
Robert Jackson Bennett
Foundryside Cover



I was surprised by how much I liked this book. I hadn't read Bennett since City of Stairs in 2018 and loved that book. However, I didn't remember I had even read it until a friend found it in my blog and pointed it out to me. It was one of those really good books that just kind of slips out of mind considering the number of books I read a year. I'm hoping this one sticks in my head a little better. It's a book club read and the first in a trilogy. It features a kind of industrialized magic in a place so entrenched in capitalism, government no longer exists and the ruling merchant houses abuse their power over the people. I found it a gripping statement on late-stage capitalism and the pursuit of the ultimate weapon to wipe out all the competition and remake the world. This book was nominated for a 2019 British Fantasy Award and a 2023 Best Series Hugo.

Come visit my blog for the full review...