even if she must shatter custom and destroy the world she was born to rule.

Blade of Empire

The Dragon Prophecy: Book 2

Mercedes Lackey
James Mallory

They thought the war was over. They were wrong.

Runacarendalur Caerthalien has been a master of battle for hundreds of years, but he found himself on the wrong side?the losing side?in the last war. Betrayed by his brother, trapped in a prophecy he does not understand, Runacar flees the battlefield.

Yet Runacar is no coward. In a twist he could never have imagined, the Elven War-Prince finds himself leading a new army into battle?a force of centaurs, merfolk, gryphons, minotaurs, and talking bears who can perform magic. For centuries they have been trying to reclaim their lands from Elven invaders. With Runacar at the helm, they just might manage it.

Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory's first collaboration, the Obsidian Mountain trilogy, introduced readers to a brilliant, continent-spanning fantasy world of high adventure and epic battle. Civilization shimmered with magic while in the nooks and crannies of the world, dragons and unicorns hid from people who believed them to be nothing more than legends.

The Dragon Prophecy, set thousands of years before that story, illuminates a time when long-lived Elves rule the Fortunate Lands. It is a time of dire prophecy, of battle and bloodshed, of great magics unlike any the Elvenkind have seen before. It is the story of the end of one world and the beginning of the next.

The Book of Earth

The Dragon Quartet: Book 1

Marjorie B. Kellogg

Sensing that something has gone horribly wrong, Erde, the daughter of a powerful Lord, flees her father's castle to find the dragon called Earth and its mage, the only beings that can save her world from swiftly spreading madness.

The Book of Water

The Dragon Quartet: Book 2

Marjorie B. Kellogg

The second novel in the tetralogy encompasses the years from 913 to 2013, when the shape-shifting dragon Water summons her ally Earth and his human guide, the girl Erde, on a mission to save the planet from environmental destruction.

The Book of Fire

The Dragon Quartet: Book 3

Marjorie B. Kellogg

The dragons Earth, Water, Fire and Air were raised from the elemental energies at time's beginning to create the World. When they finished their task, they were supposed to sleep until World's End. But long before that time the dragons began to wake....

Now Earth and Water and their human guides, Erde and N'Doch, have been drawn through time to a devastated future America where the dragon guide Paia has been transformed into his high priestess. Yet it is not Fire who has summoned his brother and sister. The call has come from another, and the reason is all too clear. Fire has chosen to become a god instead of a guardian. And the dragon Air is nowhere to be found. Can Earth and Water, Erde and N'Doch force Fire and Paia back to the path they are fate to follow? Can they find and rescue Air? Or will Fire's rebellion doom both the dragons and the world they guard?

The Book of Air

The Dragon Quartet: Book 4

Marjorie B. Kellogg

Here's an exciting fantasy tetralogy with all the right ingredients: four elemental dragons (Earth, Air, Fire, and Water), each with a human companion. This series takes us from medieval Europe to the distant future, as the world is caught in a war between the forces of greed and fanaticism, and the dragons and their guides and allies who seek to restore the proper natural balance to the planet.

The Stone of the Stars

The Dragon Throne: Book 1

Alison Baird

The quest is on to find the coveted Stone of the Stars on the mystical isle of Trynisia, once a place where humans dwelt side by side with dragons. Four have set off on their journey to reach it-Ailia, a daydreaming bookworm; Damion, a devoted missionary; Jomar, a half-breed soldier-slave; and Lorelyn, quite possibly a prophesied savior, who will one day guide her people ina battle against the Dark God. But can they reach the isle and the Stone of the Stars before the tyrannical God-King Khalazar finds it and uses it to rule the world?

The Empire of the Stars

The Dragon Throne: Book 2

Alison Baird

Proclaimed the long-prophesied ruler of the Celestial Empire, Princess Ailia escapes her enemies and flees to the world of Arainia, where she joins her trusted companions Damion, Jomar, and Lorelyn. But as Ailia strives to control her growing powers and gather allies, time is running out. The mad tyrant Khalazar is entering into an unholy alliance with the Dragon Prince Mandrake, a shapechanger with the blodd, and magic, of dragons in his veins. Together the villains assemble a fearsome military force for an attack on Arainia. Desperate to strike first, Jomar and Damion muster a brave, though untested, army of their own. Yet as they prepare for what might be their last battle, Ailia must embark alone on a perilous mission, one that will place her in Mandrake's power...

The Archons of the Stars

The Dragon Throne: Book 3

Alison Baird

The events set in motion long ago by the Archons, an ancient race that founded the Empire, are now coming to a head. Though the world of Mera has been freed from the threat of King Khalazar, the Dragon Prince Mandrake has become the living embodiment of the cruel god Valdur, gifted with limitless power. To counter this threat, Ailia must fulfill the age-old prophecy and become the Tryna Lia, the champion of the Empire. As the time for the final battle draws ever nearer, the fate of not only Ailia, but of the entire Celestial Empire hangs in the balance.

The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart

The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart: Book 1

Stephanie Burgis

Aventurine is a brave young dragon ready to explore the world outside of her family's mountain cave... if only they'd let her leave it. Her family thinks she's too young to fly on her own, but she's determined to prove them wrong by capturing the most dangerous prey of all: a human.

But when that human tricks her into drinking enchanted hot chocolate, she's transformed into a puny human without any sharp teeth, fire breath, or claws. Still, she's the fiercest creature in these mountains--and now she's found her true passion: chocolate. All she has to do is get to the human city to find herself an apprenticeship (whatever that is) in a chocolate house (which sounds delicious), and she'll be conquering new territory in no time... won't she?

A classic fantasy with terrific girl power, perfect for fans of Shannon Hale and Jessica Day George.

The Girl with the Dragon Heart

The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart: Book 2

Stephanie Burgis

Silke has always been good at spinning the truth and storytelling. So good that, just years after arriving in the kingdom as a penniless orphan, she has found her way to working for the most splendid chocolate makers in the city as a master promoter. Although Silke loves her work at the Chocolate Heart, she's certain it's not going to last, and what Silke wants more than anything is somewhere to call home--somewhere safe. But when your best friend is a dragon-turned-hot-tempered-girl, trouble is always right around the corner.

Then Silke gets the opportunity she's been waiting for: the Crown Princess personally asks her to spy on the Elfenwald royal family during their first visit to the kingdom. In return, Silke will have the home she's always wanted in the secure palace. But Silke has her own dark, secret reasons for not trusting fairies... and her mission isn't as simple as she hoped. Soon, she discovers that her city is in danger--and that maybe it's more her home than she ever realized.

Can Silke find out the truth about the fairies while keeping her own secrets hidden?

The Princess Who Flew with Dragons

The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart: Book 3

Stephanie Burgis

Sofia is the other princess. Not the crown princess - that's her perfect big sister, Katrin. Sofia is the princess who always says the wrong thing; who hates going to parties; who doesn't like people; who just wants to sit and read her books. So when Sofia is shipped off on a stomach-churning dragon flight to make another royal visit, she decides it's time for this princess to take a little break. In disguise, Sofia soon finds herself discovering a magical city of learning, new friends and freedom. In short, everything is going wonderfully. right up until it goes horribly wrong. And that's before the ice giants show up.

The Dragon's Legacy

The Dragon's Legacy: Book 1

Deborah A. Wolf

In the heart of the singing desert, the people are fading from the world. Mothers bear few live children, the warriors and wardens are hard-pressed to protect those who remain, and the vash'ai--the great cats who have called the people kithren for as long as there have been stories--bond with fewer humans each year. High above, the Sun Dragon sings a song of life and love while far below, the Earth Dragon slumbers as she has since the beginning of time. Her sleep is fitful, and from the darkness of her dreams come whispers of war... and death.

Sulema is a newly minted warrior of the people and a true Ja'Akari--a daughter of the unforgiving desert. When a mysterious young man appears in her home of Aish Kalumm, she learns that the Dragon King is dying in distant Atualon. As the king fades, so does the magic that sings the Earth Dragon to sleep.

There are those who wish to keep the dragon trapped in endless slumber. Others would tap her power to claim it for their own. And there are those who would have her wake, so they might laugh as the world burns.

The Forbidden City

The Dragon's Legacy: Book 2

Deborah A. Wolf

Jian begins a brutal and bloody climb up the ranks of the Daechen as the Emperor's long plans near fruition.

Sulema is likewise initiated into the ways of Atualon and the power of Atulfah, and finds that her father's bright city is built on a foundation of dark and terrible secrets.

Hafsa Azeina begins a trek down paths stranger and more dangerous than even she could have imagined.

And the Zeeranim must face not only their traditional, external enemies, but treachery and betrayal from within.

The Seared Lands

The Dragon's Legacy: Book 3

Deborah A. Wolf

Sulema Ja'Akari, heir to the throne of the Dragon King, lies near death, imprisoned by her half brother Pythos. To survive, she must agree to rescue the one person who holds the key to unseating the usurper--a quest that will take Sulema across the vast, apocalyptic desert of the Seared Lands.

