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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Thieves' World

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Thieves' World

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Author: Robert Lynn Asprin
Lynn Abbey
Publisher: Penguin Books, 1984
Ace Books, 1979
Series: Thieves' World: Book 1
Book Type: Anthology
Genre: Fantasy
Sub-Genre Tags: Low Fantasy
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Edited by Robert Lynn Asprin. Cover art by Gary Ruddell. Cover: Hakiem in the bazaar, "Kittycat," and a Hell Hound.

They all play the part of hero, they are all-powerful on a stage that is ruled by the one that you talk to -- or the one you believe...

Thieves' World is what resulted when the world's top science-fiction and fantasy writers got together to create the amazing new world of Sanctuary, where you mix and mingle with Lythal the Star-browed: his magic is questionable, his sword-play is not. Jubal: ex-gladiator and slave, now a respected citizen (he made his money selling slaves). One Thumb: the crooked bartender at the Vulgar Unicorn... and even more fantastic characters!

Lynn Abbey, Poul Anderson, Robert Asprin, John Brunner, Joe Haldeman and Andrew J Offutt have dreamed up a world of wonders -- a fabulous reading adventure!



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