The Stars My Destination

Alfred Bester
The Stars My Destination Cover

The Stars My Destination


This book which was published in 1956, is a typical science fiction novel for two thirds of its unfolding. It is, at least for me, the final third that this story becomes a classic that transcends time. The story's punch could be cast from today's headlines. Though it is couched in science fictional draperies, the underlying truths could be the way out of our problems today. That being the all pervading secrecy that is the body, blood and spirit of all governments. The major take away from this novel is to step back, give the people the truth of everything and let them grow up. Stop trying to be the coddling mother that must protect the poor, dumb masses. Give them the power to decide for themselves and to grow up. How else will we ever learn to reach our potential as a species. The world and the universe itself is the classroom, it is not just for the few, the elite to hoard over everything and just squeeze out dollops for the masses. Spread knowledge and let us sink or swim. It is the only way that nature knows. It is man that thinks he must hoard everything as if it is a finite resource. The universe is nothing if not infinite. And being infinite it is abundant.