Bang Bang Bodhisattva

Aubrey Wood
Bang Bang Bodhisattva Cover

Bang Bang Bodhisattva


This is another 2024 Lambda Literary Award nominee for Speculative Fiction. If I had just read the tag line, I probably wouldn't have picked it up. It's cyberpunk noir, two genres I generally don't like. Turns out, I really loved this book. I read it in a day. Well, technically, two days. I started at ten in the morning and finished at one the next morning. I found it well written, fast-paced, and above all I understood everything going on. Usually, cyberpunk loses me in the usually large amount of invented jargon. This book takes place only ten years in the future, so all the technology is just a little more advanced than today. And even though a lot has to do with streaming games, which I don't play, I understood enough that I didn't get lost. I also don't always like noir, but this mystery really pulled me in. This book really clicked for me and I forced myself to stay up to see who the murderer was.

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