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Posted 2016-03-07 1:56 PM (#12918 - in reply to #12273)
Subject: Re: The Legendarium Podcast - 2016 Brandon Sanderson Challenge
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Uber User

Posts: 614
Location: New Zealand
Time for an update of where I am up to. Since my last post I have finished the Mistborn Trilogy, Alloy of Law and Calamity. Guess I'm not a newbie at the Brandon Sanderson reading thing anymore!

I fell in love with the first Mistborn book, was a bit iffy about the second, and loved the third. Alloy of Law was a lot of fun. Next up will be Shadows of Self, then Bands of Mourning.

Also, I have been to my local bookshop and picked up Words of Radiance and The Way of Kings. They are hefty books. Funny thing - the lady in the bookstore raved about Sanderson when I took them to the counter, and we ended up having a discussion about Mistborn. In just over two months I have gone from never having read a Brandon Sanderson to having discussions with strangers about his books!

Edited by Weesam 2016-03-07 2:05 PM

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