Overwhelmed by the responsibility, Sulema seeks to flee, but is captured and cast into the arena. There she must fight to the death against Kishah, whose very name means "vengeance." Kishah, who is Sulama's closest friend and fellow warrior, Hannei.

Across the world, vast forces gather. Fleeing a swarm of invaders, the child queen Maika seeks to lead her people across the wasteland to safety. Jian the half-breed prince musters an army from the Twilight Lands, while Ismai the Lich King gathers an undead horde, determined to reclaim the Dragon crown.

Yet the greatest threat lies below. Sajani the earth dragon stirs. If she wakes, the world will be destroyed. Only the heir to the Dragon King may sing Sajani back to sleep... if there still is time.


The Dragonriders of Pern

Anne McCaffrey

Nebula Award winning and Hugo Award nominated novella. It originally appeared serialized in Analog Science Fiction -> Science Fact, December 1967 and Analog Science Fiction -> Science Fact, January 1968. The story is also included in the anthologies Nebula Award Stories Four (1969), edited by Poul Anderson, The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume III (1981), edited by Arthur C. Clarke, George W. Proctor, The Best of the Nebulas (1989), edited by Ben Bova and The Best Military Science Fiction of the 20th Century (2001), edited by Harry Turtledove and Martin H. Greenberg. The story is incorporated in the fixup novel Dragonflight (1968).

The Dolphins' Bell

The Dragonriders of Pern

Anne McCaffrey

When the original colonists find that the Southern Continent is too geologically unstable, they need to find a way to transport the growing colony and its possessions to the Northern Continent.

Working with the intelligent dolphins who helped to colonize Pern with humans is key if they are to be successful...

Weyr Search

The Dragonriders of Pern

Anne McCaffrey

Hugo Award winning and Nebula Award nominated novella. It originally appeared in Analog Science Fiction -> Science Fact, October 1967. The story can also be found in the anthologies Nebula Award Stories Three (1968), edited by Roger Zelazny, Analog 7 (1970), edited by John W. Campbell, Jr., The Hugo Winners, Volume 2: (1963-70) (1971), edited by Isaac Asimov, The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF (1994), edited by David G. Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer, and Wings of Fire (2010), edited by Jonathan Strahan and Marianne S. Jablon. It is incorprotated in the fixup novel Dragonflight (1968).


The Dragonriders of Pern Trilogy: Book 1

Anne McCaffrey


To the nobles who live in Benden Weyr, Lessa is nothing but a ragged kitchen girl. For most of her life she has survived by serving those who betrayed her father and took over his lands. Now the time has come for Lessa to shed her disguise - and take back her stolen birthright.

But everything changes when she meets a queen dragon. The bond they share will be deep and last forever. It will protect them when, for the first time in centuries, Lessa's world is threatened by Thread, an evil substance that falls like rain and destroys everything it touches. Dragons and their Riders once protected the planet from Thread, but there are very few of them left these days. Now brave Lessa must risk her life, and the life of her beloved dragon, to save her beautiful world....


The Dragonriders of Pern Trilogy: Book 2

Anne McCaffrey

Another Turn, and the deadly silver Threads began falling again. So thebold dragonriders took to the air once more and their magnificent flyingdragons swirled and swooped, belching flames that destroyed theshimmering strands before they reach the ground.

But F'lar knew he had to find a better way to protect his beloved Pern,and he had to find it before the rebellious Oldtimers could breed anymore dissent... before his brother F'nor would be foolhardy enough tolaunch another suicide mission... and before those dratted fire-lizards could stir up any more trouble!

The White Dragon

The Dragonriders of Pern Trilogy: Book 3

Anne McCaffrey

Never had there been as close a bonding as the one that existed betweenthe daring and adventurous young Lord Jaxom and his extraordinary whitedragon, Ruth. Pure white and incredibly agile, Ruth was a dragon of manytalents, though almost everyone on Pern thought he was a runt that wouldnever amount to anything.

But Jaxom knew better, knew he could teach his dragon to fly and todestroy the deadly silver Threads that fell from the sky. Disobeying allrules, Jaxom and Ruth trained in secret. Their illicit flights seemedbut a minor disobedience -- until they found themselves in the path ofdanger and in a position to prevent the biggest disaster of all!

Mistress of Dragons

The Dragonvald Trilogy: Book 1

Margaret Weis

Welcome to the Dragonvarld...

In Mistress of Dragons we are introduced to a world where political deception, greed, and avarice have lead to a violation of the "hands off" policy of the Parliament of Dragons concerning the affairs of men.

Indeed that violation threatens more than policy and order it threatens the freedoms and survival of the entire human race.

The Dragon's Son

The Dragonvald Trilogy: Book 2

Margaret Weis

In Mistress of Dragons we were introduced to a world where political deception, greed, and avarice have led to a violation of the "hands off" rule of the Parliament of Dragons concerning the affairs of men, threatening more than policy and order—the violation threatened the freedom of the entire human race.

Now, in The Dragon's Son, anarchy threatens to disrupt the delicate order the Parliament has tried to protect. Hope lies in the twin offspring of a high priestess and a dragon, so long as the twins live to maturity. Until then, their identities must be held secret—even from each other.

It is up to the dragon emissary who passes himself off as a man, Draconas, to protect them both... before the internecine struggle destroys the Parliament of Dragons and brings an oppressive reign of fire down upon all mortal men.

Master of Dragons

The Dragonvald Trilogy: Book 3

Margaret Weis

In Mistress of Dragons we were introduced to a world where political deception, greed, and avarice have lead to a violation of the "hands off" policy of the Parliament of Dragons concerning the affairs of men.

In The Dragon's Son twins born out of violence and raised apart discover the secrets of their legacy and the plot to incite a war between dragons and men.

Now as the evidence of deceit, betrayal, and perdition is revealed to them, who will emerge as mankind's savior as the Master of Dragons?

A divided Parliament of Dragons where division and self preservation incite war and threaten the order of the ages.

A hidden stronghold where insidious and outlaw dragons hatch a race bent on the subjugation of all mankind.

The ancient city of Seth and its mystical order of warrior priestesses who have the power to fight back against the attacks of dragons.

The twins Marcus and Ven must unlock the secrets of these places and their own powers and overcome their own personal differences as they prepare to clash in a war that may pit brother against brother and dragon against dragon to determine dominion of the world and the survival of the fittest.

Master of Dragons is the epic conclusion of Margaret Weis's triumphant Dragonvarld trilogy, an epic of politics, war, and the delicate balance of the ways of dragons and men.


The Earthsea Cycle

Ursula K. Le Guin

World Fantasy Award nominated novella. It originally appeared in the anthology Legends (1998), edited by Robert Silverberg. It was reprinted in Lightspeed, October 2012. The story can also be found in the collections Tales from Earthsea (2001) and The Found and the Lost: The Collected Novellas of Ursula K. Le Guin (2016).

Dragon's Fire

The Eidolon Chronicles: Book 3

Jane Johnson

Isadora is back in Eidolon, marshalling her forces against the evil Dodman. Back in our world, Ben and his siblings are suspicious of their new neighbour - with his Eidolon eye, Ben can just make out that she's a witch from the Secret Country, and that she's got plans for them, none of them good...

The Dodman knows all about the legend of three children from both worlds saving the Secret Country from his clasp - and he'll do anything he can to prevent it. Whirled through the wild roads with the witch, they lose baby Alice, and end up trapped on an isolated beach. But the Nautilus and their old friend Silver swim to their rescue and soon they are on their way to help their mother in her battle against the dinosaurs and other creatures under the Dodman's control. But Isadora's army isn't faring at all well - and before Ben and the others can ride to her rescue, she is captured and taken to the sinister castle for a wedding ceremony unlike any other. But first the Dodman needs to get rid of Ben's dad...

It's a fight to the finish, but n a dramatic showdown, young Alice reappears transformed - and vanquishes the Dodman, reuniting her family and claiming back the throne. A brilliant conclusion to a magical series.

Dragon Bound

The Elder Races: Book 1

Thea Harrison

Half-human and half-wyr, Pia Giovanni spent her life keeping a low profile among the wyrkind and avoiding the continuing conflict between them and their Dark Fae enemies. But after being blackmailed into stealing a coin from the hoard of a dragon, Pia finds herself targeted by one of the most powerful - and passionate - of the Elder Races. As the most feared and respected of the wyrkind, Dragos Cuelebre cannot believe someone had the audacity to steal from him, much less succeed. And when he catches the thief, Dragos spares her life, claiming her as his own to further explore the desire they've ignited in one another.

The Dragonslayer of Merebarton

The Empire

K. J. Parker

This novelette oriignally appeared in the anthology Fearsome Journeys (2013), edited by Jonathan Strahan, and was reprinted in Clarkesworld #125, February 2017. It was anthologized in The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2014 edited by Rich Horton, and collected in The Father of Lies (2018).

Read the full story for free at Clarkesworld Magazine.

The Blood-Born Dragon

The Everlands Cycle: Book 1

J.C. Rycroft

A bond she didn't choose.
A love she can't escape.
A creature so powerful it bends the limits of time...

