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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Daniel A. Finch-Race

Added By: gallyangel
Last Updated: gallyangel

Daniel A. Finch-Race

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Full Name: Daniel A. Finch-Race
Occupation: Professor, Writer
Nationality: British


Daniel Finch-Race researches creative representations of environmental change in French and Italian culture since the mid-1800s. His doctoral work at the University of Cambridge focussed on ecocritical approaches to Charles Baudelaire's urban poetry of 1857-61. Before joining the Center for the Humanities and Social Change at Ca' Foscari, he held teaching fellowships at the University of Southampton and Durham University, an Environmental Humanities Visiting Research Fellowship at the University of Edinburgh, and a Vice-Chancellor's Fellowship at the University of Bristol. His current project blends the environmental and medical humanities to address physical and emotional aspects of pollution in France and Italy around the time of the Industrial Revolution.

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