The Tactful Saboteur

Frank Herbert
The Tactful Saboteur Cover

The Tactful Saboteur


Although challenging to get through, this is a must-read for Herbert fans. But it should be considered in context. It was written during a time of great political turmoil, during the winding down of "The Red Scare," when the "House Unamerican Activities" committee was trying to expose the free-speech "Yippies" as communists, all with the help of an FBI director spying on Americans.

Amidst this tumultuous backdrop, Herbert weaves a complex tale in 'The Tactful Saboteur,' featuring the protagonist Jorj McKie. McKie, a constitutionally authorized saboteur, is trying to undermine his gorgon-headed boss, whom he suspects of colluding with the 'Tax Watcher' alien Pan-Spechi. However, his genuine desire is to be promoted to department secretary. This intricate narrative likely resonated more deeply with readers at the time of publication.

What makes this Herbert piece significant? It was published in the same era that 'Dune' was serialized in 'Analog' as 'Dune World' and 'Prophet of Dune.' The 'Jorj McKie series marks the inception of the ConSentient universe in the Herbert canon, a universe that predates 'Dune. ' The two universes are somewhat linked by the novel 'The God Makers.' All of this was being developed and published more or less in parallel, adding a fascinating layer to Herbert's literary world.

I am a huge "Dune" fan and hope to enjoy this leg of Herbert's world as much.