Smart, sassy, and sanguine, Des Mildue is a traveling sellsword in Rescalin, a dry and dusty kingdom full of rogues, opportunists, and thieves. She keeps her nose clean, brazens it out with a blade when she can't, and keeps others at arm's length where they can't mess up her plans.

That is, until a sword fight gone wrong leaves her tied by blood to the first dragon hatched in centuries. Suddenly, Des has to contend with a new voice in her head: haughty, willful Esquidamelion. Des wants to leave Squid by the roadside, but the blood bond has other ideas.

With half the world on their tail - including Liv, her beautiful, faithless ex who Des is definitely over - Des must search for answers for why so many are willing to kill, maim and torture to get their hands on Squid. But she's beginning to suspect her blood bond has tied her not only to a dragon, but to a fight for Rescalin's future...

...and no one else even knows it's at risk.

If you like the kind of story that grabs you by the shirtfront and hauls you through mystery, magic, adventure and betrayal, with a side of sapphic romance, pick up The Blood-Born Dragon...

The Summer Dragon

The Evertide: Book 1

Todd Lockwood

The debut novel from the acclaimed illustrator--a high fantasy adventure featuring dragons and deadly politics.

Maia and her family raise dragons for the political war machine. As she comes of age, she hopes for a dragon of her own to add to the stable of breeding parents. But the war goes badly, and the needs of the Dragonry dash her hopes. Her peaceful life is shattered when the Summer Dragon--one of the rare and mythical High Dragons--makes an appearance in her quiet valley. The Summer Dragon is an omen of change, but no one knows for certain what kind of change he augurs. Political factions vie to control the implied message, each to further their own agendas.

And so Maia is swept into an adventure that pits her against the deathless Horrors--thralls of the enemy--and a faceless creature drawn from her fears. In her fight to preserve everything she knows and loves, she uncovers secrets that challenge her understanding of her world and of herself.


The Exclamatory Series: Book 15

Jack Dann
Gardner Dozois

Table of Contents:

  • Preface - essay by Gardner Dozois and Jack Dann
  • Draco, Draco - (1984) - novelette by Tanith Lee
  • Two Yards of Dragon - (1976) - novelette by L. Sprague de Camp
  • Mrs. Byres and the Dragon - (1990) - novelette by Keith Roberts
  • A Handful of Hatchlings - (1993) - short story by Mark Sumner
  • Covenant With a Dragon - (1987) - short story by Susan Casper
  • Paper Dragons - (1985) - novelette by James P. Blaylock
  • Up the Wall - (1990) - novelette by Esther M. Friesner
  • Lan Lung - (1980) - novelette by M. Lucie Chin
  • Climacteric - (1960) - short story by Avram Davidson
  • The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule - (1984) - novelette by Lucius Shepard
  • Further Reading - essay by uncredited

Dragon Unleashed

The Fallen Empire: Book 2

Grace Draven

Magic is outlawed in the Krael Empire and punishable by death. Born with the gift of earth magic, the free trader Halani keeps her dangerous secret closely guarded. When her uncle buys a mysterious artifact, a piece of bone belonging to a long-dead draga, Halani knows it's far more than what it seems.

Dragas haven't been seen for more than a century, and most believe them extinct. They're wrong. Dragas still walk among the denizens of the Empire, disguised as humans. Malachus is a draga living on borrowed time. The magic that has protected him will soon turn on him--unless he finds a key part of his heritage. He has tracked it to a group of free traders, among them a grave-robbing earth witch who fascinates him as much as she frustrates him with her many secrets.

Unbeknownst to both, the Empire's twisted empress searches for a draga of her own, to capture and kill as a trophy. As Malachus the hunter becomes the hunted, Halani must risk herself and all she loves to save him from the Empire's machinations and his own lethal birthright.

The Dreaming Dragons

The Faustus Hexagram: Book 1

Damien Broderick

An anthropologist travels to the central Australian desert to search for the source of an aboriginal myth; he suspects the terrible "Rainbow Serpent" is connected to the sacred Uluru rock formations. The holographic "Gate" he discovers with his nephew explains not just the origin of a legend, but the origin of man, and the true fate of the dinosaurs.

The Dragon of Despair

The Firekeeper Saga: Book 3

Jane Lindskold

The sequel to Through Wolf's Eyes and Wolf's Head, Wolf's Heart

Smart like a human. Smart like a wolf. Better yet, smart like both.

With Through Wolf's Eyes and Wolf's Head, Wolf's Heart, Jane Lindskold introduced us to young Firekeeper, one of the most appealing heroines in modern fantasy. Raised far from humans by smart, language-using wolves, then brought back to the court of Hawk Haven, Firekeeper has had to learn to cope with human society. And as it turns out, for one raised amidst intelligent social carnivores, the intrigues of the human pack aren't all that unfamiliar.

Now Melina Shield, the beautiful, unscrupulous, and thoroughly discredited sorceress whose power-hungry intrigues have already made so much trouble for Firekeeper, is once again using her power to cloud men's minds. She has induced the ruler of New Kelvin to marry her. This is bad news all round.

It's particularly bad news for Firekeeper. Melina has never abandoned her schemes to gain power through the use of forbidden ancient sorcery. And the leaders of the royal beasts who watch over this world have given Firekeeper -- and her intelligent wolf companion, Blind Seer -- the responsibility of stopping her.

Fortress of Dragons

The Fortress: Book 4

C. J. Cherryh

The walls between the worlds are down. A new unfolding has begun...

It started long ago, as a war between the shadowy Immortals that persists today, as the wizard Mauryl's Shaping confronts the Shadows summoned from Chaos. Tristen is that Shaping. Both more and less than human, he successfully fought sorcery's evil tides, a victory that brought his friend Cefwyn both a kingdom and true love.

But the Lines that hold the world in place are shifting again. A ruthless enemy is preparing for battle. Once again, Tristen will take up the sword inscribed with "Truth" and "Illusion" on its blade. But he faces more than war and a pretender to Cefwyn's throne. The Shadows he sees are straight from Ruin -- a flow of darkness covering the world like ink...

Fortress of Dragons completes the high-fantasy epic begun in Fortress in the Eye of Time and continued in Fortress of Eagles and Fortress of Owls --a powerful tale set in a world of magic, violence, wonder and awe -- a world as vividly real as our own.

The Game of Rat and Dragon

The Instrumentality of Mankind

Cordwainer Smith

Finalist for the Hugo Award for Best Short Story

This short story originally appeared in Galaxy Science Fiction, October 1955. It has been reprinted many times and can be found in the anthologies:

The story is included in the collections:

The Iron Dragon's Daughter

The Iron Dragon's Daughter: Book 1

Michael Swanwick

Jane is a changeling child, enslaved in a factory that makes the iron dragons - terrible engines of war - until she discovers the secret of the dragons' sentience and is able to use one of the beasts to escape. Then, her adventures as a thief and an outsider take her into a reality rich in wild magic and sharp-edged technology, a world where Time and shopping malls have a strange relationship and gryphons have a low capacity for alcohol. A surprising and brilliant novel that undercuts the easy escapism of more conventional fantasy.

The Dragons of Babel

The Iron Dragon's Daughter: Book 2

Michael Swanwick

A war-dragon of Babel crashes in the idyllic fields of a post-industrialized Faerie and, dragging himself into the nearest village, declares himself king and makes young Will his lieutenant. Nightly, he crawls inside the young fey's brain to get a measure of what his subjects think. Forced out of his village, Will travels with female centaur soldiers, witnesses the violent clash of giants, and acquires a surrogate daughter, Esme, who has no knowledge of the past and may be immortal.

Evacuated to the Tower of Babel -- infinitely high, infinitely vulgar, very much like New York City -- Will meets the confidence trickster Nat Whilk. Inside the Dread Tower, Will becomes a hero to the homeless living in the tunnels under the city, rises as an underling to a haint politician, meets his one true love – a high-elven woman he dare not aspire to.

The Iron Dragon's Mother

The Iron Dragon's Daughter: Book 3

Michael Swanwick

Caitlin of House Sans Merci is the young half-human pilot of a sentient mechanical dragon. Returning from her first soul-stealing raid, she discovers an unwanted hitchhiker.

When Caitlin is framed for the murder of her brother, to save herself she must disappear into Industrialized Faerie, looking for the one person who can clear her.

Unfortunately, the stakes are higher than she knows. Her deeds will change her world forever.

The Last Dragonslayer

The Last Dragonslayer: Book 1

Jasper Fforde

In the good old days, magic was powerful, unregulated by government, and even the largest spell could be woven without filling in magic release form B1-7g.

Then the magic started fading away.

Fifteen-year-old Jennifer Strange runs Kazam, an employment agency for soothsayers and sorcerers. But work is drying up. Drain cleaner is cheaper than a spell, and even magic carpets are reduced to pizza delivery.

So it's a surprise when the visions start. Not only do they predict the death of the Last Dragon at the hands of a dragonslayer, they also point to Jennifer, and say something is coming. Big Magic...

