First I had no idea that Akata was a derogatory term. I have educated myself on this controversy, but it does not change my review of this book. I will say that I found Ms. Okorafor use of the word a powerful tool to claim pride in what would otherwise be a derogatory name. That being said, as a white woman, I'll not be calling anyone Akata.
This is Harry Potter set in Nigeria. This is Harry Potter, if Dumbledore would be ok if Harry died during his training. This is Harry Potter if "He who shall not be named" started ripping the eyes of toddlers regularly to maintain and increase his power. This is a darker book then Harry Potter ever dreamed of being.
I liked this book because someone who knows nothing about Nigerian culture or folklore could read it and be educated right along with the protagonist, Sunny. Plus Harry Potter never made me cry, but I started crying after reading the scene after wrestling match in this book.