Posts: 4022
Location: Dallas, Texas | So there is a new Doc Savage series in the works: https://filmschoolrejects.com/doc-savage-history/ I don't know much about the series other than a few tentative dips into the books years ago but I'm rather excited by the thought of what can be done with the show. I think the author of the article has the right idea about how it should be treated. Of course the show has lead me to thinking about the books and whether or not they should be part of WWEnd. I think they're mostly thought of as "adventure" stories rather than genre fare but there is a lot of technology and gadgets in the books and I think it would be a fine fit. The biggest issue is that at 181 books it would be a huge project to get them all entered into the database. Not that that would ever stop us -- not after Trek, Wars, Who, Ace Doubles etc. etc. So what do you think? Any fans of Doc Savage want to chime in? |
Posts: 4022
Location: Dallas, Texas | Bump. Just wanna see if anyone has an opinion here. |
Extreme Veteran
Posts: 569
Location: Great Lakes, USA | I haven't read any of the books (yet), but I think you should add them. Tarzan is in the WWE database. Superhero books are in the database. I think Doc Savage fits in as well as they do. |
Uber User
Posts: 143
Location: Carrollton, TX | I definitely think Doc Savage has a place here. I looked into several of his titles years ago when I was at the height of my Lost Civilization/Hollow Earth phase, but I never made it past the first book.
I suspect the level of genre aspects varies widely from book to book, but if I recall correctly, there are hints of survivors from Atlantis, vampires, a fountain of youth, and plenty more, plus Superman totally ripped-off the idea of a Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic from Doc. |
Posts: 4022
Location: Dallas, Texas | This is definitely a back-burner project but I have started on the Doc Savage book covers. I've got the first 40 collected... out of 190! I'm going to do the covers first in batches of 40 then start adding them to the DB after I have them all. Unless I get an Uber volunteer to put in the data. Its going to take some time but I've got some free time on my hands for some mindless repetitive tasks whilst I watch my shows. Wish me luck!