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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Magic Goes Away

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The Magic Goes Away

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Author: Larry Niven
Publisher: Ace Books, 1978
Series: Magic Goes Away: Book 1
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
Sub-Genre Tags: High Fantasy
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The Warlock, whose actual name is both unknown and unpronounceable, is a powerful sorcerer in excess of 200 years of age. He observes that when he stays in one place too long, his powers dwindle and will return only when he leaves that place. Experimentation leads him to create an apparatus (now known as the Warlock's Wheel) consisting of a metal disc enchanted to spin perpetually. The enchantment eventually consumes all the mana in the vicinity, causing a localized failure in all magic. The Warlock realizes that magic is fueled by a non-renewable rescource, which would cause great concern among the magicians, as it was through their magic that nations enforced their wills both internally and abroad.

The widespread diminishing of magical power in The Magic Goes Away triggered a quest on the part of the most powerful of the magicians of the time to harness a new source of magic (the Moon), resulting in the events described in the book.


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The Magic Goes Away

- JohnBem


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