The Song of the Quarkbeast

The Last Dragonslayer: Book 2

Jasper Fforde

A long time ago magic faded away, leaving behind only yo-yos, the extremely useful compass-pointing-to-North enchantment and the spell that keep bicycles from falling over. Things are about to change. Magical power is on the rise and King Snodd IV of Hereford has realised that he who controls magic controls almost anything. One person stands between Snodd and his plans for power and riches beyond the wildest dreams of avarice. Meet Jennifer Strange, sixteen-year-old acting manager of Kazam, the employment agency for sorcerers and soothsayers. With only one functioning wizard and her faithful assistant 'Tiger' Prawns, Jennifer must use every ounce of ingenuity to derail King Snodd's plans. It may involve a trip on a magic carpet at the speed of sound to the Troll Wall, the mysterious Transient Moose, and a powerless sorceress named Once Magnificent Boo. But one thing is certain: Jennifer Strange will not relinquish the noble powers of magic to big business and commerce without a fight.

The Eye of Zoltar

The Last Dragonslayer: Book 3

Jasper Fforde

The Mighty Shandar, the most powerful wizard the world has ever seen, returns to the Ununited Kingdoms. Clearly, he didn't solve the Dragon Problem, and must hand over his fee: eighteen dray-weights of gold.

But the Mighty Shandar doesn't do refunds, and vows to eliminate the dragons once and for all - unless sixteen-year-old Jennifer Strange and her sidekicks from the Kazam house of enchantment can bring him the legendary jewel, The Eye of Zoltar.

The only thing that stands in their way is a perilous journey with a 50% Fatality Index - through the Cambrian Empire to the Leviathan Graveyard, at the top of the deadly Cadir Idris mountain. It's a quest like never before, and Jennifer soon finds herself fighting not just for her life, but for everything she knows and loves...

The Dragon's Lair

The Lost Journals of Ven Polypheme: Book 3

Elizabeth Haydon

Barely one day after fulfilling his second mission for King Vandemere as Royal Reporter of the land of Serendair, young Charles Magnus Ven Polypheme—known as Ven—is off on another adventure. To keep them safe from the wrath of the Thief Queen, whose rage at their escape from the Gated City knows no bounds, the king sends Ven and his friends on an important mission.

Their journey takes them across a wondrous land filled with marvels—and danger. For the mission the king entrusts to Ven is a delicate one: to discover the cause of a dispute between two warring kingdoms—and the answer leads Ven straight into the lair of a very angry dragon....

Fans of The Floating Island and The Thief Queen's Daughter—both chosen as Book Sense Children's Picks—will love this third enchanting adventure in The Lost Journals of Ven Polypheme series by bestselling author Elizabeth Haydon.

Dragon Magic

The Magic Collection: Book 4

Andre Norton

A Hidden Treasure

Sig, Artie, Kim, and Ras live in the same neighborhood and go to the same school, but they have nothing in common... until each of them sneaks into the old abandoned house on the corner and discovers the strange puzzle box covered with pictures of four dragons. Drawn by powerful magic, the boys find themselves bound together by a mystery that will transform them all--and transport them into worlds that are populated by heroes and dragons of lore....

Dragon Mage

The Magic Collection: Book 7

Andre Norton
Jean Rabe

Shy realizes that she is lucky to be taken in by her grandparents after her father dies-but life above an antique store in Slade's Corners, Wisconsin is not exactly the place a teenage girl wants to be.

One day while going through boxes of her father's boyhood stuff, she comes upon a rare old set of dragon puzzles... all of which are missing pieces. Her grandmother recalls the fantastic tales Shy's father would tell about his travels to lands of dragons and adventure. She always thought that these fantasies were inspired by the puzzles Shy has found.

Shy realizes that by mixing and matching the different sets she can complete a single dragon puzzle that combines all of the others. Upon doing so she is whisked away to ancient Babylon where she must continue the duties of her father's legacy as a servant to the dragon and a savior of the world.

Sea Dragon Heir

The Magravandias Chronicles: Book 1

Storm Constantine

For generations, the Palindrake family of Caradore have been cut off from their spiritual source, Foy the Sea Dragon Queen, since their ancestor Valraven I and his family were conquered and subjugated by the Emperor Cassilin of Magrast, follower of Madragore, the pitiless god of fire. The Palindrakes' connection to the powers of the sea was lost, remembered only in songs and legends, and the name of each male heir: Valraven. Now, most men of the Caradorean families are sent away to war, to fight for the current emperor, Leonid, who is known only as a family friend to the Palindrakes--their sorry history is mostly forgotten by those who now live in the pale castle beside the thrashing ocean.

But the sea dragons live on in the hearts of the Caradorean people, especially the women, and when Pharinet Palindrake's twin brother Valraven is sent to Magrast to join the emperor's army, events are set in motion that will revive magics long forgotten, as well as enmities, passions and fears.

The sea dragon Foy is not a gentle entity, and once roused, her terrifying daughters are unleashed upon the world. How can a people estranged from these powerful spiritual influences reclaim their dominion over the elements, while illicit obsessions wreak havoc between the ruling families, bringing death and ruin to ancient houses? Will it be down to a daughter of fire, the princess Varencienne, brought as a wife to Caradore, to help her newfound people retrieve what is theirs and bring the sea dragon heir, Valraven, back to the might of the ocean and its strange, unearthly denizens?

The dragon queen and her daughters demand a high price, and only the strongest may pay it.

Glass Dragons

The Moonworlds Saga: Book 2

Sean McMullen

Sean McMullen, one of Australia's leading genre authors, delivers Glass Dragons, the scintillating sequel to Voyage of the Shadowmoon which Kirkus Reviews called "a brilliantly inventive, marvelously plotted sea-faring fantasy that both mocks and surpasses genre expectations.... Australian author McMullen writes like Roger Zelazny at the peak of his powers: his dashing, flamboyant, cleverly resourceful characters trade off insults and reveal surprising abilities as they swagger bravely from one hair-raising scene to another. Exciting, suspenseful, vividly believable, and great, clever fun: a major fantasy-award contender."

Glass Dragons continues the tale of Laron, the chivalrous 700-year-old vampire, the appallingly dangerous and beautiful Velander, and the long-suffering Terikel, as they investigate a secret project of arcane magic, a magic so dangerous it could destroy their world. A project which threatens to fall into the wrong hands.

Glass Dragons is a broad and complicated tale, filled with wonderful characters both new and old, woven through with low humor and great courage, built upon grand acts of heroism and love. Enjoy.

Mystic Dragon

The Mystic Trilogy: Book 2

Jason Denzel

Seven years have passed since lowborn Pomella AnDone became an unlikely Mystic's apprentice.

Though she has achieved much in a short time, as a rare celestial event approaches, Pomella feels the burden of being a Mystic more than ever. The Mystical realm of Fayün is threatening to overtake the mortal world, and as the two worlds slowly blend together, the land is thrown into chaos. People begin to vanish or are killed outright, and Mystics from across the world gather to protect them. Among them is Shevia, a haunted and brilliant prodigy whose mastery of the Myst is unlike anything Pomella has ever seen.

Shevia will challenge Pomella in every possible way, from her mastery of the Myst to her emotional connection with Pomella's own friends--and as Shevia's dark intentions become more clear, Pomella fears she may be unstoppable.

Dragon Weather

The Obsidian Chronicles: Book 1

Lawrence Watt-Evans

Arlian had never left his home village on the Smoking Mountain. The stony ground, jagged peaks, and black glass were all he had ever known of life, and he knew deep in his heart that he would probably never leave.

Until the dragon weather came. Incredible heat, oppressive humidity, dark and angry clouds...and dragons. Dragons with no feelings, no sympathy, no use for humans; dragons who destroyed his entire village and everyone in it.

Everyone, that is, except Arlian.

Orphaned and alone, Arlian makes his way through life, obsessed with the concept of justice, determined to avenge his family and his village. But can one righteous man change the entire world for the better? Or is he doomed by his own actions to become as unjust as those he seeks to destroy?

The Dragon Society

The Obsidian Chronicles: Book 2

Lawrence Watt-Evans

It all began with Dragon Weather: a wave of incredible heat, oppressive humidity, dark angry clouds... and dragons. Dragons with no remorse, no sympathy, and no use for humans. Dragons who destroyed an entire village and everyone in it. Everyone, that is, except the young boy Arlian.

Orphaned and alone, Arlian was captured by looters and sold as a mining slave. Seven years later he escaped, fueled by years of hatred for the dragons, bandits, and slavers who took away his youth-and a personal vow to exact retribution from all those who have wronged him, including the powerful Lord Enziet Arlian's entire life has one purpose, and one purpose only: to mete out justice. And in the climactic battle of Dragon Weather Lord Enziet fell to this justice.

In The Dragon Society Arlian returns to Manfort, the city that is home to The Dragon Society, whose sworn purpose is to stand against the dragon menace, and whose foremost member had been Lord Enziet. Arlian must immediately deal with the consequences of Enziet's death. But what he finds is shocking, for the doomed Enziet believes that Arlian might well be the best hope humanity will ever have for defeating the dragons... permanently.

