Just One Damned Thing After Another

Jodi Taylor
Just One Damned Thing After Another Cover

Just One Damned Thing After Another


I've had this Series on my TBR pile for some time. From the book's description, I was under the impression it would be a light, humorous, somewhat farcical jolly good read. It is so much more than that. Yes, there is a humorous angle, but there are also deeply, tragic and somewhat "racy" ones too! This book is a rollicking great adventure set in the present with delightful transitions into the past. History is brought to life and plays it's own important role as well. Every time I thought I knew where the story was going, it threw me for another loop. Madeline Maxwell is a fantastic lead, surrounded by the captivating staff of the well imagined St. Mary's organization. I loved everything about the St. Mary's Universe that was so skilfully established in this first entry. I am looking forward to diving further into the series.
