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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Random Acts of Senseless Violence

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Random Acts of Senseless Violence

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Author: Jack Womack
Publisher: Gollancz, 2013
Grove Press, 1995
HarperCollins UK, 1993
Series: Terraplane: Book 1

1. Random Acts of Senseless Violence
2. Heathern
3. Ambient
4. Terraplane
5. Elvissey
6. Going, Going, Gone

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Dystopia
Alternate History (SF)
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(43 reads / 21 ratings)


It's just a little later than now and Lola Hart is writing her life in a diary. She's a nice middle-class girl on the verge of her teens who schools at the calm end of town. A normal, happy, girl. But in a disintegrating New York she is a dying breed. War is breaking out on Long Island, the army boys are flamethrowing the streets, five Presidents have been assassinated in a year. No one notices any more. Soon Lola and her family must move over to the Lower East side - Loisaida - to the Pit and the new language of violence of the streets. The metamorphosis of the nice Lola Hart into the new model Lola has begun...


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Jack Womack - Random Acts Of Senseless Violen...

- thrak
Random Acts of Senseless Violence

- BernardE


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