Dragon Venom

The Obsidian Chronicles: Book 3

Lawrence Watt-Evans

After many years of peace in the Lands of Men, there came Dragon Weather: a wave of incredible heat, oppressive humidity, dark angry clouds... and dragons. Dragons with no remorse, no sympathy, no use for humans; dragons who destroyed an entire village and everyone in it. Everyone, that is, except the young boy Arlian. Orphaned and alone, Arlian was captured by looters and sold as a mining slave. He finally escaped, fueled by years of hatred and a personal vow to bring justice to all who had wronged him.

After killing those who enslaved him, Arlian sought out The Dragon Society, whose sworn purpose was to stand against the dragon menace. It was there, among his peers, that Arlian discovered he is humanity's best hope for defeating the dragons... permanently.

Now, Arlian seeks his final vengeance: death to all of dragonkind. But as he begins to destroy the evil beasts, wild magic seeps into the Lands of Men, sowing chaos and destruction in its wake. Will Arlian's all-consuming quest for justice consume humanity as well? The answer may lie within his ancient foe's most lethal weapon: Dragon Venom

The Ring of Five Dragons

The Pearl Saga: Book 1

Eric Van Lustbader

A towering epic of fantasy, The Pearl, is launched in The Ring of Five Dragons. Filled with action, color, and the myriad details of another world, The Pearl is the first great fantasy series of the new millennium, set to rival Robert Jordan, David Eddings, George R. R. Martin, Terry Brooks, and Terry Goodkind in popular appeal.

This astonishing first volume opens as the Kundalan people have suffered for a century under the viciously oppressive, technologically-superior V'ornn invaders. In the resulting crisis of faith -- why hasn't their goddess Miina saved them? -- Kundalan religion has fallen under the control of evil forces from within who forbid the teaching of traditional sorcery, pretending to have no magic of their own. The V'ornn's mysterious leaders, the Gyrgon, know better, and search for the lost Ring of Five Dragons, the key to the door of the fabled Kundalan Storehouse, and perhaps to Kundalan sorcery as well.

But misused, the Ring is the trigger of seemingly inexorable annihilation for V'ornn and Kundalan alike. Now from among the oppressed must arise the hero of prophecy, the Dar Sala-at, who alone can wield the sorcerous power to save the world.

Thus begins a huge epic rooted in the conflict between spiritual and technological cultures. The twisting plot raises difficult and provocative moral questions in the course of a constantly surprising, sometimes shocking, fantastic adventure that will transport fantasy readers to new heights of enthusiasm, and make them ask for more.

The Dragon and the Unicorn

The Perilous Order of Camelot: Book 1

A. A. Attanasio

A queen, a pilgrim, a demon - and a king with a world to save.

Beneath every beloved legend there is a deeper legend still, etched in ancient stone. The Dragon and the Unicorn begins before the beginning of Time, as light first cools to matter, bearing within it the electron glow of lost Heaven. Attanasio's epic tale of a quest for immortality spans all history, human and demihuman, from the dung fires on the steppes to the snows of the Himalayas, from the mudhut cities on the Euphrates to the glass and steel towers of tomorrow, from the hunt for the Unicorn's horn to the ceaseless wars of elf and dragon, Celt and Roman. It is a quest that ends - and begins - in a legend-heavy place at the edge of the Western Sea, with the first cry of a King new born. A place called Tintagel. A King, the heir Pendragon, called Eagle of Thor, or... Arthur.

Dragon's Blood

The Pit Dragon Chronicles: Book 1

Jane Yolen

Dragons are trained to fight to the death, and two determined teens help free them in this spellbinding saga.

Training a dragon to be a fighting champion is the only way to freedom for fifteen-year-old Jakkin.

Heart's Blood

The Pit Dragon Chronicles: Book 2

Jane Yolen

Jakkin risks everything--his freedom, his dragon, even his life--to rescue his beloved in this stirring sequel to Dragon's Blood.

A Sending of Dragons

The Pit Dragon Chronicles: Book 3

Jane Yolen

Jakkin and his girlfriend, Akki, discover a primitive cult that sacrifices dragons.

Dragon's Heart

The Pit Dragon Chronicles: Book 4

Jane Yolen

Austar IV isn't the planet it once was, and when Jakkin and Akki finally return to the dragon nursery, their homecoming arouses mixed emotions. Together they've survived the insurmountable, and now they can weather the brutal conditions of Dark After and communicate with the dragons they love. But with this knowledge comes responsibility. What they've learned about survival could transform the planet--or, if entrusted to the wrong hands, bring about its destruction. Akki's insistence that she return to the Rokk to finish her training and begin new experiments drives a chasm between her and Jakkin. Suddenly she finds herself in the midst of a political battle that could claim her life. Only Jakkin can save her. If only he could reach her. . . .

The Dragon Republic

The Poppy War: Book 2

R. F. Kuang

The war is over.

The war has just begun.

Three times throughout its history, Nikan has fought for its survival in the bloody Poppy Wars. Though the third battle has just ended, shaman and warrior Rin cannot forget the atrocity she committed to save her people. Now she is on the run from her guilt, the opium addiction that holds her like a vice, and the murderous commands of the fiery Phoenix--the vengeful god who has blessed Rin with her fearsome power.

Though she does not want to live, she refuses to die until she avenges the traitorous Empress who betrayed Rin's homeland to its enemies. Her only hope is to join forces with the powerful Dragon Warlord, who plots to conquer Nikan, unseat the Empress, and create a new republic.

But neither the Empress nor the Dragon Warlord are what they seem. The more Rin witnesses, the more she fears her love for Nikan will force her to use the Phoenix's deadly power once more.

Because there is nothing Rin won't sacrifice to save her country... and exact her vengeance.

Dragon Keeper

The Rain Wilds Chronicles: Book 1

Robin Hobb

Guided by the great blue dragon Tintaglia, they came from the sea: a Tangle of serpents fighting their way up the Rain Wilds River, the first to make the perilous journey to the cocooning grounds in generations. Many have died along the way. With its acid waters and impenetrable forest, it is a hard place for any to survive.

People are changed by the Rain Wilds, subtly or otherwise. One such is Thymara. Born with black claws and other aberrations, she should have been exposed at birth. But her father saved her and her mother has never forgiven him. Like everyone else, Thymara is fascinated by the return of dragons: it is as if they symbolise the return of hope to their war-torn world. Leftrin, captain of the liveship Tarman, also has an interest in the hatching; as does Bingtown newlywed, Alise Finbok, who has made it her life's work to study all there is to know of dragons.

But the creatures which emerge from the cocoons are a travesty of the powerful, shining dragons of old. Stunted and deformed, they cannot fly; some seem witless and bestial. Soon, they become a danger and a burden to the Rain Wilders: something must be done. The dragons claim an ancestral memory of a fabled Elderling city far upriver: perhaps there the dragons will find their true home. But Kelsingra appears on no maps and they cannot get there on their own: a band of dragon keepers, hunters and chroniclers must attend them.

To be a dragon keeper is a dangerous job: their charges are vicious and unpredictable, and there are many unknown perils on the journey to a city which may not even exist...

Dragon Haven

The Rain Wilds Chronicles: Book 2

Robin Hobb

The dragon keepers and the fledgling dragons are forging a passage up the treacherous Rain Wild River. They are in search of the mythical Elderling city of Kelsingra, and are accompanied by the liveship Tarman, its captain, Leftrin, and a group of hunters who must search the forests for game with which to keep the dragons fed. With them are Alise, who has escaped her cold marriage to the cruel libertine Hest Finbok in order to continue her study of dragons, and Hest's amanuensis, Bingtown dandy, Sedric.

Rivalries and romances are already threatening to disrupt the band of explorers: but external forces may prove to be even more dangerous. Chalcedean merchants are keen to lay hands on dragon blood and organs to turn them to medicines and profit. Their traitor has infiltrated the expeditionand will stop at nothing to obtain the coveted body parts. And then there are the Rain Wilds themselves: mysterious, unstable and ever perilous, its mighty river running with acid, its jungle impenetrable and its waterways uncharted.

Will the expedition reach their destination unscathed? Does the city of Kelsingra even exist? Only one thing is certain: the journey will leave none of the dragons nor their human companions unchanged by the experience.

City of Dragons

The Rain Wilds Chronicles: Book 3

Robin Hobb

The dragon keepers and fledgling dragons have discovered a route to the lost city of Kelsingra but there is one problem: they need to be able to fly to cross the treacherous waters and enter the fabled city. At first, only a few dragons are willing to try--the others are either too ashamed of their deformed wings and feeble muscles or too proud to risk failure and humiliation.

But the rewards waiting at Kelsingra for those brave enough to take to the air are worth more than they could possibly imagine. This was a city built for dragons and their keepers. Alise Finbok is overwhelmed by the treasures she finds there, and spends hours carefully uncovering wonder after wonder, recording her findings for posterity. She knows the knowledge will change everything the world thought about dragons and the Elderlings.

Yet rumours of the city's discovery have floated down the Rain Wild River and reached envious ears in Bingtown and beyond. Adventurers, pirates and fortune hunters are coming in droves to pillage what they can from the city. Will the dragons, only just finding their strength, and their keepers, who are changing in their own mysterious ways, be able to fend them off?

