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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Son of Man

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Son of Man

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Author: Robert Silverberg
Publisher: Pyr, 2008
Warner Books, 1987
Ballantine Books, 1971

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Soft SF
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(33 reads / 17 ratings)


Clay is a man from the 20th Century who is somehow caught up in a time-flux and transported into a distant future. The earth and the life on it have changed beyond recognition. Even the human race has evolved into many different forms, now co-existing on the planet. The seemingly omnipotent Skimmers, the tyrannosaur-like Eaters, the sedentary Awaiters, the squid-like Breathers, the Interceders, the Destroyers - all of these are "Sons of Man". Befriended and besexed by the Skimmers, Clay goes on a journey which takes him around the future earth and into the depths of his own soul. He is human, but what does that mean?


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Given a Million Years Mankind Can Go Through ...

- charlesdee
Son of Man

- spoltz


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