The Intuitionist

Colson Whitehead
The Intuitionist Cover

A Rare DNF for me

Wicked Lobstah

I want to start by saying that some algorithm targeted me with this book due to my profession as an Elevator Mechanic. My "reading" is done through Audible, while commuting around to all the broken down elevators in the mid-atlantic region. I have never read any works by this author, and had never seen this title on any book lists I've looked up, before it magically popped up one day. Last I want to emphasize that it takes A LOT for me to DNF a book. I have powered through some real dry books over the years, some of which I had to re-start multiple times and re-read certain passages multiple times. I've read numerous books that covered lots of controversial topics such as racism, sexism, and gender. So for me to DNF a book is a stretch for me. I've even lasted through a bunch of the crap my wife listens to when I need a filler before my end of month credit drops.

I wanted to love this book. Out of the gate I was really into it. The book was speaking my language! I thought it was an interesting dynamic of how elevators are so highly coveted and their inspectors are top tier players. In real life, elevator mechanics are considered the prima-donnas of the building trades, as we are the most needy and require such precision out of the work. It's almost like a punishment for other trades to, "go deal with the elevator guys." So I really was enjoying this take on our industry, and I have to give credit where it is due, the author definitely did some research on the industry because a lot of his terminology and references were on target.

Unfortunately the book went down a really steep rabbit hole with the racism. It even made a lot of sense with the way the plot was moving, to have it be a big reason why the main character was being targeted for a mishap. Unfortunately, I think the author got way too invested in the topic and lost focus on the narrative. The book had a futuristic feel to it, but then got dragged backwards to almost a 50's/60's feel with segregation and such. I made it about halfway through the book before calling it. I completed chapter 8 of 14 and listened to 5 1/2 hours of the 9:41. But the past 3 hours of non-stop race rhetoric lost my interest. I was on call today, and had to put in a lot of wheel time, but at a point I just shut it off.

I gave the book 2 stars because it started well. The plot and main character were enticing, and the factual terminology was a big plus for me. But the book fell flat and got muddled by what seemed to be an alterior message that the author felt was more important to push, then the plot progression.