And what has happened to Tintaglia, the dragon-mother who started it all? Has she really abandoned her offspring forever? Or will she too return to seek the riches of Kelsingra...

Blood of Dragons

The Rain Wilds Chronicles: Book 4

Robin Hobb

Dragon blood and scales, dragon liver and eyes and teeth. All required ingredients for medicines with near-miraculous healing powers. The legendary blue dragon Tintaglia is dying of wounds inflicted by hunters sent by the Duke of Chalced, who meanwhile preserves his dwindling life by consuming the blood of the dragon's poet Selden Vestrit.

If Tintaglia perishes, her ancestral memories will die with her. And the dragons in the ancient city of Kelsingra will lose the secret knowledge they need to survive. Their keepers immerse themselves in the dangerously addictive memory-stone records of the city in the hope of recovering the Elderling magic that once allowed humans and dragons to co-exist. In doing so they risk losing their own identities, even their lives.

And danger threatens from beyond the city, too. For war is coming: war between dragonkind and those who would destroy them.

Dragon Lord of the Savage Empire

The Savage Empire: Book 2

Jean Lorrah

Lenardo, a master Reader with strong telepathic powers, meets Aradia, a Lady Adept who can use her powers both to heal and destroy. Together they defeat an evil Lord Adept. When the war's over, though, what then? Can they actually build an empire together? Each then decides to sacrifice their own powers to weaken the other's. Is this treachery--or something else entirely? And then a new menace appears on the horizon. There's a fine line between love and hate.

Dragon's Fall: Rise of the Scarlet Order

The Scarlet Order: Book 2

David Lee Summers

Three vampyrs. Three lives. Three intertwining stories. Bearing the guilt of destroying the holiest of books, after becoming a vampyr, the Dragon, Lord Desmond searches the world for lost knowledge, but instead, discovers truth in love. Born a slave in Ancient Greece, Alexandra craves freedom above all else, until a vampyr sets her free, but then, she must pay the highest price of all . . . her human soul. An assassin who lives in the shadows, Roquelaure is cloaked even from himself, until he discovers the power of friendship and loyalty. Three vampyrs, traveling the world by moonlight—one woman and two men who forge a bond made in love and blood. Together they form a band of mercenaries called the Scarlet Order, and recruit others who are like them. Their mission is to protect kings and emperors against marauders, invaders, rogue vampyrs, and their ultimate nemesis—Vlad the Impaler.

The Whim of the Dragon

The Secret Country Trilogy: Book 3

Pamela Dean

Three things have the power to destroy the Secret Country: the Border Magic, the Crystal of Earth, and the whim of the dragon. The cousins have faced the first two; now they face the third. The Country's most trusted counselors know that the five are impostors, but no one knows who has been playing with their destinies. They must find and speak with Chryse the unicorn and Belaparthalion the dragon in order to learn the truth.

Vengeance of Dragons

The Secret Texts: Book 2

Holly Lisle

Kait Galwiegh is now a fugitive, seeking the Mirror of Souls in order to resurrect her lost family. But to get it she must battle with Crispin Abir, who believes the artefact will make him god. Both are terribly wrong; using the artefact will in fact unleash the souls of the long dead sorcerers who once before conquered the world. Held captive within the mirror, the magicians wait for freedom and the opportunity for vengeance.

Between Dragons and Their Wrath

The Shattered Kingdom: Book 1

Devin Madson

When dragons rage, chaos reigns.

Conquest built the Celes Basin, now enemies once more threaten its borders. But when the Lord Reacher declares himself supreme ruler to enforce unity, old angers erupt, threatening to tear the basin apart from within.

Tesha, a glassblower's apprentice with a talent for poisonwork, becomes a false tribute bride as part of a desperate political plot. In the Reacher's court, she's perfectly placed to sabotage him, but her heart has other plans.

Naili is laundress to an eccentric alchemist, a job that has left her with strange new abilities that are slowly consuming her--and attracting the notice of the city's underground rulers. With time running out, she'll have to gain power by any means just to survive, let alone change the world.

And in the desolate Shield Mountains, sharp-shooting dragon rider Ashadi protects the basin from the monsters of The Sands beyond, but when an impossible shot pierces his dragon's glass scales, he becomes the hunted one.

As chaos sweeps across the land, Tesha, Naili, and Ashadi must fight to survive political enemies, long-buried secrets, and monsters both within and without.

The White Dragon

The Silerian Trilogy: Book 2

Laura Resnick

It is a time of vast changes in the island nation of Sileria. Oppressed for centuries by one conqueror after another, this land of fierce pride and ancient rivalries awaited the prophesied Firebringer, who would free them.

Josarian, a mountain peasant, survived his leap into the volcano to become the Firebringer. He united the impoverished shallaheen, the magical fire-wielding Guardians, and the vastly powerful mages known as Waterlords in an unprecedented alliance that defeated the foreign Valdani who had ruled Sileria for too long.

But now Josarian is dead, betrayed by the alliance and slain by the ice-dragon of Kiloran, the most powerful Waterlord in Sileria. Tansen, Josarian's second-in-command, has taken up the banner of independence, and leads the shallaheen and the Guardians against the Waterlords so that Sileria can be free of a tyranny far worse than Valdani rule.

As the volcano goddess Dar rumbles her displeasure in earthquakes and lava flows, the forces of fate, prophecy, and magic combine to create new heroes -- from the desolate mountains, from the water-starved cities, from the sea, and even from beneath the earth. Ancient forces join with unlikely allies to fulfill the prophecies that inspire revolt and excite religious fervor.

But in Sileria, betrayal has long been a way of life, and it wears many faces as the ambitions of the high and the low ensnare the fates of people across the land, wreaking havoc among the faithful.

The Hidden Dragon

The Stargods: Book 1

Irene Radford

Acclaimed author Irene Radford returns to her beloved Dragon Nimbus universe with book one of The Stargods. Here is the tale of the first Terrans, gifted with both psi powers and technology, who discover a world where dragons are real... and are worshiped as gods.

The Dragon Circle

The Stargods: Book 2

Irene Radford

Continuing the tale that began in The Hidden Dragon, this is the story of three Terran brothers who discover a fascinating world where dragons are real - and worshiped as gods.

The Dragon's Revenge

The Stargods: Book 3

Irene Radford

Three brothers take shelter on a pretechnological world where dragons are worshiped as gods. When the off-world forces they have fled track them down, they must find a way to save the world they've made their own.

Dragons on the Sea of Night

The Sunset Warrior Cycle: Book 5

Eric Van Lustbader

In the continuation of the epic Sunset Warrior fantasy series, a man-god rises once more to confront a fearsome and unstoppable evil in a savage world where nothing is as it seems

Once he was but a man named Ronin. Trained as a swordsman, endowed with breathtaking skill, he was not destined merely to live and then die in a doomed city beneath a frozen world. Many years have passed since he first ventured into the void. Now he possesses powers beyond all imagining--godlike abilities both marvelous and terrible. Now he is revered and feared as savior and avenger, the tamer of monstrous beasts, the destroyer of the dark angel of Chaos--and dearly loved by his devoted bond-brother, Moichi Annai-Nin, and the beautiful, enigmatic, and lethal Chiisai. Now he is Dai-San, the Sunset Warrior. Gone are the days of fire, ice, and necromancy, and yet there are grave perils in this world of illusion--and enemies, once defeated, who seek a way back to this plane, driven by an insatiable need for vengeance. For Chaos must again have its day, and no power in the universe can prevent its terrible reemergence--not even the might of the Sunset Warrior.

The Fall of Dragons

The Traitor Son Cycle: Book 5

Miles Cameron

The blood-thirsty, epic Traitor Son Cycle comes to its gripping conclusion in this fifth and final book.

In the climax of the Traitor Son Cycle, the allied armies of the Wild and the Kingdoms of men and women must face Ash for control of the gates to the hermetical universe, and for control of their own destinies. But exhaustion, treachery and time may all prove deadlier enemies.

In Alba, Queen Desiderata struggles to rebuild her kingdom wrecked by a year of civil war, even as the Autumn battles are fought in the west. In the Terra Antica, The Red Knight attempts to force his unwilling allies to finish the Necromancer instead of each other.

But as the last battle nears, The Red Knight makes a horrifying discovery... all of this fighting may have happened before.

The Sorcery Within

The War of the Dragons: Book 1

Dave Smeds

With the great king dying, the sole hope of the people of Alemar to protect them from the powerful dragon and its minions lies in two warriors, lost deep in the heart of a perilous desert.

The Schemes of Dragons

The War of the Dragons: Book 2

Dave Smeds

The dragon sends forth wizards and armies to devastate the kingdoms of men. The last descendants of the Dragonslayer flee assassins. And from a distant wilderness two warriors come in search of the talisman that could decide the fate of all.

Out of the Mouth of the Dragon

The Wars: Book 2

Mark S. Geston

Amon VanRoark heard the prophet speaking in the market place of the decaying city. He called men to the wars, to the fabled Meadows where the armies of Good would meet the forces of Evil in one final Armageddon that would decide the fate of a world already doomed and dying.

