Posts: 4022
Location: Dallas, Texas | incandenza78 - 2023-07-07 5:31 PM I was looking at some authors on ISFDB, and I came across a list called Horror: Another 100 Best Books. I think this is the sequel book to Horror: 100 Best Books. This sequel book/list might be a good list to add so that more horror books can be added to the database. I don't know if this is the best place to suggest a new book list or not. Maybe down the road somebody could add this list possibly. As far as I know, I couldn't find this sequel list on the present database. William Looks like a good list to me and a sequel to the list we already have. I made a Google sheet for it and we have about half of them in the DB already. We can start filling in the blanks anytime. Thanks for the suggestion!