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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Extractionist

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The Extractionist

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Author: Kimberly Unger
Publisher: Tachyon Publications, 2022

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
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Eliza McKay is, by extreme necessity, a low-profile Extractionist. McKay is an expert in the virtual reality space where minds are uploaded as digital personas. When rich or important people get stuck in the Swim for reasons that are sleazy, illegal, or merely unlucky--it's her job to quietly extract them. And McKay's job just got a lot more dangerous.

After McKay repels an attack on her Swim persona, hired thugs break into her house to try to hack her cybernetic implants directly. Meanwhile, the corporate executive she was hired to rescue from VR space is surprisingly reluctant to be extracted. Something is lurking in the Swim, and some very powerful people will stop at nothing to keep it secret. This job might be the big break McKay has been waiting for to reboot her career--but only if she can survive long enough to beat the hackers at their own game.


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The Extractionist

- Ziesings


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