VanRoark followed the prophet to the Meadows and there he witnessed the last cataclysmic battle between humanity and the dark powers of Salasar.

The Dragon Reborn

The Wheel of Time: Book 3

Robert Jordan

The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.

Rand Al'Thor is the Dragon Reborn-- able to touch the One Power, but unable to control it. Rand knows only that he must face the Dark One in a battle to the death. Ahead of him lies the next great test for...

The Dragon Reborn


The Witches of Eileanan: Book 1

Kate Forsyth

A complex and gripping story of witches, enchantment, magical creatures and dragons. Dragonclaw is the debut novel from Kate Forsyth, a fresh new talent in the tradition of Anne McCaffrey and Marion Zimmer Bradley.

Since the Day of Reckoning witches and magic have been outlawed on Eileanan. The great towers, once centres of learning, are now abandoned ruins. The penalty for practising witchcraft is death.

Yet the lodestar still calls to the Righ, king of Eileanan, making him uneasy. And there are those determined restore witches and their craft to their rightful place in Eileanan. In a hidden valley deep in the mountains, in the shadow of the peak of Dragonclaw, Isabeau the foundling grows to womanhood in the care of Meghan, an old wood witch. Meghan can call animals to her hand and knows the secrets of herb-lore. But Isabeau dreams of adventure...

Carrying a magic talisman that contains the last hopes of the persecuted witches, Isabeau is hunted through the land by the evil Banrigh. Meanwhile the sea-dwelling Fairgean stir, children mysteriously disappear in the night, and Isabeau's guardian climbs Dragonclaw to seek guidance from the most ancient and dangerous wisdom in the land...

The Way of Cross and Dragon

Thousand Worlds

George R. R. Martin

A Hugo- and Locus Award-winning and Nebula-nominated short story. It first appeared in Omni, June 1979 and has been reprinted many times. It can be found in several anthologies, including The 1980 Annual World's Best SF (1980) edited by Donald A. Wollheim and Arthur W. Saha, Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year: Ninth Annual Collection (1980), edited by Gardner Dozois, The Fourth Omni Book of Science Fiction (1985), edited by Ellen Datlow, The Good New Stuff: Adventure SF in the Grand Tradition (1999), edited by Gardner Dozois, and Galileo's Children: Tales of Science vs. Superstition (2005), also edited by Gardner Dozois. It is included in the collections Sandkings (1981) and GRRM: A RRetrospective (2003).

Read the full story for free at Lightspeed Magazine.

Dragon Pearl

Thousand Worlds: Book 1

Yoon Ha Lee

Rick Riordan Presents Yoon Ha Lee's space opera about thirteen-year-old Min, who comes from a long line of fox spirits. But you'd never know it by looking at her. To keep the family safe, Min's mother insists that none of them use any fox-magic, such as Charm or shape-shifting. They must appear human at all times.

Min feels hemmed in by the household rules and resents the endless chores, the cousins who crowd her, and the aunties who judge her. She would like nothing more than to escape Jinju, her neglected, dust-ridden, and impoverished planet. She's counting the days until she can follow her older brother, Jun, into the Space Forces and see more of the Thousand Worlds.

When word arrives that Jun is suspected of leaving his post to go in search of the Dragon Pearl, Min knows that something is wrong. Jun would never desert his battle cruiser, even for a mystical object rumored to have tremendous power. She decides to run away to find him and clear his name.

Min's quest will have her meeting gamblers, pirates, and vengeful ghosts. It will involve deception, lies, and sabotage. She will be forced to use more fox-magic than ever before, and to rely on all of her cleverness and bravery. The outcome may not be what she had hoped, but it has the potential to exceed her wildest dreams.

This sci-fi adventure with the underpinnings of Korean mythology will transport you to a world far beyond your imagination.

Tor Double #28: A Short Sharp Shock / The Dragon Masters

Tor Double: Book 28

Kim Stanley Robinson
Jack Vance

A Short Sharp Shock:

A man tumbles through wild surf, half drowned, to collapse on a moonlit beach. When he regains consciousness, he has no memory of who he is or where he came from. he know only that the woman who washed ashore with him has disappeared sometime in the night, and that he has awakened in a surreal landscape of savage beauty -- a mysterious watery world encircled by a thin spine of land. Aided by strange tribesmen, he will journey to the cove of the spine kings, a brutal race that has enslaved the woman and several of the tribesmen. That is only the beginning of his quest, as he struggles to find her identity in this wondrous and cruel land -- and seeks out the woman whose hold on his imagination is both unfathomable and unshakable.

The Dragon Masters:

The race of man is growing old, but it's not yet ready to die - not while there are dragons still to kill!

The cross-bred dragon armies of the Men of Aerlith are the most appalling horrors ever to threaten the sanity of our future:

Termagents ~ three hundred reptilian giants with six legs apiece, the most fecund breeders of them all

Jugglers ~ eighteen of them, growling amongst themselves, waiting for an opportunity to snap off a leg from any unwary groom

Murderers (striding and long-horned) ~ eighty-five of each, with scaly tails and eyes like crystals

Fiends ~ fifty-two powerful monsters, their tails tipped with spike steel balls

Blue Horrors, Basics, Spider Dragons...

Unicorn and Dragon

Unicorn and Dragon: Book 1

Lynn Abbey

A fantasy masterpiece set in the English countryside of two young women in charge of their own future by the co-creator of "Thieves' World." Wolves are loose in the English countryside. A dying monarch cannot enforce the laws, and his heirs are circling like vultures. The small castle that is Hafwynder Manor is thrown into chaos by the arrival of a mysterious young stranger, too badly wounded to explain his plans. The forces of 11th century history invade Hafwynder Manor. Its safety - and perhaps the fate of all England - many depend on the deeds of the blond, impulsive Alison and her sister, the dark-haired and cunning Wildecent. With the forces of the outside world raging at the castle the two young women must learn to shape their own destiny!


Unicorn and Dragon: Book 2

Lynn Abbey

The fate of eleventh-century England depends on two sisters--the compulsive Alison and the crafty Wildecent--as the dark forces of the outside world invade Malfwynder Manor.

UK title: The Green Man

The Drastic Dragon of Draco, Texas

V. Lovelace's Guide to the Wild West: Book 1

Elizabeth Ann Scarborough

Determined to become an author of western penny dreadful novels like her idol, Ned Buntline, a young San Francisco newspaper editor christens herself Valentine Lovelace (after a floozie acquaintance of her father's) and heads east for the Wild West.

She finds it in spades in the Texas Big Bend when she is kidnapped from a mule train by Comanches and ends up the guest of a ruthless comanchero, a sort of wild west warlord, after the Comanches are distracted by a... dragon?

Fort Draco, as the comanchero fort is known, is as full of intrigue and nighttime carryings-on as a modern day romantic novel, but Frank Drake, the owner, is no hero. If Valentine wants to save herself and the less-guilty if not entirely innocent folks who live there, she must defeat heat stroke, gunslingers, a couple of fake rainmakers and their camel, hostile Indians, the voice haunting her dreams (not in a good way) and a dragon who not only is gobbling all the livestock and transportation in the area but is guarding the only water hole in fifty miles of drought-ridden desert. And she must do it all while taking good notes, of course.

This is a western but not as we know it and a fantasy set where we're not used to it.


Vlad Taltos: Book 8

Steven Brust

Marching through mud just isn't as much fun as they say. After years of surviving in Adrilankha by practicing the trade I know best - killing people for a living - suddenly I'm in the last place any self-respecting assassin wants to be: the army. Worse, I'm right in the middle of a apocalyptic battle between two sorcerous armies, and everyone expects me to play a role they won't explain. All I've got between me and the worst kind of death is my wits. Oh, and a smart-mouthed winged lizard.

Spine of the Dragon

Wake the Dragon: Book 1

Kevin J. Anderson

New York Times bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson triumphantly returns to epic fantasy with the Wake the Dragon series. Spine of the Dragon is a politically charged adventure of swords, sorcery, vengeance, and the rise of sleeping giants.

Two continents at war, the Three Kingdoms and Ishara, are divided by past bloodshed. When an outside threat arises--the reawakening of a powerful ancient race that wants to remake the world--the two warring nations must somehow set aside generational hatreds and form an alliance to fight their true enemy.


Wake the Dragon: Book 2

Kevin J. Anderson

Two continents at war, the Three Kingdoms and Ishara, have been in conflict for a thousand years. But when an outside threat arises--the reawakening of a powerful ancient race that wants to remake the world--the two warring nations must somehow set aside generations of hatred to form an alliance against a far more deadly enemy. Book One awakened the great dragon, and set the kingdoms at each other's throats.

In Book Two, Vengewar, the Three Kingdoms are shattering under pressure from an inexperienced new King who is being led by an ambitious regent to ignore the threat of the Wreths, in favor of a Vengewar with Ishara. His brother and uncle can see only the danger of the Older Race.

In Ishara, the queen lies in a coma, while an ambitious priest seizes power. But he has neither the training nor the talent to rule a nation--or even a city. Ishara is in deadly peril, and the Wreths have not even appeared on their continent.

Gods and Dragons

Wake the Dragon: Book 3

Kevin J. Anderson

Two continents at war: the Three Kingdoms and Ishara have been in conflict for a thousand years. But when an outside threat arises--the reawakening of a powerful ancient race that wants to remake the world--the two warring nations must somehow set aside generations of hatred to form an alliance against a far more deadly enemy.

Operation High Dragon

Warbots: Book 5

G. Harry Stine

High-tech warriors, half human, half machine roam the bloody battlefields of tomorrow's war-torn world.

This is the battle: the ongoing struggle for survival in a world still ravaged and torn by warfare. And these are the soldiers: massive, armored, half-human, half-machine super warriors - The Warbots. Awesome instruments of devastation with computer brains intimately linked and instantly responsive to their human masters' brainwaves, they are America's first and last line of defense.

Civilization is under attack! A "virus program" has been injected into America's polar-orbit military satellites by an unknown enemy. The only motive can be the preparation for attack against the free world. The source of "infection" is traced to a barren, storm-swept rock-pile in the southern Indian Ocean.

Now, it is up to the forces of freedom to search out and destroy the enemy. With the aid of their infantry - The Warbots - The Washington Greys mount Operation High Dragon in a climactic battle for the future of the free world.

Blood of the Dragon

Warhammer: Bounty Hunter Brunner: Book 3

C. L. Werner

Writer Erhard Stoecker picks up the tale of the ruthless Bounty Hunter, Brunner as he scours the lands of Bretonnia searching for the notorious highwayman Gobineau. Brunner becomes embroiled in a series of dangerous adventures until he reaches the blighted city of Mousillon. The accursed ruins are home to two opposing factions - a band of degenerate mutants and the sinister being who now claims rule over Mousillon - the Knight of the Black Grail. At the centre of their battle is the Horn of Ithilmar - a strange artefact, which has power to control dragons. But with so many deadly factions seeking ownership of the horn and a mighty dragon looking to destroy it, Brunner's days look numbered!


Warhammer: Gotrek & Felix: Book 4

William King

Dragonslayer is the fourth epic instalment in the death-seeking saga of Gotrek and Felix. After the daring exploits in Daemonslayer, the fearless duo find themselves pursued by the insidious and ruthless skaven-lord, Grey Seer Thanquol. Drogonslayer sees the fearless Trollslayer and his sworn companion back aboard the arcane dwarf airship in search of a golden hoard - and its deadly guardian! New edition with stunning redesigned cover!

The Doom of Dragonback

Warhammer: Time of Legend

Gav Thorpe

The latest book in the popular Time of Legends series

War with the elves has ended in bloody stalemate, great quakes have broken the peaks, and the enemies of the dwarfs are rising in vast numbers. Far removed from this grief, however, are the dwarfs of Ekrund, great underground city of the Dragonback Mountains, convinced that no foe will ever breach their walls. Amongst them, the Angbok clan continues to mine their gold, until war threatens Dragonback and decisions must be made that could change their way of life forever. Whether by exile or extinction, a great doom is coming...

Master of Dragons

Warhammer: Time of Legend: The War of Vengeance: Book 2

Chris Wraight

The epic war between dwarfs and elves continues.

For millennia, the elves of Ulthuan and the dwarfs of the mountain realm have been friends and allies. Now that time is over and the War of Vengeance has begun. Prince Imladrik, master of dragons and Ulthuan's finest warrior, is ordered to leave his beloved homeland and lead his host in a war he does not believe in. Facing the fury of the dwarfs, the jealousy of his brother and the ever-present threat of Malekith's dark elves, Imladrik must balance his love for his wife and home with the thrill of battle.


Winterlands: Book 1

Barbara Hambly

When the Black Dragon seized the Deep of Ylferdun, young Gareth braved the far Winterlands to find John Aversin, Dragonsbane -- the only living man ever to slay a dragon. In return for the promise of the King to send help to the Winterlands, Aversin agreed to attempt the nearly impossible feat again.

With them, to guard them on the haunted trip south, went Jenny Waynest, a half-taught sorceress and mother of Aversin's sons.

But at the decadent Court, nothing was as expected. Rebellion threatened the land. Zyerne, a sorceress of seemingly unlimited power, held the King under an evil spell, and he refused to see them. Meantime, the dragon fed well on the knights who had challenged him.

In the end, Aversin, Jenny, and Gareth had to steal away at night to challenge Morkeleb, largest and wisest of dragons.

But that was only the beginning of the perils they must face.


Winterlands: Book 2

Barbara Hambly

Lord John Aversin--with the help of his mageborn wife, Jenny Waynest-- has fought and defeated two dragons, earning the title of Dragonsbane. But there are creatures more terrifying than dragons. Demonspawn from a dark dimension have learned to drink the magic--and the souls--of mages and dragons alike, turning their victims into empty vessels. And now they've stolen John and Jenny's mageborn son, twelve-year-old Ian.

In desperation, John seeks the help of the eldest and strongest dragon: Morkeleb the Black. But the demons have allies, too: a vast army poised to plunge the Realm into civil war. In the coming struggle, Morkeleb will sacrifice what he values most. Jenny will question everything she trusts and believes in. And John will embark on a perilous quest for the only things capable of defeating such powerful demons--even more powerful demons . . .


Winterlands: Book 4

Barbara Hambly

Condemned to die for consorting with demons, dragonslayer Lord John Aversin sits in a dank prison cell and calculates the odds of escape, while smelling the smoke of the executioners? pyres. In Winterlands, Jenny Waynest pays a heavy price for choosing to be human, mourning the loss of her husband, Lord John, and the dangers that engulf her family. But in a season of the Dragon Star, strange miracles are about to transpire.

As a pitched battle between the Hellspawn and the human rages, Jenny and John will be reunited in a city under siege. And there, they will have one last chance to understand all that has happened to them and why, who their true enemies and true allies are, and most of all, for what magical purpose each has been chosen.

A vast adventure and a powerful mystery teeming with demons and witches, gnomes and dragons, Dragonstar explores profound issues of faith, fate, and technology?while obscuring long held boundaries between good and evil, love and hate, what is human and what is fantastic. With this glorious finale to a breathtaking series, Barbara Hambly establishes herself as one of the most visionary and inventive storytellers in the field of fantasy fiction today.

The Dragons of the Rhine

Wodan's Children: Book 2

Diana L. Paxson

Trapped in the court of the Burgund by an insidious magic, champion warrior and shape-shifter Sigfrid Sigmundson is thrust into battle against Brunahild, the woman he once loved, in order to win her for another man.

Dragon's Green

Worldquake: Book 1

Scarlett Thomas

Effie Truelove believes in magic, as does her grandfather Griffin (although he refuses to do any magic, let alone teach Effie how to use it). After a mysterious incident leaves Griffin close to death, Effie is given an unusual silver ring and told she must look after her grandfather's library of rare and powerful books. But then the books fall into the hands of shady scholar Leonard Levar, and Effie is propelled into the most dangerous adventure of her life.

Now, Effie and her friends--nerdy Maximilian, rugby-mad Wolf, helpful Lexy, and eccentric Raven--must discover their true powers if they are to get the books back. And Effie alone will have to travel to the Otherworld, where she will uncover the true meaning of the strange old book called Dragon's Green...

The Dragon Hammer

Wulf's Saga: Book 1

Tony Daniel


Evil from the dawn of time is on the verge of domination--but Wulf von Dunstig figured none of that mattered to him. What could he do about it? After all, he was basically nobody--the sixteen-year-old third son of a duke destined for an uneventful life as a ranger. But when destiny comes calling, it turns out there is only Wulf to answer. After a devastating invasion of his native land, Wulf must rally the peaceful valley of Shenandoah. He must free his family and his land from the grip of intruders controlled by vampiric evil.

It's time to grow up. It's time to fight for what is right. It's time to wield the Dragon Hammer.

Dragon on a Pedestal

Xanth Series: Book 7

Piers Anthony

There is trouble in Xanth again--all kinds of trouble, in fact.

The Gap Dragon had escaped from the Gap and was ravaging across the land. The forget-spell that had covered the Gap was breaking up into small forget-whorls that wandered about, giving amnesia to all they touched. Good Magician Humfrey might have had the Answer, but he had overdosed on water from the Fountain of Youth and was only a helpless baby.

And Ivy, three-year-old daughter of King Dor and Queen Irene, as lost in the jungles south of the Gap. While Irene sought her without much hope, Ivy was wandering further into danger, her memories erased by a passing forget-whorl. Her path was leading her directly to where the Gap Dragon was seeking dinner.

The Dragon That Flew Out of the Sun

Xuya Universe

Aliette de Bodard

This short story originally appeared in the anthology Cosmic Powers: The Saga Anthology of Far-Away Galaxies (2017), edited by John Joseph Adams, and was reprinted in Uncanny Magazine, Issue 27, March-April 2019. It can also be found in the anthology The Year's Best Science Fiction: Thirty-Fifth Annual Collection (2018), edited by Gardner Dozois.

Read the full story for free at Uncanny.