The Kraken's Tooth

Anthony Ryan
The Kraken's Tooth Cover

The Kraken's Tooth


Read this in a day and I think it surpasses the first book in the series. Again we are treated to a high-stakes adventure (which might get old if that's the plot of every book in this series) this time in the heart of an island city looking for a Kraken's heart and tooth (carved into a sword.) We get to know our main character much more intimately in this one and I think he's well written. I loved how the backstory was incorporated into the plot of the story. Having a truly flawed main character always makes plots more interesting in my opinion.

I think I'll fly through this series.

- Do you think the ends justify the means at the end of this story? Was getting the sword out of the Kraken's heart worth the moral trade off of killing an entire island nation?