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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2015-03-14 2:54 PM (#9879 - in reply to #9162)
Subject: Re: The Definitive 1950s Reading Challenge
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Posts: 76

One problem I think many of these 1950s SF books have is they are close to first drafts. A lot of writers back then wrote quickly, sometimes publishing more than one book a year, and wrote for paperback publishers that didn't pay much so they gave their books little work time. They are all action, with little character development. Most were under 200 pages, so they make a quick read, but that also means they aren't fleshed out compared to modern novels. Many of these books are fun to remember, but disappointing when compared to all the better books I've read in the last fifty years.

Weesam didn't like Between Planets, but it holds up well for me today. Not as good as the top Heinlein juveniles, but much better than most other 1950s SF. However, I can never tell if my enjoyment of rereading it today comes from nostalgia or if the book is actually a well-written story.

Edited by jwharris28 2015-03-14 2:55 PM

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