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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Santa Fe Writers Project

Santa Fe Writers Project

Founded: 1998
Founded by: Andrew Gifford
Location: 369 Montezuma Ave
Santa Fe, NM 87501


SFWP is an independent press founded in 1998 by Andrew Gifford. We publish exciting fiction and creative nonfiction of every genre, maintain an online literary journal, and run an annual internationally-recognized Awards Program. All of our titles are distributed globally by the Independent Publishers Group. We aggressively pursue subrights, working closely with the Susan Schulman Literary Agency, and have sold audio, translation, and film/TV/streaming rights. Please direct all rights inquiries to Andrew Gifford. Our books are available worldwide, in every format, everywhere books are sold. We have extensive, long-term relationships with trade publications, sales reps, subrights agents, and bookbuyers.

Works in the WWEnd Database






Authors Published

• Tara Campbell