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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Star-Anchored, Star-Angered

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Star-Anchored, Star-Angered

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Author: Suzette Haden Elgin
Publisher: DAW Books, 1984
Doubleday, 1979
Series: Coyote Jones: Book 4
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
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Coyote Jones, secret agent for the Tri-Galactic intelligence service, had a strange handicap. In a universe where every normal being is telepathic, he suffered from almost total mind-deafness. He can project, but he can't receive. When the social system of the planet Freeway began to reel under the force of an alleged female Messiah, Coyote's handicap made him the perfect choice for the assignment: FIND, is she a fake or isn't she?

If Drussa Silver is projecting telepathic illusions instead of performing miracles, Coyote would be immune to them. Since using religion to defraud is a criminal act, he could then bring her back to Mars-Central for trial. If she's the real thing however, the situation would be utterly different...


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