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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Kristen Simmons

Added By: valashain
Last Updated: valashain

Kristen Simmons

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Full Name: Kristen Simmons
Born: Reno, Nevada, USA
Occupation: Writer
Nationality: American


Kristen Simmons is the author of the ARTICLE 5 series, THE GLASS ARROW, and METALTOWN. She has worked with survivors of abuse and trauma as a mental health therapist, taught Jazzercise in five states, and is forever in search of the next best cupcake. Currently she lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband, where she spends her days supporting the caffeine industry and chasing her delightfully rambunctious son.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works


 Article 5

 1. (2012)
 2. (2013)
 3. (2013)

 Death Games

 1. (2023)


 0. (2016)

 Set Fire to the Gods

 1. (2020)
 2. (2021)