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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency

Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency

Founded: 1984
Founded by:
Titles/Circulation: 0



It isn't news that book publishing is going through a revolution, a continuous one as far as we can tell. The creation of the ebook and the internet created a marketplace between authors and readers that was completely new. It also created revolutions in book marketing and promotion and publicity. As much as traditional print publishing very successfully continues with the aid of ebooks and internet marketing, there is a whole new world out there and many authors are publishing into it.

That is why we have created a new service that I have named 'agent sponsored publishing'. It isn't self-publishing because just as we are your partners in our traditional activities, we will continue to partner with you should you as a client use this service. How is it different, and we hope better, than self-publishing?

All of our expertise is put at your disposal in agent sponsored publishing. We provide editorial support, we provide art direction for the cover (which we commission at our expense only to be recouped from earnings), we see that the book is expertly produced and we provide marketing support to directly sell the book. We also help you market your book based on the scores, even hundreds of marketing plans we review every year and based on the nearly one thousand royalty statements we review every year. This is expertise that is rarely available to the self-published, if at all.

It's also only the beginning. Just as our expertise in negotiating contracts and selling subsidiary rights has grown over the years, we foresee this service continuing to grow and improve as the marketplace continues its great evolution.

I'm excited about what we've accomplished already and even more excited about what I see unfolding.

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Authors Published

• Dennis Taylor  • Tony Peak