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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Cherry Wilder

Added By: valashain
Last Updated: Rhondak101

Cherry Wilder

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Full Name: Cherry Barbara Grimm
Born: September 3, 1930
Auckland, New Zealand
Died: March 14, 2002
Wellington, New Zealand
Occupation: Writer
Nationality: New Zealander


Born in Auckland, New Zealand, Lockett attended Nelson College for Girls in Nelson and the University of Canterbury in Christchurch before first moving to Australia and then, in 1976 to Langen, Hessen, Germany. She also lived in Wiesbaden-Bierstadt, before moving back to New Zealand in 1996. She chose the pseudonym "Cherry Wilder" when she began writing science fiction stories in 1974. She published over 50 short stories and novels.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works


 Rulers of Hylor

 1. (1984)
 2. (1984)
 3. (1986)
 4. (2004)


 1. (1977)
 2. (1980)
 3. (1983)