Green Mars

Kim Stanley Robinson
Green Mars Cover

(SHORT) Green Mars


More of a technical discussion of climbing than science fiction, though it takes place in a setting that must qualify - a terraformed Mars. Not the same setting as the author's trilogy, even though it shares a name with the middle book.

"Yes, I wrote that mainly to stake a claim - at least a moral claim - on the name. I thought Green Mars was such a good name, such an obvious name. And when I heard about Olympus Mons, this enormous volcano, I just had to write about climbing it."

Like Red Mars, the action is interspersed with discussion of politics and geology and observations on the surrounding planet. The main character laments the loss of the Mars he first knew and ruminates on the effects of a longevity treatment.

So is it good? I liked it, but really didn't know most of the technical climbing terms, which